The Weekly Watch

Bloomin' Idiots

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The EU has clearly gone nuts, buying more expensive LNG from the US instead of local cheaper Russian gas. They've cut off their nose to spite their face. The US has been drunk with military power for so long that we don't see how badly we are hurting our country and world trying to maintain US hegemony. It doesn't take a genius to understand the need to stop the US war economy and harvest a peace dividend to improve people's lives and promote sustainability. It is past time to turn the war machine budget toward the people.

defend what.jpeg

h/t SD for the image.

The clown show that is our state department hasn't realized (yet) that the US has lost the economic and military war with Russia. The US is winning the western media propaganda news war, and I suspect that is where Blinky and the other warmongers are being (mis)informed.

George talks with Pepe Escobar in the first 12 minutes of this clip for a nice overview.

George Galloway clearly explains the current spate of European insanity... (1.5 min)

A justified rant by George

The founder and director of the Conflicts Forum, Alastair Crooke, discusses Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the context of a 30-year unipolar order surrounding the outbreak of war, the growing alliance between Russia and China, Russia’s growing ties with emerging economies that refuse to condemn the invasion of Ukraine, such as India and Pakistan, EU sanctions against Russia, and why the extent of the sanctions means that the European Union has sanctioned itself, and much more.

(26 min)

The following conversation was excellent - well worth an hour of your time.

The West, led by the United States, declared economic war against Russia last month in response to the invasion of Ukraine, imposing perhaps the harshest sanctions against any nation in history. President Joe Biden has said that the aim of this economic warfare is to turn the Russian people against its government. Sanctions against Russia’s Central Bank were intended to destroy the value of the ruble. One U.S. dollar was worth 85 rubles on Feb. 24, the day of the invasion and soared to 154 per dollar on March 7. However the Russian currency strengthened to 101 this morning.

Putin and other Russian leaders were personally sanctioned, as were Russia’s largest banks. Most Russian transactions are no longer allowed to be settled through the SWIFT international payment system. The German-Russian Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline was closed down and become bankrupt.

The U.S. blocked imports of Russian oil, which was about 5 percent of U.S. supply. BP and Shell pulled out of Russian partnerships. European and U.S. airspace for Russian commercial liners was closed. Europe, which depends on Russia gas, is still importing it, and is so far rebuffing U.S. pressure to stop buying Russian oil. Other Russian commodities, such as wheat, fertilizer and metals have been cut off.

A raft of voluntary sanctions followed: PayPal, Facebook, Twitter, Netflix and McDonalds have been shut down in Russia. Coca-cola has stopped sales to the country. U.S. news organizations have left, Russian artists in the West have been fired and even Russian cats are banned.
It also gave an opportunity for U.S. cable providers to get RT America shut down. Other Russia media have been de-platformed and Russian government websites hacked. A Yale University professor has drawn up a list to shame U.S. companies that are still operating in Russia.

The West's economic war and lethal aid to Ukraine are in lieu of a direct military confrontation with Russia, with all of the unimaginable consequences that could bring.
But so far the sanctions do not seem to be working as planned.

China has come to Moscow's rescue, buying more oil and other commodities from Russia. Beijing has allowed Russia to use its Union Pay banking system, replaced Russia’s use of SWIFT with China’s Interbank System (CIPS), and China and the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU), which Russia is a part of, are designing a new monetary and financial system that would bypass the U.S. dollar, threatening it as the world’s reserve currency.

That has led the U.S. to try to tie China to the war in Ukraine so that it can impose new sanctions on Beijing , perhaps similar to those on Russia.

The United States is acting as though the whole world is the West and that this is the China of 30 years ago. In its effort to impose its unilateral rule on the world, while its domestic social problems mount, the U.S. has not only driven Russia and China closer together than ever, but it has now brought in India, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East into a new bloc with an economic power that exceeds the West. All of those regions have refused to sanction Russia and continue to trade with it.
The U.S. has turned the majority of the world’s population against it.
We might be witnessing the end of Western-dominated globalization and the birth of a divided world of two separate economic, financial and commercial systems.

Cutting off trade and finance to Russia has already boomeranged on Western countries, driving up prices, especially at the pump and at the supermarket.
Instead of prompting a popular uprising in Russia as a result of its sanctions, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s popularity has actually risen since the invasion.
Adding China as a target of its economic war could drive the populations of the U.S. and Europe against their own governments instead.

Joining us to discuss these issue are two leading economists, Prof. Michael Hudson, Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri–Kansas City and a researcher at the Levy Economics Institute at Bard College, and Prof. Richard Wolff, Emeritus Prof. of Economics at the MassAmherst and a visiting Prof. at The NewSchool in New York.

The last 15 minutes with M. Hudson was really good.

I've been following Gonzalo Lira who lives in Ukraine. Here he is with Eva Bartlett in a summary of events from his on the ground perspective...

This morning (March 30), I had the great pleasure of speaking with Kharkov-based Chilean commentator Gonzalo Lira. We spoke at length about his observations from Ukraine, where he has lived for years.

Gonzalo offers a unique perspective in that he has seen events unfold around him in Ukraine since the 2014 coup and with the rise of Nazi battalions throughout the country. He offers a pragmatic analysis of Russia's denazification operation in Ukraine.

Gonzalo dissects some of the propaganda coming out of Ukraine

Col. Larry Wilkerson offers a US military view of the situation

Lawrence Wilkerson is a retired United States Army Colonel as well as the former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell. On the show, Wilkerson breaks down US propaganda regarding the war in Ukraine. Wilkerson discusses how NATO expansion , the bombing of Belgrade in 1999, and arming the Azov Battalion invited this conflict. Wilkerson also shares his thoughts on corruption in Ukraine, the Pentagon's involvement in Ukrainian biolabs, accusations that Russia will launch a "false flag" chemical weapons attack, and the prospects of nuclear war. Wilkerson also takes patron questions on related topics.

War isn't pretty. Real people suffer. If you're able and want to this reporter is working to evacuate older civilians from Mariupol. 20 min
The Missing Of Mariupol Special Report (The Search Is On)

How do we end war? Scott Ritter explains how he stopped hating Russians and learned to see them as fellow humans. (54 min)

Scott Ritter, the former Marine and U.N. weapons inspector who the New York Times called “the loudest and most credible skeptic of the Bush administration’s contention that Saddam Hussein’s government was hiding weapons of mass destruction," sat down with Gerald Celente for a candid interview about the Ukraine War.

SCOTT RITTER: Ukraine War Could Have Been Avoided, but Here's Why Putin Will Achieve His Goals

Some are achieving their goals with the the oil companies.
Thanks to the war in Ukraine, and the attendant rise in gas prices, US fossil fuel companies stand to make between $37-126 billion in additional profits in 2022. That’s according to joint research conducted by Oil Change International, Greenpeace USA, and Global Witness. So is it any wonder that the politicians who serve this powerful industry would pursue policies making war likely?

Jimmy and comedian/playwright Howard Skora discuss the financial incentives that make war so profitable for fossil fuel companies. (11 min)

Americans are naive about the world because truth tellers are imprisoned or disappeared.

Award-winning journalist and bestselling author Chris Hedges has been effectively silenced by YouTube, with six years’ worth of Hedges’ show, ​​”On Contact,” deleted from the platform simply because the program appeared on the Russian-affiliated network RT. As a result, hundreds of episodes featuring interviews with a wide range of guests, the vast majority of which had nothing to do with Russia, have been removed from public view. Jimmy speaks with Chris Hedges about this act of corporate censorship, and the danger posed by placing this level of power in the hands of a few multibillion dollar tech firms.

No wonder Americans are such bloomin' idiots.

...and speaking of blooms let me share a bit our our spring colors with you.
Daffodils were killer this year.
A native buckeye, one of my favorites
Here's Lenten Rose, Kerria, Forsythia, cherry and redbud along the path down to the garden

...and now the dogwoods are coming on.
Well that's a taste of our spring colors here on the homestead.

Let's wrap up with a proactive conversation about where we go from here.

In a wide ranging conversation about resilience, world events, and homesteading Chris touches on the energy requirements to liquefy and ship LNG. This is as foolish as our unprofitable polluting fracking industry.

Join Chris for his first-ever livecast, where he discusses energy, censorship, food shortages, supply chain issues, and building resilience!

So I look forward to your ideas and insights below. It's been a busy news week as the world order is in flux.
The order is rapidly fading
And the first one now will later be last
For the times, they are a-changin'


19 users have voted.


lotlizard's picture

Among other things, it was the signal for the Blob’s neocon shills in other countries around the world to cheerlead overthrow of Russia’s entire system of government as indeed being the desired goal.

This is a staff-written op-ed in the Green-left German daily, doubling down on the unhinged notion that the only acceptable end to the war is maximal NATO victory and Russian defeat, with the victorious West able to install not just new leadership but a whole new political system in Moscow, as the Allies did in defeated Germany.

Pushing the Overton window wide open all the way by suggesting that total war, however impractical, is nonetheless fully morally (i.e. emotionally) justified here…

…while also, in passing, repeating to gullible left-leaning readers the lie that Putin rigged the 2016 election for Trump, knowing that most are still at a Hillary-and-Rachel-Maddow level of disinfo on the subject and unaware that back in the U.S. the whole thing, Mueller etc., has been debunked and discredited.


Also from Germany, on the state-supported news outlet DW, this:

14 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


on so many levels. As George says NATO couldn't beat sandal wearing, bike riding, peasants in Afghanistan. No way are they up to a war with Russia.

Thanks for the links, and so sorry Germany has jumped the the expense of its own people.

17 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

lotlizard's picture

That’s the new Social Democrat - Green - Liberal three-way coalition government to a tee.

10 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


Wonder when they'll figure out they dropped the rock on their own foot. When Russia cuts off the gas? Hopefully the US won't throw a nuclear tantrum.

12 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

CB's picture

11 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


Also lays out the way we are subjects of a disinformaton campaign. Thanks for the additional proof. Rise from the dead! Oh no...they're zombies!

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture

Were you a Bernie bro? Of course you were because you dared to criticize HerHeinous and call out her ties to Wall Street, called her a warmonger for never turning away from pushing for death and destruction and all of her other flaws that she would have brought to the WH that you were against. Everything that came from the Bernie bros fiasco is now ongoing and it’s what Glenn is talking about. Don’t miss the video included.

Here’s a taste

Corporate journalists have license to use their huge platforms to malign, expose and destroy anyone they want. Your moral duty: sit in respectful silence and never object.

When Hillary Clinton's divine entitlement to the U.S. presidency began to look imperiled in 2016 — first due to the irreverent and unkempt (but surprisingly formidable) Democratic Party primary challenge from Bernie Sanders, the independent socialist Senator from Vermont — her campaign and its media allies invented and unveiled a deeply moving morality tale. A faceless horde of unnamed, uncredentialed, unmannered, violent, abusive and deeply misogynistic online Sanders supporters — dubbed with the gender-emphasizing name "Bernie Bros” even though many were women — were berating, insulting and brutalizing Hillary, her top campaign surrogates (U.S. Senators, former cabinet members, corporate executives), and especially pro-Hillary corporate journalists with a vast artillery of traumatizing words and violent tweets.

This storyline — and especially the way it cleverly inverted the David v. Goliath framework of the 2016 campaign so that it was now Hillary and her band of monied and Ivy-League-educated political and media elites who were the real victims — was irresistible to Harvard-and-Yale-trained journalists at NBC, CNN, The New York Times and Washington Post op-ed pages who really believe they are the truly marginalized peoples. This narrative scheme enabled them — the most powerful and influential media and political elites in the world, with access to the most potent platforms and megaphones — to somehow credibly lay claim to that most valued of all currencies in American political life: victimhood.

With this power matrix in place, what mattered was no longer the pain and anger of people whose towns had their industries stripped by the Clintons’ NAFTA robbery, or who worked at low-wage jobs with no benefits due to the 2008 financial crisis caused by Clintonite finance geniuses, or who were drowning in student debt with no job prospects after that crisis, or who suffered from PTSD, drug and alcohol addiction and shabby to no health care after fighting in the Clintons’ wars. Now, such ordinary people were not the victims but the perpetrators. Their anger toward elites was not valid or righteous but dangerous, abusive and toxic. The real victims were multi-millionaire hosts of MSNBC programs and U.S. Senators and New York Times columnists who were abused and brutalized by those people's angry tweets for the crime of supporting a pioneer and avatar for marginalized people: the Wellesley-and-Yale-Law-graduate, former First Lady, Senator from New York, and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The genius of the Bernie Bro rhetorical scheme was two-fold. First, it prioritized and centered elite discomfort over the far more important and real anger and deprivation of ordinary people. Secondly, and even better from the perspective of elite interests, it implicitly imposed a ban on any meaningful critiques of powerful political and media elites by insisting that the online abuse and resultant trauma they endured was the fault of those who criticized them. According to this elite-protecting script, this crisis of online abuse and trauma did not materialize out of nowhere. It was triggered by, and was the fault of, anyone who voiced criticism of those elites. By speaking ill of these media and political figures, such critics were "targeting” them and signaling that they should be attacked.

Thus, the only way to be a responsible and respectful member of society was to refrain from criticizing Hillary and her media allies. As I wrote in January, 2016 when the "Bernie Bro” manipulation was first unleashed as the Democratic primary voting cycle began:


You can read it. But boy does he nail it right on its effing head. Kos got his marching orders from democrats and told his site that no criticism of HerHeinous would be allowed after the ides of March and anyone who didn’t toe the party line and get fully behind HerHeinous would be banned. Thanks,
Kos. You helped make this site a reality. It’s one of the few sites that has stayed true to its founding principles.

13 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Lookout's picture


Thanks for bringing his article to our attention.

For other tweetless folk, the link to Glenn's piece is here

Never did more than lurk at the other place mainly to read the BNR, but learned of C99 there and gladly became a member of this community in the Ides migration. We've seen lots in the interim, and learned the depth and integration of of the deep state corporate oligarchs tentacles. Thanks for your contributions to that learning.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


In case people don’t know how to access the article in tweets just click on the box where it is and it opens in a new window. Easy peasy.

Just so you know Bernie bros are still very much despised on the orange blog today and often make an appearance. We are still to blame for HerHeinous devastating loss and the interruption of her coronation. I’m still thinking that she is going to throw her shoe into the 2024 race. Biden is definitely on his way out and Kamala can’t quite speak coherently. It’s either her or Pete vs Trump or Trump 2 who will be much, much worse than the original Trump.

4 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

of the participants seems to change.


There has been a continuous flood of propaganda carried out by bots and amplified by the MSM. Whether it is hillbots, khive, russiagate, hunter's laptop, or now Ukraine. Sadly it for most part the public has been duped.

9 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture

(sounds like an old time RR line) The US is, of course, defending its oligarchs and oligarchy. It follows the time honored adage that the best defense is a good offence and strives to be as offensive as possible on all fronts. It invariably prefers suicide to sharing. We're fast approaching the grand finale foreseen by ancient savants, so, in case you forgot, here's some Political Science:

be well and have a good one

6 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Lookout's picture

@enhydra lutris

Randy's a poet.

I bet dystopian movies are trending.

Hope things are nice on the left coast. Sure enough spring here, but another frost is likely. Have a good day!

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

ggersh's picture

a must watch 4:14 video

"For a country to do this to it's own people is absolutely disgraceful"

5 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Lookout's picture

@ggersh @ggersh

you're recommending, but I'm not really reddit literate.

Thanks for coming by.

lottie posted it below. Hard to believe we did that to our own people to test the effects.

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

lotlizard's picture


4 users have voted.
lotlizard's picture


4 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

This is only one example as there are many others whether it is cable news or newspapers repeating the same unverifiable propaganda.

7 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


curating is important in these end days.

Thanks for the tweets.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

non stop propaganda fest carried out by the MSM.

7 users have voted.

the Thessaloniki support rally:


At a 2019 concert in Santiago, Chile:


5 users have voted.
lotlizard's picture

His Fidesz / Christian Democrat right-wing populist coalition is winning in a landslide. Looks like all the harrumphing and attacks emanating from E.U. HQ and other European countries just made him more popular.

6 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


when will we learn? Lift the big rock, drop it on your foot. Worse than Sisyphus.

Most of my sources predict his win. Thanks!

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”


Serbia's Progressive Party Celebrates Election Win

Addressing the supporters and media at the party’s headquarter, Serbian Vucic said that the results show the country going in the right direction and that he is proud of the election results.

“This shows, on what I am unusually proud, that after Nikola Pasic (Serbian and Yugoslav PM at the beginning of the 20th century), I will be the Serb who was the longest in power in our country,” Vucic said at the press conference after the elections.

“I want to say that I am proud of our campaign, which was the cleanest and most beautiful, and that I am proud that we have not slandered anyone,” Vucic added.

Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán Claims Landslide Victory in Parliamentary Elections

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán declared victory in Hungary’s national elections on Sunday. We won a victory so big that it can be seen from the moon and certainly from Brussels he said in a 10-minute speech addressing a crowd of supporters according to AP.

The Hungarian PM will start his fourth consecutive term and after 75% of the votes are counted it is very likely that his party Fidesz will have a super-majority in the parliament.

Earlier PM-candidate of the six-party opposition bloc, United for Hungary Péter Márki-Zay lost against longtime Fidesz incumbent János Lázár. It is a major setback for the opposition politician in the city where he is the mayor.

5 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


If we could get the US from stirring up shit in Ukraine (yeah right) peace might break out.

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

5 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


Their bullying just isn't working out. Send out the wicked witch to threaten them!!!

All we got is a stick, no carrots, and we can't figure out why we have a failed strategy. Stupid is as stupid does. Like the title this week, a bunch of bloomin' idiots.

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

German Retailers To Increase Food Prices By 20-50% On Monday
Just days after Germany reported the highest inflation in generation (with February headline CPI soaring at a 7.6% annual pace and blowing away all expectations), giving locals a distinctly unpleasant deja vu feeling even before the Russian invasion of Ukraine broke what few supply chains remained and sent prices even higher into the stratosphere...

... on Monday, Germany will take one step toward a return of the dreaded Weimar hyperinflation, when according to the German Retail Association (HDE), consumers should prepare for another wave of price hikes for everyday goods and groceries with Reuters reporting that prices at German retail chains will explode between 20 and 50%!

Even before the outbreak of war in Ukraine, prices had risen by about five per cent “across the product range” as a result of increased energy prices, HDE President Josef Sanktjohanser told the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung on Friday. With Russia’s invasion hitting economies and the supply chain harder, yet another series of price increases is on the horizon.

“The second wave of price increases is coming, and it will certainly be in double figures,” Sanktjohanser warned, cited by The Local.

4 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


Germany is saying no rubles for gas, so then what??? Drive your people and economy into hell? Are we that insane? Seems so.

or better yet...

Saddam, Gaddafi, Iran, Venezuela – they all tried but couldn’t do it. But Russia is on a different level altogether.

The beauty of the game-changing, gas-for-rubles, geoeconomic jujitsu applied by Moscow is its stark simplicity.

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s presidential decree on new payment terms for energy products, predictably, was misunderstood by the collective west. The Russian government is not exactly demanding straightforward payment for gas in rubles. What Moscow wants is to be paid at Gazprombank in Russia, in its currency of choice, and not at a Gazprom account in any banking institution in western capitals.

That’s the essence of less-is-more sophistication. Gazprombank will sell the foreign currency – dollars or euros – deposited by their customers on the Moscow Stock Exchange and credit it to different accounts in rubles within Gazprombank.

They play chess, we lose at checkers.

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

trumpeted by the MSM fails there is always plan B.

As gruesome images of bodies on the streets of Bucha spread around the world over the weekend, Human Rights Watch released a new report detailing various war crimes committed by Russia in the first weeks of its invasion of Ukraine.

The Human Right Watch’s report, published on Sunday, added specifics to a global debate over how to respond to Russian atrocities against civilians, with the U.S. determining that Russia has committed war crimes and Kyiv accusing Moscow of genocide.

The non-governmental organization detailed instances of war crimes that occurred between Feb. 27 and March 14, including cases of repeated rape, summary execution, unlawful violence and threats against citizens. The group spoke with 10 individuals, including witnesses, victims and local residents living in Ukrainian territories that have been seized by Russia.

Plan B is the old reliable chemical weapons ruse as it worked in Iraq and Syria.

The United States has been quietly granting Ukraine’s request for protective equipment against a possible chemical weapons attack from Russia, four administration officials told POLITICO.

The U.S. and its Western allies fear Russian President Vladimir Putin will order the use of chemical weapons to break Ukraine’s stiff resistance. In turn, the Kremlin has leveled baseless accusations against the U.S. and Ukraine about bioweapons and chemical attacks, leading U.S. officials to fear Russia is plotting a false flag operation.

6 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


out of Ukraine. Check out the Gonzalo piece below from CB. He lays out the fake nature of those reports.

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

For once, there were slivers of hopeful news here and there.
The weather here is perfect, but portends a very hot and dry summer. First one in maybe 2 years. Oh, well, early morning and late afternoon will be tolerable.
The garden is looking promising. The corn seed has germinated, is already popping up. Sweet cream. A favorite. We have figured out a watering system that might cut costs. Catch water here, water from a hose there. We shall see.
Meanwhile, we are listening to a gypsy from Greece, as if a Roma is from anywhere, or everywhere. My Dear One would have loved the music played in Greece, and the pure Roma played in Romania. I hope the world gets organized, and he and I can go to those wonderful countries.
When he mows the yard, it will cut down Spiderworts. yet, there will be many left. We have the blue and pink, not the white. Clovers of yellow short, yellow tall, pink, red, and white. most are low, will escape the blade.
I haven't watched the Jimmy Dore War For Gas show, but will, after I eat dinner.
I do not expect it to surprise me, merely enforce me.
Take good care, friend!

7 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

just choose to walk those paths.

We booked a birding/beach/Maya ruins trip to the Yucatan next winter. Our first real trip since the pandemic.

Happy gardening to you and everyone. It is a joy to grow least for me.

Rejoice in the hope of spring!

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout @Lookout but have explored the Mayan artifacts and historical architeological sites in Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras. (Honduras was really, obviously, crooked. We had to pay sort of a ransom to get in and out.)
My favorite was Tikal in Guatemala. I think No. 3 Pyramid is the one on their paper money. Pyramid #3, I have climbed twice. By damn! One section of the national historic site (or park) is in Guatemala, the other side is in Belize. I never made it to Belize. It is on my list.
From Houston, the flights go to Mexico City (1 hr 15 minutes), then to Guatemala City, (1 hour 45 minutes.) From the airport to the Barcelo Hotel in Guatemala City is 45 minutes, or less. Been there, done that, hope to do it again. The shopping at the market at Chichi Costenanga is worth the trip.

4 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

Chichi Costenanga, in Guatemala. We loved Lake Atitlan.
We were young and dumb and had no idea of the violence the US was encouraging there at the time.

We were doing an exchange program playing music across the country and staying in various folks homes across the first international trip.

Let's hope we get back to normal travel opportunities.

Hope the gardening is going well.

3 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

CB's picture

5 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


very informative...and long winded. Like you I'm concerned for his safety, but glad to have his perspective and reports. He's hanging out at the Duran often.
His telegram account has every thing

All the best!

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

lotlizard's picture

with photos and (what purport to be) first-person accounts. The writer for the Green-left is already raising charges of “systematic genocide [Völkermord…hat System]”:

State party convention of Berlin’s Greens votes 2/3 to 1/3 to endorse the €100 billion re-militarization / rearmament package the Greens’ national leaders are lobbying for as part of Social Democrat chancellor Olaf Scholz’s federal governing coalition:

Think Green, vote Green, join the empire’s war machine…

4 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

Tempted by Squeeze cover by Toni Lindgren, Reina del Cid, Josh Turner, and Carson McKee

We played 2 memorable nights up at Central Saloon in Seattle, Washington last month and because we were already loaded in and mostly soundchecked on night 2, we were able to fit in this tune before everything opened up. A huge thanks to Central Saloon for being such a great venue top to bottom and letting us come in early to play a bit, to Kelly Oden for the always exceptional camera work, and of course the extremely talented Josh, Carson, and Reina for lending their time and learning this fun chordy song.

Have a good night!

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout Great stuff!
Give us the truth!

3 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981