Community Content

First Essay here: Leaving the Dem Party

CNN is on behind me but muted. I don't need their dialogue. We're as smart and possibly more intuitive than they are. My dad always said, "It's 10% of the people dragging the other 90% along." In this case, we're about 45% Dem voters for Bernie. I'm a lifelong Dem. My first vote was for George McGovern. My last will have been in the AZ Primary, for Bernie Sanders.

Live Feed for Cali Returns

Alphalop is doing a Live Blog here on C-99 of the Cali returns tonight. Meanwhile, you can listen to and hop on the Live audio Feed of the returns as they come in at... So you can have the best of both worlds. Hop in the Chat there or, if brave, hop on the Live Feed to add your 2¢ to the convo on Skype by skyping me at winkradio (no spaces), or calling 315-895-1450.

Alpha's Primary Election Live Blog for New Jersey, California etc.

Well, this is the big one!

Despite the DNC & the media's best attempts to shut down the Sanders campaign here it is, June 7th and we are still trucking on towards the convention!!!

I will be posting election return results as they come in as well as watching and commenting on the live stream of The Young Turks election coverage.

Bernie supports these candidates, so should we.

Straight from an email from Bernie Sanders:

Lucy Flores is running in a Democratic primary against a multi-millionaire funding her own campaign and an establishment candidate with the backing of a large super PAC.

Her primary is one week from today, and she needs our help.

Hillary's emails are revealing how she forcefully pushed fracking around the world

In this interview with RT, Journalist Steve Horn continues with his brilliant environmental investigative journalism as he tells what he has learned from Hillary's newly revealed private emails about her forceful push to spread fracking around the world.

Pot legalization and the increasingly desperate fight against it

A new poll came out recently showing that 54% of Americans support full legalization of marijuana and a whopping 89% support medical marijuana, "with every demographic backing it with at least 81 percent support."

And this terrifies some people.

The People of California, New Mexico, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, & New Jersey Deserve a Vote and a Voice.

The election is NOT over, and I am still supporting Bernie Sanders.

I made a donation today, as I have done either before or after every primary. And that is on top of the donation that I make automatically once a month. Please consider doing the same. Continuing to donate helps to send a message that we intend to support Bernie Sanders all the way to the convention.

