Plea to Bernie Sanders
Never before has it been so abundantly clear how flawed and corrupt the system has become, or to what ends those within it will go to fight the vestiges of might bring about real positive change.
The first indications of this came when so many declined to enter the primary race, so many who even if they could not win in this election cycle, could have gotten their names out to a wider audience and gained recognition for future election cycles. And not just out of fear of being seen as being opposed to the Clintonian political machine, but also from not wanting to be seen on the same stage as it for the greater fear of owing it a favor, and hens owing it fealty. The calls for you to "tone it down" are not purely from being seen as opposition, but also from a twisted sense of ownership over your own victories for having made them in the presence of the Clintonian machine. From the purely function perspective, you playing the role of the loyal opposition was in that fashion and to that extent being "useful", by exceeding that imaginary mandate from Clintonian machine, has earned you the faux anger of those that make up its workings.
I declare it is or will soon be time for you to run as an independent, not from the idea of wanting to destroy the Democrat party, but from the desperate need to save it. The Democrat party is underestimating its enemy with such a delusional fervor, and don't misunderstand, it is not the also underestimated republicans to which I refer, The true enemy of the democrats is much closer. The rift between the generations is merely the latest sign of this enemy. The American political identity, dangerously teeters over the precipice of fracturing, while the political system remains very much binary. The Democrats so drunk from tools of their own demise can not see the danger about themselves.
The growing tumor of campaign financing can no longer be so easily cut out, No amount of policy, negotiation, justifiable outrage, or reason can touch this problem, left alone the body of our democracy will die, our only chances now are within the unreasoned elixir of a poison, We must shrink this amoral growth before we can remove it. And much like a spoiled petulant child under your charge, refusing to take their medicine, you must administer this vile concoction, Even as they scream and yell, and threaten, and lash out, you must administer this vile concoction.
Bernie, you must run in the general election, never before have the stakes been so high, this election is no longer about democrats or republicans, its about the very foundations of our democracy. You may not win this election, but that is no longer the goal, you must rather be the campaign heard around the world, embarrass them, anger them, frighten them. You need not even ask for peoples votes, but you must be next to democracies bedside, you must read to our sick democracy the fiction of that which may be only.

It's not his job
to fix the party. He has been rejected by the party, and apparently many of its voters. It's not worth the time and effort.
He ran as a Dem so as not to allow Republicans to win the general. He may run independent but it would be a mistake with a bad outcome...namely he won't win.
Hillary will lose to Trump
Even with all of Bernies supporters on board.
More pointedly, without Sanders running, Trump will be our next POTUS.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
down ballot races are a bigger concern.
I am much more concerned about down ballot races, especially in the mid terms, With Hillary at the helm 2018 will make 2010 look like a day in the park, and the 2020 redistricting after Hillary loses to (Kasich?), will be absolutely horrid.
President Trump
We're gonna have to get used to hearing that, unless the Republicans do something surprising, if Clinton is the nominee.
No way can she beat Trump. He is outrageous, and she & her surrogates can't handle it. He doesn't play by the "rules" of politics, and she can't think on her feet, without putting her foot in her mouth, in responding.
Diabolical as it may sound, I still see one thing positive about that outcome - it takes the Democratic party out of the clutches of the Clintons. Could it then be changed?
I've read a great deal about the Green Party recently. Questioning, if Bernie Sanders has accomplished what he has in so short a time, why hasn't the Green Party created more in the years it's been active? Don't have any answers, but surprised many seem to think it's an alternative to Bernie Sanders, when comparing what they've achieved. Feels like there's a piece, or something missing. don't know what it is. Whether it's their strategy, tactics, organization, something.
Don't see it as the option others seem to. That's fine, we know we can say this here. I want to stay very very very open to what evolves from what has catalyzed around Bernie and Jane Sanders. Think Jane is a VITAL part of the future too.
He will decimate her
I could write the script. He could call her the worst Secretary of State ever and go into the dead diplomats in Benghazi, the brutal war in Libya tearing the place to hell-- her project, her lying about coming under fire, and the Clinton Foundation pay to buy arms. Her response would be to have the deer-in-the-headlights look and then claim that his statement was unfair. His point would come across loudly and clearly, Hillary is not competent in foreign affairs and cannot be relied on to defend this country.
Hillary -- You're fired.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
This Bernie supporter ain't
This Bernie supporter ain't on board and never will be...
Winning in the Short term is a good goal but NOT the END!
Even if Bernie does not win the General I agree WE and he must continue The Political Revolution into the Fall.
It's about the message, not the messenger.
FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521
We need a vision, plan and workers
Our ancestors worked together but they had vision of the betterment for themselves, families and communities. That is what we need- we need vision, platform, and plan then we work it like crazy and we can make this country like "WE" want it.
Time for change is now
The Democrat party is corrupt as is the Republican party. Bernie's movement is external to the parties and would be better off without them. A third party that is nationwide with similar views may be a better path to the White House for Sanders and the political revolution.
First of all, we need to stop acting like this race is over
That's not a slag on anyone here, I'm just putting that out there as a friendly reminder.
That said, THIS:
Not to mention, THIS:
We have to break the thinking cycle of "We Only Have Two Parties, Deal With It". Have to. This is the time to do that. We have the wind at our backs and so does Sanders. I'll say it again--the man's got exactly NOTHING to lose at the point where Hillary's doing her Tom Brady Victory Lap....
I despise both HRC and TB!
Anyone calling it the democrat party is usually aligned with the Republican't who insist on using democrat because Frank Luntz told them it sounds like rat.
Which are you and why would you even suggest an "independent run" at this point?
Because it makes more sense than
this notion of a "Boycott" I keep seeing at this same point. There's more wrong with that shit than there is advocating Sanders on the Green ticket...
You are assuming that Bernie could or would
run on the Green Party ticket. All well and good, but the Green Party isn't even on the ballot in a lot of states. Would Jill Stein move over for Bernie or would Bernie run as her VP?
Jill Stein can't get any coverage on main stream media, the only place you'll find the Green Party in on the internet. How are you going to win an election against Trump and/or Clinton?
Sanders needs to stay where he is and be loud and proud. You never know what is going to trip up a candidate. The Dem's are grooming Joe Biden for a run if Hillary should stumble, BS. Biden is in the club, it wouldn't make any difference at all on policy aside from him sounding more human on a stump speech.
Bernie has made his stand, he needs to stay in until the convention.
I am assuming not one thing other than
the fact that Sanders IS staying in until the convention. We should all be assuming it, that's what the man says he's going to do.
In point of this discussion, I simply stated that "Bernie on the Greens ticket" would be far more effective and make far more sense than a damn "boycott" of the vote.
Building a third party isn't great either,
Look at what has happened with Canada and England. When a political system fractures it almost always is to the disadvantage of the left wing parties. As well in the case of Canada when a consensus finely came again the conservatives, it came in the form of centrist labor party to the abandonment of the ideals of the ndp/green parties.
We need the Democrats that are to compromise with us, rather then wait until we are so desperate, that we abandon our ideals for any semblance of sanity in opposition to moneyed interests and right wing ideology run amok.
A genuinely *centrist* party would be an improvement
since what we have now is a right-wing party (the Democratic Party) and a lunatic-fringe-batshit-insane FAR FAR FAR right party (the Republican party).
By European standards, Bernie Sanders is firmly centrist. Think about that.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
granted but..
American "Centrism" is nothing akin to Euro Centrism. A pro business, labor compromise, anti-tax, anti-environment, socially liberal party, is what we will get.
more effective and make far more sense
True that. Almost anything would be far more effective and make far more sense than boycotting the 2016 General Election or the Presidential race therein contained.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Promoting the Independent run is vital at this point . . .
It needs to be in the air that we are not quitting.
The movement cannot diminish. It must grow stronger.
Not quitting before the convention. Not quitting after the convention. (an update)
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
The Wind is At Our Backs, as they say....
This is our best shot. If the Dems lock Sanders out, I have a funny feeling he's not going to go away quietly, regardless of what he actually does.
It needs to be in the air that we are not quitting.
THIS!!!!!!!!! It can not be assumed the people supporting Bernie Sanders will sing "kumbaya" and support any other candidate for POTUS in the Democratic party. Clinton & her surrogates are already trying to play the "unity" game.
WE must keep reminding them of what CLinton's bff ( she of the many Lincoln Bedroom sleepovers!) did in 2008. Lynn de Rothschild created the Democrats for McCain party! While Hillary was doing what ever she had to do or say to preserve her political viability, knowing she was going to run for POTUS again ( anyone else notice: IT'S ALWAYS ABOUT HILLARY and what she wants!) her bff was creating havoc & Clintons said nothing about it.
Think the MESSAGE, the meme is - we are not for sale. There is a lot more which separates us than unites us. Maybe, just maybe, floating the "game" of letting the Rethuglicans win just to get the Clintons OUT of the Democratic party. Desperate needs may require desperate measures/messages. I will not be feared, guilted, blamed, scotused, threatened with doom & disaster, to vote for Clinton.
I will not vote to put the Clintons back in the White House. NEVAH. Remember, it's BOTH of them. Imagine Bill without any responsibilities. Grim. Maybe he and his bff, Jeffrey Epstein, can travel more?
I'm with you, Caerus.
I will not vote for HRC under any circumstances. I will not give up on Bernie. I keep seeing HRC and Bush hugging at Nancy Reagan's funeral. That's all it takes for me. (maybe not all it takes, but it is a factor)
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
What's a visual ear worm called?
RA: I didn't watch any of the funeral.
But just thinking of that "hug" makes me gag.
Also, while I'm being petty. Somebody PLEASE tell the woman you don't have to shout when using a microphone. DOG, I can't stand her voice. And that WIDE OPEN MOUTH SHOCKED I AM & THIS IS HOW I SMILE - to show emotion - worse.
Couldn't survive even 4 years of that. Not to mention phlegmy Bill pointing his finger at us, speaking of what ever visual ear worms are called, I STILL see him standing behind her, then taking the microphone to Announce: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. Now I have to get back to working for the American people." Worse really than an ear worm.
Lived in DC then, and WashPost covered every detail, including the books he bought her at Kramer Books & Afterwards...
We can't have to live through that again, we just can't.
Mrrrawr, lol! No, really, I'm with ya. Is this is a reference to what I think it is?
This is a reference to where she acts like she sees someone she knows in the audience, and she's oh-so-surprised to see them, isn't it? Mouth opens, big smile, big eyes when she does this and she points at the audience, and maybe waves? Now, I have no idea why she really does it, but it just annoys me to absolute distraction and I just can't watch anymore--she does it a lot. To keep me from being so bitchy and yelling at the TV (yeah, there are many reasons we don't watch MSNBC and such on TV around here, lol!), I once imagined that she used that display as a device to combat some kind of stage fright. And, like, she wasn't really making that face to anyone in her line of vision, it was just this blind gesture and who's gonna know? That's a real thing, I think--it's something you can do so you don't have to think about how nervous you are to be in front of an audience. But....well, take that further, what if you were just another schlub in the audience, and you see all this--and you start wondering if she's actually pointing at you. And you take a furtive look around, and you don't see anybody else waving back at her! So now you're thinking "geez, I really don't know her, but should I wave back? I don't want her to feel stupid up there, waving at nobody in particular..."
OK, so maybe she's more confident now. This far into her career, she probably only gets little butterflies at certain times now that she's a bigger Big Shot. And I'm sure she really does know folks in the audience by now, at just about every gathering because she's so beloved. But, ever so humble to the people who made her what she is, she owes some lucky admirer at every stop a Very, Very Large Smile and a wave and make them feel all important and special and shit, because Her Majesty has acknowledged little old them.
Old habits die hard, I guess. Truly, I just want to gouge my eyes out when I see that particular thing, so I never have to see it again. And that's before she's even started yelling into the mic...
I can actually reply to Caerus!
Look how great this is! I can see that I got a response and then respond back.
That picture of that hug makes me gag every fkn time I am subjected to seeing it or just recalling it in my head!!!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I emphasize this:
IMHO, voting "for" Clinton IS doom and disaster in multiple ways, starting with the f'n warmongering, probable wars on multiple fronts. We SO do NOT need that at this moment in time!!! Because she is so much of a Rethuglican conservative, I do not for one second believe there would be any difference between her choices for SCOTUS and those a Rethug might choose. Six of one, half a dozen of another. I do not see any difference between Hillary and a Rethuglican. I've wondered for many years why she didn't simply change to R and put us out of our misery.
To repeat myself for the umpteenth time: There are NO circumstances under which I will vote for Hillary! None! [I will never, ever vote for Rethuglicans; that's a given.] I took great umbrage with Madeleine Albright's "there's a special place in hell reserved for women who don't support other women." How dare she forget that policies and political platforms a candidate stands for matter to us little peons because it affects our lives in ways great and small? Whether candidates are male or female, I take these things very seriously before I consider voting for anyone. Issues before gender!
If Bernie does not win the nomination so I can fill in the oval next to his name, I will write in his name or leave the presidential category blank and vote for the down-ticket Dems. [There's only an outside chance I'll vote for Greens. Leaving the prez category blank says more than voting for a third party. (IMHO, of course; YMMV, and I'll respect that choice.)]
I would rather this country be leaderless than have Hillary or the Rethugs in office. Or, if others select one of the two worst choices (Hillary or whichever Rethug), perhaps that would cure the populace of electing these totally unsuitable morons as president. (First there was W; now ...? Who will the low-information voters pick from unsuitable candidates this time? We seriously need a better educational system that teaches people how to think analytically.) This country does not need my vote to continue going downhill at an accelerated rate because the trail is greased.
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
Did I mention (lately) how much I love me some NonnyO?
Said far better than I could have (and I've tried)!!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
,,, blush... Thank you! :-)
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
Grammer police
English is most likely a second language for luminous and as such, he deserves some slack with relatively fine nuances of common usage. As I helplessly mull over what happens when/if Hillary wins, I welcome his thoughtful input.
Thank you
yeah, it's considered a "faux pas", but the authoritarian grammar copping about it was something I hope to leave behind at that other place. It's just one more club to clobber people over the head with, and it accomplishes nothing.
well to be honest..
English is my first language, I won't deny I am bad at it!, never could get the "their there" thing straight. And I am ok with the grammar police, it is useful for improving my writing.
"Grammar" police
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
So there's a problem.
Democrat v. democratic. When we can't even keep THAT straight, we need a new party with a name that doesn't enrage people in this manner.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Honestly, who cares?
I'm not saying that to be rude, but I also am not going to be defending the DemoCRATIC party over their name or anything else at this point.
I think its a little out of line and a lot DK-like to suggest someone is a Republican because they inadvertently or intentionally write Democrat Party.
And there is plenty to be said for an independent run, unless one is such a party lackey that all that matters is someone getting elected with a D after their name, regardless of how R their policies are.
I'll stand with the writer who said that .....
When the Democrat Party become democratic then I'll return to calling it the Democratic Party.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
I understand people want to believe Bernie still has a chance
...and I suppose he does. But the fix is in for Bernie and it always has been.
The Democrats had dubious credibility as a democratic institution, and Bernie in this election has shown that it's a fucking club, with no rules of fairness or representation. People that should know better, are neglecting to point this out in any meaningful way, yeah I'm pointing at you Maddow. So trying to keep alive a campaign that will surely be killed in committee, is not the biggest challenge we face.
What we need to do now is keep the revolution alive. We have seen movements come and go and this needs to be a movement with a political mechanism. We need to elect delegates into Congressional seats where the Dems are strongest. Elections at the state and city level need to be packed with candidates hellbent on changing the system.
I applaud Bernie, I continue to send him money. But it's not his job to fix a club so they let Democratic Socialism in the door. The party has made a fundamental choice to embrace big money and third world style corruption. It's time they paid for their mistake with real and consistent choices from their left.
Ya had me 'till the end, as they say ;-)
They did that--they own it. Thing is, they want you to think they SHOULD NOT own it. Meanwhile, they are NOT going to put those Better Democrats up from Their Left. Given this, I can't tell what you think should be done, I don't think anyone literally wants the man to Fix The Party. They're not interested in being fixed, that's real obvious by now.
I read it differently.
I think the comment is saying they SHOULD own it and the way to make them own it is for us to keep supporting real and consistent choices from the party's left.
Oh yeah and that "Democrat Party" business needs to go nt
I might agree if your perferred name for the party was....
The CashRat Party.
Otherwise I'll continue calling it The Demorat Party until they choose to act in a Democratic manner.
Only then will I consider calling them the Democratic Party.
Just to be clear Blue..
NO People here civilly speaking their mind, nor the civilly wording of sentiment
'needs to go'
We can say 'fuck Hillary' and 'I'll vote for Trump over Hillary' here if we choose.
We're not in Kansas or TOP anymore Dorothy (Blueslide)
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
I don't find that as concerning as I did at that other place. Who cares, really? We all have opinions, and the opinion beyond that, yes, faux-pas is still important. I'd rather read that than a bunch of Debbie Downer naysaying.
If the poster were to start openly fomenting Wingnuttery, they won't last long anyway
At least one front pager at Naked capitalism has started using
the "Democrat Party" iteration-because, as he said (paraphrasing) "until they become "democratic" they are Democrat'
just don't call it late for a 350,000 buck-a-plate fundraising dinner....
Well, there's a thought
that never occurred to me. But that makes a certain amount of sense....
A Petition to Sign
Kshama Sawant: Why I'm Petitioning Bernie to Run Independent
By Kshama Sawant, Seattle's socialist City Councilmember
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
I signed
Apparently, 10,455 people have signed the petition. Good start.
Perhaps a petition such as this would at least get him thinking about doing something along those lines.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
There are legal deadlines
For independents to get on the ballot. In 41 of our states, those deadlines have passed (by the end of March).
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I signed
I signed the petition and it felt good. I continue to hope for Bernie wins and will absolutely vote for him in Oregon. I do not want to support the democrats if they do not want Bernie. That's as far as I have gotten so far. While I know that no party is perfect( for me), the democratic party is so far off what is acceptable to me. I cannot support it if Bernie is not the candidate. How many times will we be fooled?
Bernie is a master
Bernie is an excellent politician. Let's trust him. I've been wondering if he knows one way or the other about an indictment of HRC.
No matter, even Bernie can't get me to vote for Hellery. I'm still focusing on electing Bernie.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Plea to Bernie
If it comes down to the end of your campaign please do not ask us to support Clinton. That would be the ultimate insult to so many that supported you with money and effort. If you need to say something say this: "go with your conscience".
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
I'd like to see him say
He's going to work to elect progressives.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Not even Bernie asking nicely could get me to vote for $hillary
I have very few absolutes in life, but NOT voting for her is one of them.
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
Nonny, you've saved my day today!
I just got a semi-robo call from the DNC (you know, one of those where the call is so scripted that you can't really tell if there's a human on the other end or not). The spiel began, and I could tell that the DNC wanted something I don't have, especially for them: money. So, as they were rounding up to pitch me for money, I asked a question:
My caller went back to the script, which in this case was a serious mistake! The script went in the direction of "any Democrat would be better than allowing a Republican to win". My response was to imitate the loud buzzer from certain game shows and a shout of "WRONG ANSWER, BUT THANK YOU FOR CALLING!!" immediately followed by hanging up the telephone.
I am sorry for that poor phonebanker, but not for those responsible for the call. And you epitomized the reason for that better than I could, as you so often do:
Yeah. That!
Thank you again, NonnyO!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Velbekomme! :-)
Great question and hang-up line!
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
Yes! Please.....
..... don't put us in that position, dear Bernie!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Wow, just wow.
I am just going to take a wild guess, that those here that refuse to vote for anyone but Bernie in the event he does not win the nomination are white. I'm not even going to attempt to try to guess how privileged your lives may be.
I don't see how anyone voting with their conscience could vote for anyone except the Democratic Party. I say this as a lifelong socialist who is thrilled to have been able to vote for even a Democratic Socialist. And excited about being able to do so in November.
As a white, somewhat lower class (blue collar) worker, my life has gotten steadily worse under President Obama, who I so excitedly voted for.
It will not get any better if Clinton is elected. I truly believe I have a shot at my life improving with Bernie Sanders as President.
As bad as it is right now, with my mortgage rising and taking food stamps to help make ends meet, in November I will vote for whoever the Democratic Party nominee is.
In the end I have to vote with my conscience and I can't in good conscience cast a vote that may lead to a Republican being elected.
No matter how bad it gets for me, I'm white and I have certain privileges because of that. Until people of color have those same privileges I HAVE to vote for the Democratic Party.
The lesser of two evils is just that - less evil.
Why on earth would I take a chance on the greater evil winning?
I can't.
Tracy B Ann- technically that is my signature
I will no longer live in fear.
I am voting for what I believe in. Hillary has not earned my vote.
Bernie has and Jill Stein has.
I will not reward the destruction of the democratic process by accepting the rich's privilege that "This is the Best we can do."
It ain't the best we can do. We can do better than this, and the Democratic party is doing everything they can to destroy democracy in the name of "You wouldn't want anything to HAPPEN to the country, would ya?"
No amount of identity politics guilt attempts will change the fact that the politicians depend on those same politics to prevent change. They depend on us fighting with each other over who has it worse in order to keep running off with the money. I reject their game, and vote for the people who will help, not the people who will mouth the words and then do the exact same thing, only a little bit worse next time... but not as worse as we COULD be...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I used to vote for the lesser of two evils.
I stopped that bad habit some time ago. To quote a great political philosopher, "I would rather vote for what I want and not get it (see:Jill Stein), than vote for what I don't want and get it (see:Hillary)". And besides, when you vote for the lesser of two evils, you're still voting for evil.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Well, you're white.
You can afford to do that. You can take your ball and go home. People of color live in their skin and that's not a safe place to be when Republicans are in charge.
I am standing with them until it is no longer dangerous just to be a person of color in the US.
Tracy B Ann- technically that is my signature
Do you believe that will ever be the case?
I mean that being a person of color will not be dangerous in the US ? And do you believe that this is actually dependent on who is in the White House? Don't you think the endangerment of Afro-Americans in the US is a matter of your laws rather than the color of the skin or the color of the ideology that the occupant of the White House has? (and I mean only the occupant in the White House, not the occupants of the HOUSE or SCOTUS).
I think there might be some Afro-American Bernie supporters who will simply not vote at all, if he is not the nominee and it is imo also unfair to blame them then for "enabling" a Republican to become President. They prepare for becoming more involved in any kind of outside activism that pushes for Sanders agenda.
It seems to me that this kind of straight-jacket that is pulled over the American voters is really something that has to end. It's deeply undemocratic, unfair and manipulative, in my opinion. There should not be any blaming of anybody going on for the vote they cast.
Just reply to myself to see how JtC new super duper
reply notification works.
Aaah, superb, JtC, you know what my father would have
said to you: "Eins rauf mit Mappe und Fruehstueck" (that means in English what a teacher would say to a elementary school pupil, when he did something really good) "Take your lunchbox and your backpack and move up a row towards the front row in class".
Like me here, I could never move up a row ... too distracted by the boys ...
(ca. 1957)
There's a word for judging people by the color of their skin.
And dismissing their opinions and beliefs based off the color of their skin.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
How are the Democrat's
helping people of color? The Democratic politico's local and state in Baltimore, Maryland and Ferguson Missouri enabled the killer cops in every way. My being white and 'privileged' isn't the issue in this case. Both the Obama and Clinton administration's policies and agenda have hurt and are dangerous to people of color both here in the US and globally. Why stand with the perpetrators of crimes against people of color.
It will continue to be dangerous to be a person of color in the US until we get some decent representation that implements justice, economic and criminal. Income disparity? There are prisons for profit the death penalty, the inequality of privatized education and the out of control militarized cops. Black lives do not matter to the Democrat's anymore then the Republicans. If they did we wouldn't have the poverty level or the largest population of incarcerated people.
It's not just white privileged people that are instigating racist policy look at Obama's administration . Chock full of white and black Democratic pols who have continued to enact dangerous racist policies that make it a crime to be black or poor. Perhaps you have read way too many of DEO's dairy's that heap blame on everyone but the people white and of color who are working to stop the duopoly that actively promotes a racist, sexist, classist unjust and cruel society.
I will not vote for Hillary because it will, in the end, help
I don't think I've got that much "privilege". I'm a consultant, a freelancer. I hope works come in. I hope people pay me on time. I haven't had to go to the check cashing place in a long time but I've done it in the past.
Voting for a bad Democrat prolongs the misery. I'd rather suffer through four years of a slightly worse Republican in order to purge the Democrats of the Clinton types. Maybe it'll take longer than that. Maybe they'll lose and blame us and give us the same choice in 2020. In that case I'll skip voting for them again.
Sometimes you have to do things that aren't your first choice, right? You might not like Hillary, might not like voting for her but you'll do so because, for you, that's the reasonable decision. For me, I don't want a Republican in there but I believe electing Hillary would give us more and more of what we don't want.
and anyway, the idea of "privilege" is, if you don't mind my saying so, a ploy, a misdirection to guilt trip us for voting for those we'd actually want to represent us. It's a fear thing. Look out or you'll get a war in Afghanistan and another in Iraq! We mustn't allow that! Unfortunately for the Dems we still have those wars and we've got new ones so that argument doesn't work. Look out or we'll lose jobs to overseas workers! except the President, a Democrat, wants the TPP. We must save the environment! except the President, a Democrat, has wanted Alaska opened up for more drilling, has not cleaned up the Gulf, has, until recently, pushed the Keystone pipeline. And the leading candidate for the nomination wants to "continue President Obama's legacy".
I'm not going to be super comfortable if a Republican wins and I won't be if Hillary wins, either. I think I'm going to have to reject the "privilege" argument.
The "privilege" argument is ALWAYS bullshit.
The "privilege" argument is ALWAYS bullshit. It's an attempt to lure one into the favorite game of its users, "Victim Poker", which is never anything else but the tool of injustice collectors.
Don't fall for their trap!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
It's really not a ploy.
It took me a while to realize that I was exercising white privilege if I didn't vote for the Democratic candidate in Presidential elections. (The place to start 3rd party is local where it works and can grow.)
I'm white, I can get away with so much stuff that people of color get beaten and shot for. I drive my car very, very, fast. I get tickets but not arrested. I can even argue with the police with immunity, because I am white.
Someone mentioned the lesser of two evils still being evil. Yes, but you can't minimize the "less". When people of color finally won the right to vote they didn't even have that. Their choice was shitty or shittier. So they voted for shitty and each few years shitty got a little better.
It's not fear that makes me vote for the Democratic Presidential candidate, it's my sense of fairness. In 2016 in the USA I have a friend who is afraid to have me (a white woman) in his car in certain parts of town too late at night. On a very fun trip to Knoxville TN to take a bunch of my friends kids off to college, I got a call from one of the kids moms.
She wanted to make sure her son rode back with the white adults and not the 3 college age girls. It can be dangerous for a young black man to be in a car with 3 young white girls.
If you don't understand that, I don't really know what to say. I'm a socialist. I'm not a member of the Democratic Party and never have been, but I vote with them because they are better than the alternative.
I don't like Hillary Clinton, for all the reasons you mention, but do you really believe ANY Republican would be better?
IF Clinton get the nomination, suck it up and take one for the team; the team that is full of women, people of color and the LGBT community. Their lives are considerably worse when Republicans rule.
Then maybe focus on Congress, because for the life of me I can never figure out all the focus on the Presidential Race. Sure we could use a better President but what we really need is a better Congress.
That's what I'm focusing on, electing the most progressive Congress possible. For one thing, if my guy gets the nomination, he's going to need it. And we all need it, that's why I'll work for Congressional candidates in any state. I will benefit from a more progressive Congress no matter what state I live in.
I also work my butt off to register voters which is why I'm a supporter of 90for90 a voter registration advocacy movement started to honor the 90th birthday of Dr. Ferguson Reid, the first black man to be elected to the VA Assembly. He was registering voters when there were poll taxes and literacy tests; when driving down the wrong road late at night could get a black man hung.
At 91 he is still doing it and still voting for shitty over shittier and if he can do it I will too.
Tracy B Ann- technically that is my signature
again, I'll disagree on "privilege"
We have had a Democrat in the White House for 8 years and all the things you describe are still happening. Racism, as a problem, doesn't seem to be affected by which party holds power. It seems to be outside of politics. Police are still killing black youths with immunity. I'm sure you read recently about the policeman who was convicted, not of murder but of manslaughter, who has now gotten his sentence reduced to community service! I can't see that having a Democratic President protected Akai Gurley. And I don't see the Democratic President doing anything about these tragedies.
We have had a BLACK Democrat in office for 8 years
and all that shit is still happening and he hasn't done thing one about it.
So much for the "white privilege" bullshit argument.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Your white guilt completely ignores the damage done to
darker brown people here in the USA and world wide by both Bill and Hillary's policies and actions.
Yes I said 'darker brown' rather than black because. (and here is an actual fact rather than opinion)
We are ALL born of the ancestors of the Sans people who are rather dark skinned due to the environment they live in.
The Simple FACT is there is no black or white, we are all shades of brown.
That's right, you are NOT white, you're passing, you're just a light skinned nigga, like the rest of us.
While you may feel obliged to vote for a woman who cackles in glee over the death of another lighter skinned San's descendent, This light skinned nigga don't.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
"White" is a state of mind and an "OK" label
applied by the consensus of society to groups it deems "worthy to associate with Us". There was a time when the palest of paleskins were deemed "not white=not worthy" because they didn't speak English and didn't attend the "right" church. (They don't get much paler than a red-headed Irish person.) Those were the days of "No Irish Need Apply", which have in the main been deliberately "forgotten" by everyone but Irish-Americans.
The same circus repeated itself with persons of East European ancestry, and South European ancestry, and etc. etc. etc.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I can no longer agree with this view
although I held it for years.
But its like giving your one kid a cookie because even though they deliberately broke your computer, at least they didn't deliberately wreck your car like the other one. You don't reward bad behavior even if its less bad than some other behavior somewhere.
They will not change if they keep getting rewarded for simply being slightly less evil than some other person.
We are out of time for this nonsense and I am withdrawing my consent, measly as it is.
Working for actual progressives down-ticket could make a difference and is certainly a good goal for all of us. We need to start from the ground up, and a Republican president couldn't do all that much damage if we had a progressive congress. But I won't vote for Clinton because she's not a Progressive and she's a really horrible candidate.
You have every right to your viewpoint, but no offense, don't tell me what I should do. They are not my team, as they've made abundantly clear and I feel more good would be done by refusing to support a corrupt, untrustworthy candidate. I'm a grown woman, I've been "taking one for the team" for 25 years of voting, and things have gotten steadily worse in that time. Its not the answer for me.
The Greeks have a word for it:
Αρνιέμαι (I refuse)!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Then what DO you suggest we do?
Fact: Hillary Clinton is a Republican. As are all other "Dixiecrats" and Third Way "people", all the "conserva" "Dems".
This being the fact that it is, how do you suggest we vote if we don't want a Republican in control of our nation's nuclear arsenal, the NSA, the CIA, the FBI, the DEA, etc. in the event that Bernie fails to get the nomination?
The days of being bullied into voting for any evils, lesser or not, just because they have connived a "D" label after their names from some semi-literate, overworked county clerk in Shitrot, Arkansas have forever ended. No thinking person is ever going there again. We've been punished for doing that often enough that most of us have learned not to do that any more. "Freedom! Freedom! We will NOT obey!" (Alan Parsons, I, Robot)
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Sigh. She's not a Republican.
If you really think that Cruz or Trump will be better....well, then all hope is lost. Even scarier than that to me is if, at their convention they bring in Scott Walker or Kasich who are both much worse.
I don't want to defend Clinton, I don't like her or many of her policies, but the fact is she is way better than any Republican.
Tracy B Ann- technically that is my signature
You used the words 'the fact' where....
'my opinion' would have been accurate.
and truthful.
It is NOT a fact she is better, it is only YOUR opinion.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
Whereas her Republican status IS a fact.
Compare HRC's actions (as you cannot trust anything she says) with the Republican platforms through the 1990's. If you look with an unbiased eye, you will find that the actions fit quite well with the foreign policy and economic proposals of the GOP at that time. With respect to actual politics in practice, she has indeed moved from being a Goldwater Girl -- to the right. The only exceptions, her superficial service to racial equality and LGBT rights, are mere window dressing on the domestic fiscal austerian and warhawk that is the real "meat" in the Clinton sandwich.
There is no evidence -- none -- that she would operate in any matter distinguishable from Kasich or Bush once elected and in power, with the possible exceptions of the window dressings I spoke of above. Mentions of Rubio and Cruz in this conversation are red herrings and nothing else. And not even Cat Herself knows what Trump's really all about; frankly, I don't think Donald J. Trump knows, either.
We either need to utterly expel the Third Wayers, Dixiecrats, and all other conservas (read: Republicans) from the Democratic Party, or we need to form a new Party capable of getting folks elected to office devoted to the cause of the American Left, as the New Deal Democrats once were.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
good cop, bad cop (Hills vs the Repubs)
and that's giving her a little more credit than she deserves.
Republicans are after your wallet and if they kill you, oh well. Democrats are after your money, will make a minimal effort to not kill you and maybe even let you keep your empty wallet.....but if you happen to die after that minimal effort then, from them too, oh well and they might as well keep your wallet because you're dead.
You're making Republicans look better than Democrats
Beware the bullshit factories.
You may be confusing people here with actual Demorats
The Demorat Party is making the republicans look better.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
Holding a fundraiser in Tel Aviv? She’s WORSE than a Republican.
She is being completely open about her intention to deepen the de facto merger of U.S.-Israel strategic planning, using covert ops and military might to balkanize the entire Middle East-North Africa region for Israel’s benefit.
On official U.S. gov’t forms I would be “Asian/Pacific Islander”
So, BZZZZT! Wrong! Sorry, no.
If injustice collection is indeed the game, Asian-Pacific Islanders can state without exaggeration that they have been privileged to be subject to internment (FDR), martial law (FDR), and even hydrogen bombs.
I also don't see that the Dems - especially the Clintons
have done anything but harm to minority communities. The Crime Bill? Mass incarceration? The ridiculous sentences for crack vs. cocaine? Welfare "Reform"...
I don't understand how they continue to keep their reputation as friendly to minorities. They aren't. They are friendly to no one but themselves.
I also don't see that the Dems - especially the Clintons
have done anything but harm to minority communities. The Crime Bill? Mass incarceration? The ridiculous sentences for crack vs. cocaine? Welfare "Reform"...
I don't understand how they continue to keep their reputation as friendly to minorities. They aren't. They are friendly to no one but themselves.
That double comment deseves a double 'like' Hk
Oops! Sorry for the double post ;)
I must have gotten impatient with my crappy slow internet and clicked multiple times.
Ah, finally, a person of color on the board.
Yep. Asian Americans get treated like shit here in the USA too. All the more reason to focus on getting a progressive Congress no matter who wins.
Tracy B Ann- technically that is my signature
That's the first reasonable thing you've said in this thread
Now where do we find enough progressives to change the makeup of Congress? (Not a lot of them in my neck of the woods.)
As long as the 1% are in control, they will treat everybody else like shit. So that is what we need to change.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I'm with you.
While I would tie a Clinton presidency, it would not be as bad for the US as a republican regime. I am not the only one I am thinking about. While I have no love for Dmocrats, I am repulsed by the thought of allowing more republicans on the supreme court. They have already given us citizens United, mccutcheon, repeal of voting rights act, hobby lobby--these things alter our daily access to civil rights and those judges have lifetime appts. Vote for whom you will, though I ask you to consider carefully. In the end, I'm pretty sure Bernie will stick to his word that Hillary will be far better than a republican alternative, and as he also said, he won't be a spoiler in the general election.