The View from Here
Looking downstream the river forks. One fork carries on through the convention to a choice between Bernie Sanders and whoever the Reeps put up. The other hurtles toward a cataract. Most choose to avoid discomfort by internalizing the cataract and grope their way hand on the shoulder of the one before them to the palace of SheWhoMustbeObeyed. The rest go into free fall plunging into waters of unknown depth. For most of these there is the moment when they realize that they are not going to die, that if they push off from the bottom they can reach the surface. On the way back up each one wonders where this is taking them. A few head off downstream. A few others look for a cavern behind the waterfall. Treading water, all eyes search eagerly for someone who has a plan…
Ralph Nader was judged harshly for leading folks away in 2000. Some who frequent this site may have spoken badly of him. What will the blind gropers say about those who give the White House to a Trump or a Cruz and, perhaps (if the independents don't turn out), 60+ seats in the Senate? The Palace Guards are totally convinced that the fear of the unknown will cause the vast majority of swimmers to embrace the fuzzy comforts of blindness. They believe that the judgment visited upon Mr. Nader is a deterrent sufficient to prevent an insurgency of any significance. They will make every effort to coax, cajole, promise, and browbeat any and all into kneeling before SheWhoMustbeObeyed. You can hear them now. They are chanting, whispering, singing, that there is no choice.
I am a plunger who has no choice. I have accepted that things must get worse and probably much worse before enough swimmers decide that the unknown should be feared, but the known way of the palace cannot be allowed to continue. Having accepted that, it is necessary to accept the fact that there may never be enough swimmers willing to take the plunge even though doing so will eventually cause the palace to crumble. This is the nature of the unknown.
I am a plunger who would like to address “the fear of the unknown” thing. It would be nice to have a plan before the fall. Unfortunately, it appears that those who left before with Mr. Nader erected a shrine rather than a platform that lends itself expansion. This isn’t a judgment (especially after what they went through), but an observation. It doesn’t seem like there are any other such platforms.
Maybe the only option is to build a raft from whatever is at hand and float downstream…
I am for barreling ahead
at full speed!
I spend time on the Sanders For President Reddit site. They are doing great things. I admire all of the phone banking. I tried the Face Banking for the first time last week and screwed it up by sending Ohio voting instructions to my Illinois friends. (yikes!) My hearing is a bit crappy, so I can't do phone banking. Sort of thought about sitting behind a table on some busy street with Bernie signs. Might do that eventually. My state has already voted in the primary.
I believe we all have ideas and plans that we just have not thought of yet. The journal, "I Am a Green Witch" provoked wonderful conversation about planning how to handle climate crisis. There are ideas about how to promote Bernie . . . the things each of us can do with confidence. My thing hasn't been revealed to me yet, but I am not giving up hope that I will find it.
Of course I talk issues and Bernie with friends and family.
It might need to come though the arts. I'm an old music and media tech teacher. That might be where I need to look for inspiration?
Maybe we need a "promote Bernie ideas" thread? Maybe there has been one already? (I am new here)
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
I am for barreling ahead as well
There appear to be at least two "aheads". Some time might well be spent probing the possibilities. It is possible that the Dems will not willingly assist Bernie in the incineration of their golden goose, so trying to imagine an alternate platform might be of benefit later on. Also, since the pols do the unthinkable every single day, it might come to pass (it has already been suggested) that the Dems will jettison Bernie during the unto Bernie as Kos has done to so many others.
As you say, I have yet to find a place in which I feel that I am "doing something". I think that if we hang out here something just might come up. Good luck in your wending!
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire
No matter what happens...
The major political parties will have excuses for it, which will be trumpeted throughout the media.
The best response I've found since I got here is...
"Fuck 'em"
Surprising cleansing.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
The Republicans are starting to plan
It seems there could well be two conservative candidates meaning if there were a 3rd party or independent presidential candidate the Nader experience won't really apply. I am telling everyone Hillary is not what is needed. That is all I can say at present.
"If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back" - Regina Brett
you mean if Trump splits off?
Now THAT would be interesting.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire