My personal ideology

After getting some push-back this week, I realized that several of my assumptions may have been false.

For instance, I thought I was helping C99P by posting so much. I thought more content was a good thing.
I didn't realize that some people might resent it. That I was casting too large of a shadow.
I would like to know what the consensus thinks of that.

I could very well be getting on people's nerves. It certainly wouldn't be the first time I have.

The other issue, the one that is most contentious, is that I haven't given up, while many here have.
When I say "given up", I mean that some believe that it is hopeless to try to change the system.

My attitude on this can be broken down into three ideas:

1) Everything on this planet changes eventually. So to believe that the system can't be changed is verifiably false. Otherwise Rome would still be an empire.
I would go so far as to say if you believe that the system is unchangeable puts you into the same category as science deniers.

2) Even if that is right, and the system is too powerful, that is still not a good enough reason not to fight the system. The system is evil and corrupt, and it's a person's moral duty to fight it.

3) Why not try anyway? Most of the best causes in history were hopeless causes. You never know, you might end up having some fun in the effort. Sticking a finger in the eye of the arrogant can be very rewarding.

As for what to do, I don't advocate any one thing because I'm not sure what the best strategy is.
What I do believe is that I support almost anyone who is doing something that the ruling elite disapproves of.
That's why I still support Bernie, eventhough I don't agree with everything he's said.
I support those who are working to change the system from within, and those working outside the system as well.
There is nothing wrong with supporting one method over another, but I think it's arrogant to assume that you know for absolute certainty what method everyone should be doing.

I don't mind people disagreeing with me. I respect anyone who calls bullsh*t on me, as long as they have a rational for their position and spell it out.
I know that I'm full of sh*t sometimes, but I almost never mean anyone harm.

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Lookout's picture

I can't tell you how much your posts have educated me. No I don't read and investigate every one nor every link. We all do what we can do.

The insights that are provided by so many here on the site (I don't what to start naming names because I would neglect many) give us all a better perspective to build our various understandings.

Keep on keeping on.

PS I hope you've healed from your bike accident! I empathize - I ride too.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

You are the most prolific writer, here. But I've viewed most of it as simply informative, across a variety of subjects. Therefore, it makes no difference what your personal views are. Even though your views may be inserted into your various scribes, they are drowned out by a disproportionate amount of simple fact. So, I see no harm in your continuing to post as much as you'd like.

Besides, it's not as if your personal views are cringe-worthy; you seem level-headed, with some critical thinking skills, so have at it.

For the record, I probably only agree with about 85% (I just made that number up...did not have a real method for figuring a ratio) of what you personally opine...but I'm all for that finger-in-the-arrogant-eye thing Smile

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As for change. Chomsky said something something to the effect to keep pushing as you never know when something may grab the political and moral imagination of a lot of people. His example was four black students sitting down at an "only whites diner counter". I would put OWS in this category also.

But a person has to evaluate when action is tilting at wind mills. I now think that reforming the democratic party is impossible at least through electing progressive candidates. And for Sanders, being a player within the democratic party primaries is a losing proposition. Better he preach, teach, extend his political vision of single payer, free college, etc. to as many people as often as he can. In many ways replicating the gay rights movement which got democratic party homophobes to support gay marriage. The only reason so many people in particular are talking single payer is because of Bernie--he set the terms of the policy battles for years to come now.

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dance you monster's picture


To build on this . . .

keep pushing as you never know when something may grab the political and moral imagination of a lot of people. His example was four black students sitting down at an "only whites diner counter". I would put OWS in this category also.

. . . for those readers here who are looking for alternatives to what we've been doing in the political arena for decades to little good end, and it seems it's quite a few among us who are looking, I'd suggest -- only as a possibility, not a prescription -- that individuals here who are feeling overwhelmed and helpless in the face of the power we're facing down might want to consider changing the perspective on this scene a mite. Instead of seeking a "great wo/man," a highly visible leader, a politician or activist or journalist, to chart a better course in actions, maybe seek the littlest, the meekest, the invisible, the most powerless (in any perceptible measure of power).

The historian Fernand Braudel was one of those who believed that the course of history is not shifted so much by great men as by the least among us in their multitudes. I hinted at this once before in a Resilience post written just after Trump was elected (, when the angst was similar to that we've seen here this week. OWS touched that nerve with the focus on the 99%. Maybe somewhere down that path lies the "something [that] may grab the political and moral imagination."

Don't regard this as advice or a prescription; it's just a thought. One person's piddly little thought, laid gently at the periphery of the c99p forum before this individual returns to lurking.

And on another note, gjohnsit, keep writing.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

@dance you monster

...or the most humble gestures.

It brings to mind the Margaret Mead quote:

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.

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janis b's picture

@Pluto's Republic

to this short and thoughtful exchange between you, MrWebster, and dance.

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gulfgal98's picture

You have a great talent of being able to write so many cohesive and informative essays. I do not know how you are able to do it and maintain such high quality in your essays. It is a talent that many of us wish we had, including myself. Your essays have educated me on many topics, particularly your economic essays. No one else here writes on these subjects so often and so filled with great information, statistics, charts and graphs. On top of that, you are one of our original members dating back to the days before this site was built. You better not stop writing or even cut back on writing.

Edit to add: I manage our Twitter account and post links to essays posted here. Your essays are usually at the top of the chart for the most views. So you are helping C99 by posting so much.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Azazello's picture

Your posts are informative. I read them all.
I feel guilty for not posting more myself, maybe pushing you down the front page now and then. More quality content is always a good thing.
For what it's worth, I see things about the same way you do.

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

not less. I'm pretty sure that someone resents just about everything that's written by anybody here. If everyone agreed it would be boring as hell.

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@JtC I agree completely with jtc.I wish I could write as proficient as gjohnst I usually only lurk here but with an account.I have been able to keep myself very well informed by you and all the rest that post here please do not stop or cut back on you posts we would all be less informed.

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CS in AZ's picture

And for the record, what I objected to and pushed back on was first, the way you said what people have to do, that “you have to offer a solution to all problems, or not speak negatively about voting for more and better progressives. And called people “teenagers” who are critical without giving a solution. I take issue with being told what I have to do. And the name calling. And telling people they can’t speak their mind unless they follow your rules on what they have to do.

You also said flatly you don’t respect me or anyone who doesn’t follow this prescription. And you dodged and blew off questions when you said you have dozens of alternatives to voting for more and better. I asked what those were. You refused to reply. You essentially said I’m beneath responding to.

So yeah, that bothers me. When I said you can ignore me, because you’re a big wig here, i.e., a very high profile, very popular personality here with a large following who will back you up, I was calling you out on your attitude, not your prominence per se, but rather, what you do with it.

As I noted, you have a lot of fans, and as I expected, several of them swooped in to take your side. Even without knowing what it was about, or caring. Thus demonstrating my point as correct.

Yes I disagree with you about your “keep voting for more and better democrats” approach — even if you call them progressives. And yes it was beginning to feel like all other points of view were being squeezed out, with you setting the example.

I spoke up in the hopes of bringing back some balance and getting other views equal time, and even more important, equal respect.

It appeared today that was happening. I hope it continues.

Write as much as you want. But I would submit that perhaps not every essay needs to automatically be posted as a “featured editorial” — which is the title of that page. Not everyone has the power to do that, so some thought to balance there wouldn’t be terrible. In my opinion, of course.

And, I would still like to know if you will rspond to the substance of the issue. I would still love see if we do have any common ground, if you do have anything other than the voting for berniecrats/progressives thing and reforming the democrats that you can, er, respect.

But if not, that is ok. It seems the community has responded already, and JtC has spoken, very wisely, to smooth the waters. There was no need for this to escalate. I had zero intentions to continue this discussion with you, but with this essay it’s necessary, unfortunately.

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@CS in AZ But, I am probably so accustomed and desensitized to condescending dismissals, online, I skimmed over, barely registering.

You, on the other hand, instantly absorbed it. Most likely, because it was a direct response toward you, whereas only indirectly targeted someone like me. You and I are on the same page of the futility, so I would think I would be lumped in. The quote:

Otherwise, you have to suggest something. Just being too cool to participate is for teenagers.

Your gripe about that response is valid and legitimate; it reeks of the paraphrased trope, so often seen in similar forums, "if you don't already have some arbitrary/pulled-out-of-your-ass answer, in hand, your critique is worthless, so go away."

As I've recently posted, I don't have a solution, because evidence demonstrates there really isn't one; I agree with you that just about everything would be a complete waste of time.

I also see much wrong, and severe weaknesses in an approach to leverage non-existent power; there is no power to leverage. That is called grasping at straws, which appear to have become a favorite pastime for many.

Relegating someone that sees and vocalizes a harsh reality, as merely a dumb, petty teenager, is a shut-up-and-go-away/silencing tactic; it fosters echo-chamber, rah-rah groupthink. Where have I seen that?

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CS in AZ's picture


In fairness, the comment you quoted, that I reacted to, was not directed at anyone in particular, it was an extension of a previous comment scolding all the “negatives” who were not on board with the more and better plan. It was a generalized command. That’s precisely why it troubled me.

I did not react because I took it personally. And he’s certainly not the only one doing it. But is a person with a large following, so it matters more.

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strollingone's picture

@CS in AZ
as a balanced, empathetic response to those of us who answer
positive posting about politics here with the same
about how it is soooo stupid to care about politics.
If you really believe that it doesn't make any difference, then why go to those posts and say anything at all?

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@strollingone Yeah! Let's not have any conversations at all, none whatsoever. lol
keep thy life experience off my shiny
... my shiny ... shiny ... shiny (echo)

okie dokie!

I am glad to have funded fiber build out in S.F. if that is from where gjohnsit still sends his signals. I cancelled netflix to give it JtC, but then sonic (my ISP since 1995) raised their rental costs again and ate that line item right off the budget. doh fixed income wah

To me, the Bay Area is like the heart of darkness again, like it was when my mom was growing up in the city. Everything was massively corrupted, city government included.

I really appreciate the essays from gjohnsit, in 1917-18 there were dozens of unions in S.F., each with their own press cranking out leftist propaganda. The writing was prolific and important, just like today.


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@CS in AZ
that you've either a) taken out of context, b) taken in the worst possible light, or c) completely misrepresented, that in this case I completely and totally give up.
If I ever respond to you again, it'll be a mistake.
Have a good life.

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CS in AZ's picture


Sorry you feel that way. I’ll still be around to be a black fly in your Chardonnay, whether you chose to respond or not is up to you.

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@CS in AZ
I hope you don't really mean this:

I’ll still be around to be a black fly in your Chardonnay, whether you chose to respond or not is up to you.

Responding to someone is one thing, responding only to be a "black fly" is another.

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CS in AZ's picture


I’m sorry it was too obscure a reference. It means I understand that gjohnsit wishes I would disappear, and will find my failure to do so annoying. He considers me an annoying presence, like a fly.

I’ll be around anyway, unless you’d rather I weren’t. Your call.

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@CS in AZ
catch the reference. Non-the-less, I doubt anyone would like a black fly in their Chardonnay.

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CS in AZ's picture


No one really likes being treated like a fly either. Just sayin.

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@JtC how much is left in the glass? just asking for a friend.

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CS in AZ's picture


Alanis Morissette
An old man turned ninety-eight
He won the lottery and died the next day
It's a black fly in your Chardonnay
It's a death row pardon two minutes too late
Isn't it ironic, don't you think
It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought, it figures
Mr. Play It Safe was afraid to fly
He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids good-bye
He waited his whole damn life to take that flight
And as the plane crashed down he thought
"Well, isn't this nice."
And isn't it ironic, l don't you think
It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought, it figures
Well, life…

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snoopydawg's picture

You make this place more knowledge about the many issues that are happening everywhere and this blue blog would be diminished if you stopped writing your essays. I admit that the financial ones go over my head a bit, but I still read them.

Keep on keeping on gjohnsit!

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

gulfgal98's picture


I admit that the financial ones go over my head a bit, but I still read them.

Actually those are the ones I understand the most because I always looked forward to reading his financial posts dating way back to the other place and he educated me enough to actually understand them. For me, it is the ones about the wars in the Middle East that I am not real good at understanding because it is so complex there.

But in the end, what gjohnsit does is that he enlightens us so well.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Azazello's picture

might be easier to understand than you think.
[video: width:500 height:300]

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

snoopydawg's picture


No matter how times I tried learning math it never took. Except for the one night a friend helped me with geometry. I finally got it and when my teacher asked who wanted to solve the problem I raised my hand and did just that. The look on his and the class's faces when I did that was priceless. But sadly this only happened once.

Now when I try to figure out math it's like my brain has been sprained. This doesn't bother me anymore because I'm alive.


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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

janis b's picture


“Now when I try to figure out math it's like my brain has been sprained. This doesn't bother me anymore because I'm alive.”

Every time I read that line I crack up. I find it such a funny, yet also poignant statement that describes the general state of affairs for most, in one form or another ; ).

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polkageist's picture

Your posts are always interesting and informative. I find them factual with the graphs, statistics, etc., as a welcome change from personal opinion or non-numerical factual discussion only. Just because you are interested and interesting is a lousy reason to slow down or stop. Teachers and contrarians fit right in on this site.

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-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962

gulfgal98's picture


Just because you are interested and interesting is a lousy reason to slow down or stop. Teachers and contrarians fit right in on this site.
0 users have voted.

Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

about any topic you think might be of interest to us.
You are prolific, not in any sense a "big wig" here.
For 99%ers, a "big wig" just might be thought of as an entitled 1%er. You are, in my opinion, a widely read, intelligent observer with a wealth of knowledge who has certain views about how to restore or improve the democratic process that aren't universally held.
You have time to get up another essay this evening, dude.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Meteor Man's picture

Speaking as an irregular poster, I have recently had a hard time coming up with substantive topics. The increasing demise of the MSM has been frustrating in their superficial coverage, i.e. The Hat, Congressional hearing on Diamond & Silk and Michelle Wolf's jokes.

Keep up the good work and fighting the good fight gjohnsit.

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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn

Bollox Ref's picture

Keep on posting.


Your foreign policy and financial/economic pieces are always meals for thought. I try to avoid the whole Dem/Sanders thing, so can't really comment.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

As long as you keep writing such excellent pieces I don't have to write because we are pretty much in agreement. I also have not given up and still support Bernie. I'm not writing environmental pieces now because our environmental crisis is due to our political debacle so need to focus on fixing that with emphasis on getting money out of our currupt system.

So please continue as I love lurking here and not writing is giving more time for local environmental work.


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snoopydawg's picture

@vl baker

the environment and climate change even though as you said there isn't much that can be done in this political environment. For one reason, we know that the msm isn't going to tell us what is happening. I ran across an article the other day that said that 1,000 islands will be disappearing in the near future when the poop hits the scoop. I also read that bees and butterflies are making a comeback after so many countries have banned round up. This is great news for the other species that are close to extinction.


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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

LeChienHarry's picture

@vl baker

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You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce

If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.

Your contributions to the site are innumerable and greatly appreciated. I don't find you condescending or threatening in any way. I probably agree with you 95% of the time. I am not happy with Bernie, but I would support him again because who else? I don't mind one bit when people disagree with you (or me), but I don't like it when they get snippy with you (or anyone else). Snippy, to put it mildly, is why I left dkos.

I mind that people don't contribute and then have the nerve to snipe at those who do. I could not, would not do what you do. I post content from c99 to Facebook. Your stuff is consistently at the top of the list for most viewed.

You should be thanked for all you contribute to c99 and each of us. Thank you.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

thanatokephaloides's picture

For instance, I thought I was helping C99P by posting so much. I thought more content was a good thing.
I didn't realize that some people might resent it. That I was casting too large of a shadow.
I would like to know what the consensus thinks of that.

I think that you need to keep on posting, and doing what you do.

The dispute between those of us who have utterly given up on the entire American socioeconomic system and those of us who are still attempting to address it via reform will not go away regardless of what any of us do. It's inherent in the nature of what's going on right now. And the resentment isn't even really towards one side of that dispute or the other; it is a resentment of the hopeless pain we all feel because there's no clear and obvious set of actions which will get us back to the nation we know we can and should be living in.

Nothing you can do or say will fix that problem; it needs to run its historical course. In the mean time, the wealth of information you volunteer to deliver us is staggering and irreplaceable. So please do keep on keepin' on!


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Azazello's picture

all over again. The main split between the two factions of the RSDLP was whether or not co-operation with elements of "bourgeois democracy" was possible or desirable.
I guess I'm a Menshevik.

As before, both factions believed that Russia was not developed enough to make socialism possible and that therefore the revolution which they planned, aiming to overthrow the Tsarist regime, would be a bourgeois democratic revolution. Both believed that the working class had to contribute to this revolution. However, after 1905, the Mensheviks were more inclined to work with the liberal bourgeois democratic parties such as the Constitutional Democrats, because these would be the "natural" leaders of a bourgeois revolution. In contrast, the Bolsheviks believed that the Constitutional Democrats were not capable of sufficiently radical struggle, and tended to advocate alliances with peasant representatives and other radical socialist parties such as the Socialist Revolutionaries. In the event of a revolution, this was meant to lead to a dictatorship of the proletariat and the peasantry, which would carry the bourgeois revolution to the end. The Mensheviks came to argue for predominantly legal methods and trade union work, while the Bolsheviks favoured armed violence.

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

@thanatokephaloides "And the resentment isn't even really towards one side of that dispute or the other; it is a resentment of the hopeless pain we all feel because there's no clear and obvious set of actions which will get us back to the nation we know we can and should be living in."

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

thanatokephaloides's picture


This is perfect.

Thank you! Smile

"And the resentment isn't even really towards one side of that dispute or the other; it is a resentment of the hopeless pain we all feel because there's no clear and obvious set of actions which will get us back to the nation we know we can and should be living in."

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

and that's what makes this site run.

AS for the hope/no hope divide, I don't see how things can get better, it's gone one way for so long it seems impossible to reverse. But just because I can't see, it doesn't mean it won't happen. It'll come up from the people, and it won't be anything we'll foresee coming, it'll just be in time. The Soviet Union dissolved, Empire Britain de colonized, this mess we're in will be stopped too.

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you don't post enough!! Smile

Really, I grumble when you slow down. It must be very difficult to keep up with all of the issues as you do.

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Keep writing! Keep contributing. Thank you.

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Wink's picture

If I gave a flyin' flip what people think I would have been gone long before this site or ToP came along.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

your knowledge and writing are key to our ability to move forward. Your humanity is expressed most strongly. I agree with everyone who has written here in support of your contribution, not only to C99%, but to all of us whenever we speak with other sites or persons. You are a real treasure. You are making a difference. You have changed my life and given me hope because, as hard as it is to see, we are making progress. Thank you. Peace.

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jobu's picture

Your writing is well appreciated for its relevancy and constancy.

I look forward to seeing your posts here and adding a comment from time to time.

Thank you.

0 users have voted.

So don't stop, the info you post is very informative and would be missed. Disagreements are bound to happen, but for me it gives me a reason to do more research on the subject or issue. So either way, agree or disagree I become more informed.

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Alphalop's picture

And as with most things it's value is up to the consumer.

Those that are not interested in, or don't like your content are perfectly free to ignore it.

I say you keep being you, I'm pretty sure we got the storage space available.

I didn't even read your post yet or Arnn of the comments, and am sure no-one of it is going to change my opinion above.

I've been lurking around reading essays mostly lately but felt I needed to log in and toss in my (worth less than) 2 cents on this one. I don't like the idea of a clique or individuals for that matter trying to play site police.

Ok, now off to read the drama... Wink

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

snoopydawg's picture


Don't be a stranger, mkay?

0 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Alphalop's picture

@snoopydawg thanks! I will give it every effort! Smile

I am actually starting a diary shortly covering what I've been doing with my extended absence. (Spoiler! Absolutely nothing worth spoiling...) Wink

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

mimi's picture

@ gjohnsit

analysed, and that is what I highly appreciate. It can't be too much. I am with most issues overwhelmed, they are beyond my paygrade and I know, if I can't handle the input, it's my fault and not the author's. I especially appreciate that your language is clear (as supposed to be funny, fancy and full of 'lingo' and 'culturally-based' insider jokes that I can't understand easily), but that's just me.

So, please, go on. There are many authors here, who write a lot, repeat themselves and it's us that can decide to skip them or read them, not to comment on or get into hopefully civil 'fights' over them. It's the civility, stupid... as I think the saying goes.

After the EB, the Weekly Watch, your articles, which are all informative, link-based sourced, they are the best this site has to offer (aside from the art and music, which is a completely different thing). Everybody who has to offer links (Azazello comes to mind) is doing good. Writers like Alligator Ed are really 'something', and I know they are 'essential', just for me personally often hard to understand, because I lack the capability to 'get' the meaning of his 'hints' behind his words.

But that's just me, because I am a foreign foundling in this tribe following you to the end of the world til I drop or you drop me.

And the site would be nothing without snoopy. She is a special dog and sniffs out everything, especially those that stink. That's what dogs do and I am a dog lover and you don't leave a dog behind. Never. I had to leave my dog behind once in my life and it's the worst experience I went through. Never again.

gjohnsit, may be this is a time to say thank you for your work, because I did this not often enough in the past.

So, gjohnsit, thank you.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

It enhances the intellectual rhythm of the community. I don't find your ideology intrusive. You always seem to leave plenty of room for others.

There is one thing, though. If you would reduce your charts less, it would make them readable for everyone. One hundred horizontal pixels larger would do the trick.


0 users have voted.

People who can't just skip posts they dislike have a big problem. I like your posts and read most of them.

0 users have voted.

Yours are the posts I always read, packed with info. I have little time to spend sitting around wading through stuff and zero time for drama, so I really appreciate your posts.

0 users have voted.
Raggedy Ann's picture

for you to keep up that prolific posting of informative essays you have gotten us used to. There will always be contrarians. Stay the course.

0 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

dervish's picture

Your essays are one of the major reasons I come here, and even if I don't comment, I'm usually reading them.

0 users have voted.

"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

orlbucfan's picture

This is a great tune, too.

Rec'd!! Smile

0 users have voted.

Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

orlbucfan's picture

so I can read well-written diaries w/links. You deliver as do folks on TPW. That's why I joined TOP 10 years ago. You are right up there in my respect. You remind me of posters like bobswern and Don m. I'm a political junkie who only reads blogs for my political news. Several comments on here tell you to keep on, keepin' on. That sums it up. Take care, gjohn.

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Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

We are all adults out here and can decide what to read and what not to read. And we can all make the choice to agree or disagree with anyone posting here. I had enough of the personality wars over at TOP. Let's not go there here too.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

mhagle's picture

I want you to know I greatly appreciate your essays. I happen to hold pretty much the same views as you do, but even if I didn't, I have learned so much from you. Thank you!

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

edg's picture

I don't always agree with everything you write but I surely do respect the fact that you write so elegantly and prolifically. Your essays are almost always informative and if/when I disagree with any editorializing, I just tune it out. Stay and keep writing. The vast majority of us appreciate it.

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And there are times I feel sort of guilty for not actually producing anything but bitching. Sigh. But this is a safe place for me to do it, as it should be for all of us refugees watching the wheels go round and round... I've learned more from your financial posts than I care to know sometimes, but hey, you may have helped me save some of my 401K from further ravages so please don't stop writing, especially what I call the "dark stuff" about the sorry state of this country. While it's hard to read at times I have no wish to go back to not knowing.

As for the electoral politics, I am bitter there, I will just admit that. It can't be helped at this moment but even I hold out hope something will get traction and things will change.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

OLinda's picture

No, you are not posting too much!!!

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dystopian's picture

as an avid reader, and great appreciator of all your work/posts... I just usually don't have time to hang and talk, but thank you very much!

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

econoclast's picture

I find you quite courageous for posting this. And please keep it all coming. If I don't agree with something, maybe I'll post, maybe not, depends on time and importance. But you the one! And your information is useful and credible.

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Sima's picture

I am a lurker and rarely comment, but I read voraciously and really appreciate the work you do. Please keep on doing that work, as long as it satisfies you!

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If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so