Staycation Sequester for Spoiled-Brat Tyrants
A friend sent this refreshingly creative proposal. The invitation to vacation together could actually happen, I think. The key-removal part might be a stretch. But what are we talking about? Survival of life on Earth, right?
Subject: Here's one way that our President and President Kim Jong-un could resolve their impasse
To Whom It Does Deeply Concern: For many months now, the tensions and threats have been growing between our President and Kim Jong-Un, the North Korean President. I'd like to propose a remedy to resolve this impasse. How about reserving the largest suite at Mare Lago, Florida where both men could share an indoor space. They would have separate rooms and baths, but share a common living space and maybe the kitchen.
Once they've registered and unpacked, they could just relax together and spend an indefinite length of time there. Once they've entered the suite, someone should take the key and fix the exit door so it couldn't be opened from inside. They'd be ensconced there until they've found 'common ground'. The expression a parent or teacher or caregiver of toddlers often uses, "Use your words" would be strictly enforced. Until the two leaders find a way to do that, and not fight, either verbally or physically, they could ask for permission to leave the suite. If toddlers learn this method to resolve conflict(s), we could assume that (presumed) full-grown adults such as these two powerful men might also learn and master how to use "their words". Wouldn't it be a miracle if they actually mastered this technique that toddlers generally learn to do?
Finally, if they get bored, and if they show some sign of coming to terms, maybe they could be provided with a toy chest, which could contain a wiffle ball game or ping-pong table. But, only if they really commit to finding a peaceful way to resolve their standoff. Let us pray that they find some way to get to that goal. God bless our planet. We must find ways to co-exist.

Something I think we should remember
Kim threatened SK during W's "axis of evil" era and W backed down. W was a paper tiger, leading Kim (who is a bullying toddler) to assume that we are paper tigers. So when Trump blusters like the idiot he is of course Kim would threaten.
On to Biden since 1973
And if they decide that they HAVE to go to war...
Give them each a gun with one bullet and fifty feet of straightaway.
Up to them if they want to follow the Code Duello or not.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.