The Weekly Watch
Food for Thought

I'm at the Florida Folk Festival, so I won't be around till Tuesday to respond, but I hope you'll chime in with your thoughts. With looming food shortages I thought it would be fun to revisit ideas around diet and food production. If you don't think food is political checkout the links below the fold. You vote with your fork. You can put medicine or junk at the end of it. I've learned over the years people are as set in their diets as they are their religion. However, with impending grain shortages it might be nice to remind people we don't need grains nor are they particularly good for you.

Getting off bread was the biggest challenge for me in going grain free. I learned to make almond flour biscuits and coconut breads, but these days rarely do so. We're past the need for bread substitutes. We use lettuce to roll up cheeses, meats and so on, and occasionally buy low carb flax tortillas. For years we ate oatmeal most mornings. Now it's bacon and eggs (when we eat breakfast). Two years going grain free and intermittent fasting lead to a 70 pound weight loss for me. My partner lost most of her arthritic pain as well as losing weight. We're now 6 years into our transition off grains and seed oils.
We can easily grow all our leafy greens. We don't raise animals, but that may change. We buy our meat primarily from a local farm. So we feel pretty good about what we eat. But don't kid yourself, we've been purposefully ill informed and manipulated about what foods we eat. Most industrial food products are designed to get you addicted....literally. So, I've been thinking what if we used the impending food shortage as an opportunity to shift to a healthy diet. We've been recommended a grain based diet for decades, but it hasn't worked out well. Obesity and chronic diseases have skyrocketed since the current grain based food pyramid appeared.
It was relatively late in our evolution that we began growing and eating grains. As a consequence human health deteriorated.
Dr. Michael Eades - 'Paleopathology and the Origins of the Low-carb Diet'
We do need to consider our evolutionary dietary pattern.
If you liked that presentation, Dr Eades had a good lecture on obesity too (with time stamps at the link)
Junk food is addictive. It has been designed to be.
In Europe, food manufacturers have signed up to ‘responsibility pledges’, promising no added sugar, preservatives, artificial colours or flavours and not to target children. So why are they using tactics banned in the West in the developing world? There, they have created ultra-low-cost products with higher levels of salt, sugar and saturated fats. Filmed in Brazil, India and France, we investigate the new tactics of brands like Coca-Cola, McDonald’s and Domino’s Pizza.
Why do we consume so much processed food and why are we so hooked on it? How does it mold our tastes, influence our cravings and feed our addictions?.
Tricked Into Eating More: How The Food Industry Lies To You
So much of the problem with industrial food is the seed oils...
0:00 - The Switcheroo
1:52 - History of Vegetable Oils
3:50 - Enter the American Heart Association
5:27 - The Massive Increase in Vegetable Oil Consumption
6:06 - Is Vegetable Oil Bad or Benign?
6:55 - Why do some animals live longer than others?
7:51 - Vegetable Oil is stays in your body for years
9:11 - Hidden Data
12:08 - Vegetable Oils are in EVERYTHING
13:07 - Why Vegetable Oils are bad for Health
15:04 - The Toxic Oxidation Products
16:28 - How Vegetable Oils are made
18:33 - Are Vegetable Oils linked to Alzheimer’s?
20:06 - Mitochondria, The Powerhouse of the Cell
24:35 - Most Studies on Vegetable Oils aren’t long enough
26:04 - Why aren’t more people talking about this?
Robert Lustig goes so far as to call the scam, Foodgate.
You can't fix healthcare until you fix health. You can't fix health until you fix the diet. You can't fix the diet until you know what's wrong. Endocrinologist Robert Lustig, Dentist Cristen Kearns and Health Policy Expert Laura Schmidt explore how the US food system is going wrong.
Quality local food is to my mind the real future of food. I think it has to be.
When we walk into a supermarket, we assume that we have the widest possible choice of healthy foods. But in fact, over the course of the 20th century, our food system was co-opted by corporate forces whose interests do not lie in providing the public with fresh, healthy, sustainably-produced food.
Fortunately for America, an alternative emerged from the counter-culture of California in the late 1960s and early 1970s, where a group of political anti-corporate protesters–led by Alice Waters–voiced their dissent by creating a food chain outside of the conventional system. The unintended result was the birth of a vital local-sustainable-organic food movement which has brought back taste and variety to our tables.
FOOD FIGHT is a fascinating look at how American agricultural policy and food culture developed in the 20th century, and how the California food movement has created a counter-revolution against big agribusiness.
Nothing new, but a nice review of the food movement.
I've featured this clip a few times and the whole clip is worthwhile, but I've cued this to Jim's description of his vision of local neighborhood food production.
I wish every neighborhood had a few gardens like Jim's providing fresh local high quality food.
There's opportunity to produce neighborhood meats and eggs as well.
This is where Rabbits and Chickens work together to create compost, eggs and delicious meat.
Imagine fresh eggs and meats in every community. Some grain is required in this operation, but not in Greg Judy's system below.
I think Greg Judy's low input regenerative grazing system is the future of meat production.
We eat (and produce) too much processed grains and seed oils. Shifting that grain acreage to Greg Judy style minimum input grazing systems would heal our depleted soils, sequester carbon, and produce healthy grass fed livestock.
Greg discusses steps from dead farm to thriving pastures! Starting with a dead non-productive piece of land can be very challenging. Follow the steps outlined in this video and you can have dramatic positive results. For more grazing tips, check out my books on our website:

So in conclusion, don't let the grain shortage scare you. Use it as an opportunity to shift your diet away from them and on to local vegetables, meats, eggs, and healthy oils like butter, lard, tallow, coconut oil, olive oil, and my favorite, bacon grease. The thread is open to any and all comments and conversation. I'll catch up with you next week. See you then!

Good morning!
If the key to health is on the end of a fork,
perhaps the key to democracy is at the end of a pitchfork?
I like the idea of the bells ..
Enjoy your Fla. folk fest!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Got back last night...
and had a great time. Old friends, good music, lots of laughs, and first performances in a few years.
Nice to be back home and tending to all the things here. Hope you're healing and feeling good!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Eating Good Food
I know that eating good food makes a difference. When I did case management for the elderly, I had a married couple who were 91 and 93 when I first met them. I thought they were 75. They were both raised on the farm picking vegetables and weeding before they even started school. She died at 97 and he made it to 103. They had very few health problems that many of the people raised in town had.
I tried intermittant fasting and lost 20 pounds without even trying and I was never hungry. And I cheated a lot. Now I find that I don't want to eat at night. It makes me feel sluggish in the morning.
I have read several books which which explains how everything is so overprocessed and sugarized now. "Salt, Sugar, Fat" is one. They talk about how these companies have developed their foods to have which they call a "bliss point." It is a point where your brain tells you to keep eating because you are not satisfied. The trick is that you will never be satisfied.
sugar triggers insulin
Which makes you want to eat. Fats are satiating quelling hunger. Insulin prevents fat burning.
Lustig is the biggest one revealing the dangers of sugars.
So nice to hear of your success. As you say it isn't that hard but they don't push the info...let's see more money for big pharma, big processed food, and crooked health care.
Thanks for the story!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Bomb Them!
clearly we have a priority problem...
at many levels and dimensions. Add in a healthy dose of self aggrandizement, and America is great again.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I have decided to avoid discussing dietary matters except
to note that humans like many other primates are omnivores, and so am I. Instead I thought I'd take a quick look at a few bits of "today's" history. (plus or minus a day or so because calendrical fiddles.) One or two might even be relevant to dietary matters.
On May 29, 1453 Ottoman armies under Sultan Mehmed II Fatih captured Constantinople effectively ending the Byzantine Empire. This had a serious impact on the Kievan Rus who had previously largely controlled the trade and trade routes between Scandinavia, the Baltic, modern Ukraine and Russia and the Byzantine Empire via Constantinople. This trade fell apart when the Ottomans took over, as did the mini-empire of the Rus.
On May 29, 1886 John Pemberton, a pharmacist gone wrong, placed his first advertisement for Coca-Cola in The Atlanta Journal. The rest is history, as they say.
On May 29, 1913 le Sacre du Printempspremiered in Paris, France which caused a riot. (And folks complained about rock and roll, HAH!)
On May 29, 1932 World War I veterans began to assemble in Washington, D.C. as "the Bonus Army" seeking to acquire accelerated distribution of certain cash bonuses which the US government had promised to pay to such of them as survived that long in the year 1945. Silly fools, they probably wouldn't have ever been paid, and certainly not in advance. They were dispersed and their encampment and belongings trashed by government forces.
le sacre du printemps:
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
things go better with coke
at least in the old fashioned recipe
not so much now with the sweetened
corn syrup replacement
when do the obese realize their diet is wrong?
not as long as the FDA and pepsi, mountain dew
and cockie cola lobbyists own the food pyramid
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Like EL,
It is encouraging to read that some diet and protocol really improves one's health. I tried vegetarian for 18 months decades ago, but over time, I couldn't get enough protein, and was starting to feel very weak and tired. It just didn't work for me.
Fasting is another thing that I can't fit into my work schedule. I wouldn't discourage anyone from trying it.
There are countries that have wheat as their dominant food source. And they are a healthy population. Leave it to the US to ruin the food with processing.
I also, like QMS, wonder why obese people that can afford quality food, nevertheless, eat badly. A young, overweight, and very bright intern sat at her desk and ate junk food all day long. When she complete her internship, she left a desk full of chips, candy, and sweeteners for her coffee. She would tell me she had never eaten broccoli, or Brussels sprouts. To be so big at such a young age! She was already pre-diabetic at age 20.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Heh. "You are all Sanpaku". I did a quasi- or
pseudo- macrobiotic thing for a while. Fish, fowl and meat in moderation mixed with brown rice, noodles, a few selected veggies, seaweed/kelp, beans and cheese. Done properly it was sustaining and super dirt cheap, which was very important at the time. It also included the occasional pizza or burger and fries because "moderation in all things", ditto beer, wine, bourbon and Bushmills.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I have reasonable
The trick that works in any diet is to eat slowly. You will get sated before the platter is clean.
*edited to correct spelling so the damn comment would make some sense...
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Coke is a vast disrupter of health world wide...
and a vegan diet isn't healthy IMO. The healthiest people in the world have variety of diets..from meat milk and blood in Africa, to sweet potatoes and fish in the Pacific, to whale blubber and seal in the arctic, to beans, fish and fruits in Costa Rica.
What is the similarity? No seed oils, no processed foods, and more active lifestyle.
All these cultures become sick when adopting western diets.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I was thinking about Georgia, Armenia,
And Asian countries that eat rice. And more rice.
What do we do to these foods that makes them so dangerous for us?
While you were getting your music fix, so were me and mine! I thought Dear One would clap, stomp, and shake his head until he fell out of his chair!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
it sure is nice to have festivals again...
Music is good for the soul. Glad y'all had a good dose!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Enjoy the Festival LO!
While watching my survivor garden grow we are also contemplating a
chicken coop. I never thought we'd ever get to this place even though
every other generation outside of us boomers have had some shit happen
in their lifetime to some degree. I.E, a war, a depression, bank failure
could it be humanity is on the cusp, (sorry otc) with our fearless leaders
doing shit like this on top of the sanctions that our only hurting us.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
could be
or as my michigander friends like to say, no doubt
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Thanks for that bit of humor!
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Thanks, it was fun
Sanctions have only bitten our own self in the ass. And the EU has out right committed suicide. Stupidity reign supreme among the globalist seeking a great reset. I'll be surprised if the EU even exist in a few years.
Oh well it will be what it will be. Congrats on the garden. Gotta start some where some time. Hope your having fun with it.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good morning!
ggersh, we are, indeed, on the cusp.
Ex: oil production has not changed. Fuel prices have.
Food shortages are expected, but prices are sky high now.
I just watched a tv ad for asthma and allergies. The most likely adverse reaction is difficulty in breathing.
Check out the term "demand destruction", which only happens when consumers just walk away from the product.
I am enjoying lots of music performances while on a little vacation.
Lookout, enjoy your festival. it is good for the soul.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Exactly otc
and his fellow WEF'er's
any of these Chris Hedge's quotes work
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Thoughts and ideas are like food for the mind,
and being fed lies to think about is much more toxic than any high calorie all-GMO meal you’ve ever eaten. Here’s a bit of good eating for your grey matter by James Rothenberg for the Saker Blog
Whose Lies Can You Trust?
Bon appétit!
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Izzy Stone was a good one...
he saw it all long go. Thanks for the reminder!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Print the essay photos and eat them
Hi, those photos make me hungry. LOL! Thanks to Lookout and Mimi I am not yet a 120 pound weakling whithering away in the wine caves of drunk Sonoma County California. I felt better when I was ten pounds heavier, but ~shrug~ oh well. Maybe next year.
Today I traded some frozen fruit and veggies that were gifted to me by my moving out neighbors, for a pound of cheese my staying here neighbors bought with their food stamp money. My income doesn't go far enough to "eat right" anymore, so I am always busy trying to not get greatly reset by our dearly dysfunctional leaders. I dip in to the C99 savings account under my matress, to keep my checking account from hitting zero every month. Thanks a billion!
Peace to all c99ers, and much love. Bing Futch played at the folk festival today, I never would have found him without you all. Cheers.
Bing Futch - Goodbye is not forever
[video: width:500]
Bing Futch - Amazing Grace
[video: width:500]
Peace and Love
Bing is some kind of a dulcimer player...
We spoke to each other but didn't connect at a stage. There's like ten concurrent stages, workshops and such. In past years we've had good visits.
Be well my friend!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks for this great crop of ideas and facts, Lookout!
Some of your videos reminded me of Dr. Ken Berry's work. (For example he describes what he calls ketovore and carnivore diets and cautions against the same oils and fats you do.) Your material however details why most plant oils are dangerous. He's apparently an actual doctor and also wrote an interesting book, Lies My Doctor Told Me, which is worth a read. Sample video with Berry on butter:
I've got land to garden on but also live near a great left-wild city park, and haven't been able to figure out how to avoid raccoons, squirrels and other local residents.
It takes a fence...
Sometimes you can get by with an inexpensive easy to install electric fence. We built a 9 foot fence around our small garden, otherwise we were devoured by deer.
Ken and Neisha are starting to grow their own food. They are definitely in the learning curve.
Ken is primarily carnivore as I'm sure you know. For those who have met Ken, here he is discussing his book about doctor's lies. 45 min
Thanks for adding Ken to the discussion!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good idea!
Thanks for the food issue
this week Lookout. I'm enjoying the videos you posted and will continue to dip into them the next couple of days.
We didn't plant much of a garden this summer because we've been pretty much overwhelmed by a confluence of various events (a series of unfortunate events
to borrow a phrase).
For the past twenty years or so we have borrowed a good (very good) chunk of ground on in-law's acreage to garden. When we put in the work there, we always had a good harvest of whatever. We're still eating the Roma tomatoes I froze from last summer. (past time though to finish those guys up).
I still have all my perennial herbs and spices going in our yard as well as a smattering of veggies and fruit trees but we could never plant enough here in this yard to be self-sufficient. This summer looks as if it's going to be exceptionally hot here so hopefully the fall will be less harsh for a bigger planting.
I do agree that an abundance of community gardens everywhere would be ideal. I really hope things move in that direction.
Thanks again! Hope you had an enjoyable time at the festival!
Nice to "see" you
I think if we are to survive we will need to move to local food production. Will we? we just have to wait and see. I know lots of folks who are focusing on gardening especially since the onset of the pandemic. Hope you cruise through your unfortunate events. Wishing you the best!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”