The Weekly Watch
Ninth Dimensional Distractions
American people are routinely misinformed, misled, and deceived by the lame stream media. It is no wonder that we are rushing head long toward extinction. The international media has displayed less interest in global warming and climate change throughout the last decade. For the most part, US citizens can barely keep their heads above water as they struggle with multiple jobs...or no job. Snippets of news are all people have to inform their world views.
July 3, 2017, to July 3, 2018, MSNBC dedicated zero segments to the US’s war in Yemen, but 455 segments to Stormy Daniels. … After all, Obama backed the war on Yemen—though not nearly as aggressively as Trump has—and it’s difficult to make a coherent left-wing, anti-war criticism when the current Republican in office is simply carrying out your guy’s policy, but on steroids. And it isn't just US media...even in New Zealand people get the corporate spin. We face even more serious threats to independent media due to a spate of corporate censorship. Facebook and Twitter in conjunction with CIA staffed think tanks are taking down accounts of Iranians, Russians, and others they deem inappropriate. Even Telesur English was removed from Facebook for a few days until public outcry paved the way for their return
It's double the Max, double the fun...Keiser and Blumenthal talk about the role of a NATO and Gulf monarchy funded ‘think tank’ acting as censor for Facebook (in the second 15 min) following Max and Stacy discussing censorship in the digital public square. (27 min)
Max Blumenthal and Abby Martin discuss the suppression of dissident voices on social media by Silicon Valley, at the behest of the US national security state. Facebook is partnering with the warmongering NATO-funded think tank the Atlantic Council, and leftist anti-imperialist pages like TeleSUR English and Venezuela Analysis are being taken down. Blumenthal and Martin also speak about the corporate media's propaganda on Venezuela and Nicaragua, and the lack of independent reporting on the violent US-backed right-wing opposition. (1.25 hour podcast)
Jimmy, Stef, and Ron take on Facebook censorship and media spin this week too.
They’re not covering the genocide in Yemen, but they’re covering Russia 24-7… they won’t cover Yemen. Why? Because we’re complicit. The United States military-industrial complex is helping commit genocide and war crimes inside of Yemen. We’re doing that. We’re doing … ‘siege warfare.’ Siege warfare is a war crime … where you cut off supplies to people … trying to starve them … keeping them from medical supplies. You’re keeping them from clean water. … We’re doing that. (35 min) (21 min)
Sadly it is getting worse...less than a day after Republicans in the United States Senate rejected a chance this week "to slam on the brakes and stop [America's] role in enabling the suffering in Yemen," at least 26 more children were slaughtered by a U.S.-backed Saudi-led bombing in the western part of the country. (2.5 min)
Caitlin addresses the recent Yemen exposure...
Perhaps it has always been bad...120 years ago Remington wrote to Hearst from Cuba “Everything is quiet. There is no trouble. There will be no war. I wish to return.” Hearst’s response was “Please remain. You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war.”...What has changed is that the media today does not directly furnish the war. They rely on those who most profit from it to create the war and today’s media simply serves as their propaganda arm.
We are imprisoned in a psychic cage of propaganda narratives. The billionaire-controlled mass media are the enemy of the people in the same way a cage is the enemy of a bird.
To bring the idealistic journalist in line with real public expectations, editors put pressure on media workers to compromise their professional ideals. The result is most often manipulated reports aimed at fitting the particular outlook of the particular media operation’s target audience. ...the brave will, more often than not, stand alone. That is what is happening in the case of Julian Assange.
Matt Taibbi warned: “The endgame here couldn’t be clearer. This is how authoritarian marriages begin, and people should be very worried.” ... the utility of the Russian “fake news” scandal is that it allows corporate media to tighten their grip over the means of communication. Under the guise of combating fake news, media organizations like Google, Bing, Facebook and YouTube have changed their algorithms. The effect has been to hammer progressive media outlets.
Google (which owns YouTube), Facebook (which owns Instagram), and Twitter have removed hundreds of Iranian social media accounts that have been accused — without any evidence — of being linked to the government in Tehran. These suspensions were based on a questionable, thinly sourced report by the American cybersecurity firm FireEye, which is led by former US military officers.
Instagram is in on the censorship too... (video or text)
Jimmy and gang dissect CNN's Jake Tapper misleading report on medicare for all (42 min)
They are forced to mislead citizens...because 70% of the people want medicare for all
The dominant U.S. commercial and corporate media are a means of mass consent-manufacturing indoctrination, diversion and dumbing down on behalf of the nation’s intertwined corporate, financial, imperial and professional-class “elites.” ...well worth a read -
Politics... circus act of the week
What the NYT calls “a culture of graft as well as corruption” that “suffused” the Trump campaign is part and parcel of a culture of politico-capitalist corruption that suffuses American electoral politics in general. Manafort, who has indeed been “a longtime lobbyist and political consultant,” is only one in a long, bipartisan line that “enrich [themselves] by working for some of the world’s most notorious thugs and autocrats.”
Have you heard of the Podestas? The Clinton Foundation? Besides, the economic purpose of American electoral politics is to funnel millions to consultants and the media. Campaign finance law violations? We’ll see how the lawsuit over $84 million worth of funds allegedly transferred illegally from state party contributions to the Clinton campaign works out. Does the media report, does anybody know or care, about it? Will anybody ever go to prison over it?
Is Sexual Hush Money a “Campaign Contribution”?
Jimmy, Ron, and Stef - Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort have been found guilty on some charges, but the whole Russia thing ain’t one! (17 min)
Ex-CIA torture whistleblower John Kiriakou argues that given Brennan’s record and personal ambitions, he is not a trustworthy (9 min)
End Slavery in America!
The national prisoner strike that started on Tuesday and will last until Sept. 9. The list of 10 demands formulated by the various inmate organizers is strategic and smart and, if achieved, could change American penological practices for the better. (3.5 min)
Gerald Horne's new book shines a light on the relationship of capitalism and slavery
Lee Camp explains the US prison state (6 min)
It's the Economy, Stupid!
The world-renowned political economist Samir Amin passed away on the 12th of August at age 86. He left behind a radical legacy that profoundly influenced the globe ...
SAMIR AMIN: Capitalism has become the dictatorship of oligarchies in the United States, in Europe, in Japan. The demonstration in New York, we are the 99 percent, is correct. One percent is controlling everything in the U.S., and even less than one percent in the number of people. Now, so that means that it’s the end of democracy. Democracy has become a farce. Electoral democracy leads nowhere, because if any majority would be against the dictatorship of the oligarchy, they are annihilated immediately, and compelled to adjust.
The rigging of the world economy with Nomi Prins and Chris Hedges (25 min)
Turkey's debt crisis
EU working on a new currency exchange in order to maintain the Iranian deal (8.5 min)
The collapse of empire - a conversation with Chris Hedges and Ralph Nader (1 hour podcast)
“I don’t think the collapse of empire is necessarily a negative. At this point, empire has become a deeply destructive force not only for our own country but globally. We see with endless warfare – seventeen years of warfare now in he Middle East – the inability of the corporate state to deal in a rational way with climate change or restrict or control the financial institutions that have become completely predatory and have already reconfigured the United States into an oligarchy, where it becomes impossible to vote against the interests of Goldman Sachs or Citibank or Raytheon or any of these other large corporations.” Chris Hedges
The Environment...
Carbon and warming are on the increase (2 min)
Hawaii is experiencing it's strongest hurricane on record (3 min)
Larry Goldzband (Bay Area Conservation), Jim White (INSTAAR), Tiffany Troxler (Florida International University), and citizen scientists discuss sea level rise today and for the future. We're planning for 4-7 feet (+2 meters) of sea level rise by the end of the century, which is about twice as much as was projected just some years ago. (4.5 min)
Check out magiamma's Thursday OT "Hot Air" for more about climate -
Will public schools survive in the US?
DeVos’s greatest contribution to corruption has been in the higher education sector.
Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, in a speech last year, gave a strong hint at his views on taxpayer support for religious schools when he praised his “first judicial hero,” Justice William Rehnquist, for determining that the strict wall between church and state “was wrong as a matter of law and history.”
The City Fund, whose formation was announced late last month, has already amassed over $200 million and a well-connected staff, making it poised to influence education policy in cities across the country.
The answer maybe to sue the state.
An educated public might demand an end to our aggression around the world...
Latin America
Lee Camp plays the game of US backed violent coups (1st 12 min)
How the US press misleads us about Central America (and the rest of the world.)
Mary Ellsberg of George Washington University and Max Blumenthal debate the story in Nicaragua
Why imprison Lula?
There was a lot of social and economic progress under the Worker’s Party; first Lula’s eight years from 2002-2010, and all the way to 2014. During that period you had a reduction in poverty of 55 percent. Extreme poverty was reduced by 65 percent. You had unemployment, of course, went down to record lows of 4.9 percent. And you had a reduction in inequality. Wages grew. For the first time in years wages grew by- real wages, adjusted for inflation, grew by 35 percent. The minimum wage grew by 76 percent, in real terms. And the traditional elite of Brazil never really accepted that.
...even if the government were to come up with a complete best possible plan for stabilization from hyperinflation here, the Trump financial embargo would still make it very, very difficult or impossible to implement that. And that’s because, you know, they wouldn’t be able to restructure the debt. They wouldn’t be able to borrow to just get some reserves, increase their reserves. They wouldn’t be able to necessarily increase oil production.
How the media colludes in smearing other countries...
ME ss
Israel's aggression against the Palestinians isn't making the news...
I think those boys were playing football on the beach. And in the middle of the day, broad daylight. And suddenly there was an explosion, and one of these boys is killed. And I think that you or I, anyone who had a normal childhood, who would experience a situation like this might be frozen in terror. But these boys they already grew up under military Israeli occupation in the besieged Gaza Strip. They knew what missiles are, and they knew that they had to run for cover. And they responded immediately in a way that normal children would probably not respond. But nevertheless, the Israeli drone operators have chased them with a camera. And just before they were able to reach cover and leave the open beach area they shot another missile which exploded, killed three more boys, and injured four others.
Up until now it was believed that these two missiles were actually artillery shells fired from an Israeli warship, or warboat, patrolling the coast of Gaza, possibly because the attacks seemed to have come from the direction of the sea, and it was on the beach. But now thanks to the Intercept report by Robert Mackey, we know that it was actually an armed drone.
Caitlin gives some good advice in this piece...
Why wait until this world ends for better or for worse? Why not end your own world of painted lanes and beating drums right now? Stop marching inside their lines to the beat of their drum. Stop relating to life using dead ideas you were handed by other people for the convenience of the powerful. Start dancing your own dance in your own way.
So we are constantly misdirected by corporate media. As with fossil fuels, it is time to get off the corporate bandwagon. We must reject the main line narrative and dive more deeply through their nine dimensional deceptions to begin to get toward a more honest appraisal of our country and culture. America is great...the greatest polluter, imprisoner, weapons manufacturer and distributor, warmonger, coup creator, and resource extractor. Great....really great...
Good Sunday morning, Lookout ~~
You lay out a busy day ahead for me. I can't wait to go back into the essay and start educating myself! So much is happening in our world, currently, in flux, which is unsettling yet exciting. I guess, living in the country, away from so much, I sometimes feel like an outsider looking in.
Beautiful morning here. We've finally gotten a nice stretch of rain and it is green far and wide. I'm watching the morning birds come up looking for their breakfast. We've also had a Cooper's hawk hanging around and feasting on a few young dove. The thrasher just sent them all into the pine trees for cover. Such a pleasure. I'm enjoying it while I can, what with the climate changes we are experiencing.
Have a beautiful day, everyone!![Pleasantry](
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
We are lucky to have nature around us
So glad to hear about your rain! Green is a soothing color to be surrounded by, and the birds are a pleasure too. I finally squirrel proofed our feeders by suspending them from a clothesline cable between two trees - too far to jump on from the trees.
Looking into the chaos from outside is a pretty good position to be in.
Thanks for reading and commenting!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I try to imagine what global warming will bring. The nuts and bolts of reduced salinity, higher temperatures and increased atmospheric energy, ocean acidification and it's role as a heat sink. What happens when entire countries become uninhabitable for the 99% and they're on the move, no clean water and food, disease rampant and the answers are borders and drones. Maybe that wall is the US answer to letting the party go on too long. Will Israel and the Saudis be able to keep their land with reduced population? All I know is the 1% are poised to take advantage of any disruption for their own comfort.
The Caitlin Johnstone piece is very astute. I read somewhere about GDP and how it says nothing about a country and it's people. That how happy are the citizens, and how is their well being addressed should be a big factor...I mean, why have a country when it's all an economic lottery? Why live a life where you learn to imprison yourself for the benefit of others and sacrifice to make sure your kids can do it even better?
I like Bhutan's approach
...a Gross National Happiness index -
Our national priority is focused on profit rather than happiness and public welfare and we are far poorer as a result. Glad you dropped in this Sunday. Hope you have a good one!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I am so glad to see you each Sunday posting what
we need to know. I was about to lose hope lately, but your Sunday collections gives me the desire to not give up.
