I just have to say this
I live in the SF bay area. All my friends are from Sunnyvale and Berkeley and places like that - good liberals. Good people.
Hillary people.
Not hillbots, not brownshirts, but they do not believe in the dark reality, and like Cassandra I cannot convince them. I have avoided talking to friends because I am afraid of losing them. And I see it everywhere in the news - people are getting assaulted everywhere - for being a woman, for being black, for being gay, for wearing a Trump hat - it's insane!
And if anyone out there can talk to Bernie, or if by some miracle you are Bernis, tell him:
Bernie, after your Wolf Blitzer interview. I see your point, honest I do, but it's suicidally wrong. In the last fifty years we have had:
Hillary's theft of the primary
Hillary's pay to play briberies
W's theft of the 2004 election
W's iraq war.
W's theft of the 2000 election.
Ray Donovan's racketeering.
Reagan's Iran-Contra.
Nizon conspiring with the Viet Namese to steal the 1968 election.
Following your fear we have created an America where a certain class of people - presidents, presidential candidates, cabinet memebrs - are "too big to jail". they can act with impunity, and they are! Fear of becoming a third world dictatorship has turned us into a third world kleptocracy.
When was the Wolf Bitzer/Bernie
Interview. Can You mention what was said?
What words did Bernie use to justify his actions?
Anyway much appreciated if you can summarize the interview. I haven't watched Blitzer since the day that Wellstone's plane went down. And good ol' Wolf arrived at the Everett MN airfield, raced onto that field, grabbed the mic away from the local woman reporter, and told us all to basically ignore what she had said - that the weather was not in any way to blame for Wellstone's plane crash. But apparently the PTB and Wolf wanted us to know it was the weather.
Believing in the improbable can make your life a miracle.
sorry, ca't fimd the video, but
Bernie said that Trump shouldn't prosecute Hillary like he promised, because "allowing the winner to imprison the loser would be the sign of a third world dictatorship" (paraphrase) At that he's right - trusting Trump to prosecute his political opponents? Such trust would be very reckless. But Ford and Carter and GHW Bush and Clinton and Obama put us there.
On to Biden since 1973
If Hillary is to be prosecuted
then it should be by the Congress. Not Trump's DOJ.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Hillary is no longer his political opponent. Jail Her.
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho
And as of this morning
Drumpf has decided that he no longer wants to prosecute Hillary Clinton. So-- the back pedaling begins.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
DOH here is video
During the last question of the Wolf interview, at approximately minute 14:
Interesting. To my surprise, I somewhat disagree on this one.
Trump certainly should not seek to jail Clinton for disagreements or just because he won and she lost.
But if there was pay to play going on at the Clinton Foundation, and if otherwise they are taking lots of money for their "nonprofit" that they should be paying taxes on, then this is fraud and should be prosecuted as such. Not to mention election fraud, if they committed it. Or crimes against humanity, if such were committed overseas. Etc.
Being prominent should not be a get out of jail free card. Trump could appoint a special prosecutor who is unrelated and unbeholden to himself. If there is a serious crime there, she should be prosecuted, IMHO. Sorry, Bern.
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Would just like to point out
Would just like to point out that Bernie, who thinks on his feet and is possessed of great diplomatic instincts, was obviously not going to be drawn off the issues into what smelt to me like a set-up so, when forced by the evidently shit-stirring interviewer, (on one of the Clinton-Corrupted Networks, wasn't it?) he specified that Presidential winners imprisoned the losers over disagreements in dictatorships (not in democracies) and voiced his disgust with that idea - since Trump apparently actually claimed during his run that he'd have her imprisoned (which may have been Trump speaking loosely, a Trump specialty,) - without Bernie mentioning the obvious (and unnecessarily-damaging-to-state in that situation) fact that Hillary should be properly investigated and tried for her crimes prior to being imprisoned.
That's Bernie, the only Democratic Socialist in the public offices he's held within what's proven to be an appallingly corrupt corporate/billionaire-run Federal government, because of his possessing these diplomatic abilities and strict focus on issues affecting the public good - and that's also why he's still speaking for the otherwise to-be-media/politically-disregarded potentials for the public good on the media. And quite possibly why he's still speaking at all, considering the clutter of Clinton-related bodies accumulating, perhaps even more noticeably than usual of late, during the Dem faux primary.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Ah. Interesting point. He's not saying don't try and imprison
her, just Trump shouldn't do it without trial and because of disagreement. OK, I can go along with that.
Apparently? How could you miss the chants of "Lock her up!"? Or Trump constantly calling her "Crooked Hillary"?
I don't recall Trump's exact words, but yes, he did say repeatedly that she should be in prison.
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Lol, sorry, I couldn't take much of the corporate party candidates in the general selection process and watched/listened to as little as possible video of either as they blathered and lied their way through rallies, interviews and whatever. So, I mostly wound up reading other people's impressions (and a lot of emails,) so that much of this stuff is 2nd hand info to me. Although I must say that I agree with locking her up following a fair and independent trial.
Edit: must add that I totally agreed with the Crooked Hillary designation, although I wouldn't equate that with locking anyone up without trial.
