Why I will never vote for Hillary Clinton
I suspect as November draws nearer we will get more and more reports about voters who have chosen to vote 3rd party or even abstain altogether.
Each of these reports will be accompanied by the usual splainin' and wild ass guessin'. They will attempt to deliver a definitive reason why we won't be voting for Hillary.
Well I am among those former Democrats who won't be voting for Hillary, and I'd like to take this opportunity to pre-empt those journalists who seek to explain things for me.
Before I begin, I'd like to dissuade the reader from the opinion that I might throw my vote around with abandon and with little regard of the consequences. Far from it. Having lived through president #43, I know there are times when the left needs to rally the troops. And 2016 could even be one of those times. But I'm not voting for Hillary, and this is why.
One might think that I can't vote for Hillary because she is pro-corporatist, TPP wanting mother fracker. Those are horrible positions, and they ARE reasons I didn't vote for her, in the primary.
Or it could be that the email debacle showed that she can not be trusted to safeguard national secrets, and that she doesn't possess the good judgement needed to be leader of the free world. But as egregious as this error is, it isn't bad enough to have lost my vote.
Or it could be that donations to the Clinton Foundation while she was Secretary of State indicate a clear breach of the code of ethics. We are way past the appearance of impropriety on this one, because in more than one case there is a clear quid pro quo. Now I hate to say it but this type of corruption in politics is pretty much the norm. It's been no secret for the past 6 years and the Democratic establishment doesn't have a problem with it. It may be the biggest reason yet not to vote for her, but in the eyes of the public it's a non-issue. Who am I to stand alone and complain to deaf ears?
It would seem as if I've run the gamut of good reasons not to vote for Hillary, but there's one more, and it's a reason I was vocal about while the process was unfolding. I do not believe that the primary election was done in good faith. During the primary, I was completely willing to eventually vote for Hillary as the candidate, as long as the primary election was done honestly. This primary election was the dirtiest, most unethical thing I've ever seen in politics. Ever.
What, you ask, could have been so outrageous? It began with the DNC colluding with the Clinton campaign before and during Bernie's entrance into the race. They weren't just promoting a Democratic candidate, they were promoting Hillary, and only Hillary, while coming up with attack points about her opponents.
Then we were treated to Bill Clinton showing up and electioneering inside polling locations in Massachusetts and Illinois. This blocked access to the polls for hours, in precincts where a preponderance of voters were Sanders supporters.
Then there was the registration-flipping, from Democratic to Republican, happening to Sanders-leaning voters who had been identified and marked as such in the NGP database. Early on in the election there was an uproar about the Sanders campaign accessing the Clinton database at NGP. Well, that breach was a two-way street, and now it appears as though that information was put to good use. You should always be wary when a politician accuses his or her opponent of an ethical breach, because they are usually trying to head off accusations lobbed at themselves.
We also had massive disenfranchisement in Arizona and New York.
In the 2012 primary, Maricopa County had 200 polling places for 300,000 voters. This year it had 60 polling places for an estimated 800,000 registered voters.
There's more. There's the fact that Hillary did statistically better in states with electronic voting conducted by companies who donated heavily to the Clinton Foundation. That Hillary did better with the electronic vote as precincts grew larger. That the caucuses and the California primary appeared to be planned chaos. That the California Democratic party instructed poll workers to issue provisional ballots to undeclared voters.
There's so much more, second level stuff, like the sabotaging of the North Carolina office, the lies uttered in connection with a famous civil rights leader, the surrogates' smears, the "bernie-bro" meme, I fatigue.
There are countless stories over the decades of the Clintons' dishonesty, their guile and double-crossing. I've described some of them above in my discarded rationales. But the Clinton slime touched me personally during the Democratic primary. I witnessed it first hand how they are willing to lie and cheat, even if it has long term underlying effects on the party.
All along, I've said the most important part of the primary election is how the candidates conduct themselves. I said it's how she wins that matters to me. Hillary failed that test in the most dramatic fashion. Not just a failing grade, but a zero. Goose egg. Zip. Zilch. Along every criteria of political ethics she failed me. And complicit in this has been the Democratic party. I was one of the first to make my #DemExit and go Green.
Done with Hillary, done with the Democrats.
EDIT: From the comments, I completely forgot Libya and Honduras. Important points.
Also, there's THIS!!!!

Thank you for this powerful and important essay
You connected the dots in a way i hadn't thought of with respect to the NGP breach and the voter registration flipping. I had several friends in NH that had been victims of this practice, but it was limited and I couldn't see how they could have targeted Bernie supporters. But now I see that it was just a testing or warm-up of the means to steal the more important large states down the line. Your analysis is spot on. #NeverHillary.
I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance. - e.e.cummings
Hillary Clinton: The Worst Possible Choice
While many people now worry over the hypothetical threat of Donald Trump doing something stupid or dangerous in Foreign Policy, Hillary Clinton is no hypothetical threat at all -- she is a proven (worst-case scenario) threat, and a serial, repeated, unrepentant wrecking ball upon the entire World, and on the American people (whose own economic and physical well being is stolen away in order pay these tremendous costs of perpetual global Warfare which has bankrupted our Country).
Clinton has made it clear that she is very eager to use military force (murder) to achieve illegal “regime change” in all countries that "get in the way" of U.S & Global Corporate, Banking, and Oil Cartels. And among a long, preselected list of other planned upcoming War Atrocities, Hillary Clinton also intends to take this Country into direct Military confrontations with Russia itself, with grave consequences awaiting us all.
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rx9CpP5Pu8Y width:640 height:480]
With the selection of Hillary Clinton as the head of the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party has now reinvented itself, and supplanted the GOP as the most aggressive Party of unrestrained Global Warfare and War Crimes.
The best thing, and perhaps only hope, for the fate of the Democratic Party is for Hillary Clinton to lose and lose badly. That is the only thing that will force the Party shakeup that it so badly needs.
This corrupt psychopath Hillary Clinton cannot be President!
The Worst Possible Choice: Part II
With the selection of Hillary Clinton as the head of the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party has now reinvented itself, and supplanted the GOP as the most aggressive Party of unrestrained Global Warfare and War Crimes.
The best thing, and perhaps only hope, for the fate of the Democratic Party is for Hillary Clinton to lose and lose badly. That is the only thing that will force the Party shakeup that it so badly needs.
[video:https://youtu.be/e4LKAt1t_8M width:640 height:480]
This corrupt psychopath Hillary Clinton cannot be President!
Wow! I was wondering when someone
was going to pull out the old "Daisy" ad. It will be interesting to see the competing "3 a.m." ads that I am sure are in the works...one on each side.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
It's a sad day in America when the likes of Drumpf...
... is made to sound sane next to $Hillary the warmonger, liar, criminal, and TPP supporter.
Not included in that video is that Drumpf is against the TPP.
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
Hillary is a warmonger
and quite frankly that is all I ever needed to know to not vote for her., in the primary in 2008 that was also the case. Now Dems are inserting their heads up their asses in the name of "winning".
Cheney in a pantsuit
double deleted
Dr. Jill Stein is the real deal ...
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHAPv1PJlYI width:640 height:480]
Stein is a decent speaker, but she still needs coaching
Too many ums and likes, and she is a bit of a freight train. Nothing that can't be fixed, though.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
A better speaker than GW Bush.
Even when he had a TelePrompTer.
"Tiring to put food on their family"
"They misunderestimated me"
"This thaw - it took a while to thaw. And it's gonna take a while to unthaw. "
The people, united, will never be defeated.
It's such a fine line
Between brilliant and bloody stupid!
Having raised two kids, it is actually tiring to put food on ones family. But I doubt that is what he meant
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Good essay
For me, I would add to all of the above, her pick of VP. I couldn't stomach her before, but her pick (or should I say her corporate master's pick) of VP is the last straw. I will never vote for her.
Wonderful essay, thank you.
Never Hillary.
Corrupt. Criminal. Selfish. Paranoid ( terrified of a press conference) and a liar. Constantly lying to the people. Constantly. Incapable of dealing with sensitive and top secret government documents. At least 20 top secret government documents, considered too dangerous, harmful to national security, to even release now, were sent by Clinton to her friends on that private email server, lodged in the bathroom basement of her mansion in Chappaqua. Reckless, dangerous. Her one concern, being the first woman elected POTUS.
This is how the Clintons have behaved when they were paranoid and concerned only with their political viability. Impossible to imagine how they'd behave if they were back in the White House and no longer had to be concerned about political viability. Terrifying to even imagine how they'd behave.
I too would someday like to see a woman elected POTUS. NOT THIS WOMAN. Never.
Perhaps I am naive, but at this point in my life
(late 50's now) I cannot and will not sacrifice my integrity by supporting an unethical, immoral, lying, cheating, war-mongering, power-hungry, greedy/self-serving entity. I raised 4 kids to be honest, fair and willing to reach out to those how heed a helping hand. How can I turn around and support the Dems who seem to have gone out of their way to flout what I instilled in my kids? I can't and I won't. Thanks for putting words much better than mine as to why I have left the Democratic party. I unregistered back in June and I immediately felt less slimy.
Thanks for a well-written cogent essay on the lack of plain and simple honesty in the Clinton campaign. It's taken a number of elections, but I will no longer give my vote to anyone who is not trustworthy. I realize that may severely limit who I vote for, but so be it...
Think off-center.
George Carlin
I was wondering where you were going with discarded
but good reasons not to vote for her, and you nailed it.
I agree with your final conclusion/reason, but I was already there, especially with no DNC debates at all before the deadline for New York voters to change their party registration in October of 2015.
Granted, it's up to the individual voter to know what their rights are, but it should be a joint effort with PSAs from the state to educate their voters. One had to change their party registration SIX MONTHS before the primary election. That's absurd. Granted, that law wasn't changed just for 2016, but those wanting to change their party registration in a closed primary state, who would think to check when the deadline is half a year beforehand. Absurd.
Even two of Trump's children couldn't vote for their father in the primary because they found out too late when the deadline was to change their voter registration.
Ratfuck the press and polls now.
NeverHillary because she was born under a bad sign, the wrong month, the wrong year. Not the wrong gender, no.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
This is exactly
why I cannot vote for her either. I could have looked over a lot of shit that he clintons have done, held my nose and voted for her. But not when it comes to outright electioneering and fraud. I truly believe Bernie won the primary. But even if he didn't I still can't overlook the rigging. IMHO, if someone who's been paying attention, votes for clinton, they are condoning the thievery of the government.
You didn't list her responsibility for the deaths of
tens if not hundreds of thousands of people for her role in the illegal Libya (for Israel) and Syria wars. Not to mention Haiti and Ecuador. She is an absolute war criminal murderer and that wouldn't have changed had the primary election been honest.
I'm surprised so many are willing to overlook that.
Ecuador, Al?
Do you mean Honduras?
Of course, she has blood on her hands from so many places it's hard to keep track.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Honduras, thanks dr.
Ya, it does become hard to keep track of. Anyway, her role in Libya is enough, her support for Iraq sanctions that killed half a million children should be enough.
Shit, one person killed should be enough, it is for everyone else.
HRC had her fingers in Ecuador also, just to a
different effect and degree than in Honduras.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I thot I'd read that. Thanks.
It bothers me greatly what the government of this country, and those in concert with it, do to other countries that end up hurting the common person, and children. Like what's happening in Venezuela today, a direct result of imperialist meddling, funding the opposition, helping to cause instability.
That's why I refer to imperialism a lot instead of just a war or wars. It's the whole ball of wax that hurts people, not just the wars.
It's all illegal btw according to the UN Charter. Imagine that.
I would add to that (because it is a direct
effect of US meddling) that immigration "problems" can be laid at the feet of HRC and our current government policies. If the US wasn't so busy destabilizing countries around the world, people would be able to stay home. Would their lives be safe and secure? Probably not, but they would most likely still be alive. Being alive is a huge step in being able to make changes to a situation.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I wouldn't rule out Ecuador.
It is just a lesser known effect of the HRC touch.
From 2010 Ecuador crisis, it does not appear that some people did not beleive HRC's expressed sentiments regarding support of the left-wing president of Ecuador:
Then there is this:
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
That woman is a menace
To the rest of the world. There's enough money out there to make her do anything for it. With the Clinton$, it's all about the benjamins, FUCKING GRIFTERS!
Like the Midas touch, there are bad
consequences. So far those consequences have been negative for the US and the rest of the world. Here is hoping that karma will win out.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I'd suspect that the full
I'd suspect that the full list of Clinton crimes and appalling agendas would simply be too long and of too many horrors and disgraces to list.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
You'll doubtless get another chance
to not vote for her when she runs for re-election in 2020. Who knows, maybe they'll actually count your vote.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
Whether we vote or not.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
For me is was a sum before, during and after.
I started off from a position of dislike and mistrust of both Clinton and the DNC as a whole.
All that has been revealed since has only served to confirm my distrust.
I wish we could connect your essay . . .
so well written and important . . . to my essay . . . "The Fight has Just Begun" . . .
You have said it so well . . . . but where do we go from here?
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
where do we go from here?
1. DemExit. Do it during or just after the Convention. Let the Party know that nominating Her Heinous was one step just too Cat-damned far.
2. Register Green and vote for Jill Stein.
[video:https://youtu.be/SLi7Ljcy6n8 width:480 height:360]
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
DemExit in Nebraska
In Nebraska we have four options, Democratic, Republican, Libertarian, and Nonpartisan. My wife is seriously considering Libertarian following my daughter's example and I am torn between Libertarian, and Nonpartisan. Chatter at this place might influence my choice as like most here I have had my fill of the other two options. As we get moved into Oregon I will explore the political landscape to find my niche.
Nuanced, I am not.
For years there will be papers and dissertations with extensive political exegesis about the events of the past few months. I am a simple minded person and not able to deal with complicated multidimensional arguments. So for me it reduces to one simple truth: Our electoral process is not democratic and those that hold power will not relinquish that power willingly.
Perhaps it is time to: Cry "Havoc!", and let slip the dogs of war.
Invoking Shakespeare's Julius Caesar
..... at this time is a rather dangerous proposition!
And have you noticed how often the movie V for Vendetta has been telecast in 2016?
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
My Classics Professors
might cringe, as they all were convinced I was not learning anything. But repetition, as in, those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it, has done its job. Political Theater in 2016 is a cliché of cribbed CliffNotes by low grade hacks too lazy to be creative. Shakespeare would be embarrassed and Jorge Agustín Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana y Borrás would, I think, be disheartened, to say the least.
Shakespeare and de Santayana
Shakespeare wouldn't be embarrassed; he'd be in serious "I told you so!" mode. And Señor el Profesor de Santayana would definitely be disheartened.
Both are probably damn Grateful that they're Dead.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Not great at construal, I stand corrected.
I have only once not voted for the Dem....
This time, I said I would never vote for the Dem again. It wasn't easy - lord just look at Trump and Pence. Yet compared to Hillary, the Clintons, and the DP, they manage to look better if not just as bad.
Beyond the brazen theft of our money and our democracy, they've militarized our police and stolen our privacy. I think the Clintons will finish us off. I have no kind or tolerant words for the ignorant Hillarybots that made this possible.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
similarly, my position
my square one position was not to consider Clinton to begin with at all, ABC as it were. my square two position was that i might consider voting for her as the Democratic nominee if it was warranted AND it was a fair and equal primary process. it wasn't, so that took me straight back to square one regardless of anything that might transpire between now and November. no exceptions now.
Well done!
I think that, while there are many good reasons to hate and fear Hillary and refuse your vote to her, the election fraud is the last straw. They were overconfident and greedy and didn't even try to hide what they were doing in most cases. They overplayed their hand and made it impossible to ignore their Republicanism. By showing contempt for the voters and the democratic process, by undermining the democratic process just like the Republicans, they eliminated the last remaining thread of integrity (or at least the illusion oif such) that they had. They showed us that our votes will not and do not influence our leaders and that voting Dem for any reason is an exercise in futility. As long as the Republicans were seen as the party of cheaters and the Dems seen as the champions of honest elections, they could keep the con going. They broke that this primary,and they won't get the genie back in the bottle.
This map currently up at 270towin is...interesting
If it reflects reality, SHillary can not win, T-Rump may not win, and Vermont may play the deciding role in sending the election to the House of Representatives (if they'll take it and not weasel out of it the way they did the last two times). http://www.270towin.com/
If Vermont goes Green, the election goes to the House. Even if Vermont goes Dem, dittoes. And I don't think Trump's going to get that state.
Weird times, indeed.
Edit: the map reflects the last person to play with it - so who knows?
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Very good essay . . .
agree with many of the points.
One item, I'm not clear on -- was voter suppression and the Sanders voters flagged in the voter database substantiated somewhere, or is this just speculative?
Just me
Voicing aloud what I was thinking ever since the breech was reported, connecting the dots with other events.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”