Post-ISIS Syria Mess
Earlier today a jihadi rebel group in southern Syria accused the Damascus government of a chemical weapons attack.
A Syrian rebel group accused the Syrian army of using chlorine gas against its fighters on Saturday in battles east of Damascus - an accusation the military swiftly denied as a fabrication.
The Failaq al-Rahman group said more than 30 people suffered suffocation as a result of the attack in Ain Tarma in the Eastern Ghouta region, which government forces have been battling to take back from insurgents.
Did it actually happen? Who knows for sure.
The report is only a few hours old, so I haven't seen a response from the White House yet.
Recall what Trump said just last week.
"As we have previously stated, the United States is in Syria to eliminate the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. If, however, Mr. Assad conducts another mass murder attack using chemical weapons, he and his military will pay a heavy price."
Washington has been pushing for war with Damascus for months.
Just yesterday, the Pentagon came to an agreement with the Syrian Kurds to use the Tabqa Airbase. Why is that symbolically important? Because it's only a few miles away from where we shot down a Syrian jet two weeks ago.
Depending on the White House response (if any) to the alleged chemical attack, this is not the most alarming development in Syria this week.
For that you have to go further north, near the border of Turkey.
Turkish and Kurdish forces appear headed towards large scale conflict in the Kurdish canton of Afrin in northwest Syria as both sides step up rhetoric amid increased Turkish military movement in the area.
If Turkey attacks Afrin, “Turkey will be plunged into a swamp, politically and militarily – there will be an historical resistance against Turkish occupation in Afrin and Shahba regions,” Mehmud Berxwedan, commander of Kurdish YPG forces in Afrin, told Voice of America’s Kurdish radio service on Friday.
This warning and the sporadic fighting is nothing new, although the large-scale build-up of Turkish forces along the border is new.
What is very unusual is the bold Kurdish response.
While most of the focus on the risk of a war breaking out between the Turkish military and the Kurdish YPG in northern Syria has been on the possibility of Turkey invading the Afrin District, At least one top YPG commander is looking to get the fighting started himself by invading Turkish-held areas along the border.
Commander Sipan Hemo of the YPG insisted it is his intention to “liberate” the entire border area from Jarabulus to Azaz, a region that spans much of the Aleppo Province, and would effectively give the YPG military control over the bulk of the Syrian side of the Turkey border.
Doing this would immediately start a massive land war between Turkey and the Syrian Kurds.
This would put the U.S. in a very delicate situation. Our support of the Syrian Kurds has angered Turkey for years. OTOH, the Kurds have to be fully aware that there are limits to American support.
Nevertheless, a clash between Turkey and the Syrian Kurds seems inevitable, and that puts our troops in harm's way.

That's America...
The eternal victim of (its own self-inflicted) consequences .
EDIT: took out one bolding and 2 parentheses so it made more sense.
EDIT EDIT: (on freaking iPhone) holding/bolding
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Well all the Rapture people must be thrilled
This is playing out just like the wanted, hoped, dreamed. The only question is whether Trump or Putin is the anti-christ?
But seriously, how many false flag attacks are there going to be before our bipartisan warmongers insist on upping the use of force in this war, and risking Armageddon over the Assad regime?
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
IIRC, end time prophesy involves war between Israel
and a land "to the north." I had always assumed Turkey was the land referred to, given what Biblical authors knew of the world. However, Russia is also to the North. It's been a while since I checked on the tv end time interpreters. I have no idea what they are saying currently.
Then we get into the question
When they're speaking of the righteous, somehow I doubt that they're talking about Bibi and his plans. He doesn't get a pass just because he wears a kippah.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Syria is north of Israel.
As is Lebanon. End-timers in the U.S. wouldn't mind Armageddon starting in either one.
Agree, as a matter of current reality.
As a matter of Biblical interpretation, though, it seems unlikely. Biblical authors referred to both Lebanon and Syria by name many times. IMO, switching from that to a very vague reference to a land to the north is unlikely.
At the time of the new testament, the empire to the north occupying Palestine was the Romans.
Stop arming terrorists???
Why would we want that?
When has the US Congress ever seriously
opposed military adventurism? I can't recall it ever having done so. Any excuse will do, it doesn't even have to be very credible.
Congress has gotta feed...
...all them defense contractors feeding them bribes, er, campaign contributions, back in the district.
It's a jobs program. Arms are one of the few things we still
manufacture in the US.
Assembled in the U.S. yes ...
but almost every electronic component in those arms was made elsewhere.
Paul’s Senate version of the bill,... has zero cosponsors.
Bernie must have missed the memo. I'm sure he will jump right in though. /s
I really would like to hear a defense of Sanders' no-show from anyone.
I am beginning to feel like a lemming here.
I do. It fucking never happened! Cui bono, cui bono, cui bono
Did I mention cui bono? Assad is winning big time against ISIS and the phoney US backed rebels.
Killing people with poison gas
is something worth invading over, yet burning them to death with white phosphorous is just fine? That's a part of the US position that I've never understood, it makes no sense.
Not that Assad has launched this attack, I strongly doubt that he did.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
American hypocrisy strikes again
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The U.S. and E.U. have allowed Israel to annex a slice of Syria
As an official NATO member and all, Turkey probably figures the time is now ripe for it to do the same.
Who’s going to stop them? Nobody, that’s who. They’ve still got northern Cyprus.
The U.S. and the E.U. deliberately destroyed Libya, with malice aforethought.
The U.S. and the E.U. have allowed Morocco to annex Western Sahara.
The U.S. and the E.U. are backing Saudi Arabia and its war crimes in Yemen.
The U.S. and the E.U. are backing Al-Sisi’s coup and military regime in Egypt.
Use one’s vote to protest U.S. and E.U. foreign policy? In Germany, the only way to do that is to vote for reformed communists or right-wing populists.
That Trump!
And yet there are still people saying that Hillary should have been President and that her bad campaign (generally failing to mention the fact that she and her coterie are obviously pathologically and destructively corrupt even beyond Trump's similarly deadly
profiteering'policies') gave everyone on this dying globe Trump, as though that wasn't a slower-killing evil...Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Guess those people* didn't vote in swing states.
*One of the benefits of Obama (to date, the most effective POTUS when it comes to moving wealth to the very rich, being out of office) is that people, including him, have been saying "folks" less. But...
I wonder if the MSM are
going to swallow this whopper like they did all the other ones. How long do they expect the public to keep believing their bullshit?
To paraphrase Bush the Lesser, msm catapults the propaganda.
"catapults the propaganda" (++)
more refined than "slings the bullshit".
also catches the fact that our own govt. is waging war against us.
not to mention the rest of the world.
Great minds
That is the only function of the MSM, they are an endless commercial for MIC talking points, on continuous loop.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."