March 6, 2017 Open Thread; European Day of the Righteous

March 6 is the 65th day of the year. There are 300 days left.
Today's number is 6
6 is
6 is the sum of its proper divisors (1, 2, & 3), which makes it a perfect number. It is the smallest perfect number,
6 is the only number that is both the sum and the product of three consecutive positive integers.
6 is a traingular number
6 similar coins can be arranged around a central coin of the same radius so that each coin makes contact with the central one and both of its neighbors.
A six-sided polygon is a hexagon, one of the three regular polygons capable of tiling the plane.
There are six basic trigonometric functions.
A star of David has 6 points
Hexa is classical greek for 6
A hexahedron is a polyhedron with six faces.
A cube is a special case of the hexahedron
A die is a special cube and 6 is highest number on a normal die.
Hexameter is a poetic form consisting of six feet per line
A "hex nut" is a nut with six sides, and a hex bolt has a six-sided head
The prefix "hexa-" occurs in the name of many chemical compounds, such as hexane.
A hexaflexagon is an interesting object made from a strip of paper that everybody can make and fool around with. There are several more variations than those in this video
Sex is latin for 6
A sextant forms one-sixth of a whole circle
6 musicians are a sextet
6 babies delivered in one birth are sextuplets
Sorry, no sex related videos
A standard guitar has 6 strings
A fathom is 6 feet long (deep)
6 is highest number on either end of a standard domino
M6 is an open cluster in the constellation Scorpius.
The cells of a beehive are 6-sided
Insects have 6 legs
A benzene molecule has a ring of 6 carbon atoms
6 is the atomic number of carbon
The sixfold symmetry of snowflakes is due to the hexagonal crystal structure of water ice which comes from the hydrogen bonding of water molecules
In the Standard Model of particle physics, there are 6 types of quarks and 6 types of leptons
Common references to 6 include
6 feet under
6 degrees of separation
6th sense
6 pack
6 banger; straight, slant, or v-6
6 gun or 6 shooter
Deep six.
Title 6 of the US Code is Domestic Security, including the Heimat Sicherheitspolizei Homeland Security Organization
6 BCE was the Year of the Consulship of Balbus and Vetus
Emperor Augustus sent ferrets to the Balearic Islands to control the rabbit plagues. (The islanders were great slingers so it made sense for a military empire to cater to them.) I wonder if they were folk slingers, or more formal?
Tiberius Claudius Nero was sent to Armenia, then retired to Rhodes. Another opportunity for me to play ...
6 CE was the Year of the Consulship of Lepidus and Arruntius
Josephus says that Quirinius conducted a census in Judea which caused a revolt therein which was led by led by Judas the Galilean. The revolt was put down and the rebels were crucified, but it gave birth to the Zealot movement. The zealots wished to establish a global Jewish theocracy and fought the Romans until about 70 CE. They left behind their name.
Meanwhile, in China, an occultation of Mars by the moon caused some to fear for the life of emperor Ping Di who, in fact, died of unexpected causes within a couple of months. This left it up to good old Wang Mang to select a new emperor, and he picked the 2 year old Ruzi Ying.
On this day in:
0632 -- The prophet Muhammad gave his Farewell Sermon
1521 -- Magellan reached Guam.
1820 -- The Missouri Compromise was signed
1836 -- The fall of the Alamo
1857 -- The Supremes decided Dred Scott v. Sandford
1869 -- Dmitri Mendeleev presented the first periodic table
1946 -- France recognized Vietnam as an autonomous state in the Indochinese Federation and the French Union.
1951 -- The Rosenberg trial began
1953 -- Georgy Malenkov succeeded Stalin
1957 -- Ghana became the first Sub-Saharan nation to get free of Britain
1964 -- Elijah Muhammad officially gave Cassius Clay the name Muhammad Ali.
1975 -- The first airing of the Zapruder film of the assassination of John F. Kennedy on national TV
1975 -- Iran and Iraq announced a settlement of their border dispute.
1981 -- Walter Cronkite signed off
Born this day in:
1459 -- Jakob Fugger, Fugger the Rich, but, per Will Cuppy, Backing the Hapsburgs ruined the Fuggers.
1475 -- Michelangelo, painter and sculptor
1619 -- Cyrano de Bergerac, nosy author and playwright
1779 -- Antoine-Henri Jomini, general & military theorist
1785 -- Karol Kurpinski, composer and conductor
1787 -- Joseph von Fraunhofer, physicist and astronomer noted for his lines
1806 -- Elizabeth Barrett Browning, poet and translator
1834 -- George du Maurier, author and illustrator
1849 -- Georg Luger, gun designer
1872 -- Ben Harney, pianist and composer
1885 -- Ring Lardner, journalist and author
1893 -- Furry Lewis, singer, songwriter and guitarist
1917 -- Will Eisner, illustrator and publisher
1923 -- Wes Montgomery, guitarist and songwriter
1926 -- Alan Greenspan, idealogue, national disaster
1927 -- Gabriel Garcia Marquez, journalist and author
1934 -- Red Simpson, singer & songwriter
1936 -- Sylvia Robinson, singer and producer, mother of hip-hop, founded Sugarhill Records
1937 -- Valentina Tereshkova, pilot, and astronaut, first woman to fly in space
1939 -- Adam Osborne, founded the Osborne Computer Corporation
1941 -- Peter Brotzmann, free jazz saxophonist and clarinet player
1944 -- Mary Wilson, singer
1946 -- David Gilmour, singer, songwriter and guitarist, Pink Floyd
1947 -- Kiki Dee, singer & songwriter
Died this day in:
1888 -- Louisa May Alcott, author
1895 -- Camilla Collett, author & activist
1899 -- Ka'iulani of Hawaii, victim of US imperialism
1932 -- John Philip Sousa, conductor and composer, invented sousaphone & wrote Monty Python Theme Song
1935 -- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., jurist
1939 -- Ferdinand von Lindemann, mathematician
1941 -- Gutzon Borglum, designed Mount Rushmore
1965 -- Margaret Dumont, the fifth Marx Brother
1967 -- Nelson Eddy, actor and singer
1973 -- Pearl S. Buck, author
1982 -- Ayn Rand, author
1986 -- Georgia O'Keeffe, painter
1994 -- Melina Mercouri, actress and politician
2005 -- Hans Bethe, physicist
2006 -- Anne Braden, journalist and activist
2016 -- Nancy Reagan, mediocre actress
Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days and such:
European Day of the Righteous
So, for music Karol Kurpinski Ben Harney Furry Lewis Wes Montgomery Red Simpson Sylvia Robinson Peter Brotzmann Mary Wilson David Gilmour Kiki Dee John Philip Sousa Nelson Eddy-
Karol Kurpinski
Ben Harney
Furry Lewis
Wes Montgomery
Red Simpson
Sylvia Robinson
Peter Brotzmann
Mary Wilson
David Gilmour
Kiki Dee
And, of course, with you know who ---------------------
John Philip Sousa
Nelson Eddy
And, of course, with you know who ---------------------
OK, what's on your minds?
Bonus: This is probably going to be a Sunday album someday

I had forgotten that the Zapruder film took so long 2B seen
on TV. Very murky times, but I was 10 at the assassinations of Kennedy and Oswald (saw latter live), and by 1975 I was in graduate school, oh my. Time flies (whether you're having fun or not). Overall, during that period, I was. Life expansion. Growing up, Phase I.
31F yesterday for high, 50-something today. March roller coaster weather has already begun. Two mornings ago, 6F was my low; my sprained ligaments over separated metatarsal bones seem to complain about weather changes. Maybe just my mood. Or Old Wives were right.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
so, what or whom do I have to celebrate for European Righteous
Day? You confuse me so, el. And I can't figure out what the latin word for sex is. They had it, as you know.
Is that the European righteousness you think about? Righteous without sex?
Have a good day, el, and thanks for the OT and all the music. I am sorry I get dumber day by day. Must be in the European air, especially the German one.
I would think you would kknow better than I
Per the wiki:
People who aided, hid and/or rescued Jews during the holocaust, for example.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
oh, I am sorry, I remember now having heard of it,
really, I apologize.
Hey, no biggie, I never heard of it until I wrote this up.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
If I identify myself as righteous...
(sorry being silly)
I want a Pony!
I misunderstood the meaning of righteous, sorry
I thought when a person is rightous it means the person is self-righteous. My fault. I somehow had the feeling that I didn't use the word righteous correctly, but was too lazy to check it.
Now you made me look it up and I am aware now of the difference between righteous and self-righteous. Thank you for that. I am so sorry to have been big-mouthed and small-minded.
good morning
We've made it a half dozen days into March...and this is our last week of standard time till November of next year.
I think this swapping around of time is something that proves the Princeton study confirming we don't have a democracy. Everyone I know would prefer one time or the other and not this insane back and forth. They used to claim it was for the kids waiting for the bus in the dark, but that isn't really the fact just the opposite is true.
Had to look it up...
From 1945 to 1966 there were no uniform rules for DST in the US and it caused widespread confusion especially for trains, buses, and the broadcasting industry. As a result, the Uniform Time Act of 1966 was established by Congress. It stated that DST would begin on the last Sunday of April and end on the last Sunday of October. However, states still had the ability to be exempt from DST by passing a state ordinance.
Modern DST History in the US
The US Congress extended DST to a period of ten months in 1974 and eight months in 1975, in hopes to save energy following the 1973 oil embargo. The trial period showed that DST saved the energy equivalent of 10,000 barrels of oil each day, but DST still proved to be controversial. Many complained that the dark winter mornings endangered the lives of children going to school.
Over 70 countries use DST today, mainly to:
Make better use of natural daylight.
Conserve energy otherwise spent on artificial light.
Decrease road accidents by making sure roads are naturally lit during the hours with most traffic.
According to a Rasmussen Report from 2013, only 37% of Americans see the purpose of DST compared to 45% the year before.
The real rationale...
Studies link DST to reduced road injuries. A joint Transport Research Laboratory and University College of London study predicted that fewer people would be killed and injured in road accidents if one hour of daylight was transferred from the morning to the afternoon. (However, studies show that there is an increase in both heart attacks and road accidents on the days after clocks are set forward one hour in the spring.)
The tourist industry welcomes DST, claiming that the extra hour of sunlight makes people stay out later, thus spending more money on activities like festivals, shopping and concerts. The Belfast Telegraph reports that the extra evening light gives Northern Ireland at least £6.34 million a year in extra cash from tourists.
In Australia, the New South Wales state government announced that an extra four weeks of DST would boost retail and tourism. According to the Courier Mail, Queensland's lack of Daylight Saving is costing the economy an estimated $4 billion a year in lost business.
Should have known there was profit involved. And those damn Russians...they keep outsmarting us.
Since January 2011, Russia has been through several changes in their DST schedule, causing both protests and unrest, before President Vladimir Putin decided to return to permanent standard time (aka winter time) in October 2014.
Hope you make good use of whatever hours you have...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Something Trump could do that would please most people:
Extend daylight saving time year-round. (It was year-round during World War II - they called it "War Time".)
This is more likely to happen than repealing it altogether - people would rather think they were being "given" something than that something is being "taken away". And sooner or later someone will, because nobody likes having to switch back and forth twice a year.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Permanent War time
would, sadly, be appropriate for the US. And yes DST or standard one or the other on a permanent basis would be best in my view.
I live on the Eastern - Central zone line. So I deal with...are we talking fast time or slow time whenever arranging gatherings. We don't really have to change our clocks. The next DST change will take us back to Eastern time from central. Our artificial trappings of the natural world are interesting anyway.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
DST and measurement in general
I have the same argument with people lamenting on that dang metric system. Looking at a car or tree down the street that person would be just as accurate guessing in feet or meters (not very accurate). Same holds true for volume and weight.
The people who can measure with reasonable accuracy without a measuring "stick" are very rare and usually in narrow tolerances. As long as there is agreement on the "stick" used, what you call the measure doesn't matter whether feet, grams, or Earth volumes. I still measure campfires in hippopotamuses.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
DST is a monstrous aberration. We are still diurmal creatures
and sunrise marks the onset of our normal activity cycle. DST defers and delays sunrise in such fashion as to mimic the effect of a much longer, harsher, deeper winter for those forced to abide by the clock.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Too bad we can't just use the sunset and sunrise to track time
There were no wall clocks in the 800 year history of the Roman Empire. Too bad we can't just say: "I'll meet you for lunch when the sun is at it's highest point." This constant grabbing of our attention by all these devices, leaving no room for reflection, can't be healthy.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Fully agreed. There have been times when I ran on solar time,
and it was quite enjoyable.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Michelango was born today. That is enough.
The SCOTUS handed down the Dred Scott decision on the anniversary of the Missouri Compromise? That can't be a coincidence.
We need a balance in Congress between slave states and free states. Let's admit one state as free and one as slave. Because we have our priorities straight! And are not the least bit cavalier with the lives of others. Nosirree! We know what really matters and that is not upsetting the balance of power in Congress. Else we might have to actually work to get stuff done and, heaven knows, no one in Congress wants that.
there ain't no way out of here... love at first hear
Thanks for the tunes... Wes M., old Who and everything!
That David Gilmour though:
There ain't no way out of here
When you come in you're in for good.
There was no promise made....
I was lucky to catch Gilmour's tour for that first solo album, in Manhattan (NY) and in Chicago a few months later. Mick Ralphs (Bad Co.) played the other guitar and did some singing, I think it was Spencer Dryden on drums, and maybe Clemmons on sax (?)... They were amazing great shows. Having seen Floyd in 75 and 80 I was doubtful, but was blown away, even after the second show! That whole album is very good.
I always wondered if someone could win an election running on the platform of no more daylight savings time. Permanent war time I guess would be accurate... unfortunately.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
If I held the deciding vote, they would win.
I don't know anyone who bitches about daylight savings time more than I do. Makes me feel like an animal on a factory farm.
Love Gilmour too. Cool website, dystopian.
Just bought tickets for Roger Waters' "Us and Them" Tour. Saw it at the 3-night Desert Trip concert in Palm Springs. It was, far and away, the most incredible show I've ever seen. May see if I can make a couple of these shows if I can swing it.
Nice website. I think as a child I developed some kind of bird phobia. But as I get older I've come to appreciate watching them and find it relaxing, especially out of the city, to do so. I've made it a point to get my infant son interested in the birdies across the way from our apartment, who nest in a vent of the building just across from our kitchen window. If anything, I'd like to reverse the phobia I had and he seems to delight in it.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut