Hillary's leaks--a toss up: Heads or Tails? Is she mentally competent?
Hello, Hillary Health fans. Now, knowing this audience, there will be some repulsed by health matters being mentioned--after all, that's not polite. When it comes to somebody's mental competence to do the job of being President, it damn well should matter. My health issues--or your health issues--are nobody's concerns but our own--as long as we are not running for elected office.
Mea culpa: I apologize for posting the photo-shopped image of the brown blob. But the snake in the pant legs is definitely not a snake or a badly creased garment.
So here's the usual admonitions:
1. I'm biased--don't like Hillary. period.
2. The ideas in this essay are speculative
3. Peer reviewed medical literature supports my line of reasoning
4. Only evaluation of her medical records PLUS examination by independent specialists will resolve the speculation
5. The commentary does not refer to her sociopathy nor her political views (whatever they may really be)
6. I encourage medical criticism of the literature I cite
7. If you are squeamish about the medical realities of life, don't read this
8. But if you do read this yet disagree, then tell me why my conclusions are not supported by medical literature
9. No PC or Wikipedia please
10. Disagree if you will but play nicely with others.
Purpose of this health-related essays is this: to call attention to issues regarding sphincter control which MAY or MAY NOT reflect on HRC's mental capacity to govern.
Explanation of title:
As the essay will develop, there are several possibilities for urinary incontinence (UI) or urinary retention (UR). Definitions related terms are found in my last essay: drip, drip, drip, etc.. Specifically there are two major considerations here, relevant to the topic of mental fitness as related to urinary control.
The first element is if the cause of needing an indwelling urinary catheter is related to spinal cord, peripheral nerve, and or pelvic floor problems (which I call "Tails"), then there is no related-health reason diminishing her capacity to govern, at least as related to the fact of urinary tract dysfunction. In other words, the issue becomes a "nothing burger".
The second element is if the cause of the urinary control issue is due to central nervous system problems (meaning brainstem and cerebrum) then there is more ammunition to question her mentation.
Now many of you may be thinking right now how it is possible that urinary dyscontrol can reflect upon one's capacity to govern. In order to respond to this, we are going to take a guided tour of the urinary system--heads to tails. What's the head got to do with this? Patience, we will find out.
How this essay is organized:
Basic anatomy
Now as most of you are not in the medical field, we will start out with basic anatomy and a little neurochemistry to understand the issues. Now, after writing multiple essays about Hillary's health have taught me, that perhaps the best way to do this is with pictures. Therefor there will be lots of pictures with relatively little text. However all reference supporting the contents herein will be cited.
Okay. Does everybody think that the act of urination is simple? Everybody here who raised their hands to this question needs to read this article closely--pictures should help.
So, we all have a pretty good idea of the plumbing. The kidneys filter the blood, making urine. Urine is collected in the renal (kidney) collecting ducts which are continuous with the two ureters. Each ureter drains separately into the urinary bladder (or bladder, for short). The urine exits the bladder through the urethra, the male urethra being longer than the female version. Between the bladder neck (BN) and the urethra are two independently functionally but usually coordinated muscles. One is the detrusor muscle (DM), part of the bladder, which function is to contract the bladder, pushing the urine out--if you're continent, this means that bladder emptying is partially under conscious control. The other muscle is the urinary sphincter (US) which surrounds the urethra. When the US is contracted, no urine escapes the bladder. Generally these two muscles work by synergy: meaning that when US contracts, DM relaxes. And when DM contracts, US relaxes. That's the way things are supposed to work.
Let's look at the female pelvic floor. Click on the image to enlarge it further. You can also manipulate the field of view. This will be true of many other illustrations.
Another view of afferent nerves (bringing motor control) to the lower urinary tract primarily at the bladder level.
For a more generalized look from the lower spinal cord to pelvic level.
This next view includes the brainstem to pelvic neural circuitry in a simplified drawing.
This next figure is a schematic representation of parasympathetic pathways to DM. It is in this schematic that you start to seen the involvement of supraspinal activity on urinary circuitry.
A sagittal (side) view of the pons to lower pelvic pathway is seen in this illustration.
The above illustration was taken from the publication Integrated control of lower urinary tract--clinical perspective.
For a more involved look at central pathways, which means to and from brain and brainstem, we shall look at other illustrations.
This where the "Heads" part of the story gets interesting
Please note the names of the brain and brainstem areas involved. You don't have to memorize them as you always refer back to this illustration. This figure shows side-by-side BOLD (brain-oxygen level dependent) MRI and a simplified schematic of upper CNS (central nervous system) structures. You will see reference to these anatomical structures again, after we get the basic anatomy settled.
The above illustrations came from an article called: The neural control of micturition. Micturition is medicalese for urination but you know we doctors get paid by the syllable.
Here is an even more simplified view of higher center neural control of urination, concentrating on the brainstem region
An even more detailed view of the pontine-sacral "wiring" is seen in this illustration
The above illustrations are taken from the publication Organization of the neural switching circuitry underlying reflex micturition.
As promised, we will now get into the Neurochemistry of cranial-sacral control of sphincter function .
The above illustrations are from the publication: Neural control of the female urethral and anal rhabdosphincters and Pelvic floor muscles.
Does anybody still believe that urination is a simple subject? If you still do, there is a remedial third grade class where this topic will be reviewed.
