"I've Got a Helluva Story To Tell": Ed Schultz Spills The Beans on MSNBC Collusion Against Bernie. The Media Blackout on Bernie Was Real.

Of all the things that unsettle me about the ever-changing, current hysteria enveloping the MSM-addicted masses, the thing that aggravates me most is how the Scorned Clinton Cabal and their lapdog minions on the payroll in the MSM have managed to keep up this totally ridiculous charade about the Russians tipping (or outright stealing) the election, depending on which grade of zombie you talk to. The stark truth is that they absolutely stole the nomination, through a web of deceit, lies, voter suppression/rigging/fraud and obfuscation by calling in a long laundry list of favors, cajoling and threats, to destroy Bernie Sanders campaign because like the petulant, entitled child she is, it was Her Turn.

As I've said previously, the obvious fraud of a presidential election between the two most hated, untrustworthy, lying multi-millionaire criminals should have been the most obvious and blatant evidence, that the whole idea of democracy through electoral politics is a complete farce and charade. The citizenry should instead be headlong down the path of laser-focus on the linchpin of Money In Politics, electoral fraud/disenfranchisement, gerrymandering, the stranglehold power of lobbyists over legislation, the corporate monopoly ownership of all sectors, out of control militarism and American imperialism, etc.

The most revolutionary thing about Bernie's campaign was how incredibly successful he was by not taking corporate money. He single-handedly upturned all the BS conventional wisdom that said one had to grovel for corporate cash. He was rewarded with the fealty of millions of folks who gave what they could, and more importantly canvassed and volunteered in droves, to a candidate who finally talked openly and honestly about issues effecting the majority and stood up to and brilliantly made the core of his campaign about the issue of, Money In Politics - which for anyone paying attention is the fundamental issue explaining the chronic dysfunction of American governance.

There's just absolutely no fucking way a candidate who regularly drew tens of thousands to his rallies is defeated by one who couldn't fill a high school gym. End of story.

No matter how many times we told the Neoliberal coffee klatch dupes at TOP that it was obvious the fix was in, they just closed their ears and hid behind some sanctimonious BS that the Greatest Country In The World's (remember the USA!USA!USA chants at the DNC?) elections and media were fair.

The Rational National had this video segment last night:

"Ex-Host Exposes MSNBC: 'I Was Told Not To Cover Bernie'"

"I want to make this very clear, and I hope your audience consumes this, there was more oversight and more direction given to me on content at MSNBC than there ever has been here at RT. And I think that it's very sad that that story is not getting out.

I think it's many times I was told with the lead with on MSNBC many times I was told what I was not going to do and I've got a story that had I not been involved in it I would have never believed it. And Phil Griffin, who I consider a friend to this day, was a watchdog. Far more
than anything I am exposed to here at RT."

(Question) Did he tell you what to say, did he tell you an angle to take?


Then there's Phil Griffin again.

"In fact, when Bernie Sanders was announcing that he was going to be a candidate for the nomination of the Democratic Party in Burlington Vermont I was the only cable
host between Fox MSNBC and CNN that was there live to cover it. Now there were live cameras there but we had coordinated with the Sanders campaign that at 5:00 o'clock he was going to
make his announcement and we were going to cover this on The Ed Show.

I go to Bernie Sanders house that afternoon to do an interview in the back yard, about a 15 minute interview. The grandkids are running around, it's a big day for the Sanders family, he's going to announce that he's running for president. We're gonna carry it live later on in the day and we're gonna run this one-on-one tape with Bernie. 3,000 people are there on Lake Champlain. It's 5 minutes to air, and I get a phone call from Phil Griffin, 'you're not covering this.' I said, 'Phil, Bernie Sanders is announcing he's running for president.' 'I don't care. You're not covering this.' And it got rather contentious."


"Well, now you're asking me for opinion. I'm giving you a fact right now about what happened. And other people who were there with me will attest to the fact and back me up that this is what happened. We were told that we had to cover something down in Texas that was totally meaningless, and another press conference in Baltimore which already had been in the news for a few days. We're covering Bernie Sanders live! We're coordinated with his campaign and I'm told five minutes before you're not covering Bernie Sanders!

Now let me give you the opinion: I think the Clintons were connected to Andy Lack, connected at the hip. I think that they didn't want anybody in their prime time, or anywhere in their lineup, supporting Bernie Sanders. I think that they were in the tank for Hillary Clinton and I think it was managed.

And 45 days later I was out at MSNBC."

Who's Andy Lack? The NBC News Chairman.

Just did a cursory search for him and seems he's a serial cover up man for high-powered sexual assualters. Bubba was one and Matt Lauer another, and seems he passed up the Harvey Weinstein story. I don't have the time to fully flesh this out as I'd like, time constraints of full-time Dad being what they are.

Here's a bit I could find out though, about the kind of guy Andy Lack is. When the Lauer story broke, he claimed that there hadn't been one single complaint filed against his "dear friend." Which is the exact opposite of the Vanity Fair story's headline, "“Everybody Knew”: Inside the Fall of Today’s Matt Lauer
They passed on the Weinstein story—but NBC News’s own sexual harassment problem was hiding in plain sight."

The milquetoast MSNBC lackey Matt Lauer, quite possibly the lamest, most tepid and boring man ever to be on tv (which is probably what he's paid for). He's another Neoliberal demon who is regularly whisked away via helicopter over my apartment in Queens (in a constant flow of Economic Terrorists' preferred method of travel, so as not to be burdened by the wreckage they've wrought) to his home in the Hamptons as part of his contract. Good riddance, sleazy, predatory douchebag feeling high and mighty in the club (along with Charlie Rose, et al).

The list of truth-teller casualties at MSNBC goes on and on: Phil Donahue, Dylan Rattigan, Cenk Uygur, etc. Someone should get these guys together for a roundtable discussion. Jimmy Dore, are you listening?

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Mark from Queens's picture

while the most revered, trusted and favorable elected politician by the citizenry, by far, with amazing approval ratings that dominate in every demographic.

Let me just say this at the start. I'd prefer not to get into another debate about whether he was a sheepdog or not.

The fact is, as a candidate for president in the Democratic Primary, and especially in retrospect of $hills having embarrassingly been trounced in state after state, he was headed for a massive blowout landslide against Drumpf. Just consider for a moment what that could have meant: the canard of evil Socialism would be buried forever, a whole new slate of politicians not taking corporate money would have been ushered in, Healthcare for All and Free College Education would have happened sooner than later with his bully pulpit taken to the people, and the Economic Terrorists of Wall St would probably have seen their day's in jail.

We need to preserve that truth for posterity. If it doesn't give you nightmares like it does me to imagine future history books with a chapter talking about how the Russians threw the election of 2016 to a stunted adolescent moron, reality tv show host, pathological liar, Real Estate tycoon who started with a "small loan" of Daddy's money, then I don't know what to say.

What I'm saying is that with this Schultz revelation it's another reminder that for posterity there really needs to be a compendium of the complete inner workings of the #DNCFraud and media complicity.

Is the Jared Beck book yet/anyone read it?

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

Big Al's picture

@Mark from Queens not if it includes Sanders' own accepted role as a sheepdog for the democratic party and Hillary Clinton?

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Pricknick's picture

@Big Al
isn't it?
I'd much prefer someone who fights against those who diminish others for political gain.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

Mark from Queens's picture

@Big Al
and what we know happened to Bernie's campaign during the primary (and what we know from the #PodestEmails may only be the tip of the iceberg, which is the implication from the Schultz revelation). We can speculate all day long. Was he a sheepdog? Is there a long game he's at? Was he threatened? Was he in the bag all along?

I think we're better served in exposing for all-time the fraud at the heart of our electoral system and the death grip of the duopoly, than we are beating up Bernie Sanders. There's an article in tonight's EB that yet again shows how porous and hackable our election system is. That's the thing, the great opportunity we have now (though it's depressingly being drowned out) of showing real election fraud, suppression and disenfranchisement. That could lead to a revolution.

Bernie had to make tough choices the whole way. To back up, he probably never would have even got out of the gate running as a Dem had he not made some agreements (i.e. to support the nominee, etc). If he ran as a Ind he would never even have gotten out of the gate because the media, who blacked him out as a Dem, wouldn't have even had to blacklist him, because he probably wouldn't have even been in the debates.

And we'd all have been lesser for it. People got to really hear with no punches pulled, perhaps for the first time, how Money In Politics is the root of all government dysfunction, glittering gems that still resonate such as "the business model of Wall St is fraud," and full-throated defenses and explanations of why we should have Healthcare for All and Free College Tuition, and how media consolidation is suffocating democracy, to name a few things.

There hasn't been a better chance to unify the 99%, Left/Right Repub/Dem, Lib/Conserv, than with Bernie's single-minded focus on the issues and refusing to pander with partisan platitudes.

The Dem Primary collusion to bury Bernie should be the story of the past two years.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

Big Al's picture

@Mark from Queens simply responding to the continued worship of him and the fight between the factions of the democratic party, which in the end will simply continue the duopoly. It's interesting coming from people who say they're against the duopoly but as long as Bernie is in charge, they would gladly continue it.
I don't agree with it, because I do oppose this duopoly political system and believe Sanders is an imperialist, but that's obviously a very minority opinion here.

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mimi's picture

@Big Al

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Big Al's picture

@mimi by the ruling class does not allow for dissension on U.S. imperialism at this time. Barbara Lee probably comes closest, I'm not a big follower of politicians to name others. Sanders' record clearly indicates to me he would govern foreign policy wise similar to Obama, as restrained as he could be while following the imperialism dictates.

To me, that's the issue, we can't win with this system, therefore we need to change it. Continuing to participate in it and support it will only continue it, not change it.

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mimi's picture

@Big Al @Big Al
with regards to reactions to US foreign policies. I believe whatever Sanders would do if he were President is unpredictable, because all those nations the US doesn't consider as being existent as sovereign nations, might just react unpredictably and other than outright military destruction of those nations, there is nothing much else that would be predictable. He couldn't do what wouldn't be much of the same over and over. It's not in the hands of the US alone anymore.

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Wink's picture

dysfunction that is the duopoly. And I doubt he's going to do anything differently in 2020 than he did two years ago.
@Big Al
Keep pumping the message.
Keep pumping the message, baby.
I know many on here think I'm a Bernie worshiper, but that's only becuz I worship Bernie the idea. Not Bernie the man. 2016 was about the idea that The Beltway fucks could be beaten. The idea that $27 contributions could beat multi-million dollar Wall Street donations. It was (and still is, in my book) David vs. Goliath. Robin Hood vs, the King.
Yes, Bernie is an Imperialist (more like a Israel supporter, but I can live with Imperialist). Yes, he's this and he's that, and he's Not the perfect progressive candidate.
But name one that's more progressive. I can live with the impurities. And, no! He's Not going to dismantle the duopoly in his lifetime. Or our lifetime.
Who's going to do that? A politician?
Only voters can do that, and I don't see that happening any time soon. Although many many Bernie groups - and other groups - are pushing it.
Bernie can't win the Dem nomination in 2020 any more than he could in 2016. And, not for nuthin', but Bernie ran in 2016 to set up a (better) run in 2020. As Ed Schultz points out. I can't imagine Bernie believing by the Ides of March 2016 that he would be that close to Her Highness. But, he can't win the Dem nomination in 2020 any more than he could in 2016. Hillary will spend every nickel she has to make sure that doesn't happen. Bernie needs to run as an Indie or not run at all.
What do we gain with a Bernie victory? More than what we would have "gained" had Her Highness beaten the Trumpster in 2016. And maybe a Dem Senate. If nuthin' else it gains us another four years on the playing field. Four more we might not get should Trump win.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Big Al The important part of this story is what it tells us about the media and its role in "elections."

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Wink's picture

@Mark from Queens

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Wink's picture

and anyone that knows anything
@Big Al
about politics knows it's bull$h!t.
As I've said here many times.
Anyone that thinks Bernie laid down for HRC after the Primaries wasn't paying attention.
Not everything we see with our own two eyes is the reality.
The current reality is H.S. kids mobbed The Bern with shouts of Bernie! Bernie! at one of the school shooting rallies three weeks ago. Ran 50, 60, 80 yards to get a glimpse of the white hair.
As Steven D can attest I've been around awhile. Since McGovern. And I've Never seen anything like that for Any politician. Even O'Bummer.
Now, H.S. and college popularity doesn't necessarily translate to support or votes. That's another reality. But, Bernie would Not be anywhere Near as popular a candidate today if it were perceived that he caved to Hillary and caved to the DNC. I can tell you this... the DNC won't be sending him out on any "Unity Tours" any time soon. Bernie's current popularity speaks for itself. He owes no one any apology.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Big Al's picture

@Wink I remember a while back reading about someone from the DNC saying that Bernie was the official "outreach coordinator" for the democratic party. If that suits you better. Because just as in 2016 his entire focus will be on beating Trump and the republicans and that can only mean via the democratic party.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Big Al It's pointless--now--to focus on elections.

The PTB kind of slipped on a banana peel last time. It's probably the first time since 1980 that they didn't get the result they expected.

That's why DHS now controls our election infrastructure. If the duopoly and its media--I want to say media whores, but that's an insult to whores--were not enough, now we have direct control by what basically amounts to the secret police.

The important thing here is establishing and remembering the truth, not saying "oh poor Bernie" and running yet another campaign.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

snoopydawg's picture


The fact is Bernie stated that he was going to take his run all the way to the democratic convention and he didn't. He folded his campaign after the meeting he had with Obama. This disappointed his supporters. But I doubt that if he had gone all the way nothing would have changed the outcome of the primary. I'm not hung up on this though.

What I am hung up on is that when he was asked if Her won the primary fair and square he said yes. This means that he ignored all the shenanigans that happened during it. There are the many things that we've discussed so I'm not going to rehash them. But for him to totally dismiss them is disingenuous to his supporters. We all knew that she didn't win it fair and square. People wanted him to acknowledge that. He didn't. The one thing though that he should have spoken out about was when Bill went to 4 voting places in Massachusetts and interfered with people being able to vote. This was against election law and he should have had some consequences for that. There weren't.

If he wasn't going to even acknowledge election fraud, then why should anyone vote for him next time? What if things like that happen again? Will he just roll over again! Looking back at what he did, then why should anyone trust that he won't just do it again? Why should people give him more of their money?

This is the problem I have with Bernie if he runs again. If they try to steal it again and he isn't going to do anything about it, then why should people get invested with him next time? The other thing is that none of his economic plans are going to happen unless the military budget is halved. Maybe he has a way around that, but if the budget stays as high as it is then that means that nothing is going to change regarding the USAs marching to hegemony? This is my biggest issue that I want changed. Climate change is second.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Wink's picture

to win the Dem nomination,
then he's dumber than I thought.
And he could be!
But everything else you mention is just politics.
Which frosts many a once-supporter's bunns, but in the grand scheme is simply politics.
As for 2020, after Ed's video it's clear Bernie is going to run again in 2020. Not there haven't been plenty of clues, but Ed makes it pretty clear that Bernie has every intention of running. And winning!
I would simply ask who out there is a better candidate? Pocahantus? As the Repubs will call her? "Plugs" Biden? Kamala? Bueller?
I don't see anybody. But it won't matter if he tries again to run as a Dem.
There's no friggin' way Her Highness will allow that - she owns the party - and she will spend every nickel to make sure he doesn't. So that leaves him running as a Green or Indie.
I'd flip them all off and run as an Indie, but that's just me (and my chip on my shoulder). Bernie may have other ideas.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Big Al The truth is the truth, whether you like the people involved or not.

Sanders doesn't have to be a saint, or even a good person, for this story to be true. And it is.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Big Al Re-read Mark's first two paragraphs. That's where it's at.

the thing that aggravates me most is how the Scorned Clinton Cabal and their lapdog minions on the payroll in the MSM have managed to keep up this totally ridiculous charade about the Russians tipping (or outright stealing) the election, depending on which grade of zombie you talk to. The stark truth is that they absolutely stole the nomination, through a web of deceit, lies, voter suppression/rigging/fraud and obfuscation by calling in a long laundry list of favors, cajoling and threats, to destroy Bernie Sanders campaign because like the petulant, entitled child she is, it was Her Turn.

As I've said previously, the obvious fraud of a presidential election between the two most hated, untrustworthy, lying multi-millionaire criminals should have been the most obvious and blatant evidence, that the whole idea of democracy through electoral politics is a complete farce and charade. The citizenry should instead be headlong down the path of laser-focus on the linchpin of Money In Politics, electoral fraud/disenfranchisement, gerrymandering, the stranglehold power of lobbyists over legislation, the corporate monopoly ownership of all sectors, out of control militarism and American imperialism, etc.

0 users have voted.

"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Mark from Queens Just consider for a moment what that could have meant: the canard of evil Socialism would be buried forever, a whole new slate of politicians not taking corporate money would have been ushered in, Healthcare for All and Free College Education would have happened sooner than later with his bully pulpit taken to the people, and the Economic Terrorists of Wall St would probably have seen their day's in jail.

The people who actually run this country--the billionaires and the CIA, basically--cannot allow that to happen. An election wouldn't accomplish it. If Bernie had been elected, and had genuinely wanted to accomplish the policies he talked about on campaign, he'd discover that his choices were to a)continue with the status quo, b)resign, or c)suffer ugly personal consequences.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

JekyllnHyde's picture

If Bernie runs again in 2020, defeats all the Clinton-Wannabees in the primaries, and becomes the nominee, it would be interesting to see how the MSNBC/CNN shills treat him this time around.

They can't ignore him then... can they?

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A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma

kharma's picture

He would be President right now.

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There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams

travelerxxx's picture


All the media needed to do was to do what they are supposed to do - cover the news and report (at least somewhat) fairly. It's not that every reporter is crooked; far from it. However, the consolidation of media ownership has caused the possibility - perhaps probability - that news will be slanted and capable of large scale manipulation by the moneyed few.

The Clinton machine not only bought the Democratic party (evidently they literally purchased it), they understood that they needed to own the American media. Considering the post-election purge of Sanders supporters from the DNC ranks, the Clinton machine still owns the organization. Further, lurking somewhere in the shadows, yet still wielding a huge influence, is The Empty Suit - Obama.

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Wink's picture

that "if the people find out what we've done we'll hang."
from her lips...

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

mimi's picture

He needed the votes and a just and fair way to count them. But as the media bought the votes and the vote counters, what do you expect to happen?

You have a rotten system, it stinks and so far there is nothing happening to change that.

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Anja Geitz's picture

Of both Matt Lauer and Harvey Weinstein does not surprise me. Neither does his tight connection with Bill Clinton. The network of powerful men protecting other men from litigation for sexual "peccadilloes" has a long history. Networking in this way is very useful for predators. In fact it is essential. I learned how essential years ago after reading about special pedophilia task forces who infiltrate highly secured websites that were devoted to "networking". Pedophiles from around the world could gather online to "network" and barter "services". Specifically legal services. A pedophile facing incarceration could find a lawyer who specialized in defending pedophiles, who were also pedophiles themselves. It's apparently a very tight club and I'd surmise much more vast than we imagine.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

Meteor Man's picture

The amount of print, tv, radio and online talent that has been sidelined or minimized is incredible. We really need a national Anti-war Progressive media outlet that can reveal the full truth to the general American public.

There is a demand and thirst for straight talk across the political spectrum. Somehow or another an Air American "type" of media operation must be put together to get the real news out there. I used to listen to Randi Rhodes all the time. Just found out she has set up a Randi Rhodes You Tube Show. Can you imagine a Real News Network cable show? Jimmy Dore, Chris Hedges et. al. with a natwide audience?

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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn

Pricknick's picture

What the hell stopped you from reporting this as soon as you were canned?
Were you threatened in any way?
Don't get me wrong. I'm glad your coming out but why so long to do so?

0 users have voted.

Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

Mark from Queens's picture

Guess he was legally pinned in.

Not that this pertains (but it may), but I saw a comment on the Rational National thread that said his wife was battling cancer then. The implication being he needed to hold onto his health insurance and may have been leveraged.

I wouldn't put anything past these corporate honcho bastards.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

Pricknick's picture

@Mark from Queens
they own you.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

@Mark from Queens I don't want to fight with Bernie people, I think you all are making the same mistake over again, but go on. It is human nature to repeat history, the same mistakes, over and over and over. C'est la vie.

If presented with an NDA, one does have the option to not sign it. It is a choice, a choice based upon money usually, but not always. Sometimes they threaten your family with other ways to damage your future, forever. Ban NDAs that's what I say, don't excuse citizens for bad behaviors because they signed on to some shite labor law. Get real. Don't sign it for a start.

be the change

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QMS's picture

that elections will now be handled by DHS. Sponsored by the anti-terrorist squad because Russia.

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Anja Geitz's picture


And now falls under the purview of DHS. Makes ya feel all warm and fuzzy inside, don't it? Knowing that President Obama turned the integrity of our entire electoral system over to a governmental agency fully invested in pepetuting the war machine propaganda?

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

QMS's picture

@Anja Geitz Wish I could connect the dots on that one. Democracy = DHS holding the wheel for the protection of our voting system. Kinda stinks.

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

snoopydawg's picture


From dhs taking over the election to undoing net neutrality, to censorship by Googles changing its algorithms to .... I guess whatever they want to do so they can keep us being mushrooms, Russia Gate will be the excuse for it.m

Schultz and Donahue being shown the door because they wanted to tell us the truth. Mushrooms.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

The depth of the cheating and shenanigans against Bernie happened up and down the entire levels of the electoral process: from the mass media to the voting precincts. In terms of the media, it involved not only the mass media but also local media. In Oregon, major news outlets reported a "poll" which claimed that Hillary was going to beat Bernie by some 16 points. Nary one skeptical voice.

Certain unions endorsed Hillary even though polls showed members favoring Bernie by large majorities. And in the actual process of voting, voter suppression, database manipulation, and deliberate miscounts. Much of mechanics of stealing the election is documented here:

Democracy Lost: A Report on the Fatally
Flawed 2016 Democratic Primaries


And if Bernie runs again, the same system will cheat him again. Bernie may get more media exposure this time around, but the establishment running the election apparatus will just engage in larger scale theft and cheating.

I wonder how the progressive base will react now that they are seeing up close democratic party cheating and corruption in local elections. Will they vote for "the lesser of two evils even though one of the evils cheated my guy or gal."?

I also have to wonder if the DNC committee deciding on party reform not will touch the super delegates and essentially do nothing as to retain one way of derailing Sanders in 2020.

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And if Bernie runs again, the same system will cheat him again. Bernie may get more media exposure this time around, but the establishment running the election apparatus will just engage in larger scale theft and cheating.

Expose the hell out of their bullshit. Fool me once, shame on me .....

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Beware the bullshit factories.

Pricknick's picture


Expose the hell out of their bullshit. Fool me once, shame on me .....

He lost an amazing amount of those who followed him because he cowered before.
It's not in him to buck the system if it takes his good standing (ha ha) among them away.

0 users have voted.

Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

TheLeftistheCenter's picture


Bernie still has almost all his followers since most are wise enough to see he plays a long game, though he might of lost those that expected him to be a sore loser throwing a purity tantrum, but that is but a few emotionally stunted individuals who think being a wise politician who makes the best of a bad situation by salvaging what he can, as weak and selling out.

Not much of a loss really given the only way he could have appeased those immature few would have been by acting so immature everyone else would have been turned off since no one likes a sore loser, plus he would have lost any chance to mold the party from the inside and would have alienated dem voters, all to appease a few individuals who are so politically daft they think an embarrassingly useless tantrum of grandstanding for purity is a litmus test for strength and conviction, instead of a litmus test of immaturity and foolishness.

If Bernie runs again in 2020 these types will still think hes weak for not doing what any 5 yo does when they dont get their way, completely missing real conviction and strength is accepting a tough reality, learning from it and moving on without missing a beat towards the next round, wiser and better prepared.

Really only a concern troll would expect Bernie to self destruct in purity or think hes a weak sellout, but maybe you actually have some kind of rational argument to explain your perspective, I cant wait to hear it.

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Anja Geitz's picture


Where these character traits could effect victory.

real conviction and strength is accepting a tough reality, learning from it and moving on without missing a beat towards the next round, wiser and better prepared.

But politics, my friend, is not one of them.

You say we can effect a different outcome than the one we witnessed during the 2016 DNC primaries through our candidates hard won "wisdom" and "preparation"?

So, how does that work exactly?

Do we convince state electoral officials to follow the by-laws of the nomination process correctly, or to count ballots accurately? Perhaps we could influence pollsters to publish polls without omitting crucial data (i.e., leaving out a constituency as large as 18-38 year olds)? Or perhaps we could influence the media to cover how the data on the polls were skewed, and how well our candidate is actually doing when the polls include the 18-38 year old demographic. How about we just get the media to cover our candidate at all?

It's difficult to see how we use our wisdom and our preparedness to effect change when the political mechanism that rigged the 2016 primaries is still in place. Unless, of course, you are suggesting we run our own candidates to change the corrupt mechanism in place, beginning at a local level using the corrupt mechanism in place to change it.


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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

TheLeftistheCenter's picture

@Anja Geitz

Im confused are you actually arguing it would have been better for him to throw a tantrum crying about cheating and then tell the party to fuck off? Even if he endorsed Stein, she still would of lost, even if he didnt prefer Hillary over Trump, she still would have lost. What exactly would be gained? He took them to court still and nothing came of it, so there was nothing to gain but much to lose.

Its about choices, nothing occurs in a vacuum except the poorly conceived wishes of the political neophytes wanting things on 'principle' indifferent to actual results and oblivious to potential problems. So that said, ill show you Bernies choices and how they were better than whining about cheating, since no one likes a whiner or a sore loser and all too few value purity grandstanding, even you here cant give it a supporting argument other than you lack the critical thinking to see any other paths, so you are saying why not purity tantrum.

Im going to lay it out for you as I see it and as I believe Bernie does as well. There are two realities, actual reality and the perception of it and politics is a hybrid of both, so having a tantrum on the cheating would have no real result and would give the perception of a sore loser and whiner, where biting the bullet and playing along with it also accomplishes little actual results, but the perception is one of a good sport, a team player, one who sees the bigger picture.

The short of it is everything points to Bernie running again, but instead of starting at 3% and getting to 45% despite cheating, this time he is starting at 3rd base with great name recognition and great favorabilities (had he whined like you suggest his favs would be far lower) starting at 45% and going to uncheatable. Both him and the party know this so in all likelihood the party isnt going to let him run again, claiming hes not a real Dem where they know he is too good a dem for any of their stooges to beat.

So if Bernie plans on running and will likely have to run as an indy after the party shuns him and hes known this since the last election (as have I) then it makes a lot of sense to stay on the good side of the party to have 'access' for as long as he can knowing he will likely lose it when the campaigning starts. He publicly was a good sport and supported Hillary, he publicly is trying to fix the party from the inside and he will publicly try to run as a Dem, so when the time comes for him to go indy the voters will see hes done the right thing every time and its the party thats the problem.

Bernie is trying to help America save itself, not be a sad sap who whines and quits when he loses like you guys ant him to be for some insane reason, so all his moves are about the long term goal which includes getting as many progressives in office as possible and making sure there is no room for cheating by shoring up where he had enough weakness to be cheated and by always taking the high rode so when the time comes to vote even Dems who voted for Hillary wont be sour or claim he hasnt tried to play by the book.

Nevermind all that and the real question you should be asking yourself is why would you come up with such useless examples that have already been over come, you either are just arguing for arguments sake, or you dont like my point and made up some pathetic Bs to try and counter it or maybe you are just a defeatest or maybe you dont want success. i dont know but you should be asking yourself. No one cares about polls Hillary was 99% to win, no one cared, Bernie was ignored because he was unknown and they could get away with it, now hes on tv almost every week, cheating only works if its close you cant cheat away a landslide, etc etc all useless points.

Bernie isnt a whiner or a complainer or a defeatest, hes doing everything he can to win, you on the other hand have already mentally surrendered, which is what the establishment wants you to do because not trying is the only way they can guarantee victory. Bernie went from nowhere to almost winning against the entire establishment working against him, they are worried since he wont be starting at 3% and unknown this time.

im sorry but your post is a giant pile of loser bs from your pathetic take that politics is not something someone can fight through, to your list of stupid things we cant change so lets all give up attitude. Your view is what got us into this mess, predetermined defeat always loses) and Bernie fighting the system against all adversity is what might get us out, but we all need to fight together and if you dont have any fight in you than just sit down, shut up, keep out of the way and you can be as defeated as you like on your couch while watching on tv those who know half the battle is just not giving up and the other half is planning and making good meaningful choices.

You dont have to be part of the solution, but you do have to be more than a whiny defeatest telling the doers they cant/shouldnt bother, or you really are part of the problem. So if you are too lazy to help us win back our country at least be lazy enough to not share your weak 'its too hard so why try' whining.

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Pricknick's picture


throw a tantrum crying about cheating and then tell the party to fuck off?

Only if he doesn't want to be politically correct.
He said nothing. That speaks volumes.
Was he threatened? Many say that's why. If that's true, he is corruptible.
Did he do it for the good of a party he doesn't run under? That is cowardice.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

TheLeftistheCenter's picture


Im just letting you know i will be ignoring you so if i dont respond its nothing personal, i ignore all disingenuous people, so I am not singling out your stupid posts as any more stupid than other trolls.

Have a nice day!

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Pricknick's picture

Come on. Tells us what you truly think. Should be fun.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

you do have a penchant for lobbing insults, do you not? We do not suffer that well here.

Bye bye.

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@TheLeftistheCenter be ignored. I'm sorry but how dare you come in here and talk about such bullshit a "purity tantrums" and "being a good sport" and lecture all of us about "reality." The sad fucking reality is that it is people just like you, who think "playing along with the team" will get us anywhere. Do you not see just what your type of incrementalism has done to this country? You go on and keep your head firmly implanted and vote for the lesser evil and congratulate yourself on your supreme wisdom while you watch the whole system come crashing down around all of us. That'll make things all better, won't it? USA, USA, USA!

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Anja Geitz's picture


Im confused

And yet that did not stop you from tediously rebutting an argument I never made in a post that was long on words and short on relevance.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Anja Geitz
Now, now, zoebear, you shouldn't use your reason. That'll make you a Bad Person, often with multiple factions at once!

It's much easier to just throw personality politics around and fight over whether or not Bernie is a good person--or whether the people on this site are revolutionary enough, or if they're just a bunch of dishonest Democratic partisans pretending to be something else.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Anja Geitz's picture

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal

What was I thinking?

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

Pricknick's picture

I now feel like a five year old being reprimanded.

what any 5 yo does when they dont get their way

I will neither support nor vote for bernme sanders.
Edited because i feel like im 5.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

TheLeftistheCenter's picture

@Pricknick @Pricknick

Thats fair enough, much more fair than your made up BS propaganda of the previous post implying you liked Bernie when you are just in reality concern trolling.

If you dont want to feel like a 5yo then dont fabricate unbelievable stories no adult will buy, thats what children do. Its okay not to like Bernie, even if you cant come up with any good reasons, but its not okay to make up fake reasons, unless you want to be treated like a child.

I dont like Trump but fuck if im going to make up fake stupid reasons for not liking him, but then again i have good real reasons I dont need to hide, where my gut says you cant state your real reasons and so must make others up as you go.

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Pricknick's picture

Concern trolling. Well done.

you are just in reality concern trolling.

What story did I confuse you with?

dont fabricate unbelievable stories no adult will buy,

Show one to me.

fake reasons

I get that you like Bernie. Many do. I did.
Call me out if you will but do it with facts not innuendo.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

Big Al's picture

@Pricknick @Pricknick this is what this blog has settled into until 2020. Understandable I suppose since it started with mostly Sanders supporters and long term democrats who were disgusted with the Clinton supporters on Daily Kos and the bias of the democratic party leadership. The animosity between the factions will continue and funnel most activity into the same old game of electing more and better democratic party politicians, i.e., Bernie type progressives in this case. I think that focus is purely partisan, which is what this blog was not supposed to be about. But it fits with the participants and viewers perspectives so I think it's unavoidable. Those looking for revolution against the oligarchy and their duopoly political system might want to start looking for an alternative.

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Pricknick's picture

@Big Al

Im just letting you know i will be ignoring you so if i dont respond its nothing personal, i ignore all disingenuous people, so I am not singling out your stupid posts as any more stupid than other trolls.

Have a nice day!

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Big Al As always, your generalizations about "this blog" are unfair and basically ignore all those of us who are arguing the other side. Of whom there are many.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Big Al's picture

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal I think I'm right. Granted, it's a generalization, but it's based on my observations of which essays garner the most interest (like this essay) and of the comments and discussions related to the democratic party and progressive politicians.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Big Al OK, so what I'm thinking of is an essay by gjohnsit some months ago. The title was something like "Bernie's Considering a Run in 2020, So You'd Better Decide How You Feel About It." The vast majority of comments were on the side of not supporting Bernie in a 2020 run (or in anything, really) because of the obvious futility of working within a compromised system supporting a compromised candidate. Far more people were non-partisan than partisan.

By my measure, if you don't or won't support Sanders as your reform agent within the system, then you're not willing to participate within the system. There literally is no other even putative voice for reform out there. The fact that most people, including me, said they wouldn't support him, because, basically, it's all a load of bullshit at this point, tells me that this site is not full of partisan Democrats. It's a site full of people who used to be partisan Democrats who are too honest to continue down that road.

However, you are right that people participate much more in diaries about Democratic politicians and that supposed factional fight (which I don't believe even exists, actually--how can Bernie be a revolutionary against people like Clinton and Perez when he supports them?) than they do in anything else. I put that down to exhaustion and a near-destroyed morale. It's difficult to get people to do anything when they are exhausted and despairing. One of the few things that will rouse them to action, or at least comment, under those conditions, is a lingering resentment against those who have done them injustice. Almost everyone on this site is still extremely angry at the Democratic Party because they done fucked us over good.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Pricknick Pricknick, this is some classic talking points. Ironically talking points used originally by the Clintons. Later they were picked up and used by Obama. The "you're a five year old throwing a tantrum cause you didn't get what you want" is another version of "you want a pony."

It's the voice of the establishment, no matter who is currently channeling it.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@TheLeftistheCenter He doesn't have me. And it's not because I dislike him or condemn him. But there's no point in following someone who is controlled by my enemies.

Bernie was willing not only to support Hillary but to support and spread the Russiagate nonsense. Those are lies that could result in a hot war with a major nuclear power.

I'm fairly certain Bernie wants no such result, but that didn't stop him from doing and saying whatever the Clinton faction wanted.

Remember what the Wikileaks email between John Podesta and Robbie Mook said about Bernie:

"We've got leverage over him."

"Great! How should we stick in the knife?"

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

who left/got booted from TOP; who were grumpy to begin with.

If he runs again he will have massive support from the start, rebel subset of the rebel outcasts notwithstanding : D

@mimi @TheLeftistheCenter

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Anja Geitz's picture


Of former DKos alums and Bernie supporters suppose to be snark? It seemed like such a gratuitously outlandish thing to say, I couldn't tell.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

Wink's picture

that expected him to storm the gates at Philly.
Everybody else paying attention, following the "long game," are still there, still with him.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

CS in AZ's picture


I am peeking my head out from lurk mode for a minute to answer this, because it’s amazing to me to read this thread today — the condescension from Bernie supporters on here is astounding. I was an early and enthusiastic Bernie supporter, I left dkos in the purge, I followed Bernie’s campaign very closely, and I never expected him to storm the gates at the convention. In fact I expected him to do what he’d said he would and support the democratic nominee, and I wasn’t surprised he did. However, what was done to his supporters, at the convention and before and after it, was unconscionable.

Bernie did not lose my support for not storming the convention, and I didn’t want or expect a “purity tantrum” (and good grief, how silly to suggest that’s what anyone called for), but in the months following the election when he joined the “unity tour” and then started bleating the Russia crap, and over time he makes it clear he will support and prop up the Dems no matter what.

That’s when and why he “lost me” and I removed myself from his email list and zipped my checkbook — for him and any other politician, because I was paying attention and I didn’t like what I saw. I’ve finally learned this lesson, they are all full of shit, they are all part of the reality show of politics to keep people distracted with the next election and intraparty squabbling, which keeps the loop running and prevents the population from actually demanding change.

No amount of scolding and talking down and name calling is going to bring me back into that game, and I’m not alone. Bernie Sanders may or may not have enough support still to overcome the fact that hillbots despise him, that remains to be seen. But if so it will be without me and many others who were in last time. Because of the choice he made to prop up democrats, cover for the Clintons, and tell their lies. He finished what Obama had started in finally teaching me to stop wasting my time, energy or money on politicians and grasping for hope through elections.

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Wink's picture

on the "Unity Tour?"
@CS in AZ
Any "unity" expressed by crowds
was for Bernie. Not Perez and not the party.
But, hey, whatever...
2018 still very much about Bernie as it is Trump.
Lots and Lots of Berniecrats running this year, including
the candidate I support here in NY-21. There's a reason for that
support, and supporters could care less about Russia Russia Russia
or this perceived slight or that perceived slight. Bernie's core message remains the same, same as it ever was.
"the condescension from Bernie supporters on here is astounding."
What I have found astounding is the amount of backstabbing from Bernie supporters over the last two years. But, again... whatever...
Bernie's mission is less about getting himself elected president as it is getting people off their dead asses to run for office themselves or support a local yokel candidate that supports their interests (Berniecrat).
Mission accomplished. Support is wide and deep.
And the beat goes on.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Anja Geitz's picture

@CS in AZ

You made some good points. Especially your comment about falling in line with the Russia propaganda. Frankly, I think that narrative should be the litmus test for anyone running for office. Who cares about that others ask? I DO. It lets me know upfront if a candidate is going to be a mouthpiece for the war machine or not. Butchering children in countries around the world for profit using my taxes is my RED LINE. Pity it isn't for everyone.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Anja Geitz So right. Sometimes talk is mighty dangerous. Russiagate is dangerous.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

CS in AZ's picture

@Anja Geitz

Nothing else to add, you nailed it. Good to see you!

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@CS in AZ What difference does it make if Bernie overcomes them to "win" over Hillary, when he obviously is doing whatever her faction wants him to do?

0 users have voted.

"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

CS in AZ's picture

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal

I’ve given up on trying to untangle the web of deceit going on among Democrats, and what if anything Bernie is trying to accomplish vis a vis the clintonites... actually, that’s not entirely correct, I didn’t give it up, I just do not care anymore. I got an email from Bernie the other day (despite having unsubbed from his list at least twice now) with the subject line “Let me explain” — I deleted it unread.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@CS in AZ Me too. That doesn't, for me, imply any condemnation of Sanders as a man. God knows there's plenty of things that would make me cave and give up my integrity. The people who actually run this country are terrifying.

That said, I'm certainly not gonna follow him anywhere. That was clear to me by May 2016. I honestly don't know why we're still talking about this, unless it's the natural grief from people who trusted him and loved him for telling the truth.

I'm sad about Sanders too; it's just not a good enough reason to spend so much energy debating over his personality, and definitely not a good enough reason to continue to accept his leadership.

0 users have voted.

"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Anja Geitz's picture

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal

God knows there's plenty of things that would make me cave and give up my integrity. The people who actually run this country are terrifying.

It was the main reason I never questioned the 'why' behind the capitulation. What was that quip Obama used to say? You don't show up for a gun fight with only a knife. Well, that's also why I find it difficult to get on board with the idea of reforming the political machine through politics.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

mimi's picture

electoral college system and not run within it again. He should lead the revolution this country needs.

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@mimi @mimi @mimi
People need to get a second chance to expose and shame DNC cheating and nobody reminds people more of those shameful primaries than Bernie or Tulsi, who was made to resign from the DNC board because she wouldn't support Hillary.

edit: And if both of them are somehow unable to run, I think Jane Sanders should run for the same reason. And I hope Jeremy Corbyn becomes PM.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@mimi Except, unfortunately, Bernie is not a revolutionary.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal
You're right Mimi, that would be an excellent cause to champion. All that's needed is for about 10 more states to sign on to the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. These states have already voted to give all their electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote once enough states, representing a majority of electoral votes, sign on. It's much easier than changing the constitution. I know many people here are hesitant about that, but as a Californian, I don't think someone living in Wyoming should have a lot more say about who the President is going to be than I do, with all our usual caveats about who the President really represents.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

Anja Geitz's picture


I sometimes forget how deeply invested I was at the thought of my voice finally being heard. Or how elated I was when Bernie's campaign blew past all expectations and hit a nerve so deep, that millions of us stood up and financed "our" campaign. Or how energized I was when volunteers like myself grew into a vast network of committed warriors knocking on doors and banging out the phone calls. Or how emotional I was when truth spoke to power, filling stadiums with an energy that is still hard to describe. I sometimes forget all that because what followed was not merely the dishonesty of a ruthless political machine bent on crushing "our" campaign and our voices. It was not merely the collusion coming from every corner of the power structure and the media Psy-ops campaign that followed when we protested about it. It was not merely the lies, the dirty tricks, or the outright fraud of my constitutional rights. It was the savage amputation of my civic soul that was so complete, I sometimes forget how heady the days were back then and what a beautiful "family" I had in all of you.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

QMS's picture

@Anja Geitz hurt me pretty bad too. Don't trust nothing anymore. Guess that's the upside.

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@QMS It was a repeat of what happened with Obama.

I'm done now with loyalty to politicians.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

@Anja Geitz And I’ll never forgive any of the assailants.

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Wink's picture

even though that's Not my sentiment.
@TB mare
There's been a lot of work post-2016 Election.
Almost All of it has happened Without Bernie.
We still Feel the Bern, though, know the legacy.
Bernie's legacy will last a generation. Maybe more.
The kids know who he is.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Mark from Queens's picture

@Anja Geitz
I was right there with you, on the East Coast.

The outpouring was not unlike it was for Obama, which for smarmy folks like Chitown Kev, who peacocked in here for a minute last year, was just out of the realm of his and other's at TOP's understanding. I'll say it again: the outpouring, while not awash in the kind of idolatrous celebrity that Obama engendered, was numerically and impassionately on a similar level. So many little anecdotes, but I'm too tired now to recount (long day with the babies).

I did two pieces at TOP on what Bernie was engendering then, that sort of capture that time period:

Euphoria And A Hero's Welcome for #BernieInThe Bronx, Mostly Passionate Black and Brown Young Folks.

As Another Pissed Off Liberal, There Are Some Things I'm Not Interested In.

All that belief in the system by a whole generation of committed young people, flushed right down the drain. Which may, in the end, be just as well. By all rights the outright fraud should have led to mass disaffection and revolt (could be underway already). Although right now it sure doesn't seem like the right lessons are being learned. The distraction bullshit is just flying so fast and hard.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

Anja Geitz's picture

@Mark from Queens

Over at that insane asylum called a progressive political blog reminded me why I loved your writing so much. Smile

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

snoopydawg's picture


rolls and had their party affiliation changed. I've never heard of that happening this much in previous elections. NYC even admitted that they did that and I haven't heard if anyone got in trouble for doing that.

The exit polls were way off too so instead of looking into it the media just quit doing them. This too hadn't happened before that I'm aware of. The whole damn election was a scam and how can anyone think that it won't happen again?

The only way to make voting secure is to go back to paper ballots. But then there's still the problem of who's running the country behind the curtain and telling them what they want them to do. We know that Israel has control over the government at all levels. Then there's the Kochs, the CFR and every one else who runs the world.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Anja Geitz's picture


Who feel our grievances from last years election have been "addressed" and that Bernie will run as an independent and bypass all of that.

The whole damn election was a scam and how can anyone think that it won't happen again?


It's difficult for many to wrap their heads around what we are truly up against.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

gulfgal98's picture

He had a lot to say about Ed Schultz and how Ed is a straight shooter. Here is Jamarl's video about Ed Schultz's bombshell revelation.


What we are seeing is the disappearance of last vestige of the appearance of a democratic process playing out in the 2016 Presidential Democratic primaries. My personal anger toward the Democratic party is so high that I doubt I will ever automatically vote for a Democratic candidate at any level without having second thoughts. What happened in 2016 showed the world that they would rather rig the elections than have the people actually have a say in who gets elected. The Democratic primaries of 2016 ripped the mask off of its ugly face of vast corruption at all levels. And not one of them has had to pay a price for stealing our contributions, voices and votes during the primaries.

Brandon DeGraff has been posting a series of videos (thus far 22 in all) on Niko House's YouTube channel, MCSC Network. The series is entitled "Rigged" and I highly recommend it. Each video in the series is about ten minutes or less.

The most recent video in the series details the debacle of Minnesota where Bernie won the primary big. Minnesota is also Ed Schultz's home state where he votes. The last three minutes of the video, Brandon De Graff summarizes how the voters were consistently robbed of having a real choice in the delegate selection process. The video is posted below. If you just want to see what Brandon DeGraff is saying, go to the 6:50 mark.


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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Mark from Queens's picture

Glad to see the crop of dissenting voices growing by putting up their own YouTube channels.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

snoopydawg's picture


"What we are seeing is the disappearance of last vestige of the appearance of a democratic process playing out in the 2016 Presidential Democratic primaries."

We are also witnessing the end of our representative government, or what's left of it. From the assault on the working class during Obama's tenure and everything he did, Trump has taken it to the extreme. The republicans got their life long planned tax gutting for their masters. They are also staking the courts with right wing dumasses. The regulatory agencies are giving the corporations free rein to do whatever they want. DeVos is finishing Bush and Obama's assault on public schools and training children to be worker drones. The final republican wet dream of gutting SS, SSI and SSDI and the other social programs.

How can we vote our way out of this mess?

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

ggersh's picture

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

thank you for summing up how i felt about "OUR" campaign and the deep loss of my confidence in the Democratic party and national elections.What keeps the gears turning in my heads is the COLD HARD TRUTH that the DNC and the Clinton Croneys LIED,STOLE,RIGGED,this primary election...And the results of this corruption lead to the election of the MONSTER that sits in the oval office right now!And the kicker is that the DNC refuses to acknowledge this corruption and has done ZERO to unify the party.I myself have DEMEXITED because of such bias and I have NO plans on returning until the party leadership addresses this corruption.I get a kick out of the assholes over at TOP that keep up the joke that Hellery won fair and square,they got their heads in the sand and they are keeping it there.They are counting on the HATE of Trump winning elections after hes gone whats the plan?

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snoopydawg's picture


They are giving him everything he wants. Around 10 democrats voted to destroy SS along with the republicans. The balanced budget amendment would mean that every year the budget has to be deficit neutral and if they need more money for the wars then they would have to raise taxes on their masters. This means that they could also void domestic spending to make ends meet. This would send the economy into a huge tailspin and make the Great Depression look like a cakewalk. That they even considered it is scary.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

had to say about connections among the Dem elites and the media.

I am convinced, not only that the elites, Dems in particular, are contemptuous of the principle of the rule of law, but that they want, plot and plan to replace it with their own patronage system.

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Mary Bennett
