Treating All People With Respect and Dignity - This is why millions are supporting Bernie Sanders
What does it mean to live a moral life? Bernie raises that question frequently. It's clearly a question that concerns him – and not in the showy, insincere, egocentric way that we so often see when this topic is raised. A lot of politicians cloak themselves in the trappings of religion, posing as righteous if not outright bible-thumping, trying to ride the holy train for all it's worth, but we rarely get a glimpse at the inner life of someone who doesn't seek to hide behind religion for the sake of convenience, self-interest and political expedience.
When religion or related subjects come up on the campaign trail, the candidates trot out their schtick – except for Bernie. He does what he always does: instead of ducking or posing, he turns the discussion toward something more meaningful. He cuts right to what's important about morality – how we treat each other.
It's as simple as do unto others...
For all our incessant bloviation about religion, spirituality or morality, we treat each other horribly. And that, as Bernie and any number of notable heavyweights have told us, is what's important. How we treat each other. And that's something we can choose. We can choose to act as if we love ourselves and each other. We could, simply by making a different choice, live in a society that treats all of it's members with respect and dignity. We can afford to do that in a most beautiful manner if we could only get our priorities straight.
People around the world deserve to live in peace and to belong to a society that cares about and values them. We need to quit being an abusive family and start being a loving one. We all deserve to live peacefully and with liberty and justice. We all deserve a just and moral society – and that's a far cry from what we have.
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Treating All People With Respect and Dignity | Bernie Sanders
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Get out the vote, everybody!
How and when to vote for Bernie, state-by-state.
Good luck out there, everybody.
All we ever needed was love

Hey, everybody.
You look good in blue here. :-)
I hope you, LD and OPOL abandon the snake pit.
They don't deserve you. You know Kos doesn't appreciate you, your diaries, your following or anything else. It is his way or the highway. How can you tolerate it? It pisses me off that you guys are there taking their guff.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I think I understand how you feel.
I question why I'm still there myself. What you say is true about kos. There is no love lost between us. As long I feel like I can help Bernie by posting there I expect I will. That's my only reason for being there. If Hillary gets (notice I didn't say wins) the nomination, I'm out of there. Sorry I'm late responding I got distracted.
What bothers me the most
is the intimidation you have to deal with. There is always someone lurking, baiting, gloating, pushing, hoping you guys will cross the magic line so they can nail you. It is not nice, and it isn't respectful. This is why I sneer when they talk about "community". I suppose prisons have those too.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
who do you want to win the primary then OPOL?
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
I ain't tellin'.
Amen, OPOL. Glad you're here!
I was nervous about tonight. Now I'm a little excited, looks like it won't be a wipeout!
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
The Choice is Clear
Bernie Sanders for President. Here's how you can donate to his campaign - Bernie For President.
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
Hi to you OPOL!!!! (waves)
We are watching a PBS doc about Teddy Roosevelt and the National Park Service at the moment. Somehow, it seemed appropriate to be watching Americans in government who give a shit about the country and the people who live in it, rather than some blowhards. I can't even bear to think about the returns (and mr. luna can't watch me watching the returns, ha ha ha!) so we will reminisce about things like "Smokey the Bear" and the Sierra Club, rather than stress out.
Thanks for this post, though, the visuals helped foster a little peace in my head ☮☮
PBS here too, Luna & hiya, OPOL
It's soothing. I'm peeking at Alpha's blog, and hoping for the best.
Murder mysteries
Tonight I finished my 19th in a long series of murder mysteries. This diversion has saved me during this primary season. I will have to look ahead to this fall, which may be even worse IMHO.
Just went to LD's BNR page (not his diary at TOP) and donated $27 to Bernie.
Which series is it?
I'm always looking for new series of murder mysteries to dive into.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
May I suggest
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Netflix. It's a female detective in Australia inn the 20s or 30s. Strong, independent woman.
Everything in a tv show you won't find in the US.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
yep, Miss Fisher is one of my favs!!
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Thanks, will check it out.
Nero Wolfe (Rex Stout) is set in the 20s and 30s in NY. Love sterlized murder mysteries with interesting characters as the detective. Miss Marple, Hercule Peroit, - Agatha Christie was my first. She got me hooked when I was 14.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Donna Leon's Commissario Guido Brunetti series
of about 26 books. They are set in Venice and each deals with a social issue prominent in Italy: immigrants, corruption, drugs, etc. She starts each book with a quote from a Mozart opera. The one I am currently reading has a quote from Handel. There's a lot of talk about food, and an enterprising woman has written a cookbook based on the series, which my library got for me and I've only glanced at so far.
Another series I have read is that by Louise Penny. Her mysteries are set in Quebec and, like Leon's, provide a lot of local color, French culture, etc.
Good to read you here. Monitoring Alpha's thread and watching baseball. All American night.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Hi PO'ed Liberal
So glad your here. I can honestly say you are one of the major influences on my (first time in the history of forever) donating actual money to a political campaign.
Keep up the great work.
Keep the "Energizer Bernie" going and going and going and going and going.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
Thanks very much.
And thanks for donating.
I so look forward to your posts here, OPOL!
You are one of my faves from OT.
I absolutely love the FBF quote. I pinned it on Pinterest; more importantly got a lot of Bernie quotes too...
Thanks from the bottom of my heart for posting here!
You're very kind.
Thank you.
Millions might caucus and vote for him
but he's unemployable. The Establishment can't find room for him.
So we get what we get. And we will like it.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Millions are supporting
Millions are supporting Bernie Sanders - but BILLION$ are supporting Hillary.
Hi OPOL and everyone
I'm in a lot of pain from sciatica right now and wont be sticking around this evening, but want to say hello to all. It's nice to see everyone here when formerly respected sites have revealed themselves to be hotbeds of pseudo-liberal, anti-left warriors. I am just disgusted by it all.
Pity would be no more if we did not make somebody poor-William Blake
My sympathy. I have that occasionally and it isn't fun at all.
Do you have access to Vicodin? It's very good for nerve pain.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Have you heard about Scenar Therapy?
I had severe nerve root pain from my L-5 disc for over 10 years. A friend told me about a person who uses a device that feels like a tens unit along with a massage.
I was skeptical about trying it and went in on a high pain day and a closed mind. I walked out thinking I had a nice massage, but still in pain.
However the next day the pain was gone and never came back.
One treatment.
Workers comp bought me my own device which cost $3,000. I used it on my broken ankle and use it to keep my RSD in check.
For more information,
Sciatica is absolutely horrendous pain.
Message me if you want to talk.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Sorry about the sciatica pain.
I've had it before, at least enough to know it can be bad. Best wishes with it.
Hey OPOL. Good to see you.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Thanks, kharma.
Sorry I'm late responding. I got distracted last night.
Thanks OPOL
Thanks for posting over here.
Hey, HoundDog.
Good to see you.
My spirituality
is based on the realization that humans are animals with a lot of pride but not much intelligence.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
I'm happy to see that Bernie is taking the counties between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. It's good to see those folks vote in line with their best interests [for a change!].
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Hey welcome home, OPOL.
Always great to see you here at C99.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Woohoo! OPOL is here! The place gets better and better every day
Glad to see you! I have been avoiding the other place and missed your stuff.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
My sentiments exactly
I have missed reading your work since I abandoned the other place. Just couldn't stomach the viciousness anymore.
Thanks for the hope and optimism. Keep 'em coming, please.
Patiently waiting here
for the California primary. I do not want Bernie to concede the nomination. His candidacy means something important to the nation. The others? Not so much!
You'll be happy to know he's not conceding
Boy, Jane really let that wag on MSNBC have it yesterday...lemme see if I can find the clip?
Bah, someone has it posted at GOS, it's on the Wreck List. I couldn't find another source that had it linked, and I won't link that blogshit here. It's worth a watch, though ...
Welcome, OPOL!
You've saved many of us a trip! Your diaries were one of the brightest stars left on the GOS, and it's really good to see you and them again.
Gag me with a spoon!
No, not OPOL. I'm am so disgusted with the idiots in the state of Maryland! I'm a DC native and spent part of my childhood in MD. My subject line refers to the femaie warjunkie idiot vs. the hairballed brain. I hope we are almost done with closed/crooked primaries. Rec'd!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Test comment
I kept getting a message saying the server didn't respond or something
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
How true is this?
The Democratic Party sold us out. Then along came Obama who promised us so much yet delivered so little.
And then came Bernie who offered us the things we wanted from the democrats, yet people are going to throw away our possibly last chance to turn this country around.
It doesn't matter how many times we tell Hillary's supporters that she is corrupt and will sell us out, and we even provide links backing up our information, they won't listen to us.
We saw the damage from the Clinton administration come to fruition during the Bush years.
The loss of jobs numbering in the hundreds of thousands and 60,000 factories closed because of nafta. The millions of homes foreclosed on, the millions of people who lost their pensions because Clinton deregulated the banks. The millions of people who got kicked off of food stamps this month because of the rules of welfare reform and the many people, mostly POC in prison because of the crime bill.
We tell her supporters these things and they accuse us of spreading right wing talking points
Great to see you OPOL.
ps. At TOP floridageorge is stating Bernie's message to his supporters is actually him conceding the race and Wisper is being Her bitchy self as she has been a evening. And many others are piling on.
Nice way for them to try to get his supporters to vote for her.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Sally Field Moment
Wow, OPOL, you really like us! We knew that haha. Makes me so happy to see you here.
Bernie is a win-win.
I wuv you.
This is GREAT...
Now that OPOL is posting here I have no need to visit there....
Greetings sir.... I am very glad you are posting here...
Love not fear
Always a pleasure
Love your pictorial essays! We got to keep standing with Bernie. There are 1054 delegates remaining. We need to win 680 of them to go into the convention with the most pledged delegates. Stand strong. Keep fighting!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
hey there
Hey, LF.
Nice to see ya.
I love the
Buckminster Fuller quote! Thanks so much for your continued advocacy!
I have zero faith that my vote or the other three in this house will matter. Everyone on the West coast knows what's like to be standing in line waiting to vote after work and hear the East Coast call it.
And now... you can't even vote. Diebold. Clintinanigans. It's all bs.
This country's election process is disgustingly corrupt. Electoral college... time to be flushed.
OPOL I'm so glad you are sharing your diaries here as well. I no longer have the energy to read through the fake diaries and the horrible comments. Those "democrats" are the very reason so many are apathetic about politics. R & D ... there is no real difference.
I hope Bernie goes Indie.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Always nice to see you, DJ.