Sorry, sad, sick, state of Illinois

As Chuck Dickens once inked,

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

We have several problems in this state. A devious, deceitful, TeaBuggered Governor who wants to run for president in 2020, a sneaky, lying, nasty bully ruining one of the best cities in the world, financial issues, crime issues, and more. Just a peak at one of our papers says it all.

First, the background. Robbins, IL is a small, exceedingly poor african american community located south of Chicago. the perfect symbol of this devastated town can be seen in the story of a promised garbage recycling and incinerator that never did what Foster Wheeler promised it would do. Instead of clean garbage processing, it was little more than a belching, smokey, stinking pit that drove away other businesses, injured the health of the locals (too poor to move out) and became a financial hellhole for the town.

Even though every scientist and environmentalist warned that the design would not work, that it would not be financially viable, and that the health of locals would suffer, it was still built and operated. Money exchanged hands, and several folks were indicted for corruption.

Foster Wheeler's lies and deceit

If that wasn't enough, the leaders of Robbins, especially the police, treated its citizens even worse. For years, rape kits sat untested. Hundreds of them. When massive corruption was found in the Robbins PD, several years ago, the Cook County Sheriff effectively took over the town because it could not pay its bills. (even police salaries) The Sheriff's office found the untested, uncatalogued, rape kits sitting in a dusty room. Eventually, the kits were tested. The town hired new cops, and the state made some minimal investments in a town that looks and feels more like a third world nation, instead of a suburb of Chicago.

Here is the latest on this fiasco:

A rape suspect remained on the streets for years after being identified through DNA because a south suburban police department failed to act after being informed by the Illinois State Police there was a DNA match, records obtained by the Chicago Sun-Times show.

As a result of the botched handling of his case by the Robbins Police Department, the man remained free for years despite being linked to the rape of a mentally disabled 15-year-old girl, according to the records and interviews.

He was finally charged last year — after officials in the south suburb, citing Robbins’ precarious finances, called in the Cook County sheriff’s department to begin aiding the police in 2013.

How a Rape suspect ID'd by DNA stayed free for years.

Sick, sick, sick.

That is not the only trouble on the horizon for this state. Mayor Rahm Emanuel ignored warnings, critics, and did as he pleased, causing even more trouble, this time for Chicago.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel is using $220 million in “short-term bridge” financing — at a heavy cost to beleaguered Chicago taxpayers — to make a state-mandated payment to police and fire pension funds that’s higher than his tax-laden 2016 budget assumed.Before raising property taxes by $588 million for police and fire pensions and school construction, aldermen eager to bite the bullet and get it over with demanded to know why Emanuel wasn’t proposing an even bigger increase instead of rolling the dice.

Aldermen were concerned about Emanuel’s risky assumption that Gov. Bruce Rauner would sign legislation — approved by the Illinois House and Senate, but not yet on the governor’s desk — giving Chicago 15 more years to ramp up to a 90 percent funding level for police and fire pensions. Chicago taxpayers would still be on the hook for $619 million in payments to the two funds this year, more than double the city’s prior payment. But that’s $220 million less than the city would have been forced to pay and an $843 million break over the next five years.

Rahm's Risky Pension assumption

At the heart of this battle, there really are two culprits - Rahm, who deserves to be drawn and quartered for his efforts at covering up and brbing his way out of murder of a teen at the hands of Chicago PD, and of course, our governor, Bruce Rauner.

Rauner has refused to deal with the state legislature (controlled by the Dems) unless unions are bashed, wages cut, benefits erased, worker comp laws weakened, tort reform passed, and much, much more. He is angling for a presidential bid by outdoing Scott Walker to the north, Bobby Jindhal to the south, and Sam Brownstain to the west. If only he would see what those morons did to their states, perhaps he would think again. But besides being a vacation mate of Rahm, he is as stubborn, arrogant, vile, and destructive as Rahm. (allegedly, they no longer hug and kiss when they meet, but I think that is a facade both use for their own purposes).

Because of Rauner, Illinois has not had a budget for a very long time. Services are being cut, schools are being forced to fire staff, our debt is booming, and Rauner blames everyone but himself.

These are worst of times for a wonderful state and one of the best cities in the world.

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Is there anyplace left that isn't like this in the country anymore?

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'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "

detroitmechworks's picture

But I am LOVING living here.

Food, music, arts, etc...
If other things had worked out it would be perfect. (Not giving up on my education yet, but fate conspired against me this month.)

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

ChemBob's picture

Seriously, DetroitMechWorks, I'm in SE MI currently and have been contemplating one last gigantic change of venue before entropy finally sees fit to croak me. What is the cost of living like? Are the people friendly and how do you like the climate? It looks great from what I've seen. I've been near there, but never in Portland itself.

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detroitmechworks's picture

People are great, and friendly, as long as you don't get some of the newer California transplants. Even then a lot of them have left CA because they hated what CA had become. (Being one myself, I constantly preface introductions with "I'm from California, and I'm sorry...")

I like the rain, because I'd rather have too much water than not enough. Cost of living is MUCH better than CA. (Rents is about 1/2 to 2/3rds but IS increasing rapidly recently due to the influx of people.)

Pot is legal. Lots of good beer if you like that. Good arts, great concerts. (Saw Bowling for Soup and The Crystal Method, Both great bands.)


Overall, I'm happier than I've ever been anywhere in the states with the exception of Madison WI, BEFORE Scott Walker.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

PastorAgnostic's picture

And at the thugs he eggs on for crowd control, is there any hope for our country?

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detroitmechworks's picture

The world turns.
What was, may come again. The fates still spin the webs of men's lives.

(Totally stole that, but it just sounds so awesome...)

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Minnesota. We don't have to worry about our governor undermining the citizens. Not all roses, our politicians are too loose with our tax dollars dealing with business, Ziggy got too good a deal on the football stadium, we are trying to prop up a dying mining industry in the north, risking natural resources. We recognize water pollution, but still behind the curve regarding what needs to be remediated. We prefer Bernie over Hillary, but must remind our politicians who they represent. MSM the same, but we have counter our voices. Star & Trib wishful thinking endorsing Hillary. Swing and a miss.

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to louisiana, & brownback did to kansas, is exactly what rw-ers like rauner want to do: make govt fail...then offer to "fix" it.

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PastorAgnostic's picture

He keeps doubling down and making things worse.

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and I live in Illinois too, Front Page.

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ChemBob's picture

Governor Rick Snyder to the East.

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PastorAgnostic's picture

He should be in jail. Or gaol.

Then again, the same applies to Rauner and his seedy venture capital deals.

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gulfgal98's picture

Rick (I plead the Fifth 75 times) Scott. How people voted for this crook twice? I blame the Democrats (DINO) wha have completely abdicated their jobs. Instead they convince former Rethugs to become Dems and then run them for office.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

PastorAgnostic's picture

It becomes easy to see why our country is in a mess

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this morning about a community near some river in Illinois that floods every other year now. FEMA agreed to buy the houses; the drawback is that Illinois has to come up with 1/4 monies to do this. Now that there is no budget for these buybacks the home owners are in jeopardy of losing the property and a bucketful of money. Watch this scenario play out down the road in areas across the nation.

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Rauner or Emanuel. And I am told that it is wrong to say the Democrats are no different than the Republicans. Rahm is no different in his hate for unions and distaste for public servants. He has openly assaulted the teachers, and he plans to sell off the water supply in a "Public-Private Partnership" He is also destroying the public schools by giving the money to charter schools, owned by his friends. Somehow he worked out a big tax break for his CME buddies though.

Rauner's first act as Governor was to give his cronies raises and close the Illinois State Museum--even though they actually earned money. Ideological purge.

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that may've been the rule at TOP, but not here Smile

rahm's a neoliberal just like bill & hillary, & obama--& there's little difference between them & r's...policy-wise, anyway.

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Climate Change may be the most dangerous thing we will face, but without taking on corruption we won't even be able to talk about Climate Change.

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Our attorney general was indicted and her law license suspended. We haven't had a budget since Gov. Wolf took office, causing painful cuts to local non-profits that serve the neediest. But hey, the assholes causing the crisis are still getting paid. Because Harrisburg is still pissed at Joe Sestak for not falling in line behind Obama's chosen Democratic senator in 2010, they recruited a member of Wolf's cabinet to run against him in the primary. And the very serious assholes who are running this state into the ground are all behind her.

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As a life long resident of the Chicago area it really sickens me that Bruce Ruiner was even elected.I really cant comprehend what people were thinking putting this guy in charge of anything.Rahm just rode the coat tails of Obama into office, as far as policy Rahm and Rauner represent the same thing.I doubt either will be re elected but I bet hrc will have a nice spot for rahm in her cabinet if she can cheat and lie herself into the white house.Who knows maybe she can find something for rauner too!

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