The Weekly Watch
The Dark is Rising...

...but only for a few more days. The celestial clock is about to chime. Thursday is our winter solstice, the longest night of the year. Afterward day length will slowly grow until June 20th and the summer solstice. I loved the series "The Dark is Rising" filled with Welsh mythology, but it is fiction. The dark ages today are real as we experience the slow death of US empire. I thought it might be timely to look at some of the steps that have led to creation and now dissolution of US empire. I'll be interested in your thoughts as well...

Perhaps the US was doomed from the start as aristocrats designed the nation for aristocrats...counting slaves as three fifths of a person, and giving no thought nor credence to first nations peoples. Women were not given rights either.
The United States was founded on the idea of freedom by right, not freedom by bloodline. But that has not stopped the super-rich from creating what can only be called an American aristocracy. So much of our politics is shaped by a few hundred families, the .01 percent. Many of them can trace their wealth and power to the late 19th century.
"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.” — FDR letter to Colonel Edward House, Nov. 21, 1933
The Gaza genocide has made me think about the similarities of our concept of "Manifest Destiny" and Zionism....both use God as an excuse for genocide.
Manifest Destiny, a phrase coined in 1845, is the idea that the United States is destined—by God, its advocates believed—to expand its dominion and spread democracy and capitalism across the entire North American continent. The philosophy drove 19th-century U.S. territorial expansion and was used to justify the forced removal of Native Americans and other groups from their homes. The rapid expansion of the United States intensified the issue of slavery as new states were added to the Union, leading to the outbreak of the Civil War.
We also employed the Monroe Doctrine to allow for colonization of Latin America
In 1823, towards the end of Latin America’s independence wars, U.S. President James Monroe famously told Europe to stop messing around in the Americas. No new colonies, he warned, and no political meddling. The “political system” of monarchical Europe, he explained, was “essentially different” from that of the increasingly republican Americas; Europeans should mind their own business, and people in the United States would mind their own in return.
...regardless of whether the new American nations expelled Indigenous people or enfranchised them in regions of settler strength, they all wrestled with how to conquer or at least contain the sovereign Indigenous powers that dominated the rest of the hemisphere—and they knew it. Indeed, the new American nations did not just find common ground in their mostly republican forms of government. They also, and in a way so obvious that they seldom bothered making it explicit, found common ground in the sense of entitlement that they felt towards Indigenous lands further afield, evident whenever they mapped out their national territories into places they did not actually control.
So both Manifest Destiny and the Monroe doctrine were used to justify the colonizaton of first nations' land across the hemisphere.
US global colonization expands with the Spanish-American war. Like most wars, the people were lied into it. The battleship "The Maine" probably blew up due to an accident setting off it's own ammunition.
The media... published stories of atrocities committed by Spain in Cuba — both real and sensationalized — which increased public support for the Cuban rebels...
Yellow Journalism was a style of reporting that emphasized sensationalism over facts. Newspaper publishers William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer used the tactic to influence the public into favoring war in Cuba and the Philippines, along with the acquisition of overseas territories.
After the short war...
Spain ceded the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam to the U.S. Prior to the war, Congress had agreed to the Teller Amendment, which prohibited the U.S. from annexing Cuba. As a result, Cuba was granted its independence, however, the U.S. continued to be involved in the formation of the government and the subsequent Platt Amendment authorized the U.S. to intervene in Cuban affairs.
And so the US becomes a global power and begins building its empire.
Another chapter in the downfall of US empire occurs with the creation of the Federal Reserve, which is as Federal as Federal Express. doesn't take an economist to understand the importance of money. Deep down we all know that the wars, the poverty, the violence we see around us hinges on this question of money. It seems like a thousand-piece jigsaw puzzle just waiting to be solved. And it is.
The puzzle pieces, taken together, create an image of the Federal Reserve, America's central bank and the heart of the country's banking system. Despite its central importance to the economy, relatively few have heard of it, and fewer still know what it is...
The first piece of that puzzle lies here, in the White House. This is where the Federal Reserve Act, then known as the Currency Bill, was signed into law after passing the House and Senate in late December 1913. The New York Times of Christmas Eve 1913, described the festive scene:
"The Christmas spirit pervaded the gathering. While the ceremony was a little less impressive than that of the signing of the Tarriff act on Oct. 3 last in the same room, the spectators were much more enthusiastic and seized every occasion to applaud.”
There in the White House that fateful December evening, President Wilson signed away the last veneer of control over the American money supply to a cartel—a well-organized gang of crooks so successful, so cunning, so well-hidden that even now, a century later, few know of its existence, let alone the details of its operations. But those details have been openly admitted for decades. the banking cartel wrote their own rules and regulations, called it "The Federal Reserve Act," got it passed into law, and it was very much to their liking because they wrote it. And in essence what they had created was a set of rules that made it possible for themselves to regulate their industry, but they went even beyond that. In fact, it's clear to me when I was reading their letters and their conversation at the time, and the debates, that they never dreamed that Congress would go along and also give them the right to issue the nation's money supply. Not only were they now going to regulate their own industry, which is what they started out as wanting to do, but they got this incredible gift that they didn't dream would be given to them (although they were negotiating for it), and that was that Congress gave them the authority to issue the nation's money. Congress gave away the sovereign right to issue the nation's money to the private banks...
The vast majority of money in the economy, the “checkbook” money in our accounts at the bank and that we use in our electronic transfers and digital payments, is created not by a government printing press, but by the bank itself. It is created out of thin air as debt, owed back to the bank that created it at interest. This means that bank loans are not money taken from other bank depositors, but new money simply conjured into existence and placed into your account. And the bank is able to create much more money than it has cash to back up those deposits.
Realize of course we pay the banks to create our currency accruing debt for each dollar created. The link above to the Corbett Report is well worth the read or 1.5 hour watch.
There have been people and situations where the ship of state has been righted. One episode comes to mind with Smedley Butler's prevention of a coup against FDR.
In the spring of 1934, Butler met with MacGuire again. MacGuire revealed the Business Plot. Butler would go to Washington leading 500,000 men, armed by Remington Arms and financed by DuPont, Carter and the Morgan interests. Roosevelt, intimidated by the show of force, would agree to name Butler “executive secretary of affairs” – in reality a dictator – and FDR would continue to serve as a presidential figurehead.
“If you get 500,000 soldiers advocating anything smelling of Fascism, I am going to get 500,000 more and lick the hell out of you, and we will have a real war right at home,” Butler said he told MacGuire.
What had most alarmed Butler was MacGuire’s reference to a new super-organization that would back the Business Plot. Weeks after their last meeting, Butler learned the American Liberty League had formed. It included a Who’s Who of right-wing capitalists: Grayson Murphy was its treasurer, Carter belonged, John W. Davis, Irence and Lammot Dupont, Alfred Sloan, Sewell Avery, a Morgan director. The American Liberty League created shell groups – what we would now call astroturf – organizations to oppose Roosevelt’s New Deal.
...In addition to contacting the FBI, Butler did an interview with a Philadelphia Record reporter, Paul Comley French. French then interviewed MacGuire, who confirmed everything Butler told him.
That was a close call into the decent of Fascists oligarchs outwardly running the country. In reality they do so from behind the curtain so as to obscure the inner working of the US government.
When FDR ran for his fourth term he was obviously weak and ill. TPTB engineered the removal of his Veep, Henry A Wallace, in order to insert the more malleable Truman. Truman both dropped the atomic bombs and allowed for the creation of the CIA, the mafia branch of our government. Had Wallace become president it would probably be a very different world.
After WWII it was time to gin up the irrational fear of communism, and McCarthy's red scare was promoted across the nation.
In the early 1950s, American leaders repeatedly told the public that they should be fearful of subversive Communist influence in their lives. Communists could be lurking anywhere, using their positions as school teachers, college professors, labor organizers, artists, or journalists to aid the program of world Communist domination. This paranoia about the internal Communist threat—what we call the Red Scare—reached a fever pitch between 1950 and 1954, when Senator Joe McCarthy of Wisconsin, a right-wing Republican, launched a series of highly publicized probes into alleged Communist penetration of the State Department, the White House, the Treasury, and even the US Army. During Eisenhower’s first two years in office, McCarthy’s shrieking denunciations and fear-mongering created a climate of fear and suspicion across the country. No one dared tangle with McCarthy for fear of being labeled disloyal.
Creative thinking people were the natural target because they rarely submit to bullying tactics.
By the time Eisenhower left office he recognized the threat of the Military, Industrial Complex.
3 min
JFK follows Eisenhower. He realizes the evil of the CIA when they back stab him with the bay of pigs. He fires the leadership and vows to break the CIA into pieces.
