death of the petrodollar

The Weekly Watch

Spring has Sprung, and
Change is in the Air

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Did the petrodollar die this week? It is at least the beginning of the end, as oil is sold in yuan and countries like Russia are placing much of their wealth into yuan. The banking sector in the west is still feeling the shock of the bank failures last week, as other banks sit at the brink of collapse. Lula had planned a trip to China but caught pneumonia. I wonder what they plan to discuss, perhaps a Ukraine peace plan? Meanwhile things are not going well for Ukraine as Russian forces continue their advance.

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The Weekly Watch

News and Views

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It's been another busy news cycle this week: Drone strikes in Russia, war grinding on in the Donbass, a supposed coup attempt in Germany, a definite presidential coup in Peru, China meets with Saudi and Qatar adding another blow against the petrodollar, Egypt joins the BRICS+ bank, Twitter files reveal FBI involvement, 'elensky is Time magazine and The Financial Times "Man of the Year", Dutch farms seized, and more. Jump in below the fold for details...


The Weekly Watch

Bloomin' Idiots

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The EU has clearly gone nuts, buying more expensive LNG from the US instead of local cheaper Russian gas. They've cut off their nose to spite their face. The US has been drunk with military power for so long that we don't see how badly we are hurting our country and world trying to maintain US hegemony. It doesn't take a genius to understand the need to stop the US war economy and harvest a peace dividend to improve people's lives and promote sustainability. It is past time to turn the war machine budget toward the people.

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