Featured Editorials

I don't need any more proof

The Democratic Party is corrupt. I don't need any more smoking guns. The Establishment, including the Corporate Media, is corrupt. We are living in an oligarchy. I don't need to discuss that because Bernie Sanders' campaign ripped the curtain from the Establishment and showed us what was behind it in stark terms a three-year-old could understand.

Seeing as I don't need any more proof, what then do I do?

Hillary campaign at crisis point - why no press conference?

This is a pretty simple question.

The US, the media and the upcoming election have been thrown into turmoil due to the press conference of the FBI leader James Comey, who pretty much made the case that every defense HRC has raised about her her email use are, to put it mildly, not correct.

Why Bernie can't stop now. This isn't a friggin game!

It's because of "us" that Bernie keeps fighting. He gets booed by his own peers when he speaks of "the battle of ideas".

And, he is accused of a "total display of self-obsession." It is quite the opposite. The very reason that Bernie continues to fight for "us" is at the very core of his message all along: it's about the people, not the 'game' of winning and losing.

When the Operation of the Machine Becomes So Odious

Another stolen election.

How many times do we have to see it?

How many times?

How much longer are we going to tolerate the corruption, tolerate the calculated deceit, tolerate massive voter suppression and rigged voting machines, tolerate chronic abuse of power and systemic obstruction of justice?

How much longer?

Sanders booed by House Democrats

Lawmakers press Sanders during a tense question-and-answer session on whether he would ultimately endorse Clinton and help foster party unity.
By Heather Caygle and Seung Min Kim
07/06/16 10:49 AM EDT
Updated 07/06/16 11:05 AM EDT

Sen. Bernie Sanders is still talking like a guy who's running for president. But frustrated House Democrats — who booed him at one point during a morning meeting — say it's time to stop.