The neural control of micturition
The storage and periodic elimination of urine depend on the coordinated activity of smooth and striated muscles in the two functional units of the lower urinary tract, namely a reservoir (the urinary bladder) and an outlet consisting of the bladder neck, the urethra and the urethral sphincter1,2. The coordination between these organs is mediated by a complex neural control system that is located in the brain, the spinal cord and the peripheral ganglia.
The lower urinary tract differs from other visceral structures in several ways. First, its dependence on CNS control distinguishes it from structures that maintain a level of function even after the extrinsic neural input has been eliminated. It is also unusual in its pattern of activity and in the organization of its neural control mechanisms. For example, the bladder has only two modes of operation: storage and elimination. Thus, many of the neural circuits that are involved in bladder control have switch-like or phasic patterns of activity, unlike the tonic patterns that are characteristic of the autonomic pathways that regulate cardiovascular organs. In addition, micturition is under voluntary control and depends on learned behaviour that develops during maturation of the nervous system, whereas many other visceral functions are regulated involuntarily.
Owing to the complexity of the neural mechanisms that regulate bladder control, the process is sensitive to various injuries and diseases. This Review summarizes the results of recent studies in animals and humans that have provided new insights into the sensory and motor mechanisms that underlie voluntary and reflex micturition, the changes in neural pathways that occur following disease or injury that alters lower-urinary-tract function, and new therapies for the treatment of neurogenic bladder dysfunction.
Continuing from this article:
In the brain, many neuron populations are involved in the control of the bladder, the urethra and the urethral sphincter. Some, such as the serotonergic neurons of the medullary raphe nuclei, the noradrenergic neurons of the locus coeruleus and the noradrenergic A5 cell group in the brain stem, are non-specific ‘level-setting’ mechanisms with diffuse spinal projections47. Others are specific for micturition: these include the neurons of Barrington's nucleus (also called the pontine micturition centre (PMC)) and those of the periaqueductal grey (PAG), cell groups in the caudal and preoptic hypothalamus, and the neurons of several parts of the cerebral cortex, in particular the medial frontal cortex
Of course, this neuroanatomy is quite complex but the purpose is to illustrate the extensive supraspinal (i.e., above spinal cord level) involved in urination. So, disordered supraspinal structures (whether they be gray or white matter or both) can impair the normal functioning of urination.
How Neuropathology (brain damage) affects urination:
The PAG has multiple afferent and efferent connections, not only with the thalamus, the prefrontal cortex and the insula, but also with other higher brain centres. The influence of these centres — the anterior cingulate cortex particularly — probably determines how much attention one pays to signals coming from bladder afferents and how one reacts to them, whether by deciding to void or by recruiting mechanisms (for example, urethral sphincter contraction) that allow voiding to be postponed. The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is an extensive region, and different parts were activated in different studies66. The dorsal part seems to be especially strongly activated by bladder distension in subjects with “poor bladder control” (REF. 69), suggesting a strong emotional reaction to a situation the subjects experienced as threatening. This pattern of abnormal activity might help to distinguish an abnormal sensation of urgency from a strong but normal desire to void.
Translation: structures in the anterior frontal lobes are major contributors to the conscious perception of need to urinate. If the
ACC is supersensitive, the urge to urinate occurs with less bladder dissension due to retained urine than if the ACC functions normally. The converse is also true, if the ACC is less sensitive than normal, the patient may have a subdued response to bladder filling, often leading to UR.
Brief lesson in the neurochemistry of bladder control:
excitatory transmitters include glutamic acid, tachykinins, pituitary-adenylate-cyclase-activating polypeptide, NO and ATP61. Glutamic acid, acting on NMDA (N-methyl-d-aspartate) and non-NMDA receptors, seems to be the essential transmitter in spinal and supraspinal reflex pathways that control the bladder and the external urethral sphincter. Inhibitory amino acids (GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid) and glycine) and opioid peptides (enkephalins) exert a tonic inhibitory control in the PMC and regulate bladder capacity. These substances also have inhibitory actions in the spinal cord. Some transmitters (dopamine, serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT), noradrenaline, ACh and non-opioid peptides, including vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and corticotropin-releasing factor) have either inhibitory or excitatory effects, depending on the type of receptor that is activated, the receptors' location in the CNS and the specie. For example, dopamine elicits inhibitory effects on micturition through D1-like receptors and facilitatory effects through D2-like receptors.
This is further information, the connection to brain injury will certainly be obscure without further information. Here's the connection. Specific brain areas are responsible for secretion of some (but not all) neurochemicals affecting urinary function.
What are some of the brain areas affected besides the ACC? Note we are not discussing brainstem functions here, but cerebral problems:
The following comments are taken from the publication brain activation during micturition in women
Right inferior frontal gyrus
The activation of the right inferior frontal gyrus during micturition [scan 2 in article] in comparison with a full [scan1] or empty bladder [scan 3] is the same in men and women, although it is much less extensive in women. The inferior frontal gyrus, in addition to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, is involved with attention mechanisms and response selection. With respect to micturition, the area might play a role in deciding whether or not micturition
can take place. The observation that this region is activated during micturition is in agreement with specific involvement of the right prefrontal in micturition control (Kuriowa 1987; Griffiths 1998)…Insular and opercular activation during filled bladder condition:
The right frontal operculum and/or right anterior insula were significantly activated (corrected for multiple comparisons) during the filled bladder condition [scan 1] compared with the other three conditions in the successful micturition group.
Predominance of the right brain in micturition control:
The micturition-related brain regions in women (frontal and cingulate cortices) were located predominately on the right side of the brain, which is similar to the result of the previous study in men. This finding corresponds with studies indicating that urge incontinence is specifically correlated with lesions in the right hemisphere.
The following quotation comes from the publication; Cerebral mechanisms and voiding function
The cingulate cortex, in particular the anterior cingulate, is part of the limbic system (“limbic motor cortex”), with several interconnections with other key areas, including the insula, hypothalamus and prefrontal cortex. The insult has a visceral sensory function, and was labelled as the “limbic sensory cortex”, with activation in response to gastrointestinal stimulation., pain, and sometimes during urinary storage. Earlier work based on clinical cases suggested the frontal cortex might have an inhibitory role during micturition; a more recent review by Griffiths extended this concept to show an association between frontal lobe under-perfusion, urge incontinence and reduced bladder sensation. Finally, cerebellar activation during storage and micturition experiments implies that its role might extend beyond motor control.
There several more publications relating to cerebral control of voiding. I will spare you the details. Now, let us make a connection between the neuroanatomy of micturition-controlling cerebral sites and sites prone to image due to TBI--and that includes mTBI.
For an overview of why I think the visual evidence indicates that Clinton has right frontal lobe damage, please see the essay: Hillary Clinton has right frontal lobe epilepsy
Here's the connection between Clinton's concussion and/or dural sinus thrombosis, by virtue of MRI studies on mTBI patients: Review of magnetic resonance imaging in mTBI
More specific reductions in volume in brain regions have also been observed, including in the hippocampus (Bigler et al., 1997; Himanen et al., 2005; Strangman et al., 2010; Tate et al., 2000; Warner et al., 2010a), amygdala (e.g., Warner et al., 20b10a), fornix (Gale et al., 1995; Tate et al., 2000), thalamus (e.g., Strangman et al., 2010; Warner et al., 2010a; Yount et al., 2002), regions involving the cingulate gyrus (e.g., Gale et al., 2005; Levine et al., 2008; Strangman et al., 2010; Yount et al., 2002), as well as increased lateral ventricles, temporal horns of the lateral ventricles, and/or ventricular brain ratio (e.g., Anderson et al., 1995; Bigler et al., 1997; Gale et al., 1995; Himanen et al., 2005; Wilde et al., 2006; Yount et al., 2002). Reduced volume in subcortical gray matter regions has also been reported (Gale et al., 2005), as has reduced volume in the putamen, precuneus, post-central gyrus, paracentral lobule, parietal cortex, pericalcarine cortex, and supramarginal gyrus (Warner et al., 2010a).
That's a lot of different brain real estate, not all of which will be affected in any particular mTBI. Referring to the essay on Clinton's right frontal lobe epilepsy, the interested reader can find citations to other publications regarding the loci of areas subject to damage in mTBI. The most common areas affected in mTBI are: prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, corpus callosum, and somewhat less frequently the insula, amygdala and supplementary motor area.
Many of the brain areas commonly damaged in mTBI are those areas involved in urinary control.
Speculation, with reasonable literature support: Hillary Clinton has right frontal lobe damage (possibly also including other brain areas--like the right supplemental motor area) necessitating her use of a catheter. I cannot tell, without further information whether she has UR or UI--it matters not. The point being is that two separate lines of inquiry point to a damaged frontal lobe: seizures and incontinence.
Memory registration and, to some degree, memory retention are dependent upon healthy hippocampi. Most recently note her inability to remember the answers to 39 questions during her FBI interview.
Regardless of any political or personality-disorder controversies, I believe that Clinton has sustained sufficient brain damage to render her unfit for office.

I love anatomy. Thx
Hillary not so much. I only wish something would give regarding all the possible loose threads.
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Persistant coughing, speculation
Hillary has a very serious chronic coughing problem. Here are two possible reasons, could be one or both. I speak from experience and I'll explain later.
- Pulmonary Hypertension, The pulmonary system is relatively low pressure, as it's powered by the right side of you heart and it passes blood from the right Ventricle, through the pulmonary arteries and into the lungs. When pressures exceed normal it's a problem. The symptoms are dyspenea (shortness of breath), fatigue and possible fainting spells.One of the possible causes is a blood clot in the pulmonary artery of in the lungs. Initially dyspenea sets in with moderate exercise, and then becomes persistent at rest. I went through this myself because of a rare congenital disease in my cardiovascular system. It was removed by surgery and I have no remaining issues. Here's how I felt. Initially exercise felt really bad. Walking up a flight of stairs was enough to trigger it. Sound familiar? Dyspenea is a painful pressure in your chest caused by chest muscles trying to augment the action of the diaphragm. This action is unsuccessful and you feel like you are gasping for air. If she has it and it is caused by a blot clot(s) then that would explain the use of Coumadin.
- Congestive heart failure. This occurs when the heart output is insufficient to keep the lungs fluid free. This can be related to pulmonary hypertension, as it was in my case. Here are some of the symptoms:
Here's what I felt: I had a persistent dry cough that was unproductive. It felt like mucus covering my vocal chords. I was hoarse after a coughing spell. I had fluid in my lungs which was obvious when fully exhaling as a wheeze. initially I could not climb stairs or walk up a hill without dyspenea. At times I felt light headed. CT scan indicated technical pneumonia.
If Clinton has either or both of these issue she should not be running for president until she proves that the conditions can be fully resolved. I think that we can observe her in various videos to see some of these symptoms.
With so many public symptoms of health problems I think that the responsibility lies with Clinton to prove that she is healthy, or to pull out of the race.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
We saw evidence this past week that coughing was productive
The green glob video looked quite clear - she spit something not insubstantial into her drinking glass.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Ever had a case of acute bronchitis? It's like that at the end. The residual productive cough seems to hang on forever. Two kinds, viral and bacterial. Both very contagious. Hillary's been exposed to a lot of crowds. The Secret Service cannot interdict germs.
Then there's chronic bronchitis, not contagious, which can represent longterm irritation of the tract. Rather common with people exposed long-term to air pollution.
None of them normally fatal or anything to do w/ mental health. Think horses before zebras.
Very contagious?
It sure is, isn't it?
Wow, what a trouper she is--spread those nasty germs around, Madame Secretary, especially to all those babies you've been kissing lately.
It would not be contagious
for the whole time that the cough hangs on. (Months for some.)
Your meditating statue icon is a pleasant image.
it's way more pleasant than all the actual subjects for discussion--and I did that on purpose, so thanks for noticing
So no, of course that contagiousness doesn't last the whole time. But there is more to this than that. Now, she and her Doctor friend could just come clean and spare us all this, but for whatever reason, they won't. If it was just bronchitis, why haven't they just insisted that, over and over and over? That would have been so easy to document and show us all, so we could all move forward.
And yet? And yet....that's not happening. Look, people aren't stupid. There's something wrong with Mrs. Clinton and whatever it is is being kept from voters, who would not vote for her if they knew what was really wrong. Otherwise, there would not be all this stonewalling and/or vague statements that "she's fine".
Luna, HillBots cannot admit to their candidate's smallest
health issues. That would be the first crack in the Dam of Denial. Then Medusa's campaign would be forced to explain:
Why the catheter?
Why the seizures?
Why the disorientation and speech arrests?
I know that
but how many Hillbots do you actually know in RL? I know about three. Of course, I live in that "swing" peninsula hanging off the bottom east side of the continent. From where I sit, it's starting to look really red, so I'm not real surprised. So I see no reason to sit around, waiting for them to acknowledge anything.
Edited to add: you're certainly not sitting around waiting, and I applaud you for doing so : -)
May I ask why the double standard?
Hillary is presumed deathly ill and therefore incompetent until proven otherwise?
The Rump proves himself day after day to have quite a casual connection with reality, is obviously obese, produces a weird hyperbolic letter allegedly drafted by an MD, who sounds a lot like The Rump himself, and so he gets a bye in the health department?
And even if Hillary were at death's door and The Rump an Olympic champion, would that be any reason to put the latter in the Oval Office?
To be clear
neither one of them should be in this race.
There are precious few people here advocating that Trump would be better than Clinton, if any. And nobody I know is giving him a pass on it anyway. They should BOTH be putting up extensive medical documentation.
That neither of them will should scare the crap out of all of us.
In Support of the Assertion
There is a new book coming out called Dr. Feelgood. The author of this book asserts that the aforementioned doctor was very successful in addicting the Jet Set of the early 1960s with potent methamphetamine which only he provided. One of his patients was alleged to be JFK.
In an interview, the author described certain behaviors of JFK -which if veritably true- for the first time offers me a believable reason for members of the government to consider participating in the conspiracy to assassinate him. One of these alleged reasons was that the very doctor was reporting to the KGB about JFK's usage. Think of how insane the Tea Baggers would now be if there was even hint of such a thing directed at Obama!
Granted, none of this constitutes proof. At this point, neither do the speculative medical journal articles cited by OP. It remains conjecture at this time in both instances.
But learned opinion directs further research and investigation. We the Voters deserve to have any such questions answered. IF it can be factually demonstrated that Hillary cannot do the job, and why, then We the Voters need to know this. There would remain time for the Democrats to replace her on the ticket if that were to be deemed necessary. They did it to Eagleton, after all, and he'd only sought therapy!
But frankly, I don't believe anything that comes out of the Democratic Party anymore. "It's HER Turn" is about as truthful as it is going to get. Hillary's ambition to be the first female president is the motive to cover up any inability (or unsuitability, for that matter) by the team that seeks to "serve" her administration. As with all other corporatist actions by either "party", the People Be Damned!
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
"Dr. Feelgood" isn't a new book
It came out in 2013 and has been extensively reviewed at Amazon.com: https://www.amazon.com/Dr-Feelgood-Shocking-Treating-Prominent/dp/162087...
The consensus is that the research was slipshod and error-riddled at best, and the book was written primarily for the shock value. Have a container of salt handy while you read it.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
This May Well Be So
the book was presented just a couple of days ago as updated with additional information. Verification remains the issue with just about any publication anymore.
Besides - I used the weasel word "allegedly" or certain synonyms rather frequently. I made no claims that this was literal truth. My point was that the allegations about Hillary's health are about are factual as this book. Proof remains to be determined.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
What happens then?
We've factually demonstrated so many other things already that should have spelled the end for her candidacy. Yet she's been permitted to continue. Therefore the health issue must be forced, and it must be forced very soon, so that the campaign comes clean about this. Because WE are not going to be able to "factually demonstrate" anything about this woman's health.
If it has to be forced with blatant speculation, so be it. I can't speak for the author, but that's how I see this. He clearly spells out that it's speculation. And that's all we've got. What else is there? It should be pushed until the people who actually KNOW the answers prove, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that Mrs. Clinton is fully physically AND mentally competent to be POTUS, and is not suffering terrible after-effects from that fall or the subsequent blood clots.
As you say:
And while we simply sit back and demand proof before speculation, time keeps on ticking, ticking, ticking. They aren't answering with actual proof, they're answering with mealy-mouthed bullshit that never fails to create more questions than it answers. It's time for them to stop their goddamn stalling. If she's not mentally fit, she needs to step down.
What's sauce for the goose
should be sauce for the gander, then, shouldn't it?
Surely we deserve to see a full neuro-psychological workup on The Rump, who certainly acts out-of touch with reality and shows problems with memory, impulse control and anger management...possibly early Alzheimer's, Wernicke -Korsakoff Syndrome, temporal medial lobe lesions?
Here's the thing--nobody I can see here is saying that
should not happen for Trump, too. So that is a concept that is simply not relevant to this specific discussion.
This discussion is about Clinton's health. When do we get substantive answers about the points which have been raised in regard to her fall in 2012 and subsequent blood clots?
Only 60 Days Til Election Fraud Day...
She can do this dammit.
PS. Seizure Doctor (alleged) on left arm.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
The Shadow. Is He a SS Agent or Her Doctor?
I'm calling him The Shadow from now on.
Did you know to get a SS Agent job you need to "Successfully complete a strenuous physical fitness exam". Either he got a exemption from the exam, or...
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Link to "shadow"?
Keep noticing how often Hillary holds on to something, for stability?, when she's standing still.
Lots of articles on PD, surprised no one has yet mentioned MS, seems more likely.
Here's a link to The Shadow info
View it with the caveat that Snopes says it's "Unproven" that he is a doctor.
Dr Oladotun Okunola - Specializes in epilepsy, clinical neurophysiology, and sleep medicine.
Now People say this pic of Dr Oladotun Okunola does not match The Shadow (at link below).
BUT... add some years and 100 lb weight gain to the photo, and who knows.
No idea how old this photo is.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
He's wearing the candy corn pin on his lapel
That I recognize from Bernie's secret service detail.
Is he confirmed to be the neurologist
from NJ yet? Hasn't even a single patient of his gone on FB to say yes or no?
How hard is it to identify him? He doesn't have neighbors or co-workers?
geez loueeze
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I haven't seen any confirmation.
Tried to suss it out yesterday but didn't get very far. COE checked Snopes and they say "unconfirmed."
Personally, I don't think the one photo I could find -- on his practice's website -- match the photos we have of "The Shadow." Then again, I've seen commentary suggesting that one photo is old -- perhaps intentionally so. Some people are arguing that his photo is being methodically scrubbed to prevent positive identification.
Normally, I would call that CT -- but as we know, nothing about this "election" is normal.
If it's like most workplace directory photos
they take it when you're hired and don't update for a loooooong time. I was recently pestered to have mine retaken after 15 years - I was reluctant, having aged since then
If that guy was my uncle or cousin
and hanging out with Hillary, I would be all over the place bragging.
Hell, if he was my dr., I would brag.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Would you be braggin' after a nice visit from Secret Service?
likely not.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
No, but I would be before the visit.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
3 things on that
1) If he is Hellery's doc, guaranteed he had to sign a contract to secrecy and has told family not to spill the beans.
2) Would his loyal patients rat him out?
3) Seriously aside from political junkies like us, who else has even heard about this question. It is not an MSM story.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Dribs and drabs of this story are already "out there"
so the questioning is going to continue as it must.
I don't care if this "doctor" has a contract to secrecy or not--he doesn't have to answer to me. I just want him accurately identified, period, to help piece this together. It's clear they won't be forthcoming, so WE have to suss it out for ourselves. One way or another, the truth will out.
It has to be out there
My sister, Faux news fan, knows all about it, the needle in hand, and lots more. She is a retired nurse, feels Clinton so ill that she is endangering her own life continuing the campaign. First time we've ever agreed politically was when she said Trump and Clinton the worst 2 candidates the country could possibly have found.
Endanger away, Hillary.
The 'I don't recalls'
Very interesting piece, Alligator.
My only quibble with where you go with it is that I'm not sure that when she says she doesn't recall that she actually does not recall. I really do not know. When Reagan said he did not recall, we later learned that there's a good chance he actually couldn't. But Hillary lies. All the time. About EVERYTHING. A good number of people in this country would step outside to confirm before they would take seriously a claim by her that it's raining if she had said it is. If she says she doesn't remember, I don't assume she's brain damaged in the usual sense, she may be intentionally misreporting...
There may be some valid reasons at some times that a head of a country lies to a nation (I'm not going to try to create a list of those, just leaving that possibility that there may be some). But in general, I believe it's good if individuals TRUST their leader. She has demonstrated herself to be untrustworthy.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Hey MsGrin, thought you might enjoy this tweet
which shows pic of actual reporters who that attended Hellery Presser yesterday -- all six of them.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Don't know whether to guffaw or scream.
Thanks, COE!
Not sure I can make out Andrea Mitchell in the, um, crowd, but we know she asked a question. I wondered how big that gathering was. This does not actually help my growing level of cynicism, I have to say.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Hey nice hat!
Shopping in your wardrobe again?
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Andrea Mitchell walked across the camera frame
some time after the presser started -- after Hellery's grandstand speech. So maybe she hadn't arrived at the press gallery position when this photo was clicked.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
I love how that's never revealed in the MSM.
Press Conference! Oh, boy! She's doing press conferences! Yeah, right - with six lackeys? She is a scam and we, the people, are about to be royally screwed.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
And really, anyone who has ever been exposed to air on tarmac
in the loading area knows that it's impossible to hear. All the workers are wearing ear protection. She did it with a mic and plane running for TV, that was no press conference. It was a face to TV-land presentation of a woman who did not look well.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Hillary was "not recalling"
In the 90s in response to whitewater et al. Lawyer's dodge.
The "I don't recall" dilemma
It's a lose-lose situation for Medusa.
Either she truly can' remember, which would point to hippocampal damage from here TBI
She's lying
Choice A--she's incompetent
Choice B--she's a perjurer
Personally I think anyone who thinks its OK to kill half a
MILLION children for power and greed must be mentally incompetent. And that was well before her concussion thing or whatever it was. Her past actions and words alone show she is unfit to serve as president of this country.
I don't see
HRC as being mentally incompetent, but she sure is morally bankrupt.
I'm great at multi-tasking. I can waste time, be unproductive, and procrastinate all at the same time.
According to the Constitution, Reagan was unwell (already starting to show Alzheimer's), but that didn't stop the goons/puppetmasters in 1980. Don't see how it will stop anyone suffering from the rabies of power hunger now.
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
I don't think there is evidence he knew he was sick b/4 running
In her case, there are neutral observers who say a full neuro workup is required given what she's experienced.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
There isn't
that all came up after he was POTUS. Hillary Clinton is the first POTUS candidate, where there were questions about her physiological and/or mental capacity, that is ignored by all the "powers that be" who would answer them.
IMO, they're hiding something. They are stonewalling this and it's a load of egregious crap. In previous elections, this would not be acceptable protocol--she would have to prove she was fit with CURRENT medical documentation, just like John McCain had to do in 2008. Yet that obvious thing--the one thing that would make all these posts and speculation GO AWAY--is something the Clinton campaign has steadfastly avoided.
If they had nothing to hide, that would not be the case.
"Rabies of power hunger"
Nice phrase.
I have been avoiding commenting on the speculation about Hillary's health, but there have been enough incidents in recent months to indicate something is not right with her. I believe that if more people actually saw those coughing fits, they would be asking themselves "what is wrong with her that she has these uncontrollable coughing fits all the time?" It is the right of the public to know if the candidates running for the highest office in the land are physically able to sustain the rigors of the office. It appears that Clinton has trouble sustaining the rigors of a very closed and secretive campaign. IMHO, she has not looked well for some time. She looks puffy and bloated to me. I believe people should have the right to know so they can make up their minds as to whether or not she is physically fit for the office.
As for me, I determined a long time ago that she is not ethically or morally fit for the office of President based upon her public stances on just about every issue. But the people only get filtered news of the issues and her previous positions on them. She equivocates on nearly every issue now too. The skids are greased and we can only hope that the public sees enough of her disturbing actions in what few public appearances she has made.
My problem with all of this is that if she is physically unable to execute the office of President, we all know who will be the acting President and that is equally frightening to me.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
And this is exactly why we were never going to get a progressive VP pick.
I saw something, somewhere, suggesting a quid pro quo regarding Kaine ... but I can't quite remember it. He was the head of the DNC at one point, right? I'll see if I can find the reference.
Here it is via Snopes.
Mixed rating:
Funny thing is,
I assumed GG was referring too Bill Clinton, not Kaine.
Personally I think it would be Huma Abedin, as we know she was basically acting as Hillary's stand in at State, and there are reports that Hilz wouldn't even take Bill's phone calls.
If Hillary actually dies or goes into a lengthy coma, then yes, Kaine would take over. Short of that, it will be people covering for her.
And this is exactly why these questions are being pushed NOW
Because it needs to happen before November, so The People are spared this nonsense.
Electing a President is a big deal. All candidates should be 100% mentally fit. No less. No question. Period. If there are any questions--and there clearly are plenty here, and they are legitimate concerns--then she needs to either put up and prove it or drop out and go take care of herself properly.
IS LA Times waking up?
Thank you again, gulfgal98, it is so good to read your comments.
Alligator Ed, first time I am not "repulsed" by your essay
mainly because I learned a lot about my right frontal lobe and the governing of my bladder from the brain.
... I see there are lots of relations. All of the symptoms are stronger, when you can't rest enough, are under lots of stress. Other than some high blood pressure medication I never took care of those problems through out my life. I kind of knew how I got the heart muscle weakness.
I have brain leakage and bladder leakage aand I have often dry cough spills and heard about the connection of some sort of heart muscle weakness and that cough.... water in the lungs. ...
So I will read your links. Glad you tried to be less "gleeful" in your expressions about Hillary's health problems. She definitely has some, but you know, why I understand that people need to know if she is so incapacitated that it warrants to suggest a withdrawal of her from her Presidential rum, there are definitely lots of political reasons to suggest the same.
Nice you didn't include pictures. Words can kill, visuals as well. So, I bookmark this and will study it in detail.
I suppose Clinton's has adopted the motto
"Do or Die"
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Try to ignore her politics for a moment and consider:
She has had this goal in mind probably since soon after marrying Bill. Collected resume trophies. In the stretch, and then falls ill, with something scary, maybe chronic, maybe fatal. And she is trying to hold it all together and it's not working all of the time. Feel sorry for her. It will make her feel worse to get pity.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I'm not a doc but as for the mentally competent bit
"Hillary is a Threat To All of Humanity"
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Impressive job, thanks!
I will have to come back again when I have time to dedicate to viewing all your images and reading your sources, just for my general information. You handled what could have been a touchy topic dispassionately and thoroughly.
I ran across the link below earlier today and wanted to bring it to your attention. A professional association of MDs and surgeons put out a questionnaire to their membership asking about the seriousness of HRC's apparent health problems, and asking if she should be tested with the results avilalble to the public. An astonishing 78% agreed, with only 2.7% disagreeing. Commentors pointed out that this was a far-right, ultraconservative group, but I didn't take time to review their sources for credibility. You may want to vet the group and read the full survey results before relying on the statement at the link below.
In the linked article, the participants were generally in favor of both candidates undergoing thorough medical testing, with the results being made public, and with that requirement becoming mandatory for all Presidential candidates in the future. A number of the participants also urged people to see the movie 'Concussion' (about the discovery of the effects in football players). I had happened to watch that move not long before your first essay in this series, and I found having those recent memories a help when I read your early articles.
Read about the right-wing medical/political trade association
that you refer to.
As Hagrid said to Harry Potter, "Not all associations of physicians and surgeons are good." (Oh, wait, gotta check that quote.)
Euterpe2, re AAPS as 'right-wing political'; I'm not so sure
Euterpe2, I glanced at the 'en/m/wikipedia' site you linked to and saw immediately that is was one of the sources used in the comments of the reddit link I posted above. I'm not familiar with the 'm' version of Wikipedia, but surely by now we all know that we must be careful on Wikipedia about pages that have not been genuinely crowdsourced and have instead been been supplied by sources that want to keep control of how an organization, issue, or person is defined. The page you linked had this kind of single-source feel to it, to me.
I spent some time at the AAPS site to get a feel for how they define themselves ( http://www.aapsonline.org/index.php/ ). It appears to me that if they represent any political viewpoint, they are generally Libertarian rather than mainstream GOP (Whatever that might be!) or Tea Party GOP. Their basic position seems to be a strong objection to any third-party interference in the doctor-patient relationship (by government or insurance companies); from this stance they opposed the 1960s introduction of Medicaid/Medicare, and they now oppose Obamacare, since they view these programs as such interference.
I was mistaken in my description of the press release as referring to 'a questionnaire distributed among AAPS members'; it was in fact an online survey of members. That survey can be found at: https://aaps.wufoo.com/reports/poll-concerns-about-candidate-health/ . (I found the entries listed as 'Other' confusing until I realized that they apparently represented individual responses from some of the respondents, and that they did not appear to be part of the original survey's questions.)
I have no particular ax to grind or agenda to push regarding AAPS or this survey. I found the survey interesting only because, a day or so after The Hill published statements by Obama's personal physician (and another MD) supporting a sane, responsible approach to HRC's possible health problems, including thorough and appropriate testing and a release of current, accurate accurate results to the public, this survey of MDs and surgeons showed 78% of participants basically agreeing with Obama's doctor.
I'm not familiar with your name around here, Euterpe2, but that might just mean I haven't been paying attention. But if you have been posting or reading here for any length of time, I'm a bit surprised that you would believe that just tossing out 'that's a right-wing source' would cut much mustard with c99's readers. Readers here are quite familiar at the ease and frequency with HRC supporters toss out the phrase 'right-wing source' to discredit any reporting that does not toe David Brock's line. (Although 'The Russians!' has been been getting a lot of play recently from the HRC crew.)
Thank you!
They'll figure it out soon enough. If they haven't already. Because it won't and it doesn't.
There are so many questions now, and so much
speculation, that this campaign must address it thoroughly. Mrs. Clinton AND Mr. Trump BOTH must put forth full medical documentation. Just like John McCain had to do. If they can't or won't, they should be disqualified.
But, reality is: they don't "have to" and they won't
release a damn thing, and neither of them will be disqualified for not doing so. That's just the hard truth.
Both of them are already completely disqualified anyway, but it doesn't matter. One or the other of them will be the next president. Really bites.
How easily you accept such a thing
You accept that bullshit as "hard truth"? How sad for you. You have no fight.
I ought to thank you for suggesting I "have no fight" -- that's really funny.
I'll just say that a lot of people who actually know anything about me would say the opposite. People who know me tell me I never know when to let some things go, and my tendency to continue to fight for what I believe is right, even long past when victory is hopeless, gets me into a lot of trouble sometimes. I'm learning and getting better about knowing when it's best for all concerned to walk away, but still it's very hard for me to let go of a battle over things I feel strongly about.
But you don't know me, of course. You're just throwing out a personal insult because I point out that there are in fact some things that you/I/we cannot control. Facts are facts, even if you call it bullshit. You think making demands on a blog about what presidential candidates "must do" or you are going to "disqualify" them is actually going to stop what is happening? Hillz and Trump will roll over to your ruling, hum?
Well then, that is most excellent news for a Saturday morning! I look forward to being wrong and await their announcements that they've been disqualified by lunachickie and are ending their campaigns. I wonder who the candidates will be in November? It's kind of late for both major parties to start over with new nominees. Do you also get to name their replacements? Such a surprising turn of events this is!
Are you really insulted by that?
I doubt it, since you just used it to launch a diatribe of ugly sarcasm. That's too bad, because "pointed observation" is really not the same as an insult. That you accept something that hasn't happened yet, simply because it's been repeated over and over and over again? Forgive my oh-so-very-obvious lack of English skills, it's just that I don't know what else to refer to it as, but a "lack of fight". I could have called it something far uglier, but I didn't.
So, you know--maybe go sit in a kiddie pool and boil your bottom? You appear to need a good cooling-off...
LOL again!
I honestly don't care enough about this to expend much more energy on it today. I like to talk with reasonable people who don't go to personal insults like "you have no fight" instead of discussing the topic. In my opinion you are way past the DBAA rule with that kind of stuff, so some sarcasm about your apparent belief that you get to make the rules on "disqualifying" the candidates was my way of making light of your behavior. You clearly enjoy insulting people, so you go ahead and keep insulting me (and other people here) if it makes you feel better I guess. Whatever gets you through the day.
After Reagan Had Alzhiemers While In Office
You would think our gifted leaders would have put a requirement into the election process that candidates must submit to a through medical exam.
Think of Saint Ronnie walking around the oval office, "Hmm, look, a red button with a mushroom on it. I wonder what happens if I push it."
But seriously, we had a guy with freakin Alzheimers, running the country.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
He wasn't running it by then
And he didn't have it when he was first RUNNING for President. That's the kind of fact we can easily verify, so is it too much to ask that we just lose this example? It's not relevant!
NO OTHER CANDIDATE has been in this position before the vote. Hillary Clinton is seriously mentally, if not physically, SICK and people are hiding it. And some of you are either just accepting it or fucking even gloating about it, and it's getting real tiresome to read that here.
Got it.
I'll stay out of your way.
But IMO unless she has falls down and has a violent seizure on teevee, nothing will be done about it. So I figure I might has well have fun with it.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
you just go enjoy your opinion, then. Whatever. That you're "having fun with this" is pretty disgusting, IMO. There's nothing "fun" about it.
We are both on the same side
but have diff coping mechanisms. Peace.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
You're right that nothing will be done about it
And you're obviously correct that there is no medical requirement vis a vis running for president. That is an easily verifiable fact. The actual job requirements are right there in the constitution.
There is no law requiring medical exams or records be provided, no roadside sobriety tests, no rule they have to able to perform a cartwheel. There's not even a requirement that they be able to read or form a coherent sentence; if there were, we'd never have been subjected to Sarah Palin in a presidential election.
Yes, one would think this country would establish such requirements. Maybe not the cartwheels, but raising the bar somewhat seems like an obvious move. However, a look at the history of some of the individuals who have held the office and nothing was done to raise the bar for getting in says otherwise.
The only thing I disagree with you on here is that there is anything fun about it. That we have an actual election coming where people will vote for reality tv personality d. trump, and the murderous sociopathic clintons, and one or the other of those awful choices will be president, is sad and sickening to me.
But I get that laughing in the face of adversity and pain is sometimes the best or only way to cope. It's better than losing one's self in rage that consumes and poisons every aspect of life. I'm just not seeing the humor in this right now.
Here is an article, you won't like it
Both candidates are healthy.
I'm sorry
but Politifact has been outed pretty recently as having their own severe biases, so no--whether anyone likes the article or not is kind of beside the point ...
I don't like it. I'll tell you why.
A four paragraph excision from the pseudo-medical article on Politifact follows:
"Doctor" Eichenwald speaks from an experience of one patient--himself. What does he know about forms of epilepsy other than his own? Yeah, Kurt, there is more than one kind. Not all epileptics fall during seizures. Some epileptics smile and/or laugh during seizures (gelastic epilepsy referred to in my previous Hillary health essays). During the famous speech arrest episode where her "neurologist" rushed up to calm her and give her time for reorientation, what was her coherent response? "Wow, wow! Here we are" She did not immediately resume talking about the pending subject; she needed to be reoriented. Her inability to catch balloons--big deal! Who cares? It's not a sign of anything except perhaps a lack of manual dexterity.
However her verbalization immediately following her bobble-head doll response, widely seen on videos (except MSM) was completely irrelevant to any political discussion she had been engaging in with reporters. Tell me if blurting about hot espresso drink immediately after discoursing about Elizabeth Warren after bobbling her head violently is a manifestation of a continuous flow of consciousness connected to the subject of conversation.
Within minutes of leaving the stage at DNC with Slick Willie she did manifest a right frontal lobe seizure. Refresh you memories about my analysis: right frontal lobe epilepsy
I don't give a darn about the political ideology of any group of physicians. As said many times by me, Hillary needs a thorough re-evaluation by independent specialists.
And you're not alone in that, denialists be damned
you are absolutely correct:
And we need to push as hard as we can on that, and make enough fucking noise to overcome the armchair denialists who seem to want to get in the way. Keep it coming, Ed!
Thank you for these essay's, I find them extremely
informative and very important for our democracy. Anyone who claims that the mental and physical health of the CinC of the US Armed Forces is not important is a liar.
Please keep them coming.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman