Even Armando got fired from TOP
Submitted by gjohnsit on Thu, 08/22/2019 - 8:24pm
[Updated the subject line]
10 years too late
@dailykos has parted ways with me. They’re good people and don’t have to answer for my views. c @markos @SusanGDailyKos
— blank (@armandodkos) August 22, 2019
Why was he banned? For being a complete a**hole.
Translation: Nina is an exceptional rep and it scares you because you really hate Bernie Sanders' positions on policy, but you're afraid to say it because you know he is popular, so you're having a temper tantrum and hoping you can at least fire up your anti-left base.
— Mystopian (@Sorensenium) August 22, 2019

Too Hot for TOP
His twitter meltdown was getting too much heat. I saw it being reported and commented on several places, not just among us castoffs. Seemed like he was just saying the quiet parts on Twitter, but what do I know? Probably bad for business.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
But like the Terminator, he’ll be back. You can’t keep a
bad man down.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
He's been banned and resurrected before
He just can't quit BrokeBack politics.
[edit - typo]
Yep. Mister “Big Tent Democrat” has always come back before. n/t
Heh. One nice
guy banning an even nicer guy. Sad day for America.
half of dkos thinks it's ok that he said that
"it's just Armando"
"he meant something else"
"it's the Bernie Bros fault"
Can you believe that?
I read the second diary on it last night and couldn't believe how many people said that he didn't say what everyone thinks he said. The first diary got deleted and the person who wrote it got put in DK jail. But it got worse. If it wasn't what he actually meant it was Russian bots trying to do what they always do..or...
Yep. It's Bernie's supporter's fault!
Armando blocked me years ago and it looks like it has transferred over to his new name. Lots of people said they were blocked, but had never tried reading his tweets before.
In case anyone wants to know what Armando looks like..
Arrogance times 10! I thought he'd be taller.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
now why would that be?
I am guessing it's because it's always Sanders or Sanders supporters who are being attacked and insulted. But how dare they stand there and take the abuse!
I thought,
This Man
Has No Neck.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Best I can tell, he doesn't need a neck...
Long forked tongue used to do the trick . . .
. . . now it's been chopped off.
OMG it’s the Criminologist from Rocky Horror n/t
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Thank you, thank you!
Happy to share the credit with a CRITICAL MASS unlike any ever assembled on the American political scene.
Hey, it's not so bad if we make their skin crawl when they wind up doing really stupid stuff that blows up in their faces. One thing for sure, they aren't getting any brighter. And their numbers are shrinking.
And I'm pretty sure the likes of David Sirota and Briahna Joy Gray aren't going to be taking any prisoners.
Or selling out like Symone did
I can't believe that she worked for Bernie last time, but is now working for ByeDone. How does she square that in her mind?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Symone Sanders was a mole.
I'm convinced of that.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Yeah, but 6.022E+23 molecules of what?
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Of pure BS maybe?
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I believe she ended up on Hillary's team and is now on Biden's.
A real New Deal Democrat whom you'd expect to support Bernie with undivided loyalty. /s
A mole,
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I wouldn't have hired Symone
Neither Gray or Sirota are proponents of IdPol. Gray has some of the best pieces I've ever read dissecting, exposing, and dilineating the deadendism of IdPol. I simply don't get the same vibe from either one of them. Their resumes are a lot more solid and impressive than anything SS has by way of accomplishment and experience.
I'm glad SS is with Biden. The stuff she's been saying, though, makes me wonder if she's a mole over there, too.
Do you suppose he'll start posting here,
with the rest of the banned, banished and BOJO'd ?
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
LOL! No he won't post here
I like how he got so unhinged he couldn't spell
Notice the difference
And yes, I watched this in real time. The vile Neera Tanden started it all by attacking Susan Sarandon (and her little dog) for campaigning for Bernie. Nina Turner jumped in to defend Susan and it went downhill from there. These Hilbots are a sick bunch of people who are still litigating the 2016 campaign.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Somebody on Reddit
used the term "Bitterati" to describe the hillbots. Made me chuckle, that did.
Thanks for the chuckle! I really needed this tonight!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
He wasn't banned
I had something to do with this, and no, by no measure was he banned. He is no longer a contributing editor, and that is his only sanction.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
No skull and crossbones for armando?
That just ain't right!
And the guy drawing attention to his slobbering viciousness gets a time out?
DKos-ers defending him?
It doesn't effing matter what happens at TOP
Why do people still act like it does? They are a small bunch of people who like to be in a group of like minded non-thinkers. It's just more of the same crap. Let it go!
Yep. Non-thinkers
I prefer not to give them any clicks so as not to add to their ratings numbers.
As for Armando, he was fine so long as you toed his line or you didn't post anything he disagreed with in the political/historical area. If you just stick to the weather and the state of your health, he's a wonderful person to engage with. I'm sure.
why the doings at daily kos matter to some of us
It wasn't that long ago that Daily Kos was considered the "official" voice of the American Progressive Left. And it still is in certain mis-informed quarters. Thus, simply "letting it go" isn't an option, just like merely ignoring the sell-out of the Democratic Party isn't an option. These are "eternal vigilance" situations, at least until the organizations in question are reliably and verifiably dead.
You don't have to read these essays, please remember.
And when a serious corporatist belittler of progressive ideas and their proponents, like Armando, gets The Boot, there's a tasty sauce to go along with our dish of vigilance. That sauce's name is German, and the German term is what it is known by in almost every tongue on Earth:
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Brilliantly stated
It still is in many articles and when Chuckles Todd brings on Moosetits and says he is from the most progressive website in the blogasphere evah that needs lots of push back. DK has become Centrist Central and they are proud of it. The blog that was created during the Bush years and was anti war until Barak made doing wars cool. Lots of talks about how Moscow Mitch is filling the courts with federalist judges, but none whatsoever about how many dems are helping him do that. Now Trump and Mitch are talking about gutting SS and Medicare if Trump wins again, but no one ever mentions that Obama offered Mitch just that. Apparently we had no president between Bush and Trump that did the bad things they did/are doing.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Was he or wasn't he?
Armando (whom I don't know from a hole in the wall, btw) said Turner fucked Sanders. He has said elsewhere that he meant in the sense of "fucked him over), though he paid her to represent him. As in,
"Did Turner represent Sanders well?"
"No, she screwed him." or "No, she fucked him."
However, KOS apparently took it as an anti female, prostitution related comment and banned him.
Seems to me that either interpretation is possible. So, why are we assuming that the banning by KOS was justified? Did KOS eve ask him what he meant before banning him? I would hope someone would do that here before banning me, if, after a number of years, I posted something that could be construed as sexist or not. If KOS, why didn't KOS take the word of their long-time, loyal flunkie? Did he have a history of sexist remarks, disrespectful to women?
I don't get it.
Looks like Armando outsmarted himself
Swim with the sharks . . .
Interpret the original tweet however you wish:
There was also what sure seems like a coordinated flurry of very similar crude tweets directed at Sarandon and also Nina Turner documented here: https://twitter.com/SusanSarandon/status/1164524038112370688
Yes, it's anti-Bernie, but so is KOS. I'm not interpreting the
post as I wish. I'm interpreting as Armando tweeted he meant it. And he at least believes he got booted for sexism, not for being anti-Bernie.
I posted at Kos only a few times during the 2016 primary season to defend Bernie. I have no idea who Armando is or what he is like, except recent tweets tell me he worked for KOS for a long time. I also have little idea what Kos is like, except for the complaints I read about it here.
I'm reticent to believe Armando at his word
I think it's pretty safe to say, unless he's claiming temporary insanity, he purposely used some really crude inflamatory language. And it was clearly done when a flury of other viciously misogynistic epithets were being thrown around at Berners in the period of a day or two. Coinkydink? Maybe. I doubt it. Hey, he can always sue Markos for wrongful termination. Shark fight!!! Where's Alligator Ed?
That said, Brazil is lots more important but I feel so freaking helpless about it other than doing what I can for now by supporting Bernie. Damn, what a fucking mess.
Armando was/is a mean, petty person
who's long deserved to be bojo'd.
I don't care why he was fired.
And Markos is not? (Serious question. I don't know
much about Markos, except complaints I've read about him and DK here,)
If you don't care why he was fired, fine, but I didn't read the OP to say that. Hence my bewilderment.
It wasn't just Kos who had a problem with Armando
and as for giving him the benefit of the doubt that he didn't actually mean what he meant is because you don't know his history as you admit.
I don't care if he didn't mean what he wrote, it was the way he wrote it and it is his long history of writing things that way. Armando has been banned up to 5 times previously because he couldn't stop being a dick to anyone who disagreed with him. So he wasn't just banned before he could have been asked what he really meant and just arbitrarily. Armando has shown who he was long before he posted that tweet.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Seen these?
Haven't checked its veracity.
But maybe someone could who has the time and could also give him a piece of their mind?
From "The Great American Lemming Farm: Dispatches from the frontlines of a rotting empire" comes this, "KOSFEST and The ‘New Rush’ (published in 2005, possibly?):
And another, "Blogswarmed by Cyber Stalin’s Soldiers of Orange":
There's more of this excellent shredding:
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
I am glad to see Armando being outed
He workers at a law firm that defends some of the sleaziest corporations on the planet. I read about his history on the way of the bern in the Armando tweet thread and the person who wrote the comment said that he got banned from DK when he outed who Armando was behind his mask. Made me wonder why Kos had him on his staff in the first place?
Amen to this. This became clear once Obama took office and non of the Bush policies went away including the illegal spying that Obama put on steroids and not allowing the Patriot act and the Bush tax cuts to expire like they were meant to.
And then it became obvious that it was selective outrage during Obama's tenure. And again during the last election when writing about Hillary's abhorrent history was considered right wing talking points. Expose the witch behind the folksie charm and boom you're gone.
Great additions to this thread, Mark. And as always it's good to see you.
Sadly Maryscott O’Connor has gone all in on Russsiaaa Russiaaa......
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Where is MSOC these days?
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
She signed up here four months ago, but
has never posted anything. I happened to notice because periodically I look at the members list just to see if anything interesting is going on.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
I noticed that.
It begs the question, what is c99p becoming?
Because it is becoming.
would be nice if C99p writers would consider
your sig-line.
I would love
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Well, you can try PM'ing her, though I've no idea whether
she ever even logs in. If you go to the member list (link is under the Site Menu thingy on the left) you can scroll down and find her. Just click on the link, and then click to send a personal message. I did when she joined, but she didn't respond -- but then, my message was just sort of vague and observational, not an invitation.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
I am glad and grateful for your excellent
archival memorial posts. Brings back a lot of memories, unfortunately most of mine are gone and unarchived, but it's good you have those in your 'vault' somewhere.
I wished I could have a complete list of my comments from dkos, but don't know how to get those. And I wouldn't know how many they may have erased. If I had them, I could provide lots of proofs.