More randomness

Ukraine - Didn't anyone at the Pentagon think it was funny when the Ukrainians asked for targeting coordinates for the Kremlin? Or how they are always saying they don't have enough ammunition, but they always have enough to lob something at a hospital or a market or a school?

Briahna Joy Grey had an interesting argument on Rising, essentially she claimed that the budget fight was Biden's fault. If he had signed an executive order "on day 1" it would have been much harder for the Republicans to organize a fight. This may be right, you should always take the moral high ground as soon as you have the knowledge to defend it, but that assumes that Biden actually wants to. Assume that Biden plans to cave and gut services. He can get what he's wanted for fifty years and blame the Republicans in the beginning of an election cycle. Look at how well it worked with abortion.

I saw a "degrowth" speech this afternoon. Something made me do a mental spit take. Among a laundry list of woke buzzwords: "colonialism is oppression" "We must stop extraction" "pass a Universal Basic Income" What? We must extract less, consume less, but give away vaporware money to people so they can continue to consume mindlessly? Economies around the world are collapsing. The math is simple - high profits, low wages, massive unemployment. We can fix that, but that would require lowering profits and promoting jobs, but the donor class won't allow it. So instead we print money and pretend the unemployed don't exist.

Ultimately I think that social movements - Ecology, Identity Politics, Social Justice, have been hijacked for the purpose of sabotaging them. Life is like being a target in whack-a-mole - your head will pop up and someone will try to hit you with a mallet for not conforming to the moral requirement of this hour.SJWs are not insane zealots, they know exactly what they're doing. Establishing a world where no one can be accepted, therefore no one is worthy of being helped, even you.

14 users have voted.


usefewersyllables's picture

the Ukrainians don't have Google Earth...

Shoot, I'd post the coordinates here, if I wasn't worried that that would get the site nuked. Anyone with a third-grade education can get them, accurate to 8 decimal places.

The whole situation would be a great parody of how international relations should work, if it weren't for the very real danger it presents. What A Crock.

7 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

snoopydawg's picture


It’s been one of his goals since he entered congress over 50 years ago. Remember he was Obama’s VP when they last fought republicans over the debt ceiling and they offered their cat food commission that was so radical that republicans refused to do it. Obama ended up cutting $5 billion from food stamps and more from other programs. And right after Biden compromises with the Kevin, republicans are going for another tax cuts for the wealthy. Funny how they will get their agendas passed when democrats still hold the senate and WH which means that they will need a large number of democrats to join them.

Vicky the Hutt just admitted that America is helping Ukraine with their military plans for the long overdue spring offensive.

US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland told an audience in Kiev on Thursday that Washington has been helping plan the Ukrainian ‘counteroffensive’ against Russia for almost half a year.

“Even as you plan for the counteroffensive, which we have been working on with you for some 4-5 months, we are already beginning our discussions with [the] Ukrainian government and with friends in Kiev – both on the civilian side and on the military side – about Ukraine’s long-term future, Nuland told the Kiev Security Forum via video-link from the State Department.

She added that the attack will be “likely starting and moving concurrently” with events such as the NATO summit in Lithuania, scheduled for July 11.

According to Nuland, the US is also planning for Ukraine’s future military to deter Russia, so “wherever and however this ends – one year, six years, 16 years – we are not doing this again.” She also painted a rosy picture of a future in which Ukraine would be the “engine of Europe’s revitalization” and “setting the democratic example… for the whole world.”

Well then Russia has definitive proof that America is a partner in the war which was evident back in 2014 when the Hellabitch’s sidekick helped overthrow Ukraine’s president and then started arming and training the Ukraine Nazis. But an admittance is good for the soul.

Don’t have anything in your mouth if you click the link. Reminds me of the saying, "so ugly that it makes a train want to take a dirt road to avoid it. Vicky is very ugly on the inside. She won’t be happy until Putin is gone and Russia has been divided into many parts for the oligarchs to strip bare.

As for Ukraine’s future after the war it’s going to be the first country that adheres to the WEF goals of digital transformation and currency. Zelensky has already sold lots of the country to blackrock and other vampire companies and anyone who would protest against it will have been killed. Ukraine has been sending untrained conscripts into Bakmut who complained that they never held a gun before in order to save better trained troops for their spring offensive. Reports are that a military commander has been fragged because he was sending troops on suicidal missions. Well the Nazis have been killing troops that left the battlefield or refused to go so turn around is fair play.

5 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

snoopydawg's picture

Weird tho how Putin waited for 2 years after Trump lost to do the deed. But seriously her obsession with Russia Russia Russia is going to be the death of her…hmmm maybe that’s not a bad thing.

6 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Pluto's Republic's picture


I've never focused on Hillary as a threat. She's just another psycho to me. But then, I look at all the damage she has done.

She created the Russia Hoax with the services of her paid consultants. So, she is living her big lie at all times. But there are many people in government doing the same thing. If someone in Congress is not a genetic psychopath, then they are being controlled by one. Politics is the number one place you will find a concentration of psychopaths in the workplace.

Psychopaths are genetic mutations. They can be identified. They should be.

Genetic psychopaths have a dysfunctional amygdala and pre-frontal cortex. It shows up in brain scans. The almond shaped amygdala is where a human's conscience is located. Genetic psychopaths cannot feel emotions. They mimic what they consider to be normal reactions.

About four percent of the human populace is psychopathic. (The percentage is much higher among the ruling elite families.) Recorded human history is littered with the destruction caused by psychopaths.

Ongoing research to isolate the psychopathic gene remains underfunded. Research related to psychopathy as the direct cause of great historical suffering in the world is largely ignored by the medical Industry. Most telling and most obvious, political candidates are not screened for this dangerous disorder.

For all those reasons, certain parts of the world are currently under the influence or direct control of psychopaths.

Developed nations that are controlled by top-level psychopaths often have populations with higher levels of intellectual deficits and untreated mental illness.

Psychopaths are drawn to occupations which give them power, money, sex, and adulation.
The corporate world, military, banking and finance are obvious fields that attract them, but religion, law, journalism, and science also employ psychopaths. They seek power over others, and are able to climb to the top because they are ruthless and cunning.

Forbes presented a list of good career choices for psychopaths. Here, at c99, we are most concerned with the Number One spot.

7 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
janis b's picture

@Pluto's Republic

I wonder how long the psychopath can survive before having to address their mental disorder. Without some connection to their physical and emotional selves it’s hard to imagine that they’ll last the distance, or so I hope.

5 users have voted.
studentofearth's picture

@janis b Forbes have developed better medical and retirement benefits than the general public. Or an opportunity to generate high incomes to compensate for access to normal medical and retirement benefits.

As a bonus no worries about how conditions of earth and fellow humans are effected by their actions. A psychopath is able to live life fully focused on achieving their own desires. As long as they can avoid a self-destructive habit, they will probably live a longer than average life.

6 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

janis b's picture


They are living a self destructive life, even if they are deluded into thinking they're thriving. Deep down I think they are suffering in some way. Why people subject themselves to, or find satisfaction in pain is a mystery to me.

3 users have voted.
studentofearth's picture

@janis b more disposable income available after paying for basic living expenses. Many self destructive habits are expensive - legal and illegal drugs, extreme sports and flying in small planes.

4 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

janis b's picture


McDonalds for instance only provides those benefits to corporate employees. The employees providing the true service suffer. Psychopaths may live longer than the average person, but their personal relationships, if they exist, must suffer. What a sad reflection on the mental and social state of the nation.

2 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture

@janis b

It is a brain deformity. In addition, many medical professionals will not accept psychopaths as mental health patients. They tend to break the doctor and it is not worth the effort.

All political candidates and security personnel should be screened for this dangerous condition. Most of the Neocons in the US rogue government are blatant psychopaths, and this is widely known. They can recognize each other. Israel just seated another largely psychopathic parliament.

From what I've read of the latest analysis, Hitler, himself, was not a psychopath. But many of his close advisors were. US Secretaries of State are almost always psychopaths, and are generally selected well in advance of any Presidential campaigns (by the Council on Foreign Relations).

5 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
janis b's picture

@Pluto's Republic

is a criteria for positions of power. Hitler probably embodied most of the mental disorders.

The screening for this condition should begin at an early age when there still might be some hope of reconditioning.

1 user has voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture

@janis b

Conditioning. Psychopaths learn to mimic the facial expressions of emotion as small children.

But they do it on their own. They are not instructed. They are all alone.

They are like an alien species.

2 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
Pluto's Republic's picture

@Pluto's Republic

...of psychopaths that have slashed their way through humanity. Because there is no emotional connection, these horrors do not last for long. Fascism, which sprung from nowhere in the early 20th century, with no history and no documents, may have been a global convergence of psychopaths. It only thrives in small dark pockets where human atrocities are unleashed. It evaporates in the light of day.

But really, there are many strong but brief movements in history that sound a lot like convergences of psychopaths. Religious, Satanist, Pedophilia Cartels, strange, pointless wars of destruction and chaos with no winners. Again, it's like an alien beast. Today, the beast has taken root in the enclaves of the world's wealthy elite, who form philanthropic organizations (brotherhoods) focused on a "better world" connected to charitable or religious or academic foundations — who then unleash all sorts of suffering upon humanity to support their blind greed for power over others.

If my words make sense to you, then you can see or feel the presence of the pattern.

For thousands of years, it has been possible to forge a good life beyond their reach. Technology has changed that.

2 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
janis b's picture

@Pluto's Republic

What doesn't make sense to me, is how does a psychopath, someone physically unable to feel most human emotions contaminate those who naturally experience them. Your observation that technology plays a part is interesting. I'd like to know more about your observation, if you don't mind.

2 users have voted.
janis b's picture

@Pluto's Republic

to lack the ability to genuinely feel emotions that encourage a sense of well-being. Aggression must be the emotion they experience most deeply. Help for the young ones would be so good.

1 user has voted.
mimi's picture

@snoopydawg revolutionary protesting ... how do you call them ... glued themselves to the streets.

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