Holee shit, Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton was some deep holy shit this time yesterday. She practically let rip with a Dean Scream and then some in NY on Thursday in front of live cameras...
Well, we just can't talk about THAT, can we? Because IT'S HER TURN, DAMMIT! NOTHING will stop this Queen from her appointed appointments, including any of those pesky goddamn TV reporters or any of those Little Amateur Cub Reporter Minions with their precious smartphones!
You think I'm kidding? Let's look at the MSM headlines at that Bastion of Democratic Leftyness, MSNBC, as of 930 Saturday morning, April 2, 2016:
1 Trump’s new spin on abortion comments
2 Sanders: Clinton owes me an apology
3 SCOTUS could lift DC Madam gag order
4 Obama: Donald Trump ‘doesn’t know much’
5 Palin: Immigration issues a ‘disaster’
6 Donald Trump’s major coup on foreign policy
7 The issue setting Democratic primary on fire
8 Abedin: Clinton is vocal on unpopular issues
9 Harper Lee rips Trump’s casino in letter
10 What does our obsession with OJ Simpson say?
My favorite is #3. Welcome to Test Mode Saturday, when you can see all good Trial Balloons taking off and trying to fly, without crashing like so many Hindenburgs. Yeah, keep an eye on the Sex-type thing. Every other MSM outlet has something on it so far, though not very in-depth (CBS, ABC, FOX, NBC, CNN) It's all over Facebook already, in fact, that's where I first saw it earlier today. My goodness, all those sex fiends out there, lol! My favorite Theory so far....okay, my two favorite, cuz there's one for The Left and one for The Right already....is:
1) "That can't possibly be about Trump or Cruz, because who the fuck would really care?"
Seriously, that certainly doesn't need a lot of unpacking--Ted Cruz isn't going to win at this point, and the words "Trump" and "hookers" aren't exactly foreign to one another by now anyway, so why bother?
2) "It happened about 10 years ago, and guess who was running for Senate about ten years ago? That's right, maybe the Big Dog was arranging dates for Hillary's campaign donors?"
The timing has eluded me yet on #2 (mostly cuz I'm still on my first cuppa coffee, lol), but that's pretty damned creative, innit?
OK, so let's go online, to the National Enquirer and Globe of online political reporting....oh, look...Politico and Daily Kos aren't even really awake yet. Politico is in Trump mode so far, too busy to be bothered with Sex. It seems to have completely passed DK altogether, but give them a few hours. Right now, they're too busy doing a shit-ton of Social Media Damage Control, breathlessly yelling about how Rachel PWNED Sanders cuz Hillary's not in anybody's Big Oil pockets.
Can you hear it? Listen! Our cats are even laughing at that shit.... I can't even find words, I can only shake my head.
Still, the net result has been reached already, near as I can tell. More coffee may change that, so perhaps I'll drop an update or two. But I still say Goal #1 was Tamp Down The Ugly Close-up Hillary-in-Full-Bitch-Mode Attack on a Greenpeace Activist, blaming her for Bernie, when it had nothing to do with him, and so far, they seem to have won again. It's a noise thing. Will the masses ever figure that out?
If MSM had done to that Hillary clip what they did to Howard Dean's "Scream" moment, Mrs Clinton would be due to drop out of this race by Monday. That has to be the ugliest video I have ever seen, and I've seen lots of ugly pols in my lifetime. God, that just reeks of fucking privilege. Get her outta here already! Jesus....

Venturing OT I peeked at Punit Roundup.
I thought for only the second or third time that we must be in different dimensions. I did that mention that once, and was chastised.
I liked the fish story.
Nothing in NYT about the lawyering-up going on about the email trail to hell. If She walks away, they will do big headlines about Nothingburger is Innocent!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Well, that's what prompted me
to start lumping TOP and Politico together. They really ARE the National Enquirer and Globe of politics anymore. It's amazing how much easier of a time I am having, letting them go, just by telling myself that simple truth...
We definitely
in full on 'throw any old shit out there, the more ridiculous the better, to stop that video from gaining traction' mode. No doubt about that.
The incident feeds into so many existing negative narratives about Clinton that they cannot afford to let it take hold - this is desperation.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Back in the 80's my husband and I went to Paris.
The day we drove in, and abandoned a car (literally, next to Gare du Nord) the metro workers went on strike. Catacombs closed, because.
Much walking, for several days. I was weirdly enchanted by the old women cleaning sidewalks with Very Serious Witch Brooms, and giving that side-eye like Vive la Revolutione! Two hundred years apres. I was glad to not be aristocracy, just American tourists, trying to blend in.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Team Bernie:
- inches ahead in Wisconsin, heading into the weekend;
- yuge gains in NY polling with 2+weeks left before the vote there, and its a standalone;
- awesome Rally in the Bronx (thousands lining up there at the same time her HillScream happened and went viral);
shit now Imagonna just hafta
shit now Imagonna just hafta post a music essay, hang on, lol. It is Saturday after all!
About that rally in the Bronx
mr. luna, being from Staten Island and all, is of course completely gobsmacked that Bernie got over 17,000 people to a rally in the Bronx on a couple days' notice. So I asked him, just for fun, "can you think of who was the last POTUS candidate to actually show up in the Bronx for a rally?" (or at least, who he thought it was without going back and googling it). His answer was "let's see....JFK went to all five boroughs, I think...."
He didn't say anything for about a minute after that, and then he got this big grin on his face. "Damn, she must be in some trouble in NY, huh? Wow...."
Anything that might disturb
the Queen's coronation is verboten. This election isn't David and Goliath. It is David vs Goliath and the mob.
There are two election events that shaped my Bernie or Bust position. The first was in 2008. I thought Obama was going to be hospitalized for whiplash he flip-flopped so fast on his campaign. He wasn't even in office 20 minutes before he told his supporters to FO. The second is this election. I have never seen an election being stolen so openly and by the party no less.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Obama may not be the worst
president in my lifetime but he is the most cynical.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Best Republican President ever
Beats out even Clinton. Clinton managed to get one or two of his own things through the Gingrich congress by giving them everything they wanted. Obama was able to create total gridlock and even got a government shutdown.
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
At least
Clinton triangulated - Obama basically got elected due to progressives then gave a big f u on his first day on the job. No triangulation required straight into a conservative agenda.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Hey dkmich.
" I have never seen an election being stolen so openly and by the party no less."
I get that feeling too but have not been following the technicals closely enough to have data or evidence to decide whether there's substance to my intuition on it.
Other than Arizona, that is. That was blatant, and when I started paying attention to more details.
I take it there have been other big obvious problems w/ the elex. Can you point me in the right direction?
One last thing. The whole thing with polling is bothersome. We know that polling has become less reliable because of people cutting landlines (like I did) but I thought the polling firms were getting better with dealing with that. Much as I'm not a big fan of polls, they're so important as a check and balance on people messing with elections. The last big UK election was really worrisome. The big story was that the polls were FUBAR. Then Nate Silver did that big story on how polls are FUBAR. But those were exit polls, right?! And I don't think they had mail in ballots in the UK (tho I'm not sure). Now we have early elections, so exit polls are not a check & balance either.
I think it is everywhere.
The debate schedule and collusion between the DNC and Clintons. Declaring coordination with the Brock PAC different and not subject to the law that prohibits it. If they bought the superdelegates, why not the state party's running the voting. The cheating in Iowa. All the registration slamming that is targeting Sanders supporters. Running out of ballots in Bernie precincts. Bill obstructing voter access in MA. AZ. The media coverage of Bernie that is negative or non-existent. DailyKos and the coincidence of Match 15. The ketfluffle with Rev. Wright and Bernie people in NC. It can't all be coincidence. One giant effort to make sure Bernie loses.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Gotcha, thanks
I didn't know about some of those. Will look for ore details.
Stolen so openly
boy, you got that right, huh? It's like we're being dared to stop them.
Politico isn't burying it.
For once. The article even seems to be getting some play.
Here's the piece. It even has an unnamed Friend Of Hillary pointing out that Bernie hasn't actually gone negative on her, and wondering how she's going to deal with what Trump has to say about her if she melts down over stuff like this.
She doesn't have to worry about Drumpf.
Bernie will be the nominee and will probably face Cruz. Just my prediction at this juncture.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
May it be so.
I know I've said this before, but I thought so much better of Clinton before this campaign. I had serious reservations about her judgement based on her Iraq AUMF vote and the way she'd defended it over the years, and I disagreed with her on a lot of policy points, and I wasn't happy with the dynastic aspect of her likely candidacy, but at least I thought of her as an intelligent, dedicated, honorable person who'd been treated unspeakably badly by the mainstream media, and who was almost certainly a better potential president than the funhouse mirror of general political coverage suggested.
Fast forward 11 months or so, and I find myself contemplating the possibility of her nomination with more dread and loathing than I would have thought possible. And 100% of that dread and loathing comes from things Clinton or her campaign have said and done themselves.
Honorable? Really?
You believed that about her?
Well, at least you came to see the light.
She may be many things, but honorable would not be one of them.
Here's my fav part of that piece
...although I hate that Politico interrupts being able to back up to the page from which one links to them.
Love this:
Annoy, away!
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
The problem with the Politico article
is that it fails to get the facts right, and gives the impression that the question was unfair:
Awwww, poor Hillary! She was getting hit with unfair "insinuations" that are being unfairly propagated by the Sanders campaign -- not being asked valid questions from a voter or environmental activist! And fails to mention the money she gets from lobbyists for the industry.
The article isn't exactly flattering but this incident is a small part of it... the writer paints it a moment where she lost her patience, and almost rightly so... but overall it's a sign of how "annoyed" she is that Sanders is still fighting ... she is having to work for the nomination still, and especially having to work for New York, when she expected to be able to relax and coast to the presidency from here on. They worked hard for years to clear the field for her, after all!
All this answering questions from the peasantry and having to show up and explain herself and make her case to the voters ... this was *not* supposed to happen. The Queen is Not Pleased.
Gawd the sense of entitlement she emanates is just incredible. I will never understand the people who somehow admire her. She has always been awful and she is getting worse every day.
^^^^^ THIS!!! ^^^^^
Thank you, CS, that's an excellent point:
Ah, the media...
In yet another attempt to smear Sanders, HRC aided by the media leaves out some important information as noted in I’m the Greenpeace Activist Who Asked Hillary Clinton to Pledge to Reject Fossil Fuel Contributions at the Purchase NY Campaign Rally
HRC has been itching to use those words about the "Sanders' campaign lying" for quite some time, and they spilled out in a rather ugly way. Other things that are not said by HRC and the media are 1) the activist is not connected to the Sanders campaign and 2) making a distinction between a person who just happens to work in an oil related field as an employee and a lobbyist.
Has anyone else noticed that all three people who HRC has been caught on video going off on have been women? A neo-feminist?
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I have noticed that
I'm not sure if that's a Thing, though--I'd venture she would have been equally as nasty to a guy from Greenpeace
Still, it's quite the interesting reaction on a couple different levels, isn't it? What pisses me right off is the whole patronizing, "talking down to you" thing that's been directed at Sanders supporters all season by all those Seasoned Insider Blog-Dwelling Veteran Incrementalist Hillary Cheerleaders. And now you know where they get their attitude from.
It is a question in my mind at least
because I have seen guys challenge her while she is going through the handshaking routine, and she either just ignores them and keeps going or gives them a brief laugh and/or "no." Example:
Now that the thought is in my head, I may as well research it to see if I can find a conclusion. = )
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
A year ago, before Bernie announced his candidacy...
... I was dismayed by the overweening ASSUMPTION by politicians, Moronic Media, and late-nite comics that HRC was going to have a leisurely walk toward the Dem nomination and go straight to the office of the presidency. Really, I can't begin to convey how much of a potentially monumental FU that would be (IMHO, of course).

Then Bernie announced his candidacy. It took me less than a nanosecond to figure out he'd get my vote, and if he were not on the ballot I'd write in his name. [As I've said before, I've been following Bernie's career for a few years, getting his newsletter. I knew he was a moral and ethical person and told the truth, even if the subject were unpleasant. Anyone can now go to YouTube and watch his old speeches from when he was in the House, then the Senate.]
THEN Bernie got to Iowa, videos show his crowds were fairly large in small venues. Within a week or two there were those unplanned stops in two MN locations, and the venues had to be changed to larger and larger places to accommodate the RSVPs and already the overflow crowds were showing up (!!!Yes, that surprised me, but I don't know why; I guess I thought no one else followed Bernie's career or speeches in the House or Senate)..., and videos show how amazed Bernie was that he got such huge crowds. A short time passed, and he got tens of thousands plus an overflow crowd in Madison..., and it looked like he would be getting these huge crowds from that time forward..., and he has..., all without Moronic Media paying attention, or, if they did, they dismissed Bernie's popularity as a passing fancy, "because, of course, he has no chance; the "inevitable" candidate will win." I don't think so!!!
After Hillary won in the Bible Belt states, they wiped their hands and said "okay, it's all over, Bernie should give up now and concede." He didn't, and now they're having conniption fits over that fact..., and annoyed, and feeling sorry for themselves because now Bernie is winning, winning, winning, ordinary people are donating record-setting amounts to his campaign..., and IF polls are correct, he's going to be WINNING some more in the next few contests, maybe all the way through June..., which could make BERNIE the future INEVITABLE presidential candidate. Yay!!! Go, Bernie!!!
The rumors of Hillary's "inevitable" presidency are greatly exaggerated. Oh, the poor, poor dears. I guess we'll have to get some fainting couches lined up for them in the future....
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
The Russian winter looms.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Well, that's good news!
Heh. I guess I should have made clearer that I was talking about both rags "landing pages". See, when I clicked on Politico earlier (right before I posted this), I didn't see a thing about it, though it would have taken me all of 30 seconds to find it. But that was kind of the point....if you didn't already know it was there, would you have looked closer for it?
But yeah, jeebus--Donald Trump could get elected, just needling the hell out of her for five months. She's losing her grip already.
The headline doesn't make it as clear as it might.
It's been on the landing page, or what I think of as the landing page (not above the fold, as it were, but if you scroll down to the Weekend Report section, just below the big four items of the moment, it's right there). Or maybe this is an artifact of what kind of a device you're using? It's likely harder to see on mobile than on a larger screen.
But yeah, "Sanders gets under Clinton's skin in NY" doesn't pack quite the punch of, "Clinton melts down, screams at voter who asked civil question." It's a harsh enough article when you click through and read it, and it's striking confirmation that even her more honest allies were taken aback by how OTT it was, but it wasn't the Dean Scream treatment, leading everywhere in giant headlines, of the sort we'd have seen if the MSM wanted her to go away.
I'm glad they're covering it as prominently as they are, though. And I'm glad it's holding its position on the Most Read sidebar, at least so far.
After BNR, I try to get away
and maybe check for an Egberto Willies article. Also, I rec cross posts from our peeps here, just for moral support. However, I can't read through the comments. I want to educate myself, get enthused about politics, not engage with people who offer a blind eye, rather than the other cheek.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Indeed, otcusp.
The comments are a waste of time. I don't bother much. If I start reading and they are reasonable, I might hang out for a while. As soon as the HRCBullies appear, I exit, stage left.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
If you're on mobile
you can use m.dailykos.com and the comments don't even show up unless you load them separately -- I do that for much of my lurking so I can just focus on the articles and not the commentary from the peanut gallery.
Where is the Sanders supporter on MSNBC,
much less a democratic socialist? The world view of the MSNBC libruls is Clintonian.
The Sanders campaign is a threat to everything they stand for. BRING ON THE HOOKER STORIES.
Yeah, Rachel
Spent the entire Ablock on innuendo, speculation and gossip about a ten year old scandal that MAY have influence on the primary with absolutely NO facts to divulge.'Ignore that scream on camera. SEX!' Bhow.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
MSNBC fired the Sanders supporters
I don't know exactly how the corporate structure works. GE owns comcast, but somehow comcast took over NBC and changed the scene and fired folks like Ed Schultz (who you can find on RT or youtube) and Cenk (TYT). The fact that Rachel is still there speaks to her lack of objectivity.
They (MSM) are fighting against Bernie because of:
1. TPP - they gain intellectual property rights to rule over governments. Notice NO mention of TPP on MSM.
2. Campaign finance reform - they make lots of money from political ads.
3. Big pharma, banks, insurance companies, and health care companies make up a great deal of their advertising revenue
Bernie made powerful enemies when he declared war on the billionaire class (that owns MSM). Thankfully we have the internet. And that explains why we've got the youth vote. Older folks are still dependent on MSM. That's why it is really important to try to educate older people.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Cenk quit MSNBC
Cenk Uygur quit MSNBC, because he knew they would fire him eventually.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Not all "older people" are delusional Faux snoozers
I just entered my septuagenerian years in Feb, am a first-year Baby Boomer, and I know of other c99 & (former) Kossacks are in my age range. Well, we have computers/laptops, and we still have our full mental faculties, so we may be the exceptions. I do think perhaps the "older people" who need to be educated in Bernie-speak are from those states Hillary won in Feb-early Mar.
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
Yes, like Florida
OMG, the seniors I have to reach and talk to them about Social Security down here. It's the one thing FOX probably tells the truth about. Always sounds something like this:
Well? Putting aside the fact that "so are they!", they being the GOP, the Dems ARE coming for it.
OK, not all Dems. I'm damned careful to distinguish between "rank-and-file" and "leadership". Leadership these days consists of those who Shut Up and Got In Line a long time ago, but I digress...
Agreed. Age is not equivalent to diminished mental prowess
I am in my mid-seventies as iOS my brother. We are both rabidly pro-Bernie. And just because you're "old" does not mean you are senile or stupid. My mom, still going strong at 105, and still in possession of all her marbles, is strongly pro-Bernie. So this MSM bullshit that older people favor Hillary is pretty much caca de vaca. The more people know Bernie, the more they like him. The more people know Hillary, the more they despise her. So, here's to a continued, hard fought campaign inducing HRC to make many more unforced errors. Maybe she'll go full Trump and slap somebody--on camera.
I am no longer watching Rachel.
Maybe as far back as a year ago, I noticed her meticulous lead in to a story pretty much told the story, so when her guest would appear, it was repetitive. Ed was impossible to watch in real time, and watching recordings of his show became tedious for me. Getting my impressions from all of you bloggers that still watch the channel, it seems to be an all-Clinton, all-the-time place.
Thanks for watching (so I don't have to!)
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
MSNBC Left Us Behind
Once Olbermann was pushed out (no matter how much he helped that effort), MSNBC quickly morphed into a rebroadcast of the worst of FOX that day. It was all FOX all the time. Rachel quickly altered her course toward promoting gay issues and stayed largely away from more mainstream political topics. As I am not gay, I had better places to go.
Increasingly, I find television to be a buggy whip industry. The real news and energy is now on the Internet. I leave what little television I watch to when the White Sox are on, and I live in El Ayyyyyyyyyy! Thus I only damage my retinas a couple of times a year.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Our viewing/listening of television at casa luna?
MLB Network and Cartoon Network. And sometimes TBS, for syndication (Seinfeld, Family Guy) and now, Samantha Bee.
Did I ever tell you about how much I love Ms. Bee? She has me laughing out loud, literally, at least once per show...
Her show is teh awesomeness
Keep forgetting to tune in -- Monday nights? -- but when we do it's great.
Viewing habits here are mostly sports coverage, with forays into local news. Colbert if we're up that late. I'm mostly listening to sports talk on the radio or watching gaming streams on Twitch TV while chatting with my buddies over there.
Samantha Bee is hysterically funny; so is John Oliver
The only complaint I have is that they are not on daily!
BTW, both can be found on YouTube right after their shows air.
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
I was so disappointed to learn Bee was only on
one day a week. That's crazy on TBS' part.
And why Comedy Central didn't give her The Daily Show when Stewart left is kind of mind-blowing. The guy that took over is okay, but she's just way funnier.