Chemical weapons

Syrian government to blame for chemical attack that hasn't happened yet

In this modern, do-it-yesterday world, you don't have time to wait for evidence of blame for wrongdoing. In fact, you shouldn't even have to wait for the wrongdoing to happen.
We can now look into the future and assign blame for things that have not happened, like in Minority Report.

Syrian Forces may have found more than chemical weapons in East Ghouta

Veterans Today has a shocking article with photographs asserting that when Syrian forces discovered the chemical weapons cache and factory in the rebel-held area near Damascus recently, chemical weapons were found with British and German labeling, among others.

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The backstory:

While the Syrian government surrendered their chemical weapon stockpiles for destruction in 2014, evidence indicates that rebel groups in Syria have ramped up their own supplies of the deadly weapons and have not hesitated to deploy them in combat. In November 2016, the New York Times acknowledged that ISIS, alone, had used chemical arms at least 52 times in Syria and Iraq.