brain damage

Hillary's leaks--a toss up: Heads or Tails? Is she mentally competent?

Hello, Hillary Health fans. Now, knowing this audience, there will be some repulsed by health matters being mentioned--after all, that's not polite. When it comes to somebody's mental competence to do the job of being President, it damn well should matter. My health issues--or your health issues--are nobody's concerns but our own--as long as we are not running for elected office.

Breaking News! It is now officially ok to question Hillary's Health

Hurray Hillary health fans. It is now permissible and even highly recommended that Hilarious be subjected to a thorough neurological examination. This recommendation was not issued by a right wing nut job nor a crazed Alligator. Instead it comes Obama's prior personal physician.

Dural sinus thrombosis--Hillary had it--and the damage it may have done

This is the fifth essay in my series of why Hillary Clinton has brain damage. I was still trying how to figure this out--the best way to present often highly technical information to a lay audience (although I know that there are other physicians here). In some essays I presented in the text relatively little cut-and-paste from journal articles, although I did link to them. In other essays I presented text extensively from cited journal articles.