Will the US keep fighting for Iran?

In 2001 the US invaded Afghanistan and removed the Sunni Taliban from power. They weren't specifically enemies of Shia Iran, but they weren't allies by any means either.

According to neoconservative theoreticians David Wurmser and Richard Perle, George W. Bush’s Iraq War II was supposed to weaken Iran and Syria and therefore Hezbollah’s threat to Israel. Instead, the war empowered Iran as the U.S. put their best friends from the Hakim family’s Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI) and their Badr Brigade in power. Gen. David Petraeus turned their death and torture squads into the Iraqi army.

Obama’s dirty war in Syria was supposed to weaken Iran by taking out their friend Bashar al-Assad, the “keystone” of the arch of Iranian power in the region. Instead Assad asked Iran, Hezbollah and Russia to come help and is now more dependent on them than ever before, especially after Western, Turkish, GCC and Israeli support for the bin Ladenites blew up into the ISIS Caliphate which required Obama to launch Iraq War III (2014–2018), back on the side of the Iraqi Shi’ites they wish they hadn’t fought Iraq War II for.

Obama, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Emirati President Mohammed bin Zayed and Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s genocidal war against the people of Yemen, which deliberately targeted the civilian population and killed at an absolute minimum 350,000 people, was supposed to weaken Iran by destroying the power of the Iranian-friendly Houthi regime which took over power in the capital city at the end of 2014. Even though the U.S. had been helping them kill AQ, Obama stabbed them in the back and took AQ’s side against them in March 2015. They’ve survived and thrived, are closer to Iran than before, are now intervening in the American-Israeli war on the Palestinians in Gaza, unfortunately helping to turn the current slaughter into a regional war of America and Israel versus the Shi’ites they keep trying to thwart and end up empowering.

At this rate, the Ayatollah will be Secretary General of the UN by the time President Biden is done with him.

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Cassiodorus's picture

upon which arm of the shadow government you're talking about.

In Syria, militias armed by the Pentagon fight those armed by the CIA

Oh, sure, this piece in The Nation has nothing to do with Iran, but the point is really that US war efforts are scams. It doesn't matter where the weapons go as long as there's some bombing of brown people.

If you want to talk Iran, talk about the Iran-Iraq war, in which the US funded both sides of the conflict. Now, maybe one could argue that US policy has been to give those "other people" guns and let them kill each other off. Well, that's pretty much come to an end with the Chinese-brokered deal between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and the admission of both countries to BRICS.

Moon of Alabama argues:

In The Middle East The U.S. Has Reached The End Of Its Abilities

The argument is good though the headline isn't. The argument here is about the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah. But the problems CITED as standing between a rapprochement between the two powers are as follows:

1) Israel wants a victory, though the US can coerce Israel off this path by threatening to withhold funding for the regime.

2) US policy is incoherent:

Israel is also bombing Syria and killing Iranian envoys to that country. Iraqi and Syrian resistance groups are attacking U.S. bases in Syria and Iraq. The U.S. is bombing these groups for more or less therapeutic purposes while trying to not hurt them too much.

Therapeutic purposes? Previously the US wasted bombs on "let them kill each other" wars. Now the US wastes bombs on "therapeutic purposes." So weird.

3) Getting Lebanon to comply with the US plan involves giving Lebanon money, which the US won't want to do.

The Lebanese government supports that move? Sure, verbally, as long as you cough up some money. But Hizbullah is part of that government.

All of the problems cited by Moon of Alabama can be solved. And maybe they will be, once Biden is out of office. But, no, the US has not reached the end of its abilities.

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"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

QMS's picture

abilities disabilities. Working on it tho.

US war efforts are scams

foreign policy requires conflict to operate

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