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the Pope says abortion is like ‘hiring a hitman’

Via RT.com, May 25, 2019: ‘Pope Francis says abortion is like ‘hiring a hitman’ amid heartbeat law protests in the US’

“As the issues of the legality and morality of abortion consume the national debate in the US, Pope Francis has thrown his weight behind the pro-life side, comparing the procedure to hiring an assassin.

analyses of the leaked ‘Deal of the Century’ I/P peace plan

(Part I: Palestinian Resistance is here; I can’t apologize for this post’s length, as it needs to be this long, I think, as it’s the Trump administration’s answer to an historically intractable oppressive apartheid.)

No word-mincing here:The ‘Deal of the Century’: Two Con Men’s Job’, Elias Samo, May 5, 2019, strategic-culture.org, May 5, 2019
