Featured Editorials


1. Do campaign stuff YOU like the most / hate the least.

2. You GOTTA get to know your neighbors. In my home city of Seattle, WA. & in many states, the smallest political unit is the precinct. Work with neighbors on campaign stuff who like what you like / hate the least what you hate the least.

3. DO NOT help any campaign, or political party, or union, or anything which does NOT help you and your neighbors in your precincts.

Issues. Isn't Democracy the Issue?


"Twas the night before Christmas
and all thru the land
the people were shopping
while their President was killing innocent children in other countries"

Regarding the "issues". Aren't all issues dependent on a single issue - democracy? And since we don't have democracy, shouldn't we try to get that first?

Briefly noted: Obama plays victim card

Outgoing president and dissembler-in-chief Barry Obama has learned one thing from protege Killary Clinton and he has learned it well. Expect to see more of this.

This seems to be the only thing he's learned in an administration bereft of legitimate positive accomplishment.

Crying towels available on request (please fulfill orders at DK).

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Do you hear what I hear, as 300 million Americans prepare to celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace by maxing out their credit cards to buy each other meaningless crap, otherwise known as Christmas gifts? I hear the lies of corporate politicians and the propaganda of the media and the marching boots of the militarized police.

The 1914 Christmas Truce

102 years ago something amazing happened.

By the middle of October 1914, the front lines of the Western Front had settled down into the horror that would become known as trench warfare - a brutal war of attrition who's objective was to see "who can kill the most in the shortest possible time". However, it was still 1914 and the bulk of the senseless slaughter remained to be seen, so at that point neither side had resorted to painting the enemies as subhuman.

In this time of Trump: NatGeo cover girl and family cybermolested

It didn’t take long for two public reactions to erupt on the announcement this month that Avery Jackson, a 9-year-old girl from Kansas City, would be the first known transgender individual to be pictured on the cover of National Geographic.

There were, of course, overwhelming expressions of support from the transgender community and our allies.

Martin Longman, Bob in Portland, Russia & Why the "Blame Game" Doesn't Help Dems or the Left

My response to Bob in Portland's essay "Need someone to help me figure this out," his critique of Martin Longman's Booman Tribune post: [video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6h_S_QuMyYI]

Brief synopsis:

Relevant Links to my discussion in this video:

Fake News: Part 3

I draw your attention to this piece not to criticize Hillary Clinton or her campaign, or because it's utterly impossible that Russia or Russian actors, with or without the personal direction of Vladimir Putin, were behind the public release of the Democratic National Committee's and John Podesta's emails (I will point out that the emails themselves have been authenticated as genuine so that any negative effect is the direct result of telling the truth). There is an equal amount of evidence (if you can call it that) the Republican National Committee was also compromised, though that information did not receive the attention the DNC/Podesta story did either by oversight or design.

Nope, the point is that the "Liberal" Wing of the Neo Liberal Establishment is quite as willing to traffic in conspiracy theories and "Fake News" from dubious single sources provided they confirm their own biases as the Batshit Insane Radical Right that is the Republican Party.

I am no different except I do try to use reputable sources, at least 2 of them, and never, ever believe anything posted on Twitter by obscure nobody wannabes. I also don't have the amplifier of the Corrupt Corporate Media pushing my propaganda.

And I'm not a reporter. I'm a critic.