Thank you so much. I am thinking about your piece of land, still trying to imagine I would do the same as you did. One shouldn't give up, right?
Have a beautiful Sunday and enjoy your music. How I wished my son had a teacher like you. Sniff... and a life like every child would deserve with regards to education and a family one can trust.
Iwe failed ourselves and him and ... and... and... end of story.
When I was reading about the hurricane in Hawaii I thought about your son. I hope he and his family have weathered the storm so to speak.
You might consider volunteering on a farm like this in Germany -
Owning land is kind of a joke anyway. We don't last long enough to own land. But when you put yourself into a piece of land, it starts to own you.
Thanks for reading my essay and managing to find hope. All the best to you and your son!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
re: Trump and payoffs
So, a politician running for office tried to influence the outcome of the election...
Shocking isn't it?
Glad you came by. Thanks for chiming in!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Oh, the irony ...
Oil industry wants government to build seawall to protect refineries from climate change effects
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Not to mention T-rump's golf courses
Donald Trump says he is “not a big believer in global warming.” He has called it “a total hoax,” “bullshit” and “pseudoscience.”
But he is also trying to build a sea wall designed to protect one of his golf courses from “global warming and its effects.”
Of course the tax payers aren't building Donald's seawall. From your article:
As you say, It is ironic. Thanks for the link!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Trump’s two prong response to climate change
illustrates what I have believed for many years now. The reason the 1% have failed to respond to climate change in what we would consider a sane manner is because they feel protected from the consequences of their actions by their great wealth. They condemn the 99% for wanting to “throw money” at problems when that is exactly what they do in their own lives, ours if they can get away with it or their own if necessary.
This explains their utter lack of motivation to confront the problems leading to climate change. They imagine that their wealth and power will protect them from the consequences of their actions. This makes them dangerous to the 99% with whom they seem to feel no kinship.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
That has to be
I think they think they can go to another planet
Why the space race between Musk, Bezos, and Branson? The billionaire race to a new planet to abuse? What arrogant fools!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
These businesses
They say socialism works until other people's money runs out - wouldn't it be nice if the socialism/welfare for wealthy businesses would run out? The capitalists would be so ecstatic that no one has anything but themselves.
Socialism for the rich, capitalism for all the rest
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Dawgs. Gotta love them
Abby watched this video and hasn't stopped asking me to get her a trampoline.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate. dog
Learn to play solo fetch. Very clever.
We once knew a cat that played fetch like this one - (1 min)
but not by herself.
All the best!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
It made my morning
This is such a great point by Taibbi:
I think many of us knew that censorship of news sites that didn't tow the party line were endangered, but I did not think that they would move this quickly. Once the mask started slipping during Bush and Obama's tenure when they passed the Patriot and Military Commissions acts, but I still thought they would take more time to get where we are now. I have wondered if Her actually did lose the election or that the PTB just decided to put a weak puppet in charge so that their agendas could be more quickly accomplished. I'm thinking it is the latter.
Jimmy made a great point this week. Cohen is going to prison for paying off a hooker while Gina Haspel tortured people and was appointed to head the CIA. Go figure.
Great roundup.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Palast thinks it was a sham
The election that is. Whether by design or fluke Trump's election has put our disaster train into high gear...full speed ahead. If the $hill had won many of the same horrors would be in place...just not so in your face.
Always good to have you drop in your thoughts. Thanks.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Mornin' LO, thanks for the OT...
and the winners are: Larry Goldzband (Bay Area Conservation), Jim White (INSTAAR), Tiffany Troxler (Florida International University), and citizen scientists discuss sea level rise today and for the future.
At one point a panelist says that "we have to think about a two foot sea level rise by 2050".
Right. Add to that a high tide during a full moon at the height of a storm... crazy. Good to see what these guys are doing.
Thanks for the OT and the links.![Smile](
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook
they are still under estimating
The feedback loops with methane spell horrendous magnification as you well know. They have underestimated every time... cause scientists are attacked and persecuted.
Glad you came by, but really el runs the Sunday OT. I offer what I see as a C99 Sunday paper.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Great stuff Lookout
Democracy is dead and the D's will join it
as early as 2020, they just aren't needed
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Nick Branna keeps on keeping on
Sadly Bernie ain't with the program....anymore.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
another great weekly ;) n/t
I appreciate your visit.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I don't have any cool comments to add, but I really really appreciate the essay and comments.![Smile](
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
it ain't about being cool, it's about being awake
Doncha think? I appreciate the visit!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”