Outside the Asylum
Submitted by Cant Stop the M... on Sun, 08/23/2020 - 5:07am

All three CIA directorates will now be headed by women https://t.co/hKzlQaVpOu
— Rachel Maddow MSNBC (@maddow) January 5, 2019
So, Kavanaugh seals the deal of the Supreme Court among all the goodwill and collegiality required for the occasion. That is to say, he affirms the trend already set by a court which had pronounced Bush to be the “elected” President in 2000, and had decided that corporations were people just like us, and so on.
As a longtime leftie, I despair of the deliberately self-defeating tactics the so-called opposition is using to get rid of Trump: "blame Russia" and "Me Too". To pick these two tactics when there are so many other avenues for actually impeaching the man (before he sells what is left of America to the billionaire class, and then blows us all to kingdom come) shows what a phony, Kabuki theater our duopolistic political system has become.
I expect a lot from the authors and posters here. I expect that you're informed on the issues of the day. I expect your stories to be true when portrayed as true, to the very best of your abilities. It is expecting a lot perhaps, but I've seen a sliver of your souls. And I'm comforted. For I am certain that you expect a lot of yourselves also. You hold yourselves to high standards here. Standards of intellectual honesty and compassion, among other nobler qualities. Evidence and reality.
Alexandra Brodsky takes the Alliance Defending Freedom to task in an editorial in the NY Times: Don't Use Girls as Props to Fight Trans Rights. Brodsky is a Skadden fellow at the National Women's Law Center.
Not for the first time, I find myself shaking my head at the apparent either:
A. lapse in recollection
B. somewhat startling contemporary obliviousness
exhibited by a whole lot of people with respect to "norms" of social-sexual behavior, and especially, what those norms were back in the 60s, 70s and 80s.
I have been really bothered lately by some diaries and comments posted on this website. This diary is an attempt to reconcile my discomfort against the backdrop of what is happening in these diaries and comments that is so upsetting me.
A couple months ago I spotted this video and something about it struck me wrong.
I know it was supposed to be something to do with female empowerment, but it just didn't feel right. I couldn't put my finger on it.