Trump Ends Obama's War in Syria


Trump Ends Obama's War in Syria

President Trump defied and shocked the political Establishment by announcing that The United States would end Military operations in Syria and be our pulling troops out of that Country.

The Syria War was started under the (corrupt) Obama administration with Globalist Neocon-Warmongers like John Brennan (CIA), Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Lindsey Graham all directly involved in hatching the policy of selling weapons to ISIS and arming Terrorists (using U.S. Taxpayer money) in order to illegally and violently overthrow the Government of President Bashar al-Assad. Their goal was to perpetrate Regime Change (Coup d'Etat) with Geo-political motivations involving permitting a Gas Pipeline to be built through that Country (so that Europe could be less reliant on Russia for Gas). By building up and arming ISIS, they created chaos, plunder, and massive human suffering -- (as with all Globalist-Neocon hatched Warfare policies).

President Trump changed the mission to instead fight against and drive out ISIS, and return stability to the region as part of an overall plan to bring an end to the War and bring the troops home. With this announcement, the U.S. War against Syria is over, and also proves the point (for those that were skeptical) that Trump was never a part of the Globalist "Regime Change" Neocon cable (unlike Clinton, Obama, and the political Establishments of both political parties).

History will now show that the illegal Regime Change policy was reversed, the Government of President Bashar al-Assad was left in power, and the Syrian War did not become yet another permanent Foreign U.S. Occupation and endless entanglement (as originally designed).

First Announcements:

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First announcement before MSNBC started to massively spin it into a negative.


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The Establishment Freaks Out:

It is moments like this when we get to see who is the part of the criminal class in Washington, and who are the few "good guys".

People like Tim Kaine (Hillary's running mate), Sen Lindsey Graham, Mark Rubio, and most all of Congress are all howling about the decision. Even more instructive is that almost all of the Mainstream Media is showing their true colors once again as nothing more than Globalist War Propagandists, and just "Fake News". CNN’s Jake Tapper quoted an "unnamed Pentagon official" (Fake News) calling the end of the war a Russian victory. ...yeah right....

Fortunately there remain a few honest people in Washington who will speak against the absurdity and counter-productivity of this War, and why it needed to end.

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Hawks within the administration will likely oppose the plan. It’s not clear how long it will take for the US to get 2,000 troops out of Syria, and some military officials may drag their heels on the matter, hoping that they can talk the president out of ending the war.

For now, however, there is reason to hope that the American involvement in the war is about to be over. Peace for Christmas.


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Neocons unhappy their Policy was reversed and then stopped.

Epic battle emerging as President Trump aware of covert plans to remove him from office (as they did with President Kennedy).

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The Aspie Corner's picture

pigs want to destroy next.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

@The Aspie Corner


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The Aspie Corner's picture

@FreeSociety And Farther-Right Obama with a shitty spray on tan will prove that soon enough. After all, he's got undesirables to punch down here at home.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

@The Aspie Corner

People who oppose Trump's ending the War in Syria (which no Establishment figure would have ever done), and try to spin it into a negative ... are showing their true colors here.

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The Aspie Corner's picture

@FreeSociety People thought the same when Obama 'ended' the imperialist occupation if Iraq. This whole screed of yours reads like a total head fake. I'll give Dipshit and his goons a week. Maybe two, at best, before they totally reverse course, just like Obama and his goons did on Iraq.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

divineorder's picture


Are you again trying to scare someone with that Mccarthyite comment about true colors?

Oh please.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

Big Al's picture

@FreeSociety @FreeSociety east"?
There's a tell. That's an outright lie or he's really fucking idiot (sorry for the "foul" language).

Try to figure that out, he knows darn well the reason the US is in the middle east is NOT to be the "policeman", which is also the obfuscation used to justify US imperialism in general. So he's clearly lying here or he truly doesn't understand what the US REALLY has been doing in the middle east, which is possible but I'd have to think not.

I think the author of this essay knows that, (FS - do you really think the US has been in the middle east to act as a policeman") but posting this tweet as evidence of Trump's great decision making while also saying that Trump has "defeated ISIS" and brought stability to the middle east, shows a significant lack of cohesion in thought process regarding US imperialism and the US role in the wars and instability in the middle east and north africa.

The more I look at the cognitive dissonance within Trump's tweets, the more I think the guy is just off his rocker and/or just playing to his base who have the same cognitive dissonance problem.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Big Al

where the US is blocking the UN ceasefire and it's okay to do it in Africa where the US is building one of the largest drone bases. And it's okay to do it in only the military knows how many other countries in the ME it is in. And it's okay to keep the 800-1,000 bases open across the pond.

If Trump does pull the troops out of Syria and reduces them in Afghanistan then I will say that it's a good start. But so much more needs to be done that I know will never happen.

0 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Big Al's picture

"President Trump changed the mission to instead fight and drive out ISIS, and return stability to the region as part of an overall plan to bring an end to the War and bring the troops home. With this announcement, the U.S. War against Syria is over, and also proves the point (for those that were skeptical) that Trump was never a part of the Globalist "Regime Change" Neocon cable (unlike Clinton, Obama, and the political Establishments of both political parties)."

You've got to be kidding to say he changed the mission to drive out ISIS, everyone knows the US created and maintained ISIS for the regime change mission Trump himself bought off on but failed. Here's a rational take on what's really happening with this announcement which if people say no one saw coming, they simply don't know the score.

Trump might not be totally in sync with some neocons, but his subservience to Israel clearly shows he's on board with the Zionist plan in the middle east and his sucking up to Saudi Arabia because they buy billions of dollars of US weapons clearly shows he's a globalist asshole who would rather kill babies in Yemen than care what happens in Peoria. He doesn't tie his shoes unless Netanyahoo tells him to. He's not a nationalist at all, that's an insult to real nationalists. He's a globalist thru and thru, for himself and only himself and his kids (I'll give him credit for that).

Relative to his "ending the war in Syria" and "bringing stability to the region" good grief. Here's a more rational conclusion on this bullshit about Trump ending the Syria war, which is no different from Bush's "mission accomplished" and Obama's "ending the Iraq war", which btw, globalist Trump is continuing.

"Altogether, while the US’ “withdrawal” from Syria is certainly a welcoming move that will undoubtedly do a lot to advance the stalled peace process in the war-torn country, it’s nevertheless much more of a cunning strategy aimed at comprehensively advancing a wide range of interests than the supposed “retreat” that some are “victoriously” celebrating it as. The US’ Hybrid Wars against Syria, Iran, and also Pakistan aren’t stopping any time soon, but it’s just that they’re evolving in response to new conditions and taking on less kinetic forms that are still more than capable of creatively shaping events in America’s favor so long as its intended targets don’t understand the nature of the new threats that they’re facing."

Trump might not be totally in sync with some neocons, but his subservience to Israel clearly shows he's on board with the Zionist plan in the middle east and his sucking up to Saudi Arabia because they buy billions of dollars of US weapons clearly shows he's a globalist asshole who would rather kill babies in Yemen than care what happens in Peoria. He doesn't tie his shoes unless Netanyahoo tells him to. He's not a nationalist at all, that's an insult to real nationalists. He's a globalist thru and thru, for himself and only himself and his kids (I'll give him credit for that).

Relative to his "ending the war in Syria" and "bringing stability to the region" good grief.

Damn, people are jumping around on this blog right after Trump says something like the fucker has never lied in his life. Not to mention the complete disregarding the overall big picture relative to U.S. imperialism and the absolutely unwavering dedication to ruling the world (which is globalism too btw).

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The Aspie Corner's picture

@Big Al Same with Saudi Arabia. Do they have some leverage over the Imperial government? Of course they do. 'Murica's global capitalist hegemony couldn't be maintained without collaborators in the region so that gives them a bit of lobbying power. All empires in history worked this way. It's no different with ours.

Netenyahu may think of himself as king, but he's not as powerful as folks make him out to be.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

@Big Al

And that is why they are all howling (in opposition) at him.

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Big Al's picture

@FreeSociety then you don't know what's been going on in Syria.

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@Big Al


  • U.S. Troops are coming home
  • No Regime Change
  • No more War against the government of Syria
  • Neocons are all angry

The facts are clear.. and the anti-Trump spin (War propaganda) will fall of its own weight and fade away.

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Big Al's picture


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divineorder's picture

@Big Al

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

dervish's picture

@divineorder The current idiot is awful, but at least we aren't in the throes of WW4 yet.

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

Misspelling and awkward language is a tell.
Don't feed the trolls.

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SnappleBC's picture

@Big Al

Sure Trump spun the announcement into something he could politically say. After all, he wasn't about to say, "I decided to stop funding ISIS and besides, the Russian's kicked their ass anyway." Putin didn't argue (heh, no point in arguing when you're winning). So yeah, plenty of spin on the ball, but I'm still content with pulling out.

Now... will that actually happen? Who can know? This is Trump after all. But for now, at least, I'm willing to say that he campaigned on it. He's doing it. Until other data comes to the fore, I'll go with the Occam's razor solution. I'm putting the odds of actual withdrawal from both Syria and Afghanistan at about 10%... maybe 5%... even if Trump wants to.

Finally, if we do pull out, will we just move on to stomp some other country... probably in South America. I'd guess absolutely. The war machine must march on after all and there's plenty of hate for latinos among the Trump base.

Still, I'll take my wins as they come... cautiously for sure... but I'll take them.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

@Big Al
THIS certainly doesn’t ring true:

Lastly, Trump wants to show the American public that he’s keeping his campaign pledge to (at least conventionally) draw down the War on Syria following the Republicans’ loss of the House last month and ahead of the 2020 elections, knowing that the Democrats will hold his feet to the fire over that unfulfilled pledge and weaponize it as part of election campaign against him if he doesn’t make visible progress on that front (and possibly also in Afghanistan too per the aforementioned scenario). In view of this, domestic political interests might have also played an influential role behind Trump’s decision and the specific timing thereof.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

approximately half the troops deployed to Afghanistan--will be pulled/coming home in coming months. It's not just Syria.

Personally, don't trust anything that comes out of this Administration. And, the Syria/Afghanistan pull-outs may, or may not, happen. But, DT did run on getting troops out of the ME.

Initially, I'd say that the Deep State 'managed him' better--at least, before he started weeding out some of them. Certainly, I don't believe it's because he's 'a good guy' that he's calling for this. My impression is that DT is such a major cheapskate, that he views these deployments as "a waste of money." (Not to say they aren't wasteful or immoral.)

My point being, I'm not buying that DT opposes these military deployments based on "humanitarian" grounds, or, because he "cares for" American troops. But, I don't doubt that he's wanting to pull them out. Partly, out of self-interest--since he ran on doing so.

Now, I do think that the MSM hysteria over Mattis' resignation is totally ridiculous. IOW, just more carrying the water for the Deep State, etc.

And, Dem lawmakers are certainly eager to lead the so-called "conversation" on today's events, declaring that we are in very perilous times. Just listen for a few minutes to Cable News--you'd think that the US government had just collapsed, or worse!

For sure, I'll be real curious to see what the so-called 'progressive' lawmakers have to say about all this, since most of the lawmakers that I've heard (today) have been Establishment/corporatist Dems. We'll see some true colors, I suspect.


Blue Onyx

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

snoopydawg's picture

@Unabashed Liberal

and all the media coverage of the last battalion driving off into the sunset? The people cheered because he was keeping his campaign promise to end the Iraq war.

Well except that he tried keeping the troops there after the status of forces agreement and then started putting them back into Iraq. But hey it was great at the time wasn't it. Boy what a difference a president makes.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

lotlizard's picture

when the reality was, the U.S. military was waging open war in two countries when Obama came in, and in at least seven countries when he went out.

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snoopydawg's picture


that my Ipad will have them ready for me when I go to type them again. Smile It also finishes "he has been the best president since FDR" in the same sentence. I had a good friend over there who said that to me and I of course corrected her after asking WTF?

But people actually do believe that he ended the Iraq war because the troops had to leave. However, he asked Iraq to let them stay after the SOFA was up. Then he just put them back in there without Iraq's permission, but shhh, don't say that there.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture

"U.S. War against Syria is over"

Whilst I'm happy to hear about this, I doubt that the MICC will actually allow him to pull all of the troops out. As for the end of regime changes I'm withholding my happiness until Bolton and his ilk are out of the WH and Trump reduces sanctions on Iran. This has been the last country on PNAC's wishlist for as long as 1979 when they overthrew the Shah who we put in power for the oil companies.


BTW. I think the fight against ISIS was really done by Assad and Vlad after McCain and his buddies armed and protected them. Obama had to be shamed into bombing them and their oil trucks making their way into Turkey. Imagine that. Obama was worried about civilian casualties.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

dervish's picture

@snoopydawg who'd nuke the Bahamas, just to assert his manhood. I don't trust anything until he's long gone. It's amazing that the PTB would put someone so incredibly repulsive forth as any kind of "expert".

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

WindDancer13's picture

and support for the war has ended:

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We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass

gulfgal98's picture

@WindDancer13 @WindDancer13 that Trump was also ending the air war. I will post the link later if I can find it.

It was at Moon of Alabama which I linked and included in a comment below.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

snoopydawg's picture


which I am not sure is for real or just satire. Smile One of the articles stated that it was Assad who created ISIS and that he will never have to go to Nuremburg to stand trial for it. Flynn said numerous times that Obama and Kerry did nothing as ISIS gained power because they wanted to use them to overthrow Assad. Nice!

One thing that no one has brought up is that Mattis or Bolton have stated that the military will stay in Iran even after ISIS is defeated to counter Iran. This was a few weeks ago and it's just usual military creep and moving the goal posts for when the US exits a country it illegally invade. On false pretenses.

BTW. Anyone remember if there was a public call for troop withdrawal from Libya as they went over to play in the Syrian sand? You remember after we invade Libya on false pretenses when Hillary said that Gaddaffi had ordered his troops to rape women and was handing out boxes of Viagra?

I just wish there was a much outrage when the military goes into countries as it does when they are pulled out.

0 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

thanatokephaloides's picture

OK, so there's dispute as to whether Donald Trump's demilitarization moves are as advertised (as our Essayist Free Society suggests) or false propaganda (as most of the Commenters prior to this Comment seem to be asserting).

I ask that we all wait a few moments, for the reasons I will elaborate below.

Your humble scribe is in a rare position to evaluate the truth as to whether we're really pulling out of Syria or not: I dwell in a military town whose most populous military base, Fort Carson, Colorado, has many units whose Modes Of Service (MOSs) make those units among the most deployed units in places like Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.

So my attitude about all this is "wait and see". Distrust and verify. If Trump puts his money and the US military forces in Syria where his mouth is, it will be physically impossible for our local news outlets not to cover it to death. Our local capitalist barons guarantee this; the return of numerous large military units to their home base at Carson means far too many millions of dollars in Colorado Springs' economy for our local news outlets to ignore it. Moreover, loved ones of those soldiers are a major slice of the audience of those same news outlets, translating directly into dollars in their coffers.

I plan on reporting any and all returns of such units to "The Mountain Post".

So, before we get any too hostile with each other on this subject, let's see whether or not the old Great Orange Hairball delivers on his promises. If he doesn't deliver, and fast, we've caught him red-handed in a major lie complete with smoking-gun level direct evidence supplied straight from the man's own mouth! If he does deliver on them, I suspect that the author of The Art of the Deal is trying to deal his way back into the White House in November 2020. We SHALL see.


Peace to and upon you all.


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

@thanatokephaloides Military Occupational Specialty-MOS; 33kilo, 64charlie, 11bravo, etc.
Just a heads up, Bro!

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Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

@thanatokephaloides that just because they're leaving Syria doesn't mean they're coming home. Please keep your eyes open for reports of redeployment.

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snoopydawg's picture

"We're moving out."



0 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture

Analysis Despite the Blow to Its National Security, Israel Will Bow to Trump’s Syria Withdrawal

The U.S. President is weak. He is running away, with America’s tail between its legs. He is abandoning Israel, betraying the Kurds and sticking a knife in the back of Bashar Assad’s opponents. He is...

How Assad Helped Create ISIS to Win in Syria and Got Away With the Crime of the Century

There 'won't be any Nuremberg-like trial of Assad and his associates,' says the last U.S. ambassador to Syria, Robert Ford

Trump's Pullout Leaves Russia Holding the Cards in Syria, to Israel's Bitter Disappointment

Despite his declared sympathy for Israel, Trump's move goes against Netanyahu's position and further isolates the country in its attempt to subdue Iranian influence

This is all I'm able to read without a subscription and I don't think I'm going to waste my money.


0 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

dervish's picture

@snoopydawg they really assume that we're all morons. Granted, 40% of us are, but the rest of us need to grab the keys away.

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

Deja's picture

Might be common knowledge to some, but not to me. I thought Bibi didn't like anyone in his great big neighborhood.

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mimi's picture

lots and lots of folks lose their jobs making profits of the war and losing their credibilty?

Isn't that the true reason why those who make a living out of making war in Syria are opposed?

BTW. Bolton might be President, if you don't pay attention. And we will have wwIII.

So, what else is wrong with my thinking?

Can't understand the world anymore. May be that is good.

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Trump is withdrawing the troops from Syria because Turkey has said that they are going to attack the Kurds whether Americans are in the way or not. (the bombing will continue, and that's where the profit is anyway) Maybe he was just saving himself from an ugly situation. Of course, he could take advantage of the next false flag to go back, or he could deploy elsewhere. (Iran? eastern Europe?)

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On to Biden since 1973

gulfgal98's picture


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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

k9disc's picture

Apparently Magog means "of Gog", and Gog is prophesied in the bible to be an area in Russia, part of the Tartarian Empire. Gog will invade Israel to kick of the End of Days.

I was watching some freaky stuff on Tartary and saw Gog on an old map. I did a quick search and the first thing I found was a link that suggested that the Gog might be located in - get this - modern day Turkey.

Just kind of freaked me out a bit. Thought I'd share.

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

the (corrupt) Obama administration with Globalist Neocon-Warmongers like John Brennan

That sentence may be true, but it's hilarious that you think the Trump Administration isn't infinitely more corrupt, and that John Bolton isn't a much worse warmonger.

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lotlizard's picture

Say “just as corrupt as” and who could disagree with you?

Even “vastly more corrupt than” is at least debatable.

But “infinitely” — in a comment ridiculing someone else’s thinking as lacking balance — is itself ridiculous.

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gulfgal98's picture

in the meantime, Moon of Alabama has posted a very interesting analysis of why Trump made the decision to pull out of Syria. I think it is very much worth considering since it seems as though Moon of Alabama has often been on the money with previous statements and analyses on the Middle East.

Although Trump has previously stated that he wanted the US out of Syria and much of the Middle East wars, it appears that his decision came after a very long conversation with Turkish President Erdogan. I am linking a few excerpts from Moon of Alabama's column written on Thursday the 20th.

Last Friday President Trump had another long phonecall with the Turkish President Erdogan. Thereafter he overruled all his advisors and decided to remove the U.S. boots from Syria and to also end the air war.


But there are bigger geopolitical fish to fry than such meddling in the Middle East. Trump knows that the United States' 'unilateral moment' after the demise of the Soviet Union, which left the U.S. was the sole superpower, is over. Russia is back and China is rising. Trump's policy to adopt to the decreasing U.S. power is to end the 'globalization' that allowed for China's rapid rise. He wants to geopolitical split this world into two influence spheres. These will be separate from each other in the political, economic, technological and military realms.

And finally this.

Trump decided that to prevent Turkey from leaving NATO, and from joining a deeper alliance with Russia, China and Iran, was more important than to further fool around at the margins of the Middle East. It is the right decision.

I hope people here will to the link above and read the entire analysis provided by Moon of Alabama.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

divineorder's picture


0 users have voted.

A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.