
Just scrolling the Reddit threads of some of my favorite pages there, which include Chapo Trap House and Way of the Bern, and found two stories I thought people here might like.

Will Connolly is apparently a 17 year old kid from Australia who went to the press conference of a racist Australian Senator with an egg in his hand and smashed it on the bigot's head while he was being interviewed in front of tv cameras.


Check out the deliberation, sense of purpose, righteous defiance, mindfulness to document his own action, fearlessness in the face of fascism, etc.

I hope these Fascists are outed and get their comeuppance too.

Men Teenager At Work "Will Comes From The Land Down Under"

Seems that Twitter is now not only minimizing the video but have blocked the brave kid's account. WTF?

It's clear to me that this righteous young kid can see right through incendiary propaganda and racism to see how it works:

The kid's a hero.

One of my son's favorite songs contains this psychadelic couplet that he repeats (with some help from me), "I am the eggman, they are the eggmen, I Am The Walrus, koo koo ca-choo."

We're going to have to adapt the lyrics to honor this boy.

Oh, and this just made me smile too:

"This 8-Year-Old Chess Champion Will Make You Smile" Overcoming life’s basic truth: Talent is universal, but opportunity is not.

In a homeless shelter in Manhattan, an 8-year-old boy is walking to his room, carrying an awkward load in his arms, unfazed by screams from a troubled resident. The boy is a Nigerian refugee with an uncertain future, but he is beaming.

He can’t stop grinning because the awkward load is a huge trophy, almost as big as he is. This homeless third grader has just won his category at the New York State chess championship.

Much of the news of the last week has focused on wealthy families buying access to great universities, either illegally through bribes or legally through donations. There is no question that America is a tilted playing field that gives wealthy children huge advantages.

So we should all grin along with Tanitoluwa Adewumi, the newly crowned chess champion for kindergarten through third grade. He went undefeated at the state tournament last weekend, outwitting children from elite private schools with private chess tutors.

What’s even more extraordinary is that Tani, as he is known, learned chess only a bit more than a year ago. His play has skyrocketed month by month, and he now has seven trophies by his bed in the homeless shelter.

“I want to be the youngest grandmaster,” he told me.

Tani’s family fled northern Nigeria in 2017, fearing attacks by Boko Haram terrorists on Christians such as themselves. “I don’t want to lose any loved ones,” his father, Kayode Adewumi, told me.

Two kids on different continents giving me hope tonight.

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Mark from Queens's picture

Greetings. But just as quickly, I'm off to bed now because I'm a little under the weather, and my Boy is sick too.

Catch up with you good folks hopefully soon. G'night form NYC...

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

thanatokephaloides's picture

Dear Will,

This letter is to let you know that you just made my entire life. Now, even if Colonel Sanders came for me this very afternoon, I'd die a happy bird, knowing that at least one of my eggs ended up meaning something really important!

The Hen Who Laid "That Egg"


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

snoopydawg's picture

The graphic about how terrorists are portrayed in the media is most excellent and spot on. The same thing happens when a black person is killed. The whole history of their crimes is exposed by the media. Guess that's so people won't have sympathy for them and it works lotsa times, but why don't people think that the cops knew any of it? "He was arrested for grass 20 years ago so it's okay that he was shot.' One of my pet peeves.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture

Here's an excellent Twitter thread on the yellow vests. Click here to read many more.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

BRAVO! Humiliate and shame these f@ckers everywhere!

For the ChessMaster, Wow!

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Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

mhagle's picture

Wow. Thanks.

It looks like our kids are saving us.

I have that feeling about the three teen kids in my house. I think they are going to save us.

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

k9disc's picture

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

mimi's picture

terrorism, hate and fear.

Just read through this opinion piece at the Guardian and thought it talked some truth to the power of technologies.

Technology is terrorism’s most effective ally. It delivers a global audience - Jason Burke

The suspect’s live broadcast of the New Zealand killings reveals such acts are always as much about instilling fear as inflicting violence ...

If terrorists have made the occasional use of chemical weapons or a hijacked plane, the vast proportion of modern-day attacks use technology that, in its essentials, is not new. What has changed beyond recognition are the media that enable individuals or groups to disseminate their message. ...

Perhaps the most striking element of the atrocity in New Zealand is how the filming of the video was an integral part. “Let’s get this party started,” Tarrant says, as he gets into his car, talking directly to the viewer. He shoots images of his face in a twisted version of that most contemporary of phenomena: the selfie. The point of the attack is not just to kill Muslims, but to make a video of someone killing Muslims.

I am not with those who use the technology of filming their own hate and spreading it over the intertubes, whoever it is. The enemy is the enabling technology of the internet. You might not be able to escape nuclear radiation, but I believe one could escape the internet's fatal capabilities of destroying humanity.

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Mark from Queens's picture

Whatever went through this deranged racist's mind that had to do with technology I still can't see it being the impetus for his action. The seeds of propaganda and hatred had already been watered and taken root in him. This could have happened at any period in history, but accounting for an automatic weapon being in the 20th century. That a sick racist was going to make a display of his group's hatred for all to see, prior to this palm-sized, handheld video camera age, it would have been all over the newspapers, tv, radio, etc.

I do think there is something to be said about this "gamer" (video game) age we live in, and also the propensity to want to experience Warhol's proverbial 15 minutes of fame via social media. Some of the most ruthless, cold-blooded attacks are carried out, for example, by US military men sitting in cubicles in Colorado that, via video screen operation, allow computer nerds to kill families of Middle Eastern people with drones, and then be home for supper with their own families by 5pm. There is something about the detached (and often celebrated) automation of death in the video age that presents a new dystopian level. And this purely evil monster probably harbored the kind of fantasies a lone, alienated and vulnerable gamer guy could have while playing on his video screen, and fancied himself a fantasy/reality hero who would broadcast his own horrific deathwish.

But technology and social media remain very important tool for activists and protest movements. Especially for those victims of police brutality/murder who have been forced into the shadows for so long. In the same way network tv cameras in the 60's brought into the living rooms the vengeful, violent reprisal of the state toward peaceful protesters they had only read about in passing, social media videos show that the same kind of racial profiling and indiscriminate police brutality still exists, and are now able to go viral where the MSM has again been silent, which serves again to bridge the outrage, empathy and compassion of white viewers to the cause of the persecuted which is necessary to effect real change.

Occupy Wall St also would never have gotten as far as it did without a concerted effort, via their own in-house reportage and the dissemination of many individuals' social media accounts, to circumvent the MSM blackout/stereotypical derision in order to reach a larger audience. Same with BlackLivesMatter. Because of #BLM now there's a serious movement to reduce the role of policing in society and much more candid conversations about the real existence of Institutional Racism. Ever wonder if Twitter was around in the 1960's if a lot less people would have died in that senseless war? I do. Or even if the reach of social media was what is now, during the protests of the invasion of Iraq? Could have made a difference.

As for what Connolly did I am all for these kinds of humiliation tactics. It's a time-honored way of, even if for the moment, taking the power out of the powerful and reminding the public that these privileged and dangerous idiots (in this case a flaming racist Islamophobe) are not beyond this kind of reproach. In fact most of them could probably use a a good dose of public shaming. After all that is what the core of protest is about as far as I understand it. Many tactics and strategies to get there. This is just one.

But especially to elected public officials, who all too often live in hermetically-sealed world of sycophants/lobbyists/pampered privilege. It's a very good thing, in my estimation, to have them confronted, ridiculed, pestered, afraid and ultimately, in the best case, their consciousness's punctured.

Anti-KKK tuba player booms out 'Ride of the Valkyries' to troll Confederate marchers (VIDEO)

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

mimi's picture

@Mark from Queens
and probably untainable to keep. Your comment is great, but I think it is just the age difference between us that keeps me way more critical against the technology than the rest of all here. What you describe about the gamer generations and the guys sitting in cubicles in Colerado is well known to me. I worked in a GermanTV studio in Washington DC, where we produced films for the German audience about them. One of them we know personally and followed up with, so this is not some distant knowledge I have, but quite detailed production knowledge of documentary style German TV videos for the major TV channel in Germany (this is not a private TV channel). Our news productions are seen today on many German channels. As I retired almost five years ago from that studio, the material is not anymore easily accessible to me.

But technology and social media remain very important tool for activists and protest movements. Especially for those victims of police brutality/murder who have been forced into the shadows for so long. In the same way network tv cameras in the 60's brought into the living rooms the vengeful, violent reprisal of the state toward peaceful protesters they had only read about in passing, social media videos show that the same kind of racial profiling and indiscriminate police brutality still exists, and are now able to go viral where the MSM has again been silent, which serves again to bridge the outrage, empathy and compassion of white viewers to the cause of the persecuted which is necessary to effect real change.

I understand all that and have long agreed uncritically to those arguments and supported it with my own little activism protests etc as much as I could.

But I changed my mind in the last three yars. You are a believer, I am not anymore.

If you look what has developed all over the world, especially in the US and Europe, in the last 2-3 years, I doubt the benevolence of the internet technology.

Occupy Wall St also would never have gotten as far as it did without a concerted effort, via their own in-house reportage and the dissemination of many individuals' social media accounts, to circumvent the MSM blackout/stereotypical derision in order to reach a larger audience. Same with BlackLivesMatter. Because of #BLM now there's a serious movement to reduce the role of policing in society and much more candid conversations about the real existence of Institutional Racism. Ever wonder if Twitter was around in the 1960's if a lot less people would have died in that senseless war? I do. Or even if the reach of social media was what is now, during the protests of the invasion of Iraq? Could have made a difference.

You are right, that social media gave birth to more openly discussed and understood social movements' goals. You are a believer in those movements to achieve the goals and the change they want to see. I was too.

But since 2016 I don't believe that anymore. If twitter would have been around in the 1960-ies may be the Vietam War would have been shorter, but not less intense. And in no way I believe that twitter would have prevented the invasion of Iraq. Twitter and social media are not an utility, but private enterprises. The day twitter would ban the President from using it, we could talk about it again.

As for what Connolly did I am all for these kinds of humiliation tactics. It's a time-honored way of, even if for the moment, taking the power out of the powerful and reminding the public that these privileged and dangerous idiots (in this case a flaming racist Islamophobe) are not beyond this kind of reproach. In fact most of them could probably use a a good dose of public shaming. After all that is what the core of protest is about as far as I understand it. Many tactics and strategies to get there. This is just one.

But especially to elected public officials, who all too often live in hermetically-sealed world of sycophants/lobbyists/pampered privilege. It's a very good thing, in my estimation, to have them confronted, ridiculed, pestered, afraid and ultimately, in the best case, their consciousness's punctured.

Of course I agree with that. I am in no way saying that one should not try and do it. All I am saying is that I believe that we don't win.

I am sorry that I sound so discouraging. I am not easily pulled in the 'hope, act and change' movement rhetoric. May be that is because I see all of it since three years with other glasses that tainted my views to the dark side.

Right now disregard what I wrote. I meant to get at something else and couldn't express it well enough to resonate.

I will try to get hold of'Jason Burke’s latest book is "The New Threat" and try to get more familiar with the author and look, if I misunderstood the article by him I was referring to due to lack of knowledge about the author.

It's possible I misunderstood him.

I simply aam not a believer in the benevolence of the internet technology. And that's not important, as I am old and it's the next generation who takes over and does what it believes in. Smile

I think it would be different if the internet and www would become a public utility and if there would be a democracy in the US. Both is not the case. But I hope it will come.

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travelerxxx's picture


Twitter and social media are not an utility, but private enterprises. The day twitter would ban the President from using it, we could talk about it again.

I think it would be different if the internet and www would become a public utility and if there would be a democracy in the US. Both is not the case. But I hope it will come.

You've made an important point, mimi. The various social media are most certainly not utilities, and very far from what most in the US would consider Public Utilities. However, people tend to use these privately owned networks as if they are indeed Public Utilities. While the owners of these private network enterprises can and do control what passes and we decry it when they censor thought, the same could easily happen with public control. I doubt the benevolence and wisdom needed to administer such as a publicly controlled social network exists. Someone's ox would always be getting gored.

You are right about the danger and I can see how you might come to believe that the danger overtakes the benefit. I think Mark is right too, when he leans the other direction. It's a close call either way. That could change in the future. We're going to find out, me thinks.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Mark from Queens

here's an excellent article about how people in our government are spreading those seeds.

The New Zealand Shooter’s Rhetoric Sounds Like Something You Might Hear In Congress

When I read the New Zealand shooter’s manifesto, what struck me most were the similarities between his writings and some of the things I hear from members of Congress on immigration.

HuffPost has decided not to link to the shooter’s apparent 74-page manifesto. But in reality, the language from that document is already out there. His views and rhetoric have an eerie resemblance to some of the things two particular Republicans ― Steve King (R-Iowa) and Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) ― say about immigration, and that’s worth discussing.

Gohmert and King have denounced the shooting, and there’s no reason to doubt they genuinely are saddened by this massacre.

Still, it’s fair to evaluate how dehumanizing rhetoric has real impact in the ways people think about immigrants, particularly in light of this horrendous attack.

So in the interest of a more introspective immigration debate, let’s look at some of the remarkable similarities between the shooter’s writings and these lawmakers’ words.

This is how the shooter begins his manifesto:

If there is one thing I want you to remember from these writings, it’s that the birthrates must change, even if we we were to deport all non-Europeans from our lands tomorrow, the European people would still be spiraling into decay and eve

And here’s something King said in August 2018 about fertility rates:

I’m watching emotion take over reason. When I made a statement on Twitter saying, “We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies,” it seemed to be more irritating to the left than anything I have ever said. First of all, the total fertility rate in Europe is below replacement rate. When that happens, you are a dying civilization.

Here’s the shooter on the unprecedented “invasion” of immigration:

We are experiencing an invasion on a level never seen before in history. Millions of people are pouring across our borders, legally, invited by the state and corporate entities to replace the white people who have failed to reproduce, failed to create cheap labor, new consumers and tax base that the corporations and states needs to thrive.

And here’s Gohmert in 2014, on the House floor, talking about how immigration is an “invasion” unseen since D-Day:

We know that the invasion into France by the Allied Forces consisted of about 150,000 troops. About 150,000 people was the biggest invasion in history. And since then, we come up to the year 2014 and the New York Times reported that just in the recent months we have had 240,000 adults and 52,000 children, now it’s being reported that it’s closer to 60,000 children, as I understand the article said, since April, just two months, we’ve had nearly 300,000 people invade the United States through Texas. And then it’s now being reported that there are 300,000 people making their way up from Central America to the United States.
Rest assured: There are more members guilty of this rhetoric and more instances. In searching the congressional record, I was blown away by how many members talk on the House floor about “rape trees,” and I came across a floor speech from Ted Yoho where he says there’s only room in this country for “one language.”

And then there are the things that Trump has stated about some foreign countries and the immigrants coming to the US? Rapists, murders and gang of ms-13 which actually was born in California. The comments I see on my local news website about immigrants are just as bad.

Absolutely love the tuba player playing this march! It makes it much better that he's using a tuba. Or maybe more silly.


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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Bisbonian's picture

@snoopydawg , of favorite Tuba Solos.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Hawkfish's picture


150 years ago. I’m reading Field of Blood right now, and one of the changes that brought on the civil war was the intensification of conflict brought about by the connection between the Telegraph and the newspapers. There was even one example of a paper changing its content every 15 minutes - so it was a synergistic effect.

The immediacy of communication meant that constituents could read about heated debates within hours and forced congresscritters to respond to public opinion on a similar time scale.

My point here is not to defend slavery by any means. I’m just pointing out that communication speeds that short circuit emotional dampening are nothing new. In the case of slavery, this was a good thing, but technology is mostly morally neutral. It is we who are evil, and the sins of our parents and cultures weigh heavier than most of us want to admit.

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We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg

Raggedy Ann's picture

in the millennials and GenZer's. The boomers, of which I am one, failed miserably. I support our newer generations - they are proving to be fearless. Pleasantry

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

the government of Australia helped the US to do to its own "natural born citizen, Julian Assange?" It granted him a passport recently, but fat lot of good that does him if he can't leave the embassy.

Thanks, Obama, Obama's D of J, Trump and Trump's D of J, for using the Constitution as your toilet in that and other instances.

But I digress: Point is, this young man's bravery is even greater than it may appear on the surface. Obviously, he committed crimes, the crimes of assault and battery, at a minimum. Australia may have other laws that pertain specifically to physical attacks on politicians, but I don't know about those. Also, I would not be surprised if elected officials in Australia and other nations implore Australia to make an example of this case, lest "disgruntled" citizens around the world feel free to attack their alleged representatives at will.

In any event, I fear that Mr. Connolly will pay a disproportionately high price for his protest against a public display of bigotry by a public official.

And, yeah, IMO, "eggboy" is a poor name for this brave, principled man.

Thank you, Mark, for bringing this to our attention.

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Wally's picture

Will eggings become something of a thing now? How will fascists react the next time some young (or older) activist tries this tactic? In general, will fascists retreat from being assholes or will they feel egged on to intensify their hatred and societal thuggery? I dunno, just throwing it out there for consideration. BTW, anybody remember the "pie man" AK Wasserman AJ Webberman Aron Kay from back in the day? (Hey, I'm old. I forget and mix up names)

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Lookout's picture

Good to see you around Mark! Hope you and the kid wake up much improved. Spring returns this week...hope it seems that way in NYC. Wishing you and yours the best!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Instead of intelligent argument just physically attack the other guy. I hope the punk spends a year in jail.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

Wally's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness

There's a part of me that says that the egging will just embolden the fascists. And as HenryAWallace pointed out, it enabled TPTB there to tighten up the law against any kind of protest.

I didn't feel quite that way with the guy shouting at him even though it was hardly intelligent argument.

Again, I'm gonna be the stick in the mud and pain in the butt to keep stressing the importance of voting and supporting our preferred candidates financially.

BTW, does anyone know how Tulsi is doing with the 65,000 individual contribution threshold?

It does not seem that she's doing too well in consistently getting the 1% of major polls that's required to sit on the debate stage.

On the positive side, Bernie crushed Biden and Beto was a mere blip in the recent Emerson Wisconsin poll: https://emersonpolling.reportablenews.com/pr/wisconsin-2020-bernie-sande...

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that Joe Biden was getting into the race. This was supposed to be exciting news. Shows whose pocket they are in.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

Wally's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness

If his numbers stay up there, folks who are keen on political jobs will start jumping off their current sinking ships right quick.

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Bisbonian's picture

@Wally , as of yesterday.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

ggersh's picture

to be starting to get it on all metrics.

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

k9disc's picture

I'm not a fan of attacks on a speaker - pies, eggs, whatever.

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

Daenerys's picture

@k9disc Mostly RW-ers resort straight to shooting, doxxing and death and rape threats. I think this kind of thing is a bit different. YMMV though.

0 users have voted.

This shit is bananas.

k9disc's picture

an egg on AOC's head it would be political Armageddon.

Which is why I'm not a fan of assault vs speech – especially when I'm in the right.


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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

Daenerys's picture

@k9disc if some RW little shit did something to AOC, it wouldn't be just an egg. Gabby Giffords ring any bells?

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This shit is bananas.

Hawkfish's picture

Part of the money raised will be for “more eggs”.

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We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg

Anyone that stands up to racist thugs is ok with me.

As to the story on Tanitoluwa Adewumi, it reminded me of a quote from my favorite natural history essayist:

“I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.”
― Stephen Jay Gould, The Panda's Thumb: More Reflections in Natural History

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Mark from Queens's picture

And something any thinking person probably realize in the quiet of one's own thoughts.

Problem is too many refuse to make that waking connection between the merciless grinder of ever-churning capitalism that destroys and marginalizes too many; while the salvation of Socialism could provide a much better patchwork for more to live out dignified lives in which their true potential has at least a chance to flourish.


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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

Mark from Queens's picture

From the Brisbane Tiimes:

Had it not been for Will Connolly, Anning’s racist gibbering in the wake of the Christchurch massacre could have been routinely dismissed as a fringe performance, a pantomime for the benefit of that small sliver of the voting public who find the more respectable, institutionalised racism of the Australian government and conservative media to be a weak and disappointing brew.

Anning’s full-throated white nationalism, so far from the sensible centre of mainstream Australia, would have allowed the long-term project of mainstreaming racist fear and loathing to proceed apace.


He’s a smart kid. We don’t deserve him.

But we can be worthy of him by being a bit more clear headed, not just about goons like Anning and the wannabe brownshirts he seems to attract, but about the much larger problem we’ve created for ourselves by allowing racism to become an engine driving both our politics and media.

It was inevitable that the mass atrocity of 9/11 would stoke tribal fear and hatred. That was its point.

But it has been a long time since those towers fell and these days that same fear and hatred drives profit cycles and poll numbers.

Fraser Anning may be vile, but he is also calculating. He is saying the quiet part loud. This government and its leading figures have long said the loud part quietly by stoking fear and hatred for electoral gain in every election since 2001.

In this, they have been assisted by media companies routinely amplifying their racist messaging to consolidate audiences and secure falling profits in a severely disrupted industry. It was always going to end badly, this business of whispering the loud part quietly. And so it has, the whispers drowned out by gunfire and screaming in Christchurch.

Some of the criticism of Will Connolly has focused on the way that breaking an egg over Anning’s head shifted the discussion of white nationalist violence from the Christchurch massacre to the farce of what the Italian press is calling "La Faceomlette”.


But this is the age of mass attention deficit disorder and we’d have moved on anyway.

What Eggboy did was instantly disrupt Anning's reframing of a massacre in a way none of the professional journalists in that room were capable.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut