Comparing #walkaway astroturf to #demexit
Submitted by gjohnsit on Thu, 08/23/2018 - 12:34pmHere's a short primer on how to tell the difference between the right-wing #walkaway astroturf and the real #demexit.
Here's a short primer on how to tell the difference between the right-wing #walkaway astroturf and the real #demexit.
Best viewed if you play Pink Floyd while reading.
Ooooh you can’t impeach me now
Ooooh no matter how you try
Goodbye working class it’s over
Walk on by
Now that he’s elected, gonna build his wall
Waiting for the Dems to come
Oh dear! You really aren't any better than the other guy!
Dem candidates are being instructed by the donor class to lie and say they support “Medicare for all” in order to jump on the Bernie Bandwagon without committing to an actual Single Payer system. What they intend to give us instead is a Big Pharma friendly updated version of the ACA.
I've been waiting to see how much progress the various groups attempting to reform the Dems - Our Revolution, Justice Dems, Brand New Congress - would make before finally throwing the towel in. For the simple reason that if the Dems could be taken over by the voters then our path to overall victory would be much easier. If.
There's this wonderful children's book called "If..." by Sarah Perry, which has all sorts of zany pictures in it -- if mice were hair, if worms had wheels, if frogs ate rainbows and so on, all around this theme of "if." It's now got a YouTube video of course.
The DNC has just selected Tom Perez as Chairman or the DNC, Keith Ellison Deputy Chair...
So much for reform of the Crooked Hillary Party...
I was actually planning on laying off of the essays for a while, but I recently read a piece by Caitlin Johnstone, a writer I respect and enjoy quite a bit, regarding how Bernie is still important to the the forwarding of Progressive change.
It's here:
vote for them.
I received this in my email box from a failed primary challenger today.
Subject: We're not done
Dear Anthony,
I know that your inbox is filling up quickly with fundraising emails. That’s why I wanted to go ahead and let you know now that this is not one of those emails.
My partner went to the Dem convention, to protest outside. She went with a good friend of both of ours, who has been videoing all sorts of protests and injustice for the last several years. She has a pretty slow internet connection, and finally had the time to get this video posted. Think of it now as an historical record, a view that most of us didn't see, outside the convention.