And that what I really meant and clearly failed to express was that Trump could have been meaning that he'd order a real investigation and a fair trial with whatever appropriate prison sentence not being commuted to a $500 fine or other chiding wrist-slap, with Hillary and others involved in illegal activities not being pardoned/given blanket immunity for all past and future crimes, not merely that he'd have her seized and imprisoned.
That she'd be subject to the law and not too rich to jail as seems to have become so common among the powerful/connected.
I'll give Trump the benefit of the doubt in this instance as long as there is doubt to be entertained - although it'll have to take potluck and manage without TV.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
No law expert here, but....it
No law expert here, but....it seems that at the very least the Clintons are looking at some serious trouble with the IRS and misuse of tax exempt status for the foundation. You can't have private inurement and still keep your tax exempt status. Not sure what the fines would be for that. Likely will be painful even if no one gets around to the pay for play angle. I would guess that all three of the Clintons could get nailed for this, not just Hillary for the pay for play.
Maybe one of our fine C99 attorneys could weigh in on this?
IANAL either, but I am setting up a nonprofit.
Reasonable compensation is not inurement. There is no hard and fast rule for "reasonable". I imagine they'll skate; my guess would be they'd say they take just a small percentage. The more you collect for your nonprofit, the more a high salary seems reasonable.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Good thing Trump didn't run against Charles Manson
We'd have Charley on the loose!
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho
And another thing
Sunday I had lunch with a frienf who was wearing a safety pin. Nothing I disagree with that, but I was a taxi driver for thirty years, and a shareholder in a taxi company for about five. I know immigrants are used by businesses to depress wages and weaken unions - I know this from first hand experience. I have the tax records to prove it. But I cannot say that for fear of sounding racist.
detroitmechworks, I did evil too, and I cannot even confess.
On to Biden since 1973
I'm sure you know this, but immigrants are not the direct cause
of depressed wages. The greed of the 1% - or perhaps the top 10% - is the direct cause of depressed wages. If there were no immigrants, they'd try some other dodge. Keep in mind that illegal immigrants are not supposed to be working here, and minimum wage is also a law, so for them to take jobs away from Americans means that the employers are already breaking the law. So nothing would stop them other than a crackdown on employers.
If they didn't have immigrants to take advantage of, they'd pay American minorities under the table to depress wages. In fact, I know a couple of young white Americans in construction who already accept this. Or they'd declare everyone independent contractors. That's pretty much the Uber model. You're responsible for your vehicle and your insurance and your safety, and you are not guaranteed a certain number of hours. Welcome to the gig economy.
I take that back. Taxi drivers already are independent contractors responsible for virtually all their expenses. Immigrants didn't do this. This probably breaks the indie contractor law too, depending on how much independence drivers truly have. http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-uber-lyft-taxis-la-20160413-...
Pointing at immigrants as the source of your problems makes the 1% very happy. Because then they're not the ones getting beaten and shot by the terminally frustrated.
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I wasn't the immigrants
it was the public's racism. The companies hire large numbers of immigrants, assuming - correctly - that the public would be racist. Even the public of San Francisco. Yes, if the public weren't racist the companies would have to come up with a different strategy, but that's not the point. The strategy worked. I don't blame the immigrants. I blame the employers.
On to Biden since 1973
I don't understand. If the public were racist, wouldn't they
want their drivers to be white?
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
it's a common misconception
taxi companies are not in the business of serving customers, they're in the business of abusing their drivers. Specifically they make $x per taxi permit, regardless of the business that taxi makes. The more permits, the more money. Now there are 2 ways to convince a city to issue more permits : one is serve the public well so that more people will want to take taxis - this costs money in the short term and has proven not to work. the second way is to provide poor service and tell the public that they don't have enough taxis to cover the demand. The less the public likes their drivers the better this strategy works - especially if the companies make a lot of "campaign contributions".
On to Biden since 1973
I hear you
I live in Santa Clara and work in Sunnyvale. I've gotten the e-mail for the petition to the Electoral College to give their votes to Hillary about 5 times from 5 different people. I've deleted it every time and didn't even bother to explain why I wasn't going to sign it. Sigh. Big sigh. Only my chiropractor in Sunnyvale seems to understand. He admitted he voted for Jill Stein and also admitted he usually votes Republican. Boy was I surprised! He thought both Trump and Hillary were crooks. I tend to agree.
We need a human being movement. Not "I'm white/hispanic/black/asian whatever" but "I'm a human being and I deserve to make a living wage." This area is so diverse and I love that but we need to emphasize our shared humanity, not our differences.
"The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to those who think they've found it."
Terry Pratchett, Monstrous Regiment
... We need a human being
You couldn't be possibly ever be more right than you are right now in this, no matter how incredibly, utterly and equally right you may be at other times.
But the fact that we actually have to point out that we are all freaking human beings in this together is so screamingly pathetic it makes me want to... well, pathetically scream?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
"Makes me want to holler- thow up both my hands."
Marvin Gaye felt the same way.
and one of the nasty downsides of identity politics is that it consciously emphasizes our differences and stimulates antagonism. It has made the country a much worse place.
How to murder someone and get away with it!
First, Murder someone. Then, when the FBI appears at you're door and says "We think you just murdered someone" , just say "I'm running for Pres. and intend on losing" so they'll probably say "Oh, Sorry for bothering you. " and then they'll politely leave.
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho