Featured Editorials

Organizing opposition to I-1515

A crowd of about 150 people opposed to Initiative 1515 gathered in Renton, WA on Thursday. I-1515, which will need 246,000 valid signatures by July 8 to be on the November ballot,

would amend the Law Against Discrimination to state that, with exceptions, covered public and private entities may restrict access to "private facilities" to "biologically" male or female individuals regardless of their gender identity and limit state and local regulations governing gender-identity discrimination. It requires that public-school bathrooms and locker rooms open to multiple people. be sex segregated, and authorizes lawsuits against schools that grant students access to those facilities based on gender identity.

--Ballot Measure Summary

The begging bowl society (with update)

Literally the other day, I walked into my favorite coffee house, where everyone knows my name (hey, I always tip - that helps), only to learn that one of the baristas who had been on unpaid sick leave for a knee replacement her insurance company finally approved (or maybe she borrowed money from family and friends, I don't really know), had suffered a devastating loss. Her husband died unexpectedly this week after suffering a heart attack in his sleep.

WE NEVER FORGET: Last Statement of James Connolly, Irish Rebel

Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living.
-Mother Jones
James Connolly
June 5, 1868-May 12, 1916

Last Statement, smuggled out to the world through his daughter, Nora,
on the eve of his execution:

Jane Sanders: Political Revolution will continue win or lose

Jane revealed some fantastic news for Berners in her recent interview with Racheal Maddow. Jane told Racheal that the 'Political Revolution' will continue win or lose!

I'm with Jane in believing that Bernie can pull this off, but in the event that doesn't happen, it's inspiring to know that Bernie and Jane will continue to fight against the massive political and economic corruption which exists in US today.

When did the meaning of 'transgender' become 'pedophile'?

That's what Autumn Murphy Hargrave asks in her essay at Redheaded Blackbelt.

This whole bathroom transgender issue in the news has me confused. I am not sure when transgender turned into pedophile. Today I listened to some guy from Georgia telling me to speak my mind on this issue. This is my piece of mind on the subject of transgender bathroom use and this is all I have to contribute on the subject.

I know transgender folks. I know gay and lesbian folks. I know pedophile folks too. The transgender, gay and lesbian folks I know are all a little freaky, a lot awesome, mostly normal, no less so than me or you. Some have families of their own. They all live lives built around home, hearth, community and tribe. A few of them are just starting out in this life. Young women taking those first steps they are into a never kind world. I love them or like them. Depending on which one. I have never once thought of any moment in their lives to be so different from mine, I could not trust them with my safety. Or my sons’ safety.

Trigger Warning concerning the inside.

Neoliberalism: A Greater Threat to Humanity Than Communism Ever Was

Soviet-style communism failed because in practice it didn't come close to delivering what it promised in theory. The only way it could perpetuate itself was through brutal suppression of any political opposition. But with the advent of modern communications technology, the reality that western-style economic systems delivered a far superior lifestyle to the great majority of citizens became impossible to conceal from the masses.
