Plea to Bernie Sanders

Never before has it been so abundantly clear how flawed and corrupt the system has become, or to what ends those within it will go to fight the vestiges of might bring about real positive change.

The first indications of this came when so many declined to enter the primary race, so many who even if they could not win in this election cycle, could have gotten their names out to a wider audience and gained recognition for future election cycles. And not just out of fear of being seen as being opposed to the Clintonian political machine, but also from not wanting to be seen on the same stage as it for the greater fear of owing it a favor, and hens owing it fealty. The calls for you to "tone it down" are not purely from being seen as opposition, but also from a twisted sense of ownership over your own victories for having made them in the presence of the Clintonian machine. From the purely function perspective, you playing the role of the loyal opposition was in that fashion and to that extent being "useful", by exceeding that imaginary mandate from Clintonian machine, has earned you the faux anger of those that make up its workings.

I declare it is or will soon be time for you to run as an independent, not from the idea of wanting to destroy the Democrat party, but from the desperate need to save it. The Democrat party is underestimating its enemy with such a delusional fervor, and don't misunderstand, it is not the also underestimated republicans to which I refer, The true enemy of the democrats is much closer. The rift between the generations is merely the latest sign of this enemy. The American political identity, dangerously teeters over the precipice of fracturing, while the political system remains very much binary. The Democrats so drunk from tools of their own demise can not see the danger about themselves.

The growing tumor of campaign financing can no longer be so easily cut out, No amount of policy, negotiation, justifiable outrage, or reason can touch this problem, left alone the body of our democracy will die, our only chances now are within the unreasoned elixir of a poison, We must shrink this amoral growth before we can remove it. And much like a spoiled petulant child under your charge, refusing to take their medicine, you must administer this vile concoction, Even as they scream and yell, and threaten, and lash out, you must administer this vile concoction.

Bernie, you must run in the general election, never before have the stakes been so high, this election is no longer about democrats or republicans, its about the very foundations of our democracy. You may not win this election, but that is no longer the goal, you must rather be the campaign heard around the world, embarrass them, anger them, frighten them. You need not even ask for peoples votes, but you must be next to democracies bedside, you must read to our sick democracy the fiction of that which may be only.

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HighPlainsDrifter's picture

Sec. Clinton and the Party should be concerned about the opposition to her candidacy by many Sanders supporters. This is leverage for Sen. Sanders since, worst case scenario, he still gets to be a U.S. Senator after November. They are stuck with him. They are stuck with us!

I was a Deaniac back in 2004 before voting for John Kerry. Gov. Dean didn't get to be the Democratic Party's nominee for President, but his campaign proved two things: 1) that the youth could be organized into an effective political movement and 2) that there remained a large progressive constituency at odds with many of the policies embraced by the Democratic leadership. Gov. Dean was appointed as Chairman of the Democratic National Committee the following year. During his four-year tenure the Democrats, employing Gov. Dean's 50 State Strategy, saw gains of 39 State House seats, 3 U.S. House seats, and 1 U.S. Senate seat.

The Democratic party cannot afford to lose this election, not only because of SCOTUS, but also the fact that there are only seven states under complete Democratic. control. Hillary Clinton is not an ideal candidate. They'll NEED the enthusiastic voters that Sen. Sanders has brought into the process. We have leverage if we use it. I hope the calls for an Independent run in the general election grow louder. Democrats are typically afraid of their own shadows, so once the threat of a Sanders challenge becomes plausible, they'll remember Sec. Clinton's horrendous favorability rating. They'll remember she is at the center of an FBI investigation (if they forget, Donald Trump will remind them). I suspect there are many of her surrogates/supporters who will have an "oh shit" moment when they realize just how unpopular she is with non-Democrats. Independents won't turn out and Republicans WILL. That's when a deal gets done to bring Sanders into the fold in order to turn out his supporters.

Bernie isn't going anywhere after this election and neither are we. We will continue to fight make progress tomorrow, but let's gain what we can today!

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Shahryar's picture

let's say Hillary gets the nomination and says really nice things about Bernie and starts talking about stuff that is somewhere close to what Bernie wants. I simply won't believe it. It is too easy to picture her, somewhere in her term, getting that Hillary face on, saying "well look, I wanted to ...... but you know we live in a world where Republican....blah blah blah"

No matter what is said it's not going to make us think "yeah, they're coming around!" Even if, for some crazy reason, Elizabeth Warren is nominated as the VP candidate I'll think it's a con.

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when campaigning on "Hope and Change" and turned out anything but...

Today's Democratic Party is the Republican Party of the 50's - 70's. The Republican Party of today is further right than Goldwater in 1964. The FDR wing of the Democratic Party has been so marginalized that it sits outside mainstream politics and will probably remain so until Depression II hits the country. Add a healthy (?) dose of climate change and this country will be in a lot of trouble.

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lunachickie's picture

other than a passel of goddamn investigations and impeachments and all manner of other stuff that makes "Getting Things Done" IMPOSSIBLE.

There's a synapse that's just not firing here, with all these justifications to Vote D Because Rrrs-r-Badder. They miss whole swaths of the surrounding context to this situation, the largest being if you don't GET a Dem Congress--which won't happen with Clinton at the top of the ticket--then she gets neither jack nor shit done anyway.

No. I am DONE with her and those "Democrats" like her. Fuck them, they get nothing from either voter in this house, including a vote.

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Will the losses be as dire.

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TheOtherMaven's picture

because it takes longer to kill you, isn't a good argument.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.
