Site's Public Anniversary (Fundraising) OT

On 01-22-2015, the following message suddenly shone forth into the blogosphere:

Welcome new members.

Submitted by JtC on Thu, 01/22/2015 - 10:10pm

Welcome to caucus99percent. You can write a new diary by clicking the "Diaries" or "My Blog" links in the header or Navigation menu, then click the "Create a new diary" link. The title, body and tags sections must be filled in. All the HTML tags you are familiar with from other sites also work here, you'll find a list of allowed HTML tags below every diary and comment area.

There are no restrictions on diary length or subject so write about whatever you feel like. Initially there are no rules except DBAD, although that may change as the site grows.

If you have any questions please consult the FAQ page first and if your question is not answered then ask here in this diary in the comment section.

Thank you and enjoy your visit. was officially open for business. What Johnny didn't include was that he was already in the hole and out of pocket a significant amount of bread that he had sunk into this new home and or lifeboat for those seeking genuine adult level, nonpartisan, open, free and freewheeling discussion of life, the universe and all that, with a healthy dose of politics on the side. It was, furthermore, the new home of that world famed and most illustrious source of news and blues, Joe Shikspack's The Evening Blues.

Johnny continued to spend far, far too many man hours, more than his business really could stand, and far, far too much bread. He refused however to sell his or our names, soul or eyeballs, and the place remains ad free. He also eschewed the solicitation of funds. It is his home, and Joe's, and mine damnit, and that of many others. Arguably, those of us not running the damn place, such as you and I, should be paying rent, nes't ce pas?

Johnny would never stoop to beg, but was finally persuaded to include donation buttons up there in the upper left hand corner, as well as some other donation information. I, however, ain't Johnny, and

So, up there, right up in the upper LEFT, at least once, but preferably recurring. It's easy and satisfying. Really. This is our pool, so to speak, so we otter to keep it filled.


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Raggedy Ann's picture

I became a monthly subscriber last year. It is the best money I spend!

A million thanks, JtC, for c99p! Good

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

WaterLily's picture

@Raggedy Ann It ain't much, but it's consistent. And if/when I can ever up my monthly contribution, I will.

(Now, if I could ever get back that $800-plus I gave to Bernie in $27 increments, I'd send it directly C99's way).

So grateful to have landed here.

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Arrow's picture

It's my home too! I fully intend to 'keep up the house payments' in the future.
Try it yourself. You might like it.
Props to JtC and Joe and all here.

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I want a Pony!

Lookout's picture

...and I feel lucky to have a pension from decades in the classroom so that I am able to kick a little into the kitty.

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" is a slogan popularised by Karl Marx back in 1875. I think it is still of value today. Contribute what you can if you are able.

And regardless of your financial where with all, we can all thank JtC, the moderators, the open thread providers, writers, and readers. It takes us all to have a community, but without JtC's mechanics this digital gathering wouldn't exist. Help if you can.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

and thanks to all the fine c99ers.

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LeChienHarry's picture

I use PopMoney because it allows me to have the monthly auto payment moved from my bank account directly to JtC. He has to approve the donation to his C99% account but once it's set up it's out of sight and out of mind. I really don't mind at all. It is one of the few things my DH and I give to as we are close to the bone.

Just wondering: Chris Hedges wrote about the choking down of non mainstream sites....Chris Hedges

Has there been a drop in curiosity clicks?

Anyways, don't know what the workaround for this is, but there must be several.

Let us know if we can do anything. Grateful for this site.

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You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce

If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.

snoopydawg's picture


The government know that they can't abolish the first amendment, but they can ask others to do it for them and this is what we are seeing. Click the link to WSWS in the article you linked to and it will explain what has happened. Since Google changed their algorithm, WSWS hits were down 90%. Other alternative websites are also reporting a decrease in viewship.

The abolition of net neutrality and the use of algorithms by Facebook, Google, YouTube and Twitter to divert readers and viewers from progressive, left-wing and anti-war sites, along with demonizing as foreign agents the journalists who expose the crimes of corporate capitalism and imperialism, have given the corporate state the power to destroy freedom of speech. Any state that accrues this kind of power will use it. And for that reason I traveled last week to Detroit to join David North, the chairperson of the international editorial board of the World Socialist Web Site, in a live-stream event calling for the formation of a broad front to block an escalating censorship while we still have a voice.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Granma's picture

Still love this place and people. But there was a sudden death in family, and can't handle politics right now. I come here, then find I can't read much let alone comment. I'll see you all again later on.

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thanatokephaloides's picture


I'm taking a break.

Still love this place and people. But there was a sudden death in family, and can't handle politics right now. I come here, then find I can't read much let alone comment. I'll see you all again later on.

Peace be upon you, your family, and all the loved ones of the one who just passed.

We will welcome you back when you return. Please do. We will miss you.


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

QMS's picture

where else can I learn so much? (just a rhetorical question). Smile

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question everything