We all know the price he paid for his efforts to create peace.
What kind of peace do I mean? What kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children--not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women--not merely peace in our time but peace for all time.
I speak of peace because of the new face of war. Total war makes no sense in an age when great powers can maintain large and relatively invulnerable nuclear forces and refuse to surrender without resort to those forces. It makes no sense in an age when a single nuclear weapon contains almost ten times the explosive force delivered by all the allied air forces in the Second World War. It makes no sense in an age when the deadly poisons produced by a nuclear exchange would be carried by wind and water and soil and seed to the far corners of the globe and to generations yet unborn.
Today the expenditure of billions of dollars every year on weapons acquired for the purpose of making sure we never need to use them is essential to keeping the peace. But surely the acquisition of such idle stockpiles--which can only destroy and never create--is not the only, much less the most efficient, means of assuring peace.
I speak of peace, therefore, as the necessary rational end of rational men. I realize that the pursuit of peace is not as dramatic as the pursuit of war--and frequently the words of the pursuer fall on deaf ears. But we have no more urgent task.
It is perhaps the best speech by any US president.
Malcolm, Martin and Bobby follow John into a murderous death, and the CIA proved to be made of Teflon. No one dared accuse the FBI and CIA.
COINTELPRO was a counterintelligence program run by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from roughly 1956 to 1976. It combined the efforts of the Bureau and local police forces to track, harass, discredit, infiltrate, destroy, and destabilize dissident groups in the United States. COINTELPRO targeted the Communist Party, the Socialist Workers Party, the American Indian Movement, those considered part of the “New Left,” the KKK, and most acutely, black civil rights and militant black nationalist groups.
J. Edgar Hoover, the director of the FBI, considered militant black nationalist groups to be the most dangerous threat facing the United States at that time due to their perceived potential to cause civil unrest and violence. The FBI’s COINTELPRO focused on the Black Panther Party, Malcolm X, the Nation of Islam, and others. COINTELPRO also sought to undermine, intimidate, and slander avowedly nonviolent black leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr.
The counterintelligence methods used by the FBI program included sending undercover agents into the Black Panther Party, where they incited criminal acts and fomented much of the violence that the public came to negatively associate with the Panthers. Other methods included planting informants, video surveillance, wiretapping, as well as phone call campaigns and false letter writing to sow intragroup discord. Indeed, COINTELPRO is suspected to have contributed to the divide that formed between Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam that resulted in his assassination in 1965.
Complete information on the origins and activities of COINTELPRO remain elusive, as participating agents are legally bound to secrecy, and the FBI retains control over most the COINTELPRO files that do exist. Due to the highly sensitive nature of COINTELPRO’s actions, many details of the program were intentionally never put into writing so that they could never later be exposed. Some COINTELPRO files came to light in March of 1971 after a leftist group called the Citizens’ Committee to Investigate the FBI broke into a small Pennsylvania FBI office, seized documents, and disseminated them to news outlets. In 1975, the U.S. Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities (also known as the Church Committee) helped bring other COINTELPRO activities to light, but because the committee only required the FBI to provide heavily redacted documents, its impact in exposing the truth was limited.
Daniel Ellsberg releases the pentagon papers, and the Vietnam War was shown to be another misguided war. The public was lied into the war, and much like today's wars the media continues to propagandize the hype.
... a “massive” study commissioned by McNamara showed that four presidential administrations “progressively developed a sense of commitment to a non-Communist Vietnam, a readiness to fight the North to protect the South and an ultimate frustration with this effort to a much greater extent than their public statements acknowledged.” Significantly, the Times promised more articles and more documents in the following days.
The 1971 Supreme Court ruling on the issue has shaped the landscape for reporting on government secrets. It also reminded the American people of something essential for our democracy to function, then and now: Voters have the ultimate power to tell the government what to do and not do in their name. To accomplish that, though, they first have to know what their government is up to. ...
As Ellsberg well knew, the Pentagon Papers included secrets — everything from plots to carry out coups to estimates of other countries’ intentions. What it did not include was just as important. The Pentagon Papers contained almost nothing of any military value to an adversary. It was primarily a history of policymaking.
I recently heard an interview with Paul Craig Robert's and he totally changed my view of Tricky Dick. He claimed the CIA set him up for impeachment (remember who broke into Watergate?). The warmongers who control the country were upset that he was making peace with China AND signing arms treaties with Russia. They (deep state) had conducted too many high profile murders so they simply removed him from office. Sure is an interesting hypothesis.
One of his lasting acts was the removal of the gold standard for the USD. The dollar was no longer backed with real wealth, gold. Kissinger manages to engineer the petrodollar with Saudi Arabia requiring all countries to buy oil in USD, and thereby insuring dollar slavery over the world.
That system is now decaying as oil is sold in Yuan and other currencies. the years since the end of the gold standard, there’s been a significant and growing lack of discipline when it comes to government spending. Before 1971, there was a natural limit to how much money could be printed. New issuances were dependent on the amount of gold sitting in the nation’s coffers.
Today, with the dollar backed not by a hard asset but by the “full faith and credit” of the U.S. government, the federal debt is closing in on an astronomical $28 trillion, which is more than 130% of the size of the U.S. economy.
We haven't paid the price yet, but a reckoning is coming I think.
Clinton sold out the democratic party to the banksters basically creating another pro-business republican party. He did lots of damage from NAFTA, to the telecommunication bill, to his illegal war in Yugoslavia.
How US-NATO Illegal Bombing of Yugoslavia Undermined Global Rule of Law
It was former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger who admitted in an interview with the UK Daily Telegraph on June 28, 1999: "The Rambouillet text, which called on Serbia to admit NATO troops throughout Yugoslavia, was a provocation, an excuse to start bombing."
"The goal of the NATO bombing campaign was, first, to destroy the last vestiges of socialism in Europe; and, second, to demonstrate to the world that the rest now ran the world and could go to war unilaterally without UN Security Council authorisation," says Kovalik. "The result was the fatal undermining of the rule of law in the world."
"The ICTY, the International Court Tribunal for Yugoslavia only prosecuted people from Yugoslavia," says Professor Stevan Gajić, a research associate at the Institute of European Studies in Belgrade. "But the conflict of Yugoslavia involved people from the West, it involved NATO countries. But nobody ever held Bill Clinton or Javier Solana or Madeleine Albright accountable. All of them were war criminals; or Tony Blair, for that matter, Robin Cook and many others, Wesley Clark, of course, the chief commander. Nobody held them accountable."
Clinton also enabled the removal of the last vestiges of the Glass-Steagall act.
The Glass‐Steagall Act was enacted in 1933 in response to banking crises in the 1920s and early 1930s. It imposed the separation of commercial and investment banking. In 1999, after decades of incremental changes to the operation of the legislation, as well as significant shifts in the structure of the financial services industry, Glass‐Steagall was partially repealed by the Gramm‐Leach‐Bliley Act.
The banks were now allowed to be gambling casinos.
The events of 9/11 fundamentally changed the nature of the US. The patriot act and
The Authorization for Use of Military Force Passed After 9/11 and Is Still Being Used to Wage War Abroad.
Al Qaeda morphs into the Taliban and we war in Afghanistan for more than two decades. War expands to Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Ukraine...
In 2010 the Citizens United decision was reached, equating money with speech. So the more money you have the louder voice with which to speak. Talk about a gift to the oligarchs and corporations.
Today the US supplies and support the Gaza Genocide. The US is morally bankrupt, addicted to war, about to lose its dominance in the world as other countries look to the BRICS+ alliance for development and trade.

There are many other events which shape the nature of this nation. I hope you'll add in the ones I neglected. The road to this point has been rocky, fighting wars over seas and here at home. I take solace in nature and look forward to the turn of the wheel through the darkness and toward the light.

Good morning
Thanks for the encapsulated story on the rise and fall of American empire.
Not a very pretty picture. Just desserts. Noticed an article regarding the
number of homeless (now called unhoused) in the US is at an all time high.
Quell surprise. If we can't run our own country, why try to run the world?
Thats rhetorical. We are not in charge yet.
Enjoy your Sunday!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
All the homeless speak volumes about the state of the US
I heard someone, maybe Larry Johnson?, say that the western countries are run by globalists focused on their WEF objectives rather than the good of their respective nations. That seems to be the case.
The hope is with the East and a cooperative win-win future.
I left out lots of important steps in our rise and fall. The labor movement being one of them.
Well, I hope you're warm and comfy in the NE. It is drizzling again today, got 0.2" overnight. None the less we're still in drought conditions.
Take care and thanks for coming by this morning!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The Empire of Lies has entered the "dark age of empire"
We are now being controlled by a tiny cabal of WEF oligarchs
plus a few million Zionists(Neo-Nazi's) who own the usa gov
lock stock and barrel. Schwab(NAZI) who runs the WEF has a second
who happens to a Zionist eugenicist Yuval Hariri.
How does the saying go, evil triumphs when if good men stops fighting
is also happening right before our very eyes, so at this point in
time evil is winning hands down
To think that one can't even condemn a genocide that's happening
right before our very eyes without being labeled "antisemetic" fries
my brain. How dare they stop the voices of the world, they are the
minority of the minority if that. Why do we live by their rules, for
they are leading us into a total disaster, so why do we not rebel?
Not in my name you Zionists Nazi's, you can't keep killing Palestinains/Jews
in my name
H/T Humphrey
Thanks for a great WW, LO!!!! No snow until next year is the forecast with November
like temp's in the mid to high 40's for the foreseeable future. The times they are
a changin
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
That is for certain!
I also thought you were spot on with this:
What a mess we've made, but we just keep digging.
Congrats on the mild weather. We hit mid-twenties this Tues AM. We're going to cover up our two beds of winter stuff.
Hope your day and week go well!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
It's getting hard to keep my head up
as a whole
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Ghost Riders in the Sky
Excellent round-up of our past and present sins. What can one expect from a country that was founded by greedy 2nd sons of aristocratic England and religious zealots who conducted the Salem witch trials? It appears greed could have also been a factor in the Salem witch trials, since there were border disputes. I don't think TPTB can see the end of empire and likely will suffer the fate of the "ghost riders in the sky".
Greed is often the culprit isn't it?
Our puritanical past still shows in the present.
We used to play "Ghost Riders...." back in the days before COVID when we had weekly sessions. Those minor pieces just have a spooky feel.
Thanks for the visit and the song!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
WOW, thanks for the great OT, LO, and good morning.
I would add that folks should download, and read Howard Zinn's A Peoples History of the United States. It is free for the download and a bit of a slog at times, but a good read, which has been known to have been used by some as bedtime reading. I noted tow sources, out of many, in JtC's Friday OT (15/15/23):
The nest thing is that people should study up on the original constitution a bit. It is very clear that we were an oligarchy from day one, not so much an Aristocracy as a Plutocracy. This country is often identified as a "representative democracy" but it is nothing of the kind unless you narrowly delimit and specify exactly who is represented. An insufficiently well known study showed that when the ordinary people want something they almost never get it, but when the ruling class wants something, they always get it. That's the empirical or operational reality.
The Constitution, BTW, speaks a lot about electors and not just those of the electoral college. That word has a certain aristocratic stench about it. Look up things like "The Great Elector" or the "Elector of Hanover" and you'll find that a very small number of very special people were empowered to elect the Holy Roman Emperor, later the Emperor of Austria-Hungary. Initially these worthies were as follows:
So who elected Senators, the House of Representatives nad the Presidunce? The following is from a piece I wrote at DK and later copied here titled: Voting, GOTV and Creating Voters I'm gonna blockquote a chunk of it here, because, from day one, there was no general Right to Vote.
Now, when one looks back to colonial times, state histories and all that, one finds out who the states allowed to vote, which, in turn decided who was allowed for representatives, senators and members of the electoral college. Ignoring the Civil War Amendments -
Article 1 section 2
Article 1 section 3
Article 2 Section 1 (in part)
So who got to vote for the State Legislators? Generally white male landowners, the propertied class, were the only people who had a say in government and hence the only persons "represented".
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Thanks for bringing up the Constitution — edited
It is a massive pet peeve of mine. What is infuriating about it is that it is a topic that is even more forbidding than Israel. When it comes to their so-called Constitution, American minds are seeped in fear-of-change and welded shut against any such conversations or criticisms.
At the very least, this makes it a simple matter to predict the future that USians are facing. Because the People do not have one single Human Right conferred upon them by their constitution. And they never will. The stingy rights provided in the Bill of Rights were written by slave owners — and they can easily be swept into the trash — as we have all experienced. In fact, when you ask people what rights they have — most of the ones they mention come from the Declaration of Independence — a wonderful document that offers zero rights or protections to the People.
A critical look at the state of this incarceration nation and its statistics shows us the broken and desperate lives, the poor health, the hungry, the impoverished, the gullibility and ignorance, the political paralysis, the unfettered brainwashing, the gap in income gains, the easily rigged decentralized elections, and the brutality and the tragedy of the injustice system.
The typical response to the nations's current condition is: "Well, it's a lot worse in other nations." But then, they also think the right to carry a loaded gun into public square proves that they have freedom. LOL. Only in the US. The US doesn't have much history, and what history it has is not very comforting.
Such a shitshow would never exist in a prosperous nations were it not for the antiquated and obsolete US Constitution. We have arrived where that Constitution was designed to lead us. The simple-minded belief that voting is what makes a nation a Democracy could not be more misguided. Voting is what tricks people into imagining that they live in a democracy.
I agree. Howard Zinn offers a very important historical perspective. For the first time, I find myself tracking down rare or suppressed histories these days, while I can still find them. This one has been particular relevant against the backdrop of recent barbaric world events:
It’s Time to Trash Democracy — Part 1 by Larry Romanoff.
Try it on. You'd be surprised at the strange humans who boiled up out of the ground in the dark haunted region of Ukraine over the centuries, and eventually migrated to Palestine.
Very much true, especially this
The parties pick the candidates and then allow you to pick the seemingly less odious, who is all but guaranteed to represent other interests than yours.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
The constitution...
could be used for good, however as a local judge and my friend once said, "You can wipe your ass with the constitution." meaning it isn't adhered.
The idea we can vote ourselves out of the situation is absurd...let's see Trump or what a choice. RFK might play a role but he's a Zionist. What have we got? We got ourselves and our friends.
Thanks for your very thoughtful comments!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Larry Romanoff
Thanks so much for posting that.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
"the most pampered people"
Got through the storm ok last night. No northerly wind so managed to stay dry inside. Got 5 inches of rain, by my unofficial measuring bucket.
語必忠信 行必正直
Great storm news, soryang
I would also like to hear if he equates being raised in a fabulously wealthy dynasty is a pampered lifestyle.
Meanwhile, Jill Stein is out there at rallies and protests demanding a Gazan ceasefire, and an end to the genocide.
Hang tough, Jill!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Thanks otc
Speaking of pampered...
Inheritors Overtake Creators As Billionaires – UBS Study
語必忠信 行必正直
Oh, goody for the babies born
RFK Jr. is a brilliant researcher, author, attorney, empathizes with kids, the poor, everyone's health, and is anti-war.
And at the mention of Israel, he becomes the village idiot, espouses lies, promotes genocide.
Someone owns him, and it ain't We, The People.
I will take your buckets' word for the 5 inches of rain, btw.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
sorry not sorry
THAT stupid
fuck has lost any/alllegitimacy to be a ‘leader’ beyond
Palestinians being the ‘most pampered’
while being buried alive in tents
by isrehell bulldozers?
gtfoh with That shite
well, they seem to want to
burn it all down if they
can’t have it
do they realize they will
burn also?
so be it
take care in you’re world of
those around you and
Thanks for the OT
gotta go feed a horse
with no teeth(mid-30ish yo)
real reality strikes again
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
What a disappointment! I had hopes, but his blindness to this genocide is without excuse. Barnes says, "but he's good on everything else". Maybe he is? I've voted for Jill before, but it really doesn't accomplish anything. Looking more and more like Trump is the next Caesar. Could he be worse than Biden? I hope not.
Good to see y'all this afternoon. I wish we would have gotten the FL rain...we clocked in with a meager 0.4". Glad we all avoided the hurricanes this season. Take care and have a good week!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
When my horses started getting old,
Concern for colic was the Big One. I found a product, possibly Purina, that was pelleted hay. They had teeth, but I was prepared to soak the pellets with water so they could lap it up with their tongues, when the time came.
Best of luck, great you give a shit about that horse, and take that extra time and make the extra effort for it.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Tried a comment
got the red error message
lost comment
Fuck it
Be well All
aaaand this published Both comments
I see
probably Not the Site
just the ‘tubes screwing with me
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
I'm curious what your horsee
eats without teeth? Malto-meal?
Agree with the RFK, Jr. critique.
Does not reflect well on his empathy.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Malto Meal? Why not Maypo?
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Sure, why not!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
He chews
grass all
daylike a cow but can’t grind
it enough to swallow without
choking so we give him ricemeal pellets
senior feed wet(w/molasses) and an
alfalfa mulch blended with molasses
soaked overnight so he can gum, or slurp,
the hell out of it twice a day
soaked its easily 20-25 lbs of food
each feed otherwise he gets too
skinny in the winter have weather proof
blankets we throw on at night or
leave on if the weathers shite like now
first horse in the fam
‘free’ wouldn’t ya know? hah
family for life
he’s been running a ninety
acre field with ten other horses
more or less for neigh on nine
years now best shape of his life
i’m sure nothing more than a large
pony actually
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
wow, that's an amazing diet
you sure put a lot of love into him
give you a lot of credit
our horses used to love molasses
with their grain
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Thanks Lookout for the sordid history lesson.
Now a few things from the present situation.
good news about Asian diplomacy
Pretty sure the homeless US count is extremely low-balled.
How to count transients, couch surfers, basement crashers,
car dwellers, tenters in the woods etc? The optics look bad
for the administration, so under-reporting is policy. Saw a snarky
comment on how to fix the homeless problem in San Fran.
Get Xi to move there. (remember the APEC shuffle?)
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Not a big fan of Graham Allison
So Graham did a critique on twitter about the politico story on Xi's Stalinist purge or something like that, and Arnaud Bertrand oh his twitter thread did an essay on what is wrong with the US perspective on China, that I thought was pretty good. He has a link to the politico anti-China propaganda article. If you click on the show more link I think Arnaud is worth reading.
I saw there was a link to the recent joint air ops of Russia and China in the South Korean "ADIZ" in the SCMP article. Then there are also the repeated port calls of US nuclear submarines in South Korea. I wouldn't be surprised to see more nuclear capable US strategic bombers visit South Korea as well. These are all provocative, not only to North Korea, but to China as well.
U.S. nuclear sub visits Busan as allies hash out deterrence guidelines
All this bs about joint deterrence guidelines. This is a bone the US throws to Yoon, while the extreme rhetoric from his administration toward North Korea, and his related McCarthyite campaign against domestic opposition continues. The reality is that it is a US/allied attack on North Korea which could provoke a war. Once again the South is threatening "consequences" in the event of another ICBM test by North Korea. The notion of a nuclear war in Korea is totally self defeating. I don't know how any South Koreans could envision having a nuclear exchange in such a small densely populated region. The part about a "mobile communications device" for Yoon is another practically useless mechanism simply for show. In Doomsday Machine, Daniel Ellsberg explained in some detail the futility of such devices in an actual nuclear exchange.
(on edit)
I think Allison is alluding to the famous Sun Tzu quote-
語必忠信 行必正直
Terrific X posts...
Oh baby it's a wild world.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Is this an exception or the rule?
That excited, happy,
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Your WW is very thought provoking about the history (as we know and understand it) that reveals much of the world events we are seeing unfold.
The comments here have been very insightful. The community is digging deeply to understand.
So worthwhile, and I know I am not alone in thanking you for the deep dive you went into complicated waters. Lots of undertow, my friend.
Have a great week, and protect your garden.
See your work product next Sunday, if not before! Can't wait!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
What story?
That's the question . There's so many stories, so many narratives. Which do you ...can we...believe?
Let's watch each other's back and keep our heads up!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
And minds open!
To do otherwise would be the equivalent to walking into the chamber with a smile.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
open minds are required!
as opposed to penned up minds.
Hope all is well in your world!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
good night with a solstice carole
Sleep deeply and well!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Kim Jong-il died Dec 17
North Korea conducts back-to-back missile launches
語必忠信 行必正直
Two Accounts of Satan Attack in Iowa
My, if it isn't a sign of our times that I make a post with the above title.
No, no. It is not Satan attacking the good folks in Iowa. It is a vigilante attacking a legal paper maché Satan in the Iowa state house.
I read two accounts on Substack. One pretty funny Jeff Childers on Satan attack
One, uh, "deadly" serious (May be behind a paywall.)
And, then I remember hearing they put Biden in front of a Satan display to make a video a while back.
I have never thought much about Satan, but he is in the news, it seems.
Oh, Oh. I remember my primary source on Satan. Here it is:
Martin Sexton
(This is not "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen. I have bad internet this morning so I am not sure if the Martin Sexton performance is one of his best, or not. "Live Wide Open" album version is my favorite.)
My head reels with questions, but let's start with whether Satan is covered under the First Amendment and whether vigilante action... Wait! I changed my mind. Here is the question. How crazy is the world right now?
Sippin' Hallelujah
On the road to broken promised land.
Crazy times indeed.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
@QMS I don't think I will
(No subject)