The worst person on the planet
Yea, It's Assange.
Hold up in the embassy for years.
Yet, Sweden dismissed the charges.
Mr Assange's Swedish lawyer, Per Samuelson, said the prosecutor's decision on Friday represented "a total victory" for his client.
Then the UK decision.
In her ruling, senior district judge and chief magistrate Emma Arbuthnot said having considered the arguments, she was "not persuaded that the warrant should be withdrawn".
She told the court that not surrendering to bail was a standalone offence under the Bail Act and Mr Assange must explain why he failed to do so.The offence carries a maximum penalty of one year in prison.
Y'a know, he might be an asshole. Yet there are no criminal charges from anywhere, anymore.
Yet, the UK still wants to arrest him. For what?
Maybe he's right about his extradition fears?
And they say that no one person can affect the "system".
Love him or hate him. This is just so wrong for all our "Free Western Republics".
Don't fuck with the Boss.
Let him go.

Maybe he's right about his extradition fears?
The UK govt. won't say if they will or won't extradite Julian to the U.S. Pretty crappy in itself.
The US govt has said Julian is a enemy of the U.S. Various officials, Sessions, Pompeo have said they want to arrest him, that he has no first amendment rights, that Wikileaks is a non-state hostile intelligence service.
He was granted asylum in the first place by Ecuador because Ecuador agreed that he likely would be extradited to the U.S. where he would not receive fair treatment. He is being protected from the U.S. govt.
At court this morning he was ruled against on one point. From reading Julian's twitter - there are four points to be ruled on. If he wins any of the remaining three, the arrest warrant fails and Julian wins. Court has adjourned and said they will give a ruling on Feb. 13. I don't know why they ruled on one point and then adjourned to discuss the next 3 later.
heh, they need to think about for a while, how they
can rule in favor of the PTB in the US without looking bribed by the deep state folks in the US. Need some time to come up with the trick that moves the media, but not the laws, which they should abide by.
And since Hillary, mouthpiece of billionaires, wanted to know why they couldn't just drone him, this sentiment echoed by a number of other (redickted), he needs to stay way out of the hell...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Do you suppose Putin would offer him sanctuary?
Or would that be a bridge too far?
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Probably no bridge
I think Wikileaks has published more than a few things that upset the Russians. Search the tubes for "spy files Russia" and you'll see what I mean.
Doubt he'll get much help from the Russians.
Assange II
The arrest warrant in question has to do with a request for extradition to Sweden. (It is not regarding bail.) It's old, and Sweden never charged Julian and closed the case. So this is a crock as well as far as I can see.
If he wins this and the arrest warrant is canceled, there will still remain the question of whether the UK has an extradition request from the U.S. Julian would still not be able to walk out of the Embassy without getting that question answered. I think it's highly unlikely that there is not a request from the US.
Back into the USA?
He isn't a citizen. He's Swedish.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Julian is Australian and Ecuadorian. (He very recently was granted Ecuadorian citizenship.)
Ahh, you're right
My bad. Thanks for the correction. He was charged in Sweden.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
snoopydawg more
Of course your "back to the usa?" point still stands!
Of his Australian citizenship I am aware
Enemy of the U.S. government
I have no doubt that Assange is the enemy of the United States government and has probably already been judged guilty of terrorism by some secret FISA kangaroo court. You can bet that they have a cell waiting at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp.
So, while he may be an enemy of the U.S. government, he is most certainly not an enemy of We the People.
He is certainly right
about his extradition fears. Nothing else explains the absurd behavior of the UK judicial system. Pulling the curtain back and exposing TPTB is a cardinal sin.
He has served enough time
incarerated behind embassy walls. It is now "cruel and unusual punishment".
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
He needs to explain why he skipped bail?
Seriously this person doesn't understand why he did that? Duh! Extradition to Gitmo seems to be a damn good reason. This country is itching to get its hands on him for disclosing its war crimes.
Even if U.K. does let him out of the embassy, what's the chance he makes it out of the country? Pretty slim in my book.
Why would Assange fear being extradited to the USA? Because he knows what they'll do to him.
Whatever the outcome of the decision reached tomorrow in Assange’s legal case, one thing is certain: the reason for his detention has nothing to do with Justice and everything to do with retaliation from a corrupt system that dislikes having evidence of its crimes being made available to the public.
Why do you call him the worst person in the world? I don't understand the animosity towards him just because he exposes country's dirty secrets.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The US wouldn't necessarily
have to extradite him, just get the CIA to rendition him somewhere. Make him disappear. He's going to need to find someplace secure if he gets out of that Embassy for sure. Our owners won't stop for legal niceties, they'll do whatever they can to get him, in my opinion. I am scared for him.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur