Featured Editorials

Open Thread Friday 2-21-2020

Finding a basic diet plan for the average person is actually quite complicated. Lots of advice is available and much of it contradictory.

This program originally developed in Brazil about 10 years ago is a good foundation. It is not complicated. Simple adjustments can be made to accommodate food sensitivities, medical conditions and many of the dietary suggestions that have been offered in multiple C99 diaries.

The debates made it clear: Bloomberg joined so the Establishment Dems can look good.

They all got to attack him. He was the easy target. He diverted them from attacking each other - except Bernie. And that's the point isn't it? If not for Bloomberg, they'd have been either attacking Bernie or each other. And they don't want to attack each other at this stage any more than necessary because it will take all four of them - Warren, Biden, Buttigieg and Klobacher - to divide up the vote and allow the DNC to invoke the super delegates to steal the election from Bernie.

The Real Question

          I didn't bother to watch or listen to the debate. The only segment of interest to me is this one segment concerning one simple question with six answers.

          Only one candidate gave an acceptable answer. I would comment further but you all know how that would go. But, really, this should be a straightforward process.

Bernie loses Dem Nomination--it's DNC math: 1 + 21 = 1

Greetings, fellow swampers and those preferring to remain dry:

Here at the Alligator University Department of political Science (what an oxymoron) in conjunction with the Department of Computational Science, our scholars have definitively proven the following theorem:

1 + 21 = 1

Please follow along with the the argument, as such mathematical reasonings are called.
