Thursday Open Thread 7-19-2018
This week and focusing more on contemporary events and performances in China. Still using the resilience tag. Any culture that can survive several thousand years has a resilience about it we can learn from. One of its strengths is the continuity of a written language that allows us to peer into the past and see how other humans lived through the challenges of their times.
We will start with a celebration of traditional Chinese instruments vs western music in the 2017 film Our Shining Days currently available on Netflix. A light, hearted comedy of high school musicians and teenage competition.
East vs West comparing instruments with similar sounds of individual instruments and combines sounds of both ensembles.
The final performance in the film is mixture of traditional Chinese music and anime subculture as a new generation is introduced to the sounds of past.
This article included an interesting discussion of three of the major world players.
That said, there are radical differences among the three cultures. America is apocalyptic; Russia is messianic; and China is pragmatic. By apocalyptic, I mean that Americans define themselves with respect to an unattainable point in the future, the goal of a Christian pilgrimage whose endpoint always hovers beyond the horizon.
United States of America
America is apocalyptic in the original sense of the Greek word: resolution lies beyond the visible horizon. The central trope in American culture is the pilgrimage to the Promised Land, and its character type is the pilgrim on a journey towards redemption.
Our culture is Protestant, individualistic and antinomian. All our protagonists have problems with authority. We celebrate the cowboy who rides off into the sunset, the private detective who walks alone, the Western sheriff who won’t quit his job at high noon – the individual pilgrim on a journey to salvation.
Russia combined a sense of its historic purpose as the successor to the fallen Byzantium and a messianic sense of a civilizing mission as it flung its political power across the Eurasian continent. The whole enterprise was incompetently organized and subject to continuous failures, but it had a grandiosity that evoked a sense of imperial pride among Russians as well as an astonishing capacity to absorb pain.
Russia defeated Napoleon and Hitler. Its scientists beat the United States into space in the 1950s after reproducing German missile technology on their own. The US won the space race only because the German team led by Werner von Braun was playing for us. Again, Russia nearly defeated America in the Cold War.
Chinese identity is difficult for Westerners to grasp. Until quite recently few Chinese spoke the Imperial court dialect, or Mandarin. Most spoke one of the nearly 60 dialects still spoken in China. But all wrote with the same characters. China’s imperial expansion allowed the peoples incorporated into the empire to retain their own spoken language, but required all to write with the characters.
China’s attitude towards the world is paranoid, but even paranoids have enemies: China fears Western attempts to promote independence in Tibet, or to radicalize the Uyghur Muslims in its extreme west, or to build up Taiwan as an alternative state.China will go to war to preempt any attempt to dismember it. Its fixation on the South China Sea, where its historic claims to sovereignty are dubious, reflects the old Chinese proverb, “Kill the chicken while the monkey watches.” If we are willing to go the brink for a few empty reefs, Beijing is saying, think of what we would do for Taiwan or Tibet.
A couple articles on the Trade War
Open Letter to Larry Kudlow: You need a different China strategy
Dear Larry: China threatens American preeminence and President Trump is right to worry about it. But you’re going about it the wrong way, and your approach will produce results very different from what you expect or want.
The vast majority of China’s exports to the US are consumer goods, especially electronics. Most of these goods are assembled in China from imported components. China adds only a third or so the value added to these goods. China has a chronic labor shortage and is shifting low-paid assembly to lower-wage countries in Asia. If you tax consumer goods from China, American consumers will pay more, and the Chinese will accelerate the shift of low-wage employment to the new economic zone they are building in Asia through the $1 trillion One Belt, One Road program.
There’s a bigger issue here, and that’s the failure of American observers to anticipate China’s emergence as the world’s most powerful economy. We couldn’t believe that a state-run economy directed by a Communist Party could succeed.
Unlike all the so-called emerging markets of the world—Brazil, Mexico, Turkey, India and so forth—China moved its people from subsistence agriculture to urban employment. 600 million people—the equivalent of two Americas—moved from country to city in the last 35 years. And over that period per capita GDP in China has risen by 45 times – that’s 4,500%.
Chinese citizens response to the Trade War
A new survey has found that a majority of Chinese consumers are prepared to stop buying US products in response to the Trump administration placing tariffs on Chinese goods.
54% of respondents across 300 Chinese cities would “probably” or “definitely” shy away from US products, the study, conducted by FT Confidential Research, found. Only 13% of the 2,000 who responded said they would not boycott.
Farm Report
There is an area on the property that is bare rock from volcanic activity long ago. Still plant communities work to make to create living communities. A few pioneer plants get a foothold when water is available.
The community of plants grows as soil is built by each generation of plants. Different communities start creating their own area. Individual areas merge together until the pioneer communities are not distinguishable from the rest of the pasture.
For a few moments Sunday evening the world had an golden glow.

Thinking of NC Tim when I see these reports.
I've been getting a lot of email updates on the Ferguson fire to the west of Yosemite N. P. near the town of El Portal. The smoke impact at the park is bad. After living in the town of Wawona inside the park last year I know how bad the smoke can get there. When they say the air quality is hazardous they mean it! He should be through Yosemite and on to other adventures by now. The entire west has a bad fire problem so I'm hoping he has had good luck for his ride. Here is a link to the web site from CalFire with info on the Ferguson Fire
Hoping in tomorrows Open Thread he gives us an update
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Interesting things to think about.
I keep seeing more and more people talking about Greek concepts these days. It's a nice change, and It makes me happy that the classics are getting read again.
I hope that the American conception of heroism can change, because while the Americans idolize the mavericks and the outsiders, they actually pay tribute to the guys who string those guys up.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I agree
It gives us an opportunity to think comprehensively into the nature of humans and societies cycle of problems without immediately pointing fingers at each other.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Argumentum ad Venezuelum
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Appreciate the time you take to sort through the on-line
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Good morning, SOE. Thanks. Like your plant communities
building soil over generation after generation, the Chinese are fully capable of patience, and of working with nature and acting similar to nature.
Though USAns, in general, can patiently await the great ever postponed day of salvation, they are otherwise impatient. Dynamite and doze the rocks and then haul in truckloads of soil purloined from someplace else where its purpose is beyond our ken. It is also a land and culture of bluff, braggadocio and bluster which, when thwarted, indulges in endless petty sniping, harrassment, sabotage, subterfuge and skullduggery. Witnedd Cuba, or Hillary and the Hillerites.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
When an idea has been proven useful they can be frightenly
Last November the announced a dredging ship that would complete its testing this year.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
"to radicalize the Uyghur Muslims in its extreme west" my ass
That is War of Terror talk, outside the asylum. I would be indoctrinated to death in the communist gulags, I'd starve rather than stop thinking for myself, I cannot admire the re-education camps, past present or future. Capitalist gulags are bad too, not saying they are good.
Ding! Hello Bueller. heh
--- Arbeit macht frei
CIA has a history of working on the edges of China to
Some Uyghur Muslems are influenced by Fethullah Gülen. The same Islamic Pastor, residing in Pennsylvania, Turkey wants to extradite for the 2016 coup attempt.
Resistance fighters in Tibet
Cia and Tiawan
More Recent CIA Operations from New York Times 2017.
Looking at China response to their citizenry and CIA actions is not because of admiration, but to review tactics. Ones that intelligence agencies are probably using domestically to spy on citizens and shape public opinion, or wishing they could. Most of the worst practices of the Chinese has been used by our agencies in foreign countries and on domestic populations. Domestically most of the population is unaware.
The newest technique in China - don't send the Uyghurs to a re-education camp send a trainer to their home.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Drive by comment
Been on the tractor all morning and just breezing by on my way back out to weed eat. Something to do all the time this time of year.
Hope you are all doing well!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
"We need to see action and results"
Being Jared Huffman must be hard, how does he maintain a straight face while spewing such juvenile bullshit? I'd like to wipe that smug clinton smile right off his tool face sometimes, crony jerk.
Rep. Jared Huffman assesses peace prospects after trip to South Korea
"We need to see action and results" about the housing crisis developing in CA-02 during your career, you useless piece of lobby trash. Go away! Stop climbing the D-Value ladder of "opportunity". Eff you and the D party lobbyists you ride to your public/private bank every day. Fuck you very much.
--- Speaking of Ds
Here's Bernie Sanders on the Senate floor, jumping the shark forever:
Bernie Sanders Slams Trump's Helsinki Summit
There is no going back, he is pathetically wrong at the end of his lifelong career in politics. Too bad it is the same as it ever was. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. He has no opponent in Vermont since he started out in Congress, that is the deal he made with the Democrats and it has made him a rich man with his own kabuki foundation, nothing has changed. Plutocracy is status quo. Bernie will GOTV for Ds, those are his marching orders and I am not following. NOPE
good luck
An odd item from 2009: “Original moon walk footage erased”
What, like with a cloth or something? </hillary>
A piece of local history regarding the moon landings
and NASA activities.
Astronaut Jim Irwin left a piece of local lava rock from Devil's Lake on the moon.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Thanks for the OT
More Chinese history and beautiful photography. A very pleasant way to end my day.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo