Monday Open Thread: April 1 is the official start of political campaign season

April 1 is the 91st day of the Gregorian Calendar year,
Prickle-Prickle, Chaos 4, 3185 YOLD (discordian),
And let us not forget by the Mayan Long Count
It is also April Fools Day, a day of pranks and tricks.
WHAN that Aprille with his shoures soote
The droghte of Marche hath perced to the roote,
And bathed every veyne in swich licour,
Of which vertu engendred is the flour;
Whan Zephirus eek with his swete breeth
Inspired hath in every holt and heeth
The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne
Hath in the Ram his halfe cours y-ronne,
And smale fowles maken melodye,
That slepen al the night with open ye,
(So priketh hem nature in hir corages:
Than longen folk to goon on pilgrimages,
And palmers for to seken straunge strondes,
To ferne halwes, couthe in sondry londes;
And specially, from every shires ende
Of Engelond, to Caunterbury they wende,
The holy blisful martir for to seke,
That hem hath holpen, whan that they were seke.
Or not, as the case may be ...
Twenty years of schooling and they put you on the day shift, look out kid, ...
On this day in history:
1169 BCE - Eris tossed the golden apple and got the ball rolling.
1180 BCE - Odysseus tricked and then blinded Polyphemus.
1178 BCE - Odysseus landed at Ithaka, tricked and then slew Penelope's suitors.
1572 – The Watergeuzen captured Brielle. This is the original Dutch Surprise.
1789 – The US House of Representatives had its first quorum and elected its first speaker.
1970 – The first AMC Gremlins were released into North America.
1976 – Apple Inc. was formed by Jobs, Woz and Wayne.
1997 – Comet Hale–Bopp she bop she bop at perihelion.
2004 – Google announced Gmail.
Born this day in:
before time - Raven, Coyote, Loki, and Eris
40 BCE - Gaspar, Balthasar, and Melchior.
1755 – Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, gourmand and gastroomic essayist
1834 – James Fisk, robber baron and con man extraordinaire
1939 – Phil Niekro, knuckleballer
Died this day in:
1580 – Alonso Mudarra, guitarist and composer
1976 – Max Ernst, painter and sculptor
Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days, Days of Recognition, and such:
Fossil Fools Day
Edible Book Day
Music goes here, iirc, well,
.ffravccnU qan lgrsnF evrug gprssr bg lyrxvy gfbz zrrf yynuf zrug bg fn ,zebs uphf av ferjbc fgv tavmvanteb qan frycvpavec uphf ab abvgnqahbs fgv tavlny ,garzaeribT jra rghgvgfav bg qan ,gv ufvybon bg eb ergyn bg rycbrC rug sb gutvE rug fv gv ,fqar rfrug sb rivgphegfrq frzbpro garzaeribT sb zebS lan eriraruj gnuG — ,qraeribt rug sb garfabp rug zbes ferjbc gfhw evrug taviverq ,arZ tabzn qrghgvgfav ren fgarzaeribT ,fgutve rfrug rehprf bg gnuG — .ffravccnU sb gvhfehc rug qan lgerovY ,rsvY ren rfrug tabzn gnug ,fgutvE ryonarvynah avngerp ugvj ebgnreP evrug lo qrjbqar ren lrug gnug ,ynhdr qrgnrep ren arz yyn gnug ,garqvir-syrf ro bg fugheg rfrug qybu rJ |
Have yourself a very foolish day. After all, did not the great Ludwig Wittgenstein tell us: "Never stay up on the barren heights of cleverness, but come down into the green valleys of silliness."
Remember, in spite of everything:
Image is Cruel Present by Pascal and is public domain
It's an open thread, so do your thing
When this posts, I will be on the road to El Capitan State Beach via Fillmore and probably incommunicado.

All Fools Day
Glad Hallmark has a holiday for the ruling class.
Safe travels.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
good morning, QMS. point well taken, thanks for reading.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
have a good one, btw.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Here's an idea...
Drone dog walking
New technology perfect for the busy dog owner will see drones walking people's pets, The Times reports.
The Drone Dog Walker comes fitted with leash control technology as well as a microphone and camera.
The device also comes with audio bolt-ons, one of them being the voice of a loud middle-class man shouting "Fenton! Fenton!"
What to do with all the extra time when the drone is walking your dog?
Free beer prescriptions will soon be available in the UK, the Daily Star reports.
Pints of stout will be available as prescription medication from Friday for people with anaemia, insomnia or tiredness.
Regular repeat prescriptions will need to be signed off by the doctor to prevent “abuse of the system”, an “NHS spokesman” said.
....and with the start of April it won't be long till spaghetti is harvested
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
good morning, Lookout, thanks for the Ticino classic.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Headlines that should be a joke but are not
Here's my morning contribution:
Biden says he doesn’t believe he’s acted inappropriately
and keep doing it because that's just who he is. uncle ernie
goodbye joe
keep flushing
good morning, eyo, thanks for reading
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
The world's longest passenger plane is here - the Boeing 777X
simplified respect
the bigliest
thoughts and prayers
Unique wing-fold mechanism
Maybe they'll at least include operational instructions in the manual this time.
Who cares what he intended?
Try this, boys and girls:
Step 1. Throw a bomb capable of doing mucho damage at an occupied building while sincerely praying that it hurts no human.
Step 2. When you're charged with multiple counts of murder or manslaughter, use as your defense that you honestly did not intend to harm anyone.
Step 3. Make sure your will and other affairs are in very good order.
At the very least, Biden felt entitled to invade the personal space of females, young and older, in creepy ways, and at will. without asking permission. He was a serial sexual harasser in a position of great power. Small wonder he did not, as he has finally said, now that he's running for POTUS in the #metoo era understand the issues during the Clarence Thomas hearing.
You know what's even worse? I think he understood the issues just fine. And if he never considered that putting his hands on women might not be welcome, exactly how big is his damn ego and exactly how small is his damn brain?
I'm sick to death of politicians having belated epiphanies when their past bad behavior looks as though their past misdeeds that hurt many people may possibly hurt the perp instead.
Where's Gillibrand, who was so vocal about a handful of accusations against Franken and so insistent that he resign--and rightfully so, IMO, to say Biden should not run?
Fuck grabby, entitled, corporatist Biden for all he's done, including putting a sexual harasser and, IMO, a truly crappy judge, on the SCOTUS. At least Scalia, may he rest in everything he deserves, was patently brilliant. Evil, but brilliant.
Speaking of which, the American Bar Association, which typically approved of every Supreme Court nomination, was not enthused about Thomas, which was very unusual. gave the unqualified rating to SCOTUS nominees very, very seldom, had downrated rated Thomas very poorly. That makes two very big reasons for Biden, as then head of the Judiciary Committee, to act, even apart from any political consideration. (I'd love to know the real reason Democrats gave Silent Justice Thomas a pass, despite everything, wouldn't you?. I used to think they were afraid to be accused of racism, but they had put Thurgood Marshall on the bench. Now, I think it may have been more than that.)
To sum up. Whether it's callousness to women, entitlement, sexism, corporatism, corruption, hypocrisy, or whatever, Biden is beneath contempt and certainly beneath the Presidency of the United State. In the private sector, he'd retire quietly and hope people forgot about him. In politics, people are wetting themselves, waiting for him to announce. Meanwhile, religious right Republicans, who can't post enough Handsy Joe videos elected a thrice-divorced guy who bragged about the ability of a celebrity like him to grab pussy and harassed contestants in the beauty contest he owned, overlooking everything because he came out as anti-abortion and anti-gay.
I'll say it again: America jumped the shark.
Great comment +10
both skis
edit: can't spell worth beans, and today it bothers me? bumpity bump
Thanks for the generous response.
Just so you know, I would never mention anyone's spelling, grammar or usage without a damn good reason. And if I had a reason, I'd likely send a private message.
Well, not always a good reason. If a poster has been an ass about correcting others, I'd let him or her have it, right on the board for "God and everyone" to see (apologies to the late Molly Ivins).
If I can understand the post, it's close enough.
excellent HAW
tyvm... Furthering Unexamined Collective Knowledge To Help Initiate Strategic Shifts In Hierarchical Institutional Tyranny
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Newsom will travel to El Salvador next month
Newsom will travel to El Salvador next month in first international trip as California governor
ask Her
Newsom blindly and heavily invested in the low wagie Wine & Hospitality industries, look at the wookie!
who makes your bed
who picks your grapes
I don't think $12 per hour minimum wage is a healthy thing, and no functioning rent control seems pretty shitty too. asshole
omg I cannot compete against subsidized labor. sry sad It is like the Democrats will do anything, except build affordable housing and raise wages. Just like the Republicans. UniParty AnyThing
California’s “moral authority” …
I visited San Francisco several times during the 200x (some folks call it “the Aughts”) decade and then, after a long hiatus, was there again in 2015.
In the ten or so intervening years, some things (e.g. number and situation of homeless people) appear to have gone seriously downhill.
"the aughts"
Victorians would give a year with a zero in it this way: I got my first bicycle in Nineteen Aught Nine. Or at least they did in the fictional films and TV shows I've seen.
Monty Python - The Silly Walk Song
monday morning april first ear worm
sing along
fool around
have fun
Mornin', all, first coffee before we run to the coasr.
[video:]can't find you tube controls via tablet - hope this works:
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Thanks, el. Hope you are having fun.
Likely, we could all use a very foolish day now and again, in the sense of silly and fun. I'm here for it!
so apparently, Alex Jones admitted in a deposition
for a lawsuit that his delusional crazy talk -- at least WRT sandy hook -- is delusional crazy talk. literally. as in, he claims he was suffering from some kind of psychosis. you don't often hear of someone using an insanity defense in a civil suit:
but then last monday (presumably after he gave that deposition) he's saying that the recent suicide of a Sandy Hook parent was faked.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
It's a reoccurring affliction
Called being an asshole.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Been a loooong week.
Spring break is always tough for me. Having the kids home all the time is rough. Add in significant others, confidence issues with my writing and numerous other things... well, it's been a long one. Glad that things are going to wind down today.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Lots of parents happy today
The official start of the political campaign season
April Fools Day. How appropriate.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
goog morning zoebear, thanks ofr reading. It is
the official start of the campaign season precisely because it is April Fools' Day.
Have a great one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Good one!
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
morning el...
et al.
more rain on the way, moving on to the midwest. sigh.
all quite on the western front. for now. safe travels.
have a good one everyone...
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“Important. Grab a cup of coffee” says NC’s Lambert Strether
about this long article over at Common Dreams:
Vietnam to Venezuela: US interventionism and the failure of the Left
[NC = Naked Capitalism]