Reviving U.S. Manufacturing: The Trump Effect


Lost in all of the misleading "Fake News" distractions and hysteria created by the (corrupt) U.S. News Media are significant hard fought positive Economic Policy developments worked through by President Trump that have produced tangible results.

Over the last 12 months, U.S. Manufacturers have added 224,000 jobs. That’s the biggest annual gain since year 1998! [Source: Wall Street economist Joe LaVorgna]. And in the time since the 2016 election, the economy has added a total of 263,000 Manufacturing jobs.


And the Trend has been growing, for just the last month alone The United States added 31,000 new Manufacturing jobs. February is also the shortest month but if we multiple this by 12, we are on pace for nearly 400,000 new Manufacturing jobs by this time next year.

And in spite of the unprecedented and hysterical efforts by the Media and Hollywood celebrities to Demonize, accuse, slander, and attack President Trump non-stop at every turn, it turns out that his Public Policy record is not only producing improved results for American workers (at long last), but they are also popular with the public.

In a Harvard-Harris poll, about 83 percent of Americans said they supported President Trump’s effort to level the playing field on foreign trade to reverse the decades-long destructive pattern of (Globalist-Oligarchy crafted) Multinational "Free Trade" agreements which have deliberately de-Industrialized The United States, wiped out whole broad portions of the Rust Belt and Middle America itself, and in addition created a sad downward wage pressure for those lucky enough to still remain working. It's nice to see the people refusing to be fooled by the U.S. News Media.

[video: width:560 height:420]


While both the (bought and paid for) Democratic Party and GOP Establishment strongly oppose President Trump's efforts to burst the Globalist bubble, and revive American Manufacturing, he has continued to break with long standing "conventional wisdom" and introduced new Tariffs to level the trading and exchange playing field (and incentivize Businesses to keep their facilities in The United States).

So many are howling that this "protectionism" will cause a giant trade war. But the reality of course is that The United States has been designed by these horrible past agreements to be on the losing end of Trade relationships, and there is simply nothing wrong at all with attempts to make these arrangements more even-handed, and better support our Economy.

For example, there is no reason why American cars should be required to pay a tax of 25% on our cars going out into China, when they pay only a 2.5% tax to get to bring theirs into the US. This is destructive to American Industry (which was the original Globalist intent). The Tariffs are also themselves subject to negotiation, and provide a leverage mechanism for reworking bilateral agreements with Foreign competitors. The implementation of the tariffs will also include the ability for countries to be added to or taken off the list (which doesn’t kick in for another 15 days) based on one simple criterion: improve whatever current standing you have with America by making it more fair. So the "Trade War" howlers really have nothing to fear.

History will prove Trump is right. The only thing to fear is either Congress, or the next President in succession going back again to kneel at the feet of the (corrupt) WTO, and the Globalists schemes.

One thing that the Media can't control is the fact that real people are getting real paychecks again -- that otherwise wouldn't be:



The United States may still have way too much that is wrong with it, with an unelected "Shadow Government" Deep State Complex that prevents big reforms, and is too uncontrollable in order to ever: "Make America Great Again". But at least President Trump is making a real break with the orthodoxy, and making policy changes that are achieving measurable results.

When it is all said and done, the people will remember that.

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Great commentary by Lou Dobbs.

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The Steelworkers agree:



“Donald Trump was able to see the steelworker agenda; what he did is what we've been fighting for for more than 30 years....It’s going to make it very hard for our members to ignore what he just did and what makes me sad is we’ve been trying to get Democrats to this for more than 30 years.”

Leo Gerard, Steelworkers Union President

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The Aspie Corner's picture

Not 'Globalism', not, 'Crony Capitalism', not 'Corporatism', just Capitalism. Even if the factories do return, they'll be automated anyway. And what isn't automated will be run by temporary foreign workers because Americans hate working for free. Post all the numbers you like. They mean nothing. At the end of the day, President Dipshit is looking out for Numero Uno and no one else. Everything he has said and done has reflected this.

His tax breaks were one large pump and dump scam 'paid for' by robbing Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and SNAP (Don't even get me started on his food boxes). He couldn't repeal HeritageCare so he hobbled it through the tax scam, not that it was all that great anyway. He's expanded Obama's drone wars. His 'infrastructure' plan? Privatization in the name of profit while it simply continues to languish. Then when it all falls apart, his buddies will force a buyback at an absurdly high rate.

Face it: Trump is your Obama. A easily malleable tool of the capitalist class.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

@The Aspie Corner

> "Even if the factories do return, they'll be automated anyway."

Automation is a separate subject matter from having our Industries moving overseas, and our communities hollowed-out. For 50 years people have been scared that Computers would take all our jobs away. It hasn't really worked out that way. But the Globalist trade arrangements over the last 3 decades have destroyed whole towns and Industries.

> "Post all the numbers you like. They mean nothing."

When unemployment is at its lowest point in 45 years (4%), that means a whole lot to the people who now have jobs again.


Finally, Capitalism by itself is not a 4 letter word. Multinational Cartels and Globally-controlled Industrialization is.

The videos posted show that American workers in their own words are benefiting from Trump's policy changes. You may like the TPP and NAFTA and the constant selling away of our American Industries and Resources --- but these failed policies of all these previous administrations didn't benefit anyone other than Wall Street. The people speaking in these Videos are just plain old working class American workers. So I'll value their words ... over yours.

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The Aspie Corner's picture


When unemployment is at its lowest point in 45 years (4%), that means a whole lot to the people who now have jobs again.

In fact, it's far more likely that people have given up looking for work period. Just because Unemployment Insurance claims are down doesn't mean unemployment itself is. And insinuating that I like free-trade agreements when I oppose Capitalism in all forms makes you look like a jackass. Whether you like it or not, Free Trade is just capitalism looking for more resources to exploit. Your choice to live in a right-wing Koch/Soros controlled bubble won't change that.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

@The Aspie Corner

If that were really true, then you would support Trump's actions to end the TPP (which he did), and renegotiate NAFTA (in progress), and the other positive steps (Regulatory Reform, Tax Code incentives, Tariffs), to restore and revive American Manufacturing.

You can't both "oppose" the trade agreements, and hate upon the one guy in power who's working to get them finally changed for the better.

fyi: George Soros totally opposes Trump (as do you).
The many infiltrations and bribery on our Country from Soros should have him in Jail.

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The Aspie Corner's picture

@FreeSociety As for Soros...well, I hate to break it to you, but....


So, like Obama supporters 10 years ago, you're in denial about President Cheeto. You're making the exact same excuses for him people were making for Obama early on even though the writing was on the wall by the time the '08 election came around. They're all in the same damn club that folks like you or I will never be in. If you think any bourgeoisie, including and especially the Cheeto, gives a god damn about you, you're mistaken.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

thanatokephaloides's picture


Finally, Capitalism by itself is not a 4 letter word. Multinational Cartels and Globally-controlled Industrialization is.

Capitalism by itself is a four letter word, and economic globalism is a typical manifestation of it.

Economic corporate globalism is typical of late-stage capitalism, which is what free enterprise deteriorates into when large capital owners are able to buy and contrive protection against competition.

The videos posted show that American workers in their own words are benefiting from Trump's policy changes. The people speaking in these Videos are just plain old working class American workers.

How do we know that? How do we know that your "plain old working class American workers" aren't just some folks hard up enough for money that they were willing to act in a propaganda video?

What my "lying eyes" tell me is different: nationwide, ever more workers join the ranks of the "discouraged labor" pool (and thus no longer count as unemployed even though they are) and it is this, not some influx of highly paid manufacturing jobs, that is causing the official unemployment rate to be so artificially low. Many of these workers -- and increasing numbers of them -- are ending up homeless because one cannot afford shelter on burger-flipping wages no matter long or hard one works.

Please note: I would love to be wrong here. But I'm not seeing the evidence. Acceptable evidence would be our homeless crisis actually being solved, or American brands made by American union workers in America dominating all of our economic sectors including and especially technology; or our infrastructure going back to not less than "B" grade nationwide per the American Society of Civil Engineers (it's now at D+)

You may like the TPP and NAFTA and the constant selling away of our American Industries and Resources --- but these failed policies of all these previous administrations didn't benefit anyone other than Wall Street.

And Wall Street (the Casino) is Capitalism. As typical as it gets.

You won't find many friends of TPP or NAFTA here at caucus99percent (c99). I myself often use the term "free traitors" to describe so-called "Americans" who advocate for those pieces of garbage. And my objections to them run very similar to yours: major global capital got several gold mines while the American laboring class got the shaft. But there's no denying that all of these things which have done so much harm to the American worker were done by and/or at the behest of capitalism, acting typically of capitalism.

Which is why capitalism really is a four-letter word.

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides


You made a thoughtful post, and I agree with the spirit of some of it.

But ... there is a huge difference here between basic free-market capitalism (Mom and Pop shops, etc.) .... and WALL STREET (which is a protected Cartel Structure), and Global Tyranny.

We can make an intellectual argument that capitalism eventually leads to monopolization down the road. But Monopolies almost always require Government protection and deliberate cultivation and "rule bending" (rigged markets).

So stepping back from this, all of our basic goods and services come from capitalism. That's how we live, and competitive markets usually produce good results for the consumer. They're not all corrupt, and they're not all in search of Global Tyranny either.

So "capitalism" in the pure free market sense is not the problem here, and I submit is NOT a four-letter word.

The problem is we have this "Deep State" Superclass of Big Banksters and Multinational Monopolists, and this CIA-Media protected overclass that have sought and designed a Global autocracy and technocracy ("New World Order") that is enslaving financially and economically and politically and personally (and also now threatens our freedom of speech as well).

So is the answer Socialism? History tells us no.
All Socialists governments to date have not worked out very well at all.

I think the answer is to break up the big Banks, break up the Media Monopoly, break up the CIA, and Drain the Swamp, and put the Cartel people like George Soros, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, etc., in jail where they belong, and to make political bribery finally illegal for real, and then ..... allow basic, organic, entrepreneurial, free-market Capitalism to thrive and prosper.

If we expect to have a level playing field by some other form of autocracy (Socialism), that won't work (Venezuela) and we'll just have more lies and corruption.

But we get a level playing field by killing off the U.S. New Media and Wall Street Monopolies, and the CIA secret Warfare and foreign/domestic policy -- and all forms of political bribery -- and then just let true competitive free-markets operate happily in the service of the consumers that buy their stuff.

So Capitalism isn't the problem.
The planned orchestrated perversion of capitalism is (which is really Corporatism-Fascism).

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TheOtherMaven's picture


were quite successful quasi-socialist economies until the Greedheads infiltrated and got at least partial control.

Venezuela is actually more comparable to Cuba, mainly because the Big Bully Greedheads to the north keep stomping on them trying to make them Greedhead countries too. (Government of the greedy, by the greedy, for the greedy. Just like the USA.)

You really can't prove that a system is a "failure" when there is a Big Powerful Bully constantly stomping on it.

The US brand of "Capitalism" has failed - spectacularly - everywhere it has been tried. Including in the US.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.


But.... that's why I had put the emphasis on draining the swamp and ending political bribery.

Without political bribery, and without the threat/actions of CIA violence --- then the "Greedheads" no longer have the absolute power that they currently have today. So That's where the emphasis should be.

Selling goods and services in of itself is not evil.
The Multinational Cartels, and (bribery and CIA) protected "Superclass" are the problem.

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snoopydawg's picture


Without political bribery, and without the threat/actions of CIA violence --- then the "Greedheads" no longer have the absolute power that they currently have today. So That's where the emphasis should be.

We will never get the Deep State out of our politics and therefore we will never have a chance to have the things that the countries that TOM mentioned. If this will never happen, then I don't understand the point you are trying to make.

Trump's job is to dismantle every environmental law that has been passed since the EPA was created. To destroy the social safety network. Net neutrality. The tax bill and stack the courts with right wing nut jobs. Mission accomplished and with help from the democrats. This is one reason Obama didn't push to get Garland elected to the Supreme Court. It's now fully structured to pass the laws that the corporations have wanted passed for so long.

I really don't understand what you're saying here.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.


> "We will never get the Deep State out of our politics ..."

That's probably true at this point, but the key point is that we can reverse the worst effects of the Globally-controlled Technocracy and Oligarchy with different policy.

And one big step in that direction is to reverse or rework all these destructive Globalist Trade agreements, and restore the American Manufacturing Base once again. Through a combination of new policies (Direct Trade renegotiations, Regulatory Reforms, Tax Policy, Tariffs) President Trump is doing that.

And the proof of that is: a) the recent Rising Trend in Manufacturing Jobs, b) the Lowest overall unemployment now in many decades, and c) Consumer Confidence at record highs. Those are all things that reflect Main Street sentiment, and are good for Main Street (and American workers).

The Obama-era policies helped Wall Street alone and not Main Street. The videos that I posted (if anyone watched them), and the Economic numbers show that Main Street finally has something here to be happy about.

And President Trump is the first U.S. President to even use the words Globalism as a "bad thing" (which it is). Unlike past Presidents, unlike Obama (who didn't do squat), and unlike Hillary (who called the TPP "The Gold Standard") -- Trump understands the problems of Global-control for our workers and he is changing the status-quo. Trump haters can wallow in their blind hatred if they like, but was Jeb Bush ever going to change the status-quo? Was Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden ever going to change the status-quo? Was Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz? None of them would even try to. The Trump shift in policy is to be commended and is positive for our Country (and its workers).

As for "Capitalism", what I have written consistently is that it's not the simple selling of goods and services (capitalism) that is Evil. Most Americans would agree with that. Competitive markets produce good results for consumers. It is the Multinational Cartels, and the (bribery and CIA-Media) protected "Superclass" and their planned orchestrated perversion of capitalism which is the Evil.

So we should be blaming Corporatism-Fascism here, and not capitalism.

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ggersh's picture


And the proof of that is: a) the recent Rising Trend in Manufacturing Jobs, b) the Lowest overall unemployment now in many decades, and c) Consumer Confidence at record highs. Those are all things that reflect Main Street sentiment, and are good for Main Street (and American workers).
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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

The Aspie Corner's picture

@FreeSociety History also tells us that capitalism should have been outgrown and abolished outright long ago, yet the capitalists themselves, out of pure nihilistic greed, refuse to let go of the power and wealth they've stolen from the global proletariat, especially over the last 90 years.

But please, keep telling yourself that 'organic' capitalism is possible if it helps you sleep better at night.

edit: And as usual, you go with the right-wing scapegoat of Venezuela. You do realize their economy and government are social-democratic, right? You also realize that said economy is also 75% private, and that their current troubles are caused by numerous coup attempts by the CIA on behalf of the oil barons? Including the artificial scarcity with regards to food in that country also caused by US backed right-wingers?

The situation in Venezuela is a helluva lot more complicated than your oversimplified 'Kapitulizum gud, sushlizum badd!!!11!' strawman.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

TheOtherMaven's picture

@The Aspie Corner

and there was a time when I believed that balloon juice. But that was long ago, when I was young and naive and didn't know how the world really works.

The basic problem with all utopian thinking is the belief that humans can be perfected to fit it, and then everything will be perfect. Turns out it doesn't work that way.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

The Aspie Corner's picture

@TheOtherMaven I even considered voting for Ron Paul in '08 before I cast for Nader instead (And I'd vote for Nader again). Some of the stuff Libertarians believe is...well, suffice it to say reality will never conform to their....ahem, theories.

As for why capitalism should be abolished as a whole? Frankly, we can't afford it. Nor can we afford the capitalists, their exploitative trade practices or their phony wars.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

Wink's picture

run along, run along, ToP is calling.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

thanatokephaloides's picture


Spoken like a true Repub. run along, run along, ToP is calling.

Free Society's pretty new here. He may or may not know that "ToP" is Daily Kos. So I spelled it out for him.


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides


Quote from the steelworkers Union Boss:

“Donald Trump was able to see the steelworker agenda; what he did is what we've been fighting for for more than 30 years....It’s going to make it very hard for our members to ignore what he just did and what makes me sad is we’ve been trying to get Democrats to this for more than 30 years.”

Leo Gerard, Steelworkers Union President



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snoopydawg's picture


This type of attack is frowned upon here. This may be acceptable at DK, but we don't attack people who have a different opinion than yours.

You may like the TPP and NAFTA and the constant selling away of our American Industries and Resources

People here have made it clear that the TPP and NAFTA were very bad for the country and the jobs market. In fact, we make fun of the people who think that they should have been passed since Obama and Her spent so much time working on the TPP.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.


We finally have a President who wants to work at ending them.

I support that.
I'm just being consistent.

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Meteor Man's picture

So I give you credit for being seriously delusional very consistently.

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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn

snoopydawg's picture


However, there is talk that he is still working on it as well as renegotiating NAFTA, but not in a way that would be good for the country. The good news is that a court in the U.K. has neutered the IDSD. I'm not sure if it's only for them or not though. This is what so many people here were upset with Obama and Hillary for trying to sell us out.

Hey, if Trump can bring back jobs here, that would be great. But his tax bill is very destructive to most of us who aren't millionaires, or even thousandaires. (this should be a word)
Plus there's all the destructive things his cabinets are doing. Trump is just the bag man for the Deep State creatures who are really in charge of the country. You have to know that. He's finishing the things that Clinton, Bush and Obama couldn't do.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

And I ain't no millionaire.

Nancy Pelosi called it just "crumbs" for the middle-class, but even she now has had to back off those words because as it turns out -- its popular, and too many workers appreciate the new extra paycheck money. Much of Trumps policy direction has been to incentivize Corporations to build and grow here locally in America and NOT relocate overseas anymore (in search of low taxes).

And businesses are coming back. There have been numerous public announcements of New Plants, and Plants relocating back here in the United States, along with the rising trend and growth in Manufacturing Jobs.

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travelerxxx's picture


Nancy Pelosi called it just "crumbs" for the middle-class, but even she now has had to back off those words because as it turns out -- its popular, and too many workers appreciate the new extra paycheck money.

While I am no Trump supporter, I will back you up here, FS. It's anecdotal, but from what I'm seeing, you are indeed correct re the popularity. I'm around about 25 fellow workers and I believe all of them are quite pleased with the boost in their paychecks. It may be a pittance compared to what the billionaires are getting, but they'll take it.

Further, one worker that I am close to has informed me that, due to the doubling in deductions for dependents (he and his wife have five children), he will be paying NO federal income tax whatsoever. I'm skeptical about that, but this fellow is quite sharp with an accounting pencil, so I have to assume he's right. It's possible that there's more to it in his case than simply the dependents. I don't know.

Down the road, they all may be singing another tune - especially when the next market crash arrives, but for now even the doubters seem to be looking for a MAGA hat. I won't be donning that hat, but I can vouch that my own take-home pay has gone up several hundred dollars per month. Frankly, I haven't yet done the math re my own pay, but it may be an increase of as much as $500/month. That's a pretty good raise and most workers will not be looking in the mouth of that gift horse.

Also anecdotal, but within the last two weeks both of my step-daughter's families have ventured to make rather large household appliance purchases. One family bought a new refrigerator and the other a new clothes dryer ... and a new sofa. Both reported that it was the increase in their take-home pay that led them to make these purchases at this time. For what it's worth, none of the adults in these families are/were Trump supporters, but I've noticed they're all tempering their criticism of him somewhat ... or so it seems to me.

So, other issues aside for the moment, perhaps money talks and bullshit walks. That's what I'm seeing anyway.

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Wink's picture

That -ahem- "tax cut for the poor" is very temporary.
And was included in the bill just so the Trumpster could say, "See! I told ya! More money in your paycheck!"
By September (if not before) that "tax break" will be long gone. Enjoy the crumbs while they last.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

thanatokephaloides's picture


People here have made it clear that the TPP and NAFTA were very bad for the country and the jobs market. In fact, we make fun of the people who think that they should have been passed since Obama and Her spent so much time working on the TPP.

I mentioned that to him above. For that reason, Wink thought he needed to argue some of these things at ToP.

Since his use of that argument here shows him to be a neophyte hereabouts, I obligingly clarified just what "ToP" means!


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Meteor Man's picture

This is not likely:

February is also the shortest month but if we multiple this by 12, we are on pace for nearly 400,000 new Manufacturing jobs by this time next year.

Tariffs are not the sum total of public policy. Their leverage in trade negotiations is questionable at best and Trump has not yet displayed his unrealized potential at trade negotiations.

Time will tell, but I suspect workers and voters will not be pleased with the sum total of Trump's economic public policy.

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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn

@Meteor Man

We have Consumer Confidence already now at an all time high, and U.S. Unemployment down to just 4%, a revival of the U.S. Manufacturing base.

So it is illogical to conclude that workers and voters would "not be pleased" by that, and would rather go backwards to the failed DNC/GOP/Globalist policies, (and Bush-Clinton-Obama-Biden orthodoxy) again.

They should be smarter than that....

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snoopydawg's picture


gjohnsit wrote an essay on this and in it he stated that 94% of the jobs created during Obama's tenure were part time and low paying ones. This is one of the reasons why wealth inequality went up after the Great Financial Crisis of 2008.

Thousands of people have left the jobs market because they couldn't find jobs after they had been laid off. Many of them are in their 50's or older and companies want to hire younger workers. This is another Obama legacy. He didn't bother to creat a jobs bill that would have helped many people find well paying jobs.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Meteor Man's picture

@FreeSociety @FreeSociety

so it is illogical to conclude that workers and voters would "not be pleased", and would rather go backwards to the failed DNC/GOP/Globalist policies again.

This is not an either or choice. And my full statement was:

Time will tell, but I suspect workers and voters will not be pleased with the sum total of Trump's economic public policy.

The key phrase being "sum total".

For an informed view of Trump's trade policy and whether it gives Trump leverage in trade negotiations, I will defer to Michael Hudson:

But these demands make so little economic sense that they should be viewed as an exercise in what academia used to call power politics. Or in Trump’s world, Us versus Them, a zero-sum game in which he has to show that America wins, they lose.

It won’t work. Trump’s diplomatic ploy with Mexico is to say that he’ll be willing to exempt them from the steel and aluminum tariffs if they agree to (1) build the wall that he promised to make them build, and (2) give other special favors to the United States. He can then go to American voters and say, “See, we won; Mexico lost.”
This is unlikely to elicit a Mexican surrender.

And Canada?

Matters aren’t much better in Canada. While some Pennsylvania and Ohio steel companies probably will try to make Trump look good by hiring back a few hundred workers if and when the tariffs are announced, Canada and other suppliers employees would have to be laid off. Canadian resentment already has been building up for decades, ever since the auto agreement of the 1960s and ‘70s that favored U.S. suppliers.

The impact for U.S. jobs:

But the real economic problem comes from within the United States itself. If new steel workers are hired, they may be laid off in a few months. Most important is the bigger economy-wide picture: The Chamber of Commerce and other groups have calculated that the loss of jobs in steel- and aluminum-using industries will far outnumber the new hiring of steel and aluminum workers.

Like I said, time will tell. For anyone interested, Michael Hudson was just getting warmed up:

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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn

thanatokephaloides's picture

@Meteor Man

Few companies, labor groups or banks in New York City have been willing to trust Mr. Trump in recent years. He should have called his book “The Art of BREAKING THE deal.” That’s how he made his money. He would sign an agreement with suppliers to his hotels or other buildings, and then offer only 80 cents (or less) on the dollar. He’d tell them, in effect: “You want to sue? That will cost you $50,000 to get into court, and then wait three or four years, by which time we’ll have made enough money to pay you on the cheap.”

Bank lenders had as much trouble getting paid as did Trump’s hapless suppliers. He made his fortune this way – so successfully that he seems to believe that he can use the same strategy in international diplomacy, just as he’s threatening to break the Iran agreement.


And, Free Society, just like those companies, labor groups and banks in New York City, we don't trust Trump or his promoters either -- and for the exact same reasons.

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Big Al's picture

"The economy added 196,000 manufacturing jobs last year — the most in any year since 2014, when the economy added 208,000 manufacturing jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. But the manufacturing sector has yet to fully recover from the Great Recession."

The partisans have been saying the same things for years. Biden "boasted in 2012 that “manufacturing is back” after a few years of job growth."

There was also much talk about manufacturing being "back" in 2015/2016 before Trump was elected. There's also the analysis of those manufacturing jobs, what kind, and how they are counted. Most honest analyses concur that the bulk of manufacturing jobs in the last couple decades have come from automation, not outsourcing to other countries.

You offer no actual evidence that Trump has done a damn thing other than this recent bullshit with tariffs, which you certainly can't use to justify 2017 numbers. His and the republicans taxscam plan is nothing but a big giveway to the corporation and their investors who are using that savings to further compensate themselves, not create new jobs.

So I don't see where you've made your case that Trump is anything but a demagogic charlatan.

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@Big Al

The 224,000 new jobs related to the last 12 months ending at the close of February 2018.

Posting a different number from an earlier 12-month window doesn't change that fact.

Finally, Trump shutdown the TPP, implemented new regulatory reforms and simplification (through Executive Order), changed U.S. Tax policy to favor American Manufacturing, and is in the middle of active NAFTA renegotiations. The tariffs are just one piece of the whole broader policy shift -- which has sent strong signals to our Industries and revived our Economy.

You can deny it all you want to, but the U.S. Economy is in fact doing better than it has in a long, long time and one obvious evidence is not only the new low unemployment rate .. but consumer confidence at an all time high. Good things (that are felt by real people).

History will prove Trump right, and the "politically correct", "identity politics" crowd sadly out of touch .... once again.

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Big Al's picture

@FreeSociety @FreeSociety I have criticized each administration and president equally. I don't know what your purpose is other than to troll. You're certainly not going to convince anyone that Trump is what you seem to believe.
And you still haven't pointed to any evidence that what Trump did has increased manufacturing jobs. If you did you could explain exactly what regulatory reform led to what jobs and how the change in corporate tax policy has added jobs to what jobs sector. You're certainly not fooling me with this weak sauce.

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@Big Al

... and bigger paychecks.

See you in 2020 (when Trump is reelected).

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The Aspie Corner's picture

@FreeSociety And like the current PresiDunce's numbers, they didn't mean a damn thing for the working class. Perhaps it'll take a full 2 terms for you to snap out of it. I can't say I pity you for it. After all, Trump is exactly what the Kochs, Grover Norquist and Soros et al. wanted: A golem whose only function is to weild a damned pen. No matter who wins in this latest spat between capitalist factions, humanity and the planet will lose.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

Big Al's picture

@FreeSociety the oligarchy controlled republican party, Wall Street and war crimes via U.S. imperialism, as well as support for Israel Zionism and apartheid? And that supporting Trump is supporting a verifiable war criminal due to his actions as commander in chief of illegal wars and other imperialist actions, including but far from limited to killing babies?

Which appears contrary to some of your other views relative to draining the swamp and taking down those that rule over us. You seem to think Trump isn't one of them but he is. Just like Obama, just like Bush and Clinton.

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thanatokephaloides's picture

@Big Al

Which appears contrary to some of your other views relative to draining the swamp and taking down those that rule over us. You seem to think Trump isn't one of them but he is. Just like Obama, just like Bush and Clinton.

"Trump IS Hillary. Hillary IS Trump." -- me, 2016, many times

Just like Hill'ry Clinton
Just like Donald Trump
Which way ya vote, it doesn't bote
They'll bite you in the rump.....
-- my ad-hoc doggerel stanza for Grateful Dead "Ramblin' Rose"

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

@Big Al

The GOP and Dem Establishment have been trying to take Trump down from the moment that he was elected. Any (unbiased) observer can easily recognize that Trump is NOT a doctrine candidate here at all (Independent) and does NOT conform to GOP Orthodoxy...which is why people like John McCain and Bush hate him, and the Deep State wants to force him out of office.

  • Like Bernie Sanders, Trump is against the WTO, against NAFTA, and against all the corrupt Trade Agreements.
  • The GOP Establishment oppose the Trump's Tariffs (Paul Ryan is still actively trying to stop it). Trump's pushed it through anyway.
  • Like Bernie Sanders, Trump has proposed a huge National Infrastructure Rebuilding bill (Dems + GOP both oppose it).
  • Unlike Obama, Trump has attacked Big Pharma drug prices and pressured Congress to act (held up by Congress)
  • Unlike the John McCains and Hillary Clintons, Trump was against Regime Change in Syria - and stopped that policy.
  • Unlike the Establishment & The Neocons, Trump does not want Warfare with Russia.
  • Unlike all the Establishment candidates, Trump would sign an "Audit The Federal Reserve" bill if it (ever) passes the Senate.
  • Unlike Obama, Trump hasn't blown-up some Country back to the stone age (like Libya) and created new failed Terrorist-States.


You make it sound like Trump is the same as Bush (he's not).
The truth is that Hillary Clinton was the same as Bush, and the Bush family even voted for Hillary Clinton!!

The Establishment hates Trump .... must be doing something right (as the Economic numbers demonstrate).
Trump may even succeed in brokering the de-Nuclearization of North Korea (before long).

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The Aspie Corner's picture

@FreeSociety nine years ago and it still wouldn't have meant a damn thing. The only thing Trump cares about is his own brand and how he can use the presidency to profit off it. As I said, Agolf Twitler will be your Obama.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

@The Aspie Corner

You can't possibly equate Obama with Trump. Obama was a big supporter of the TPP, China Trade, and NAFTA (except in one single debate), and did absolutely nothing at all on Trade.

And you don't have to take my word for this stuff...(this has nothing to do with me).
Just watch the Video:

“Donald Trump was able to see the steelworker agenda; what he did is what we've been fighting for for more than 30 years....It’s going to make it very hard for our members to ignore what he just did and what makes me sad is we’ve been trying to get Democrats to this for more than 30 years.”

Leo Gerard, Steelworkers Union President



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The Aspie Corner's picture

@FreeSociety You may as well post something from Fox News. Or InfoWars. And besides, what's left of labor unions in 'Murica has totally capitulated to the capitalist class. At the end of the day, this shit is all crumbs, just like Obama's "stimulus" in '09.

0 users have voted.

Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

Big Al's picture

@FreeSociety I can see we're getting nowhere on this. But if you really believe what you're saying, more power to ya. I can see where you're getting your bullet points from. I could of course argue/debate every one of them but you seem to be a true believer. And you can't use the Obama and democratic party shit on me, I've never been a true believer of any politician or political party.

Just to say though, Trump has committed war crimes, he's killed children during illegal war operations as Commander in Chief. Just like Obama. So defend him all you want just like the Clinton supporters defend her war crimes and Obama supporters defend his war crimes. It's no different even though you think it is.

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Meteor Man's picture

You may want to take your magic crystal ball in for repairs.

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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn