Featured Editorials

Hellraisers Journal: Porto Rican Laborers Beaten, Shot, Jailed. "Territory Run by Feudal Lords."

The reign of industrial tyranny and oppression
is governing supreme over life and labor.
-The Free Federation of Workingmen of Porto Rico

Tuesday February 29, 1916
From The Labor World: Porto Rican Strikers Shot Down, Beaten, and Jailed,

The following is a report from the February 26th edition of Duluth's Labor World:


Porto Rican Laborers Beaten With Cutlasses
As Chattel Slaves of South.
Workingmen Who Dare to Rebel Given
Long Terms In Prison.

San Antonio trans woman missing, presumed dead

Twenty-five year-old Estrella Alvarado has the San Antonio Police Department very concerned. She hasn't been seen since September 9, 2015.

On Memorial Day of 2015, Estrella was rescued from a flood by the San Antonio Fire Department.

After the rescue, witnesses saw Estrella leave the scene with her boyfriend. Police also believe he was the last person Estrella was with when she disappeared.

Hellraisers Journal: From The Masses: Art Young on Munitions Makers Fanning the Flames of Hatred

You put a gun in my hand and you hide from my eyes,
Then you turn and run farther when the fast bullet fly.
-Bob Dyaln

Monday February 28, 1916
From The Masses: The Munition Maker & Uncle Sam

This month's Masses expressed a few thoughts on the war now raging in Europe. We found the following drawing by Art Young to be especially relevant.

"It's a Great Country" by Art Young:

The Masses, The munition maker and Uncle Sam by Art Young, Feb 1916.png
The munition maker has made us hated in Europe, and now we must buy munitions
from him to defend ourselves against that hatred.

The positive mental health of trans children supported in their identities

A new study shows that trans Kids supported by their families are not destined to have mental health problems.

Studies of mental health among transgender people in the United States have been consistently grim, showing higher rates of depression, anxiety and suicide.

But almost nothing is known about the mental health of a new and growing generation of transgender Americans — prepubescent children who are living openly as transgender with the support of their families. How do those children fare in an environment of openness and family support? When their gender identity is affirmed, are they happy?

A Trench Eye View of how to fix the U.S. Military

A caveat here. I am NOT a career soldier. While I loved my time of service, and still do love my country, I only have spent four years in the service. I was for many years before joining what is known as a "Military Hobbyist". Military History has always fascinated me and since I was 14 I've spent time studying it. I am currently about to return to college to finish my History degree. I also joined the Military when I was 32 years old.

Hellraisers Journal: Impressions of War from Sculptor, Nellie V Walker, and Poet, Ralph Chaplin

A feast of mothers' pain is here laid low
For swarming insects hovering on high.
Grey rats, red muzzled through the trenches go
Where your death-tortured features face the sky.
-Ralph Chaplin

Sunday February 27, 1916
The Great War in Europe and the Mass Slaughter of Working Class Sons Considered

United Mine Workers Journal, Cover of February 3, 1916:

UMWJ, Cover, Feb 3, 1916, Not For The Cannon by Nellie V Walker, Cropped.png

Robert Kagan: Republican, Neocon, PNAC co-founder endorses Clinton

The connection between Hillary and the extreme right Republican Neocons became much clearer today when Robert Kagan, a co-founder and co-author of “The Project for the New American Century, endorsed Hillary Clinton for President.
