you hacked my brain - and it is going to work

well this is probably not making any difference at all to you, but to me it becomes an issue.

As I understand JtC considers his platform of C99p an experiment in promoting equality and human compassion among the widest ranging groups of people to express freely what they think, to inform and promote truth talk and fact searches and to promote civil conversations among its participants.

Since a long time I liked to ask JtC the question if he is convinced that this kind of 'freedom' to express whatever comes to our minds is resulting in what he had in mind, promoting civil and humane conversation without having a large self-censoring component to it, which makes it a bit counterproductive to his assumed intentions.

It comes down to me as a question of how much freedom you need to express yourself freely and how much freedom to do just that, is counterproductive and leads to what I would describe as the 'fat and dirt always swims on top of a soup' and the fertile ingredients are the ones who sink down to the bottom, where they are forgotten und often not recognized.

Germany had no problems in the past to ban certain freedom of speech issues, based on the experience that if you don't you allow the destroyers of civil and humane behavior to move to top of the soup and take over, you will for sure suffer under those elements to overpower your whole political system.

I guess JtC strongly believes that 'we can figure it out among ourselves'. I wished I had the same faith into us as he seems to have into our own capabilities. I don't.

The two Rs, Russia and Racism, is dividing us too often. Both issues hack my brain and I decided that this will no longer be the case for me.

The strong pillars of this site, the EB and the Weekly Watch, will remain the best thing that can happen to news reporting. They don't hack my brain, they inform. Big difference.

ok, all I wanted to say and ask and I am going to unhack myself now from the two Rs, Russia and Racism.

I rather do some Rocking and Rolling instead ... on crutches, that works too... Smile


Like to dance with that?

That's how to do it.


PS: And don't forget that people love America for their arts, their music and their resilience. I do, just the way millions of other non-Usians do and just like Cornel West desribed it in the segments, lookout posted in the important discussions between Cornel West and Joe Rogan.

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mimi's picture

I just was thrown of the hocker by how well the American can dance. Love it.

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