Can you chip in to crowd fund 10,000 pieces of Bernie Lit
I went off the deep end, after swearing off campaigns after 2010, I'm now chest deep in my 14th campaign since 2004. So I put up a website, got a NY state voter database for Westchester County, with no phone numbers. A Volunteer wrote a program to scrape phone numbers from White Pages & the Yellow pages, at a 42% hit rate.
2 Weeks ago during the national conference call with organizers, we broke up into state calls and cause I had created so many Bernie events I was called on to speak. Since then Syracuse and Binghamton for Bernie have contacted me and want help getting phone numbers for call lists. SO were doing this BERNing the Metro North thing. We go to train stations and flyer. Its easy and fun for the new volunteer and then we move them on to phone banking or door knocking.
About 92 people have volunteered since Sept. 16th. All kinds of people have started to chip in, a videographer that edits vids, graphic artist, IT, Programmers, webdesign, Data entry. A guy that protested the Vietnam war and was SDS. AND a college came to me with a thumb drive with a statistical analisys of the NY 2008 & 2014 elections, a freaking gold mine. We had an awesome debate watch party at the Yonkers Brewery, 30 people showed up, we had Bernie swag packs for the first 3 debate bingo winners. HEres the post with picture on the web site.
Anyway, I need folks to chip in a minimum of $20 in this bernspark crowd funding camapign. $467.08 gets us 10,000 peices of nice 4x6 color glossy lit for Westchester County.
HI - willing to contribute but would rather send check
If someone would contribute an extra $30 I would put a check in the mail to them along with the extra processing charges for making an electronic donation.
You can post your name and address here or send me a mail message.
keep up the great work
As you know, this isn't just about an election, but about building a new left in the contry
Now That They're Together, Can Bernie Sanders's Volunteers Build a New Left?
To create a large and vibrant left like that of the 1960s, his progressive volunteers must continue to mobilize after the election—not just during the campaign.
Check your messages or
email me at
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.