Featured Editorials

The Pope and the Guest List

Now that Pope Francis is on American soil (question: Is the Popemobile considered baggage?), we can turn our attention to the exploding heads on the right (both Vatican and American, from all indications, over the guest list for tomorrow's White House visit.

To put everything in proper context, we should note that there are about 15,000 names on that guest list, so it's not like any one of them is going to spend significant time alone with Francis...or even get close to him, let alone speak to him.

But that's not stopping folks like Mike Huckabee from tweeting:

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Classless decision by @POTUS to transform @Pontifex visit into a politicized cattle call is an insult to millions of Catholics.

The man who has asserted that he would have been a pervert if transgender people around when he was young, is especially concerned about the invitations to Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson, who is openly gay, transgender activist Mateo Williamson, and former Nun on the Bus, Sister Simone Campbell.

My attention, of course, is on Mateo Williamson, a former leader of the transgender caucus within Dignity USA.

The Vatican’s disapproval of my presence at the ceremony speaks to the necessity for continued dialogue between transgender Catholics and the church hierarchy.

This is really not so much of a political statement as it is the reality that there are so many LGBT Catholics and family members of LGBT people who would really benefit from this message coming from the White House.


Man snuffs child he believes to be possed by Jesus

Am I the only one who has never seen such a headline? (Excluding religious wars and religious warfare, of course.) I'm pretty sure that shit just doesn't happen, at least in the US. Yet, just the other day, yet again some religionist snuffed some kid for being possessed by demons.
'Baby Doe' dad: Mom's boyfriend thought girl was possessed - SFGate

Jill Soloway: We don't have a trans tipping point yet, we have a trans civil rights problem

Jill Soloway and Jeffrey Tambor of Amazon's Transparent earned Emmy awards last night...Solloway for Best Director for a Comedy and Tambor for Lead Actor in a Comedy.

Soloway's male parent, who she apparently calls Moppa (or Mapa...spelling uncertain) is a transgender woman.

Thank you Mapa for coming out and coming to L.A. And coming here tonight. And something interesting about my Mapa, Carrie: She could, tomorrow, go and try to find an apartment, and in 32 states it would be legal for the landlord to look her in the eye and say, 'We don't rent to trans people.

We don't have a trans tipping point yet. We have a trans civil rights problem, so go to transequality.org and vote to pass the trans equality bill.


That caused the website for the National Center for Transgender Equality to crash.

Duke University Hospital opens new gender clinic

Duke University Health System of Durham, NC has created a new clinic to treat children and teems with gender identity and development issues.

 photo Hunter_zpsztpcxong.jpgThe clinic will address young people who are transgender or intersex as well as those who may have genital development or puberty issues.

The link above provides some background through the story of Hunter Schafer, one of Duke's patients.

Imagine a jail teaching modern agriculture to inmates.

Once upon a time various bleeding hearts tried to promote the idea that prisons weren't really merely punitive, or shouldn't be at any rate, nor mere retribution. Oh no, they expounded, they should be (and some of the more deluded claimed they actually were) rehabilitative. For a while there were efforts made to actually infuse a tiny slice of rehabilitative endeavors into our jails and prisons.
