Trump statement on death of Al Baghdadi includes thanks to Russia, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and the Syrian Kurds.

I consider his statement to be a breakthrough. Consider me hopeful.

President Trump Announces The Death of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi…
Posted on October 27, 2019 by sundance

Earlier today President Trump announced the death of ISIS loser Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. [Video below, transcript will follow]

[White House Announcement] – Last night, the United States brought the world’s number one terrorist leader to justice. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is dead. He was the founder and leader of ISIS, the most ruthless and violent terror organization in the World. The United States has been searching for Baghdadi for many years. Capturing or killing Baghdadi has been the top national security priority of my Administration. U.S. Special Operations forces executed a dangerous and daring nighttime raid into Northwestern Syria to accomplish this mission.

No U.S. personnel were lost in the operation, while a large number of Baghdadi’s fighters and companions were killed with him. He died after running into a dead-end tunnel, whimpering and crying and screaming. The compound had been cleared by this time, with people either surrendering or being shot and killed.

Eleven young children were moved out of the house un-injured. The only ones remaining were Baghdadi in the tunnel, who had dragged three children with him to certain death. He reached the end of the tunnel, as our dogs chased him down. He ignited his vest, killing himself and the three children. His body was mutilated by the blast, but test results gave certain and positive identification.

The thug who tried so hard to intimidate others spent his last moments in utter fear, panic and dread – terrified of the American Forces bearing down. We were in the compound for approximately 2 hours, and after the mission was accomplished we took highly sensitive material and information from the raid.

Baghdadi’s demise demonstrates America’s relentless pursuit of terrorist leaders, and our commitment to the enduring and total defeat of ISIS!

The reach of America is long. As you know, last month we announced that we recently killed Hamza Bin Laden, the very violent son of Osama Bin Laden, who was saying very bad things.

He was the heir apparent to Al Qaeda. Terrorists who oppress and murder innocent people should never sleep soundly, knowing that we will completely destroy them. These savage monsters will not escape their fate – and they will not escape the final judgement of God.

Baghdadi has been on the run for many years, long before I took office. At my direction, as Commander-in-Chief, the United States obliterated his ‘caliphate’ in March of this year. Today’s events are another reminder that we will continue to pursue the remaining ISIS terrorists to their brutal end.

Baghdadi and the losers who worked with him – in some cases people who had no idea what they were getting into and how dangerous and unglamorous it was – killed many people. Their murder of innocent Americans Jim Foley, Steven Sotloff, Peter Kassig, and Kayla Mueller were especially heinous. The shocking publicized murder of a Jordanian pilot who was burned alive in a cage for all to see, and the execution of Christians in Libya and Egypt, as well as the genocidal mass murder of Yazidis, rank ISIS among the most depraved organizations in history.

The forced religious conversions, the orange suits prior to many beheadings, all of which were openly displayed for the world – this was all Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s work. He was vicious and violent, and he died in a vicious and violent way, as a coward, running and crying. This raid was impeccable, and could only have taken place with the acknowledgement and help of certain other nations and people.

I want to thank the nations of Russia, Turkey, Syria and Iraq, and I also want to thank the Syrian Kurds for certain support they were able to give us. Thank you as well to the great intelligence professionals who helped make this very successful journey possible.

I want to thank the soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines involved in last night’s operation. You are the very best there is anywhere in the world. I want to thank General Mark Milley and our Joint Chiefs of Staff, and I also want to thank our professionals who work in other agencies of the United States government and were critical to the mission’s success.

Last night was a great night for the United States and for the World. A brutal killer, one who has caused so much hardship and death, was violently eliminated – he will never again harm another innocent man, woman or child. He died like a dog. He died like a coward. The world is now a much safer place.

God bless the United States of America!

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this photograph would put war out of business. It was from John McCain's meeting with Al Baghdadi in 2013 and was posted on Senator McCain's website leading to a brief scandal wherein Rand Paul accused Senator McCain of not knowing with whom he was meeting. I post it as often as it seems relevant, and today is definitely one of those days.


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snoopydawg's picture

@Linda Wood

This story is all over the map. First we heard that we informed Russia cuz we had to fly over its territory. Then Russia said that it never happened. Twitter is abuzz with this is the 3rd time we've killed him. How was the head of Isis able to live in AQ territory? He had two Israeli parents. He was from Iraq. CNN just conveniently has a video of the event happening. If no one was in the house because the military removed everyone why was it bombed? So many many spins.

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ppnortney's picture

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg

Don't know if you've ever read Sy Hersh's "The Killing of Osama Bin Laden". It's well worth the read, not only for a more accurate version of those events but for some really helpful background on the different players in the Middle East.

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The smaller the mind the greater the conceit. --Aesop

snoopydawg's picture


but I did just read the article Hersh wrote on it that lookout lists below. Is there more to the story in the book? This story too was full of holes wasn't it? Just remember that Obama made it legal for the government to lie to us. Not that they have ever been honest.

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thanatokephaloides's picture

@Linda Wood

I had hoped this photograph would put war out of business.

No disrespect to you, Linda, but "put war out of business"? In the Middle East? ROTFLMAO!

The only thing we Westerners can do to put war out of business in the Middle East is to get and stay the fuck out of there. And that's not going to happen. Diablo

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

AFAIK it's been war there ever since it was populated some 10,000 years ago.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

lotlizard's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness

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thanatokephaloides's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness

That won't do it either. AFAIK it's been war there ever since it was populated some 10,000 years ago.

And what little peace the joint has known only came at the cost of all the locals living under the heel of a common external oppressor.

Or, as the great Nina Paley put it so very well:



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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

created and supported ISIS I find the hypocrisy staggering. I would love to be in Russia today to hear their thoughts on the thanks they are getting from Trump. A PR stunt if there ever was one, IMHO. "The world is now a much safer place?" Until the US gives up its drive for ownership of the entire globe the world will never be safe.

There are several articles on this in Global Research on this, I cannot get the links to work here (operator error, not C99) but they're well worth the read. One in particular, "The Caliphate Project, Made in America" includes some declassified information with some detail on our support and creation of ISIS.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

snoopydawg's picture


They are denying that it happened. But another Russian news site has a different story on how it happened. Like I said, lots of spinning going on today. I posted more info on this in the weekly watch too. I'm getting dizzy...

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Lookout's picture

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout I was reading the Syrian civil war reddit site last night when it went down. There were numerous posts of a attack. At first they didn't know who and thought Turkish. Then later others posted it was a coalition. Videos of helicopters firing. Then later, the HTS media guy showed the site that was hit. Lots of documentary evidence of a helicopter attack outside of U.S. media/government control. So for Russia to say it didn't happen is just dishonest.

The only thing to argue is rather or not they got Baghdadi (or Bagati in Trumpspeak).

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Lookout's picture


A web of lies is very believable. My big comment on the issue is: Why did Syria put it's country over our oil? No wonder we have to guard it. Bad Syrians!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout We are not in Syria for its oil. However, the small amount of oil it had we have are keeping from them.

We are in Syria because the 2006 attack on Hizbollah failed. A bunch of brainiacs thought that we could remove Hizbollah by killing a bunch of civilians. It failed. While that was going on, Bashar al Asad called the Saudis a bunch of half-men for ignoring the Israel attack on Lebanon. That made the Saudis mad and they started working against Bashar.

So by 2011, you had Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi, UAE, and Israel all against Bashar and funneling arms to the 'peaceful' protests. Hillary was working the 'duty to protect' side while Prince Bandar was funding the Sunni side.

Things were working great until the Russians showed up. They found a way to split the Muslim Brotherhood side (Turkey/Qatar) from the Saudi (UAE) side. Once split, the whole attack broke apart.

Trump, to his idiotic credit, sees no reason to be in Syria. He has tried to get us out several times. But each time, the MIC finds some dumbass reason to keep troops there. But each time, there are fewer troops in Syria. It is only a matter of time when we are gone.

I would feel much better if we had a president that actually knew what was going on and removed our troops around the world in a well-thought out strategy, but watching our leaders today, I have no confidence in that. They are all too egotistic.

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Lookout's picture


“The proposed pipeline would have linked Qatar directly to European energy markets via distribution terminals in Turkey which would pocket rich transit fees. The Qatar/Turkey pipeline would have given the Sunni kingdoms of the Persian Gulf decisive domination of world natural gas markets and strengthen Qatar, America’s closest ally in the Arab world.”

The E.U. currently gets 30 percent of its gas from Russia, Kennedy noted, and “Turkey, Russia’s second largest gas customer, was particularly anxious to end its reliance on its ancient rival and to position itself as the lucrative transect hub for Asian fuels to E.U. markets. The Qatari pipeline would have benefited Saudi Arabia’s conservative Sunni Monarchy by giving them a foothold in Shia dominated Syria […]


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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


The Saudis and other gulf countries wanted to put a pipeline through Syria, but Assad and Russia strongly disagreed with that option. The Saudis went to John Kerry and asked him to send our troop there and they would cover the costs and overthrow Assad so they could get it installed. Kerry went before congress and testified to that and when he was asked how much they were paying us to do that he said "A lot". And then he and those sitting at his table giggled.

Sorta simplified, but you are correct. And we are now hanging on to the oil and letting some private mercs take it to sell as well as keeping Assad from getting it to rebuild Syria after we bombed the hell out of it. But during the war we were letting ISIS take the oil through Syria to sell to Israel. Russia bombed a few convoys and sent some photos of them to Obama who lobbed a few bombs, but stopped because he didn't want to kill civilians.
More simplified, but lots of truth here.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lookout's picture


Are easily understood. As a science teacher I worked to simplify the nature of nature. A multi-variant world is difficult to see for us all. And in the news sphere you have to filter through all the out right lies.

Beautiful day here. I've been in and out and zooming around today. Hope your day is lovely too.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


22 degrees when I got up and windy. Looks like the smoke from the CA fires are arriving cuz the sky has glazed over from bright blue.

Enjoy your fall there. It is till going on here with the trees still full, but now shedding their leaves. I love watching the leaves blow in the wind. Love this time of year, but not this cold. Oh yeah, it is going to snow again tomorrow. yard is still full of leaves. The snow got them wet enough to clog up my mower so I have to rake.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture


that says they did not give us permission to fly over their territory in Syria nor did they see any attack last night. They did mention that the Isis dude had been killed more than once before though. Not all the stories are coming from RT. Sputnik said that the opposite happened and that yes indeed we flew over Russian airspace in Syria. But lots of us have been saying that we don't really know what is true or not on this. But it's kinda hard to kill someone when you have killed him a few times previously don't you think? Kind of like killing Bin Laden even though he died from kidney failure over a decade before. Lots of reports of that happening too.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg Russia did not give us permission not did we ask for it. We told them we are doing an operation. It wasn't coordinated with them.

So here are my complaints:

This was an operation that had to be done with very little coordination to succeed.

- Congress would leak like a sieve
- Turkey has many ties to people close to them.o
- Russia was told it was going on when it was (not details, but so they wouldn't attack us)

Was Russian told they were going after Abu Baku al Baghdadi before Pelosi? No. Russian military officers that could have shot down our aircraft were informed of an operation to make sure our helicopters were not shot down real time.

I realize Pelosi is spinning this that Trump is Putin pawn, but that is bs.

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snoopydawg's picture


Even Trump said that we coordinated the attack with Russia. But like I've said, one Russian site says we did, another says we didn't.

Here is one:

Russian MoD doubts Trump’s announcement of killing ISIS chief al-Baghdadi, rejects claims it assisted US forces in op

There’s no credible data to prove a successful American raid took place against Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Russia’s Defense Ministry said. The US coalition didn’t even carry out any airstrikes in Idlib recently.

Russian Defense Ministry insisted that “there were legitimate questions and doubts about the very fact [of the US operation] and, especially, its success.”

Moscow pointed out that it recorded no US coalition airstrikes in the Idlib area in northwest Syria on Saturday when the raid was held.

It also rejected Trump’s claims that Russian forces opened up the airspace under its control in Syria to American planes to facilitate the operation against the IS leader.

The ministry questioned the very possibility of al-Baghdadi’s presence in Idlib as the area is held by Al-Qaeda offshoot, Jabhat al-Nusra, who have always been mortal enemies of Islamic State.

Russian military officers that could have shot down our aircraft were informed of an operation to make sure our helicopters were not shot down real time.

This is what I'm referring to. We have always coordinated with Russia in Syria since they came to help Assad after he invited them to.

I realize Pelosi is spinning this that Trump is Putin pawn, but that is bs.

Yes I am quite aware of the Russian propaganda nonsense with Pelosi. Have you followed this site's writings on this? We have debunked everything about Russia Gate since it was uttered by Hillary's campaign.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture


When you make a comment the top box is where you can put words. See the instructions just above the comment box.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

ppnortney's picture


the same information but with a lot more detail, not just about the bin Laden episode but providing a lot of context that is extremely relevant to what's been going on in the ME. I probably have/had a less extensive understanding of all the political players in that region than many people here but found his connecting of the dots very helpful. He had a lot to say about Erdogan's role in pouring jihadists into the region.

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The smaller the mind the greater the conceit. --Aesop

snoopydawg's picture


through his borders to go fight in Syria. He also let ISIS take miles long convoys of oil through so they could sell it to Israel. And then Israel let ISIS in to be treated after being hurt fighting in Syria. And every country was aware of what was happening. It's enough to drive me nuts. Meanwhile hundreds of thousands of Syrians were killed in the cross play. We have destroyed another country and for what? Oil. Location to setup an invasion of Iran? But what really gets me is that our troops fight alongside the people who we are told are our enemies. This should drive people nuts, but today I saw someone thanking our troops for fighting for our freedoms. Gag me! How can they not know that none of our freedoms are in danger from another entity or that we really don't have many left since the patriot act?

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

everyone's skepticism about the event. I know Al Baghdadi's been reported dead at least twice before, including once with a photo of his dead face and corpse published on the internet. And the denial of knowledge by the Russian defense ministry is very odd. I mean, it's odd that Trump thanked Russia if Russia had no knowledge.

But Trump thanking Russia, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and the Kurds sounds like "Syria, The Farewell Tour," with Trump saying, thank you, Russia, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and the Kurds, for hanging in there, for taking on the aftermath, and for providing us with a way to get out, a rationale, a narrative of the final defeat of ISIS, so that we can turn the oil fields back over to Syria and to Conoco, its long term U.S. contractor, even if Assad is going to nationalize some of the oil resources, which is what started all of this.

If the killing of Al Baghdadi, whether true or false, is a way of turning the oil fields back over to Syria, it may be that Trump is triangulating the forces he's caught between, the good military advisors who agreed with Michael Flynn and wanted us to defeat ISIS and leave, and the Deep State military advisors who agreed with John Bolton and wanted us to stay forever slaughtering innocents and controlling the oil.

The killing of Al Baghdadi seems like a way of deflating the Deep State's recent resurfacing of Al Baghdadi, who was rallying his followers for another onslaught. I think this event is a way of saying, NO, he's dead, it's over. It's also a way of not allowing our troops to be used as bait, to be put in harm's way in small units, easily overcome, thereby providing legal cover for a major invasion. I hope this is more or less what is happening.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@Linda Wood why else would Trump boast about it? If it is true that ABB was winding up the troops for another assault somewhere, then, if he's not dead and leads an uprising, this would make Trump look very dumb indeed. Trump is a lot of things, but he isn't dumb.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Alligator Ed

