Another DNC-DWS Fraud suit featuring the Awan Brothers
Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the Awan brothers, and body on the beach
Seth Rich and the Awan brothers—Democratic rope-a-dope
DWS and the hot potato computer
Democrats and Awan Gang, suitable company for each other
It's been a while since the Awan Brothers were a topic, at least in my c99 writings. Now is a good time to reprise their Pakistani escapades accompanied by more revelations of the whole seditious and murderous mess that certain factions of the Demonratic Party have subverted subjected our "Democracy" to.
Most of us are aware of the Federal lawsuit filed by Jared and Elizabeth Beck in the southeastern district court of Florida, specifically naming the DNC and Debbie W. Schultz (DWS) as defendants. The original judge hearing declined allowing the suit to proceed due to what amounted to definitions of classes included in this "class action" suit. I won't reiterate the details. The Becks subsequently filed a writ of appeal. Due to the Byzantine way in which Federal courts operate, the writ was reviewed by one appellate court judge, who felt that the rewritten suit (rewritten so as to overcome the original judge's objections) deserved a full appellate hearing before the circuit's 3 judge panel. I do not believe that the appeal hearing has yet been held. Should the Becks prevail, the suit will be remanded to a circuit judge, possibly the same one who denied the suit, for a hearing. Remember that the original hearing's pre-trial motion for summary judgement posed by the DNC included the lead defense attorney asserting that the Democrats "could hold a meeting in a smoke-filled room", bypassing legally filed DNC bylaws in order to choose a candidate. When remanded, discovery will begin--and won't that be fun! Lotsa people gonna be deposed --On The Record--under oath before the actual trial begins. The parade of psychopaths and traitors will be long and colorful. Heck, I just might want to temporarily relocate to Miami to watch the festivities.
The Northern Front
The Miami-Dade venue in this business is what I consider the Southern Front of the DNC etc. attack. A new venue has developed, as of last week, although months in the planning. The Northern Front is located in the Federal District of Washington D.C.
The progenitor of the suit is George Webb Sweigert, more commonly known as George Webb (GW). GW first came to wide attention when he began broadcasting on YouTube. The impetus for the broadcasts was the disappearance of Eric Braverman (EB), formerly associated with the Killary Kampaign. Braverman disappeared about 2 years ago, either voluntarily or involuntarily. One possible reason being that EB was that EB knew all about the Clinton Foundation, DNC and other improper schemes cooked up by the Mad Bomber. I don't know what the connection between GW and EB is/was. Later on, GW changed his focus a bit to other aspects of Democratic chicanery, including the perfidy of DWS, the sedition of Podesta, the Awans and a cast of characters that would have made Cecil B. DeMille proud.
The official hearing began a little over a week ago and of course has to go through the same legal hoops as any other Federal case, like the Becks'. Undoubtedly, some or all of the defendants hav filed motions for summary judgement to get the suit dismissed. These usually consist of various reasons (or excuses like smoke-filled rooms) to convince the judge the suit is either meritless or lacks legal foundation. I do not believe that the court has finished hearing these motions, especially as there are so many defendants.
GW's legal complaint:
I am going to excerpt many items from the document filed by GW (presumably through his lawyers) without restriction on amount of text since this court filing is a public document not subject to copyright.
Plaintiffs: GW and John Does 1 - 435 and Jane Does 1 - 435, to be named later. The number 435 signals the intent to have a plaintiff represented from each Congressional District.
Named defendants: John Podesta (JP), Hillary for America, Andrew McCabe (for some reason unknown to me there exists a huge amount of personal animus between GW and McCabe), Kim Fritts (of Podesta Group), ARMZ Uranium Holding company, Gleen Simpson (of Fusion GPS), Tom Perez, DWS, Imran Awan, Hina Alvi, Jamal Awan, Rao Abbas, Haseeb Rana, Abid Awan, Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner.
Non-Party to suit: ActBlue, which charge donation recipients 3.95% of online donations.
Chronology of Events, listed as "General Facts":
Note many of the facts are old information, but several are new to me, despite my following the Pakistani Mafia (Awans et. al.) as best I could.
21. The DNC is the formal governing body for the United States Democratic Party. The DNC is responsible for coordinating strategy in support of Democratic Party candidates for local, state, and national office.
22. As part of its duties, the DNC organizes the Democratic National Convention every four years to nominate and confirm a candidate for President, and establishes rules for the state caucuses and primaries that choose delegates to the convention.
23. From 2011 to 2017, Wasserman Schultz was Chairperson of the DNC. Wasserman Schultz has also served as the U.S. Representative for Florida’s 23rd congressional district since 2013; before then, she represented Florida’s 20th district in the U.S. House of Representatives starting in 2005.
24. The DNC is governed by the Charter and Bylaws of the Democratic Party which require financial fidelity and impartiality by law and bylaw.
25. The Podesta Group is a lobbying firm located and doing business in Washington, DC for the last thirty years.
26. Hillary For America was the not-for-profit campaign entity of the Hillary Clinton 2016 Presidential Campaign, located in Brooklyn, New York.
27. On August 26, 2015, the DNC signed an agreement with Hillary For America giving financial control and substantial management oversight including selection and approval of personnel to Hillary For America.
28. ARMZ Uranium Holding Company was a company established by the principals of the Podesta Group to trade uranium in foreign weapons markets.
29. On June 14, 2016, officials of the DNC announced that Russian government hackers had penetrated its computer network. The hackers had access to the network for approximately one year. According to the Washington Post, “[t]he intruders so thoroughly compromised the DNC’s system that they also were able to read all email and chat traffic” – but in the same article, “[t]he DNC said that no financial, donor or personal information appears to have been accessed or taken[.]” 6 5 See Tribune news services, “Sanders says he is backing opponent of DNC chair Wasserman Schultz,” Chicago Tribune (May 21, 2016), available at (last visited June 20, 2016). 6 See Ellen Nakashima, “Russian government hackers penetrated DNC, stole opposition research on Trump,” The Washington Post (June 14, 2016)
30. The same day, CrowdStrike – a network security consulting firm retained by the DNC to investigate and respond to the breach – publicly released more details. According to CrowdStrike, two separate hacker groups affiliated with the Russian government, codenamed “Cozy Bear” and “Fancy Bear,” were detected as having infiltrated the DNC network. Both groups have a long history of successfully targeting sensitive government and industry computer networks in both the United States and other countries, often using “sophisticated phishing attacks.” CrowdStrike concluded that Cozy Bear’s intrusion of the DNC network began in summer of 2015, while Fancy Bear separately breached it in April 7th, 2016. Upon information and belief, we believe these actors to be associated with Defendant Fusion GPS and Defendant Imran Awan.
134. On June 15, 2016, an individual using the name “Guccifer 2.0” established a publicly accessible website ( and posted a statement taking credit for the DNC server hack.8 Below the statement, Guccifer 2.0 posted a series of documents purportedly taken from the DNC’s servers including: (a) a 281-page confidential “Donald Trump Report”; (b) Excel spreadsheets containing the names and personal information of donors to the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton’s campaign and a 59-page memorandum marked “Secret” setting forth national security and foreign policy “promises and proposals” and purportedly obtained from Clinton’s personal computer.
Note no facts are listed between 30 and 134, pertinent to bases for suit. There are then long sections of the complaint which deal with legal matters such as class make-up, questions of law, etc.
Causes for Action
Count 1: Fraud
From hereon, I shall italicize information which is new to me, although many readers may already know this.
42. The DNC Donor Class Plaintiffs and the Sanders Donor Class Plaintiffs re-allege paragraphs 1 through 36 above as if fully set forth herein.
43. Defendant Imran Awan illegally moved data from DNC servers to servers at Hillary For America in Brooklyn, NY, copying critical informations such as names, email address, home addresses, and phone numbers of the entire donor and volunteer database known as NGP/VAN. Other critical reports such as reports based on Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel were also taken.
[transfer of data from DNC to HFA is new to me, especially the Awan connection]
44. Defendant Imran Awan engineered a sophisticated email phishing attack against Bernie Sanders supporters nationwide using a scheme that substituted a similar URL for the donation processing company ActBlue. The ActBlue URL was changed by one letter from to, routing donations intended for Bernie Sanders to bank accounts controlled by Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and/or Imran Awan.
[email phishing via altered domain name is also new to me]
45. Defendant Imran Awan also engineered a sophisticated email phishing attack against Progressive (so called BernieCrats) candidate supporters nationwide using a scheme that substitute a similar URL for the donation processing company ActBlue. The ActBlue URL was changed by one letter from to, routing donations intended for Progressive candidates to bank accounts controlled by Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and/or Imran Awan.
46. Defendants concocted a false narrative that the Russian government had been responsible for the hacking and phishing attacks to the DNC. In fact, the truth was Defendant Fusion GPS had hired an MI6 operative of the British Government, Christopher Steele, to organize a group of ex-Russian spies to infiltrate the United States. A total of Nine (9) million dollars $US was paid for Russian surveillance operations in the United States with a false cover of funding the “Trump Dossier”. Upon information and belief, these Russian spies were located in Centreville, MD. In addition, Defendant Podesta Group had created Defendant ARMZ Uranium Company in 2012 to broker nuclear fuel and weapons deals to foreign countries including but not limited to Pakistan, Iran, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Nigeria, and Rwanda to fund the Hillary For America campaign in 2015. In addition, the Podesta Group acted as a foreign agent of the Saudi government and never disclosed this fact in FARA declarations while having control of the DNC. This act is committed a fraud on the DNC Donor Class, the Sanders Donor Class, and the Democratic Party Class who did not realize they were in effect, paying for favors for the Saudi government.
[infiltration of ex-Russian spies into U.S. is also new to me]
47. Defendants intended that the false statements and omissions would induce the DNC Donor Class Plaintiffs, the Sanders Donor Class Plaintiffs, and members of the DNC Donor Class and the Sanders Donor Class, to rely on them for continuing contributions and these conspiratorial attacks. At no time did the Defendants acknowledge they have signed a “Joint Funding Agreement” which gave financial control and management right of refusal to Hillary For America over DNC.
48. The DNC Donor Class Plaintiffs, the Sanders Donor Class Plaintiffs, and members of the DNC Donor Class and the Sanders Donor Class, relied on Defendants’ false statements and omissions to their injury.
49. Defendants’ conduct was intentional, willful, wanton, and malicious. Defendants had actual knowledge of the wrongfulness of the conduct and the high probability that injury to the DNC Donor Class Plaintiffs, the Sanders Donor Class Plaintiffs, and members of the DNC Donor Class and the Sanders Donor Class would result and, despite that knowledge, intentionally pursued that course of conduct, resulting in injury.
50. Defendants’ conduct was so reckless or wanting in care that it constituted a conscious disregard or indifference to the rights of the DNC Donor Class Plaintiffs, the Sanders Donor Class Plaintiffs, and members of the DNC Donor Class and the Sanders Donor Class.
Count 2: Breach of fiduciary duty
55. Defendants’ conduct was intentional, willful, wanton, and malicious. Defendants had actual knowledge of the wrongfulness of the conduct and the high probability that injury to the Democratic Party Class Plaintiffs and Citizens Class Plaintiffs, members of the Democratic Party Class, and members of the Citizens Class would result and, despite that knowledge, intentionally pursued that course of conduct, resulting in injury.
56. Beyond the criminal hacking and phishing attacks at the DNC, upon information and belief, we allege the Defendants have hacked key Congressional communication systems such as iConstituent and InterAmerica constituent management systems. By these acts, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Imran Awan, Abid Awan, Hina Alvi, Rao Abbas, Haseeb Rana, Jamal Awan, and Omar Awan created and continue and a criminal conspiracy, a spy ring in the US House of Representatives which subverted, and continue to subvert, the fundamental processes of democracy guaranteed in the United States Constitution including free speech and debate between constituents and Members of the House of Representative and free and fair elections of those individuals.
57. The Defendants conspiracy directly impinges upon every member of the Citizen Class’ fundamental rights of free speech with their elected Representatives and the expectation of fair and free elections. The entire democratic process has been subverted, essentially nullifying the Constitution and the purpose of the US House of Representatives.
58. Under Racketeering law here in the US, the Plaintiffs hereby request for RICO any referral letter or investigative documents handed off to or from the FBI to or from the Inspector General of House of Representatives, Theresa Grafenstine, the House Committee on Administration, and the Chief Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives.
[GW asserts that Grafenstine knew all about the Pakistani Mafia's seditious activities and did nothing about them]
59. Upon information and belief, the Defendants used an illegal email/dropbox combination in the House of Representatives at the email address. Upon information and belief, we believe an illegal Dropbox account was used to share information with representatives of foreign governments including Pakistan and the UAE for the purpose of economic espionage and influence peddling. Indeed, the Defendant Debbie Wasserman-Schultz has publicly admitted in the press to the use of such a Dropbox account against House rules. Upon information and belief, the Defendant Podesta Group parlayed this hacked information in a pay to play scheme to sell nuclear fuel and depleted uranium weapons through Defendant ARMZ Uranium Holding Company to foreign nations including but not limited to Pakistan, Iran, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Nigeria, and Rwanda to fund the Hillary For America campaign in 2015.
[Three significant points here, previously unknown to me:
1. DWS used unsanctioned dropbox to share information to foreign agents
2. Podesta Group parlayed this hacked information in a pay to play scheme to sell nuclear fuel and depleted uranium weapons through Defendant ARMZ Uranium Holding Company to foreign nations
3. Funds derived from Podesta-ARMZ transactions were fed back into HFA]
60. Upon information and belief, John Podesta, Kim Fritts, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Anthony Weiner, and Huma Abedin compounded the irreparable harm to the legislative processes by engaging in a pay to play scheme, moving privileged, private communication from iConstituent Congressional servers located in the US House of Representatives and DNC servers containing NGP/VAN information to Anthony Weiner’s laptop device in New York City on or about during the period of February 2016 to October 2016. Any additional illegal transfers of data from servers in the US House of Representatives occurring between February 2016 and October 2016 will be clarified after receiving the House Inspector General’s report and FBI suspicious activity reports. These acts of transferring electronic records from Congress to Weiner and Abedin are felonies in terms of eavesdropping, illegal wiretap, and mishandling of classified information. Upon information and belief, Members of Congress with special Blackberry phones synced to laptops strategically placed around the main Congressional office buildings of Rayburn, Longworth, Cannon, and Library of Congress. These laptops were configured in turn to sync to a private, illegal, Blackberry Enterprise Server on the Capitol grounds which in turn synced with Anthony Weiner laptop in New York. Imran Awan subverted stated rules in the US House of Representatives to properly receive all communications devices intended for use by Members of Congress to the offices of the Chief Administrative Offices of the House of Representative.
[Involvement of JP in the transfer from Congress to Weiner's laptop is new to me]
61. Mr. Awan illegally received deliveries of iPhone and iPads intended for use by Members of Congress to his home at 9667 Hawkshead Drive, Lorton, Virginia from government reseller CDW-G in February of 2016. Upon information and belief, these phones were then illegally sent to Pakistan, and then returned to the United States, Upon information and belief, we believe this was a regular practice of the Defendants. Mishandling phones and laptops intended for Congressional Members is a felony and a clear violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA).
62. Imran Awan and Omar Awan entered into a conspiracy to create fake employees in the House of Representatives Human Resource system called PeopleSoft. Illegal administrative rights were created for Imran Awan in this system, and a scheme was used to reuse personnel records of retired employees of the US House of Representatives for fraudulent loans from the US Congressional Federal Credit Union.
[Although much to time billed to Congresspeople was billed on behalf of no-show but officially-listed workers is well-known, the creation of fake workers via PeopleSoft is new to me.
Furthermore the obtaining of fraudulent Federal Credit Union loans is also new to me, as is the fund diversion to Pakistan]
63. Imran Awan and Hina Alvi engaged in a scheme to send fraudulent payments from fake employee accounts in the US House of Representatives from the US Congressional Federal Credit Union to Faisalabad, Pakistan. The Federal Bureau of Investigations has compiled evidence of hundreds of these illegal transfers, and we will move to bring these reports to the eyes of the Court. We believe a corresponding internal report exists in the US House Committee on Administration that we will move to bring to the eyes of the Court. These acts are felonies and constitute Wire Fraud and Racketeering (RICO) Statutes.
64. Imran Awan, Hina Alva, and Rao Abbas did engage in espionage against the people of the United States of America by taking electronic devices such as thumb drives, hard drives, and laptops with trade secrets and General Services Administrative bidding information to Pakistan for disclosure and sales to business entities in Pakistan. These acts are felonies under the Espionage Act of 1917.
65. The Inspector General of the House of Representatives, Theresa Grafenstine, has known of these frauds for at least eighteen months, and has not moved to protect the legislative and election processes in the US House of Representatives through publication of these misdeeds, and Mrs. Grafenstine thereby has been negligent in her duties. We have not named her in this lawsuit, but we intend to call her as a witness in this matter.
Bonus for those not satiated on fraud and abuse, GW's video 116.2 concerning infiltration and exfiltration of Russian atomic science and weapons systems, respectively.
Looks more and more like
Watergate to me, which I am old enough to remember. Thank God Herself lost. Thank you for breaking down all this for us.
Mary Bennett
Watergate is like an infant's toenail
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
That’s what mathematicians call an “empty set joke”
This is much bigger than Watergate
Lots of levels to this and the corruption is staggering. Why would anyone take the chance of doing something like this without thinking about the consequences if they got caught? I don't understand how the Awans were able to get the government contract to do what they did because they were from a foreign country. Didn't any of the congress members ask about it when they were signed up with them? It's amazing that someone from a foreign country could be this deep into our government and the FBI or DHS didn't know about them.
Who at the Hillary for America knew about what the Podesta's group was doing? What was Hillary's involvement? That she made the agreement with the DNC was bad enough... but for the Podesta's group to do the pay for play to get funding for her campaign is something else.
What's happening with the congressional police and their investigation into the Awans? I've done a search for it and found nada.
Sure would be nice if congress would put as much energy into investigating the DNC/Hillary campaign rigging the primary as they are the bogus Russian interference plot, wouldn't it?
Trump's election was just more icing on the cake of corruption of the government. It should be burned down and we should start over with one that we get to make. Sheesh!
I'd start with, where you wrote:
"It's not believable that..."
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
It's more than likely that the alphabet agencies,
or at the very least elements within those agencies, not only knew about the foreign elements operating within the halls (and phone booths) of congress, but actually brought them to the country on EB5 visas and then set them up with their positions as IT workers for Congress. DWS was so fiercely protective of Imran Awan because he was actually working for her and the DNC to collect all the inside information Hillary would need to help insure Her election. Data sharing with with Pakastani ISI, and fraudulent bank loan proceeds wired home was just a nice sideline bonus for the Awans.
“ …and when we destroy nature, we diminish our capacity to sense the divine,and understand who God is, and what our own potential is and duties are as human beings.- RFK jr. 8/26/2024
Heres my conspiracy theory
Holy Crap...
You pretty much nail it Ed. Although the phony drop box that conned a trusting Congress to give up classified information to the Iranians, Saudis, Pakistanis, and others will probably need a lot more development when/if we get to discovery.
And just how did Podesta parlay that data? Machiavellian minds want to know.
Just think about the enormity of that charge.
Never was a Bond villain so evil.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Momma mia! That's a spicy meatball!
Systemic corruption! Who would've thunk it?
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Of course, George Webb is a well known
conspiracy theorist, and a lush. No need to give his wild accusations a moments attention. Pure Bunkum! /s
Actually, I believe Webb to be a conspiracy theorist of the highest order. He sees connections and patterns everywhere in the matrix of what he calls "metadata". He freely makes assumptions and then "drills down" through publicly available data to either corroborate or discount these assumptions. As a result, he has made plenty of incorrect assumptions along the way, but is quick to retract or correct his working assumptions as more information is brought to light. He has also made many, many connections that you will never find in the New York Times.
As I see it, Webb is not a journalist in the classic sense. He does not wait for absolute certainty before sharing his informed hunches with his YouTube audience or his online "researchers" (miners of metadata). As a result, he often leap frogs months ahead of any reporting that can be found in the mainstream outlets who follow more conventional and conservative methods. We might not ever have become aware of the degree to which the Awans compromised the security of the collective digital communications of Congress, or that the DNC may well be complicit, without his dogged and fearless unorthodox investigations.
“ …and when we destroy nature, we diminish our capacity to sense the divine,and understand who God is, and what our own potential is and duties are as human beings.- RFK jr. 8/26/2024
I don't know
George was the one that led to the discovery of the blackberries. Say what you will (all puns intended), he is the one that keeps this issue in the public eye....or more correctly - shines the little bit of light that this story receives.
Thanks for the essay AE!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Alligator Ed,
thank you again for bringing us this information. The video you included highlights what may be the most important part of this matter: WE ARM OUR ENEMIES. Private U.S. companies and money launderers convey technology and industrial support to the countries we arm ourselves against. This has been business as usual for the past century.
Antony Sutton, researcher for the Hoover Institution at Stanford, documented this treason and released some of his findings after the Hoover Inst. and Congress essentially hid his research from the public. The following pdf only includes companies through the letter "j" for some reason, but I have added a few additional heavy hitters from the book, as I am a slow typist, but I should update the entire list at some point. This charade, the treason of building us an enemy and profiting on both sides of the arms race, has been going on since the Bolshevik period in Russia, not to mention with Hitler in Germany. I have bolded some type.
Additional companies from the print version, as the pdf only includes about half:
Kaiser Aluminum Non Ferrous Metals
Lockheed Aircraft Technology
McDonnell Douglas Aircraft
Monsanto Chemical
* Occidental Petroleum Major factor in complete plants
Raytheon Electronics
Sikorsky Aircraft Aircraft
Spectra-Physics Inc Electronics
Standard Oil Oil Technology
That's almost all manufacturing in the U.S.
Ahh, great stuff, thanks for sharing these morsels!
Will be watching with relish for more of this as it develops, from here in the Costa Rica outback.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Wow, thanks for the picture
Enormously useful as a resource, potentially destructive as a
This is why - the connect-the-dots approach is an intuitive device that drives a great deal of fruitful scientific inspiration, investigative journalism and entertaining fiction writing. But, like clinical trials, if the same freewheeling approach is taken, it can stop a line of research and drug development in its tracks. Same is true of litigation in federal court, where the standard of proof applied to obtain discovery and ultimate conviction and judgement against the defendant is much higher than in filing an initial complaint to get to the motions stage, where the other side gets to attack your case.
If your point is merely to get into court to publicize your claim, you probably won't survive defense motions for summary judgement. You won't get discovery, and you won't get an injunction or damages. You, can, however get counter-sued and that can serve as a severe disincentive on others pursuing the same lines of evidence in subsequent law suits or even chill publication of those same claims.
Reading this complaint gives me the chills, on several levels.
Can you elaborate on the destructive potentials?
It seems that this line being pursued was almost certain to be ignored by government prosecutors and has only had life breathed into it by these connect the dots investigators like George Webb. Is the destructive potential you allude to about the personal safety and fortune of investigators pursuing this type of investigation, or is it some larger risk to the fabric of our society and the chaos of an upheaval? Or is it simply that a failed legal action shuts the door to future actions. I don't understand of what destruction you are warning us about here.
“ …and when we destroy nature, we diminish our capacity to sense the divine,and understand who God is, and what our own potential is and duties are as human beings.- RFK jr. 8/26/2024
Not sure you understand...
how this all works.
You are confusing a number of procedural steps here:
Basically it works like this:
First comes the pleadings (or motions) stage, where the parties hammer out whether the plaintiff is legally entitled to discovery. At this stage, the plaintiff's factual allegations are assumed to be true. The defendant typically files a motion to dismiss at end of this stage.
If the plaintiff survives the motion to dismiss, then comes the discovery phase, where written docs and oral depositions are obtained from both parties.
Once discovery is completed, the defendant typically files a motion for summary judgement stating that the facts do not support the allegations and therefore judgement should be found in favor of the defendant.
If the plaintiff survives the summary judgement motion, then there is a trial. In a civil trial, the plaintiff must prove his claims by a preponderance of evidence.
Throughout the process, the standard of admissible evidence remains the same, as stated in the Federal Rules of Evidence.
Plenty of reporting out there to corroborate at least some of the basic claims. And a lot more out there to be discovered if the plaintiff can get past the motions stage (a big if). So your underlying assumption that there would be some basis for a counterclaim based on (I guess) a frivolous lawsuit is pretty far fetched.
The worst that can happen (and probably will) is the same thing that happened to the Florida plaintiffs. The court at the pleadings stage will define the class so narrowly that practically nobody can sue. That closes off the possibility of discovery (an important purpose in its own right) pending an appellate decision, and dragging this out into the future.
Bottom line: there is absolutely no reason not to file this suit and no legal wells that would be poisoned by its dismissal.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
This is even more than I expected
I learned some new things from reading this law suit.
I have not been following George as closely in recent months as I had previously because he was investigating so many different things that it was confusing. But now we are starting to see how all these seemingly unrelated scandals and criminal acts are a part of a very large crime syndicate with many moving parts.
As per ovals49's comment above, what we have seen time and again is the George is way ahead of everyone else in revealing this stuff to us.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy