Outside the Asylum

Today I had to wait for about an hour for my new lenses to be fitted to my glasses. I'm right on the fence between being able to drive safely without them and being a risk to myself and others. So I stayed put, or, rather, walked down a hill and across a parking lot to the mall.
In J.C. Penney, while I was hunting for warm shirts and sweaters for my trip to MD tomorrow, I saw this:
Now, this...message? advertisement? propaganda? irritates me for a lot of reasons, some of which I might get to in this OT. But more than anything, it makes me want to make a list.
1. Making a story that used to be mostly about men entirely about women does not make you a feminist.
2. Making inaccurate inarticulate statements and expecting them to be taken seriously because they include the notion that being female is good does not make you a feminist.
3. Calling someone sexist does not make you a feminist.
4. Voting for a woman does not make you a feminist.
5. Being the first woman to do something does not make you a feminist.
6. Running for high office does not make you a feminist, even if you are a woman.
7. Writing a story with a female hero does not make you a feminist.
8. Hating Donald Trump does not make you a feminist.
9. Being a lesbian or bisexual or trans woman does not make you a feminist.
10. Belonging to a particular political party does not make you a feminist.
11. Saying that someone treated you badly because you are a woman does not make you a feminist.
12. Doing things that women didn't traditionally do fifty years ago, like starting wars or wearing pants, does not make you a feminist.
13. Justifying eighteen years of unwanted occupation "for the women of Afghanistan" does not make you a feminist.
Perhaps at this juncture a definition of feminism is in order.
Feminism is a global utopian project with the intent of creating a world in which women are not shamed, objectified, exploited, deprived of choice, deprived of freedom, deprived of opportunity, abused, or killed for being women.
Feminism, by reaching for a utopian conclusion for all women, tends to create more just conditions of life for women in propinquity to its work, even as it fails to produce utopia.
Feminism requires a revolutionary understanding of women's oppression, not a dedication to putting particular women on pedestals.
Feminism does not find its fulfillment in advancing individual women to positions of power, because expanding the power and prestige of a few women is not the goal of feminism. Such individual advancement can only useful to feminism if it is dedicated, not to itself, but to feminism's utopian goal.
Feminism requires solidarity with women, not agreement.
Feminism requires basic respect for women because they are human beings, not blind loyalty to women because they are superior.
Feminism requires an understanding that a woman's personal struggle is part of the great struggle of women all over the world, across cultures and across centuries.
Feminism requires an understanding that one woman's struggle does not define another's and one woman's voice cannot replace another's.
Feminism requires the understanding that some women have power over other women, and some of those who have that power abuse it.
Feminism requires the understanding that the former statement applies even within feminist organizations and movements.
Feminists, being human, can be wrong, sometimes dreadfully wrong, about feminism or other matters of importance.
Feminists being wrong about something does not invalidate feminism or its utopian goal, though it may uncover inadequacies, errors, sins, crimes, or lies that have driven feminism off its utopian course.
Feminism cannot be defined by any one woman, not even me. All definitions of feminism are the beginning of a conversation.
Conversations about feminism can only be feminist if they remain dedicated to feminism's utopian goal.
Feminism cannot be pressed into the service of any personal mercenary opportunism or any authoritarian political agenda, or it will soon cease to be feminism.
I will be back Sunday evening. I look forward to seeing your responses.

Worthy of much wider circulation and publication.
This meditation on feminism needs to go viral.
My goal is to see and treat all humans (male, female, trans, black, white, etc.) with respect, kindness, and equality.
Just as racism is real, so is discrimination of women. We can differ in melanin or genitalia, but all people deserve a place at the table and a share of the resources. Labels and identity seem to divide rather than unify us.
When we lost the goddesses and moved to one male god, I think was damaging to how women are viewed and established the rationale for patriarchy.
The Dimocraps so disappointing...all they got is identity politics and we're not Trump. So sad they can't focus on policy and push for things that help all people like M4A, $15/hr, free college, and so on. One more item for your list....wearing a pussy hat doesn't make you a feminist.
Years ago Masterpiece theater broadcast a series called Shoulder to Shoulder about the women's struggle for the vote in the UK. It was brutal. I looked for this series all over and it isn't available anywhere. At any rate it was my awakening to the severity of the struggle.
All the best with your travel. Be safe!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
“Shoulder to Shoulder-1974” available on DVD-R
I could not find any online copy’s other than episode 1 of the series which was used as an intro teaser to the 2015 remake with Carrie Mulligan.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Looked all over and all I found a clip on YouTube. Thanks for the link!
I did buy a book from the series by the same name years back.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Aand, the Nobel prize for literature goes to a genocide denier
Plus, Ben Rhodes was one of the genocide apologists and architects who ran Obama’s war on Yemen — but now gets snippy if you call him on it:
Closing with: why, to anyone paying attention, the Democrats and their media friends are just making themselves look ridiculous with their impeachment act:
Same does not mean equal
I think a lot of people misunderstand what feminism is, and what it is meant to achieve. Particularly the argument that men and women are not the "same". As I've said in other contexts, we are actually more alike than we are different, but let's put that idea aside for a minute. Ok, so in terms of "genitalia and muscle mass", we are not the "same".
At its most basic, I always viewed the history of feminism as a movement to gain access to the things we have traditionally been cut off from. Like voting, ownership of land, ownership of our own business, education, and pursuit of a career of our choice (just to name a few). The Suffragettes were feminists, yet at the time they were smeared as "hysterical" (a term itself that has a history of misogyny) and at the same time distinctly "unfeminine" (what a mind bender that piece of logic was, eh?)
Equal access is not a terribly difficult idea to process, and yet it gets muddled and misused any number of ways (the T-Shirt slogan being one of the more milder forms).
Growing up in the seventies, at the age of 10 years old, I thought "feminism" meant I could be anything I wanted, smoke Virgina Slims cigarettes, and have my own voice...
We've come a long way, baby?
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
I read somewhere . . .
. . . that an excuse for keeping women from being allowed to go to college (way back, not recently) was for their own good -- because during menses, the blood necessary for learning leaves the brain and exits the body and the lack of blood in the brain while learning would cause them to faint which could injure them when they fell.
Whatever it takes, I guess. Sigh . . .
Thinking with their penis
I wonder how much of the male brain is functioning when associated with sexual arousal? Maybe that is why they made up that cock and bull story about women's "blood flow" because men didn't want the "distraction" of women in the workplace and academic lecture halls.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
If I recall correctly, in the mathematics that underpins
computer science it is explicitly understood that "equivalent" is a stronger kind of equalness than "equal". Two things can be equal without being equivalent.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
That's actually a better distinction
Appreciate your input.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
I must say, in the 50 years I've been alive, all of which I've been a female, I've never once thought that if I had either been born male, or simply been treated equally to my male counterparts, I'd be living in a utopia. I did, and still do at times, feel I have to prove myself and do things that much better than my male counterparts, in order to be taken seriously. But a utopia never entered my mind lol.
A job opportunity recently opened up where I work and the hiring manager stopped by my office to chit chat with mainly my male boss a few weeks ago. I asked the hiring manager about the position, and he asked, "Do you know how to DO anything?"
The sarcastic bitch in me wanted to say, "What, with all the child birthing, tending to the men folk, bread making and butter churning, I haven't had time to learn how to do anything." But I just gave him a confounded look and he chuckled.
I am more than qualified for the job. I applied. I'm supposedly guaranteed an interview since I'm already an employee. We'll see.
Re this:
The look of absolute terror and desperation in the eyes of a woman that I saw on a news broadcast, right after we invaded Afghanistan, will forever be burned into my memory. The reporter interviewed her husband just outside the tent she sat in. What I could see of her face was so pale, she could have passed as a Halloween zombie or ghost. The couple had fled their home. They, among countless others, were staying in tents. Iirc, it wasn't an official refugee camp, just people on a cold hillside, and she had just given birth to twin boys, in that cold tent, with hints of fierce winter winds letting them all know it wouldn't be getting warmer any time soon.
I still wonder how long she lived. And if she died, which looked obvious to me that she was not far from it, those twins likely died too. After all, there's not a lot of formula handy in a makeshift bug-out camp on the side of a cold hill in Afghanistan.
I couldn't agree more with your #13!
outstanding post (+++)
Gloria Steinem used to say it simply and well.
I don't see the attribution of "feminist" as an honor to strive for; rather, it's an aspect of being able to view reality without filters. I happen to conceive of people as souls inhabiting bodies -- just my personal belief -- and bodies as the first, most immediate and intimate layer of the vast multi-layered environment with which we contend as we make our way through life. Thus, I see racism and sexism as either unwillingness or inability to acknowledge the individual person within the body -- and therefore, a limitation, a weakness.
Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed https://tinyurl.com/vgvuhcl
my favorite feminine fighting humanist ...
I read through the Weekly Watch and needed something that gives me hope.