Putin and the Iranian guy have both said that. The Iranian guy said about his death, "so what? The USA has just killed someone of their own making.'s true. Plus I just read that our brave troops have been flying members of AQ and their families out of idlib to a base in Iraq. You know just in case we need them again some time in the future. Congress had a hissy fit over Trump's betrayal of the Kurds. But I'd think that they would be more embarrassed about protecting their sworn enemy. You? BTW..since Trump is going to be bringing the troops home he decided that the white helmets needed some love so he just gave them $4.6 million. Sweet huh? I'm thinking that money surely could have helped some cities deal with their homeless problems. But that's just me.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Alligator Ed's picture

1. $5.3 M white helmet surprise

2. Flying AQ out of Idlib.

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@Alligator Ed

you are right and that Al Baghdadi is dead this time for the reason you stated, that Trump will look foolish and be totally discredited if the guy pops up alive again. The photograph of Trump with his military and national security advisers makes it credible for me also because they are backing up his statement. They are also backing up his statement thanking Russia, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and the Kurds.

I think this whole series of events, Turkey's invasion of northeast Syria, Trump moving our troops out, Russia meeting with Erdogan to arrange for Russian and Syrian troops to monitor the northeast, thereby shutting down Turkey's assault, represents progress toward ending the neocon program. I believe much of our military leadership has opposed the neocons from day one.

The sudden finding of Al Baghdadi has been credited to Iraqi intelligence. But the timing is such that I suspect the control of our policy is now in the hands of the military who want us out. It's hard to believe Al Baghdadi could have been safely on the run all this time without our neocon-led military knowing about it, and it's even harder to believe his location was suddenly discovered in the area controlled by the Turks just as Turkey was invading the northeast. Al Baghdadi popped up last Spring to rally his cause, thereby aiding the neocons again. I think the process of killing him and moving our troops out of the northeast was pivotal in ending the neocon control of our military policy.

Trump then instantly saying we were going to control the oil fields, however, feels like support for the neocon PNAC policy, but I find it hilarious because immediately voices on all sides claimed it would be illegal! Fantastic. I may be overly optimistic, but saying we were going to take over the oil fields seemed like taking the lipstick and flowers off of this treasonous policy and exposing it for what it is. Like so many of Trump's outrageous statements, the ugliness of it expresses the truth.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@Linda Wood

The sudden finding of Al Baghdadi has been credited to Iraqi intelligence. But the timing is such that I suspect the control of our policy is now in the hands of the military who want us out. It's hard to believe Al Baghdadi could have been safely on the run all this time without our neocon-led military knowing about it, and it's even harder to believe his location was suddenly discovered in the area controlled by the Turks just as Turkey was invading the northeast. Al Baghdadi popped up last Spring to rally his cause, thereby aiding the neocons again. I think the process of killing him and moving our troops out of the northeast was pivotal in ending the neocon control of our military policy.

There was a great deal of giant-chessboard maneuvering with Russia, Syria, Turkey, and US all cooperating. The Syrian Kurds have not been sold down the Euphrates, but now have to play nice with Assad. He will play nice with them. Both Kurds and Syria will not allow AQ to gain ground. With ISIS gone, AQ will likely depart the whole area soon. Its Deep State backers are losing power to Trump and Trump's military--i.e. 99% of the military, if not more.

As for the oil, too soon to know what El Trumpo's gonna do but it wouldn't surprise me if he quietly lets the oil go back to Syria (which will cause John Bolton's head to explode).

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Don't lie to get us in a war, but I don't give a damn if you lie to get us out of one.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

ppnortney's picture


Erdogan isn't just enabling, he's facilitating the jihadists. Many of them are terrorists that Russia and China have been fighting within their own borders, so they're less than thrilled to see them enabled to hone skills which will most assuredly be used back on their home turf at some point.

I so agree how egregious it is that we're arming and fighting beside people who really ARE an enemy of everything we supposedly stand for while visions of empire dance in the heads of neocon sociopaths. Is it for the oil? Is it for the war machine profits? Is it for the assets that can be stripped from the country when it's brought to its knees? Why not all of the above? The only ideology of these Masters of the Universe is greed.

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The smaller the mind the greater the conceit. --Aesop