Hellraisers Journal: John Mitchell Under Attack at UMW Convention, Defends National Civic Federation
-Dr. Charles W. Eliot,
Member of the National Civic Federation
Sunday January 28, 1906
From The Labor World - John Mitchell Attacked at U. M. W. of A. Convention
From the latest edition of the Duluth Labor World:
-----Again Brands As False The Accusation
That He Sold Out the Miners.
INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 22.-There was a sensational scene in convention today which was an echo of the attack made on John Mitchell by Robert Randall, of Dietz, Wyo., in last year's convention. Randall charged Mitchell at that time with having sold out the miners in the Colorado strike and Mitchell made reply, branding the statement as a lie. Randall was expelled from the organization as a result.
Today a delegate named A. F. Germoi [Adolph Germer] of Mount Olive, Ill., made the charge that some of Randall's statements were correct. He presented a letter from Secretary Heywood [Haywood] of the Western Federation of Miners, in which Heywood denied the statement made in Mitchell's address of Saturday that Western Federation members were taking the places of the United Mine workers on strike.
Mr. Mitchell made reply to this in a very heated statement, denouncing Randall's speech last year and branding Heywood's statement as a lie and citing the places where Western Federation miners had taken the strikers' places.
President Mitchell strongly denounced those who said he had sold out the Colorado strike. He was loudly cheered.
Mr. Mitchell said the association he had with the members of the Civic Federation had always been turned to the advantage of the United Mine Workers of America. He had not committed the organization to anything. The Civic Federation was composed of twelve honorable gentlemen, themselves employes [employers?] of union labor.
The Civic Federation had favored the trade agreement and in recognizing the trade agreement had recognized organized labor.
"True," he said, "it has men like Elliott, but if we all thought alike there would be no necessity for organized labor and no mine workers organization."
The indications when the United Mine Workers' convention opened today were that before night the convention would be at work on its demands. A new list of the demands likely to be submitted by the scale committee is as follows:
Admission of the southwestern states to conference; 12 1/2 per cent increase in wages; prohibition of employment of boys less than 16 years of age around mines; uniform wage scale for all outside day labor; 7 cent differential between pick and machine mining; straight run of mine basis for all states.
It probably will be decided that in case an increase of wages is obtained a two year agreement will be signed.
The credentials committee made its final report. It seated 1,303 delegates, representing 1,600 delegates and having 2,925 votes.
-----[Emphasis and photograph added.]
The Labor World
(Duluth, Minnesota)
-Jan 27, 1906
John Mitchell
See also:
Minutes of UMWA Convention
Indianapolis, IN, 1906
Minutes of the 17th Annual Convention
of the United Mine Workers of America
Held in the City of Indianapolis, Indiana,
January 16 to 24, 1906, Inclusive
Note: A. F. GERMER, was the delegate from Local No. 728, Mt. Olive, Ill,
and was on the Committee on Resolutions.
Adolph Germer
"Hellraisers Journal: John Mitchell a Traitor, Is Charge of Delegate at [1905] Convention
of U. M. W. of A." by JayRaye
John Mitchell exposed: his autocratic and traitorous conduct in the Colorado-Utah strike, and his nefarious connection with the National Civic Federation laid bare: Robert Randell's charges against the Mine Workers' president at the 1905 Indianapolis Convention with his reply to Mitchell's answer.
-by John Randell
Henry Kuhn; Socialist Labor Party, 1905
"Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Will Lead Miners to Bullpen or Coal Mine,
with Arms or Armless" by JayRaye
Note: the WFM did not support scabbing and published, in the Jan 4, 1906, edition of the Miners Magazine, a satirical letter addressed to a coal mine operator who had requested scabs from the WFM to fill the places of striking coal miners of the UMW.
The National Civic Federation Review, Volumes 1-2
(New York, New York)
April 1903-April 1907
Search with "Dr. Charles W. Eliot"
"Hellraisers Journal: A Scab Confesses Regarding His Time Spent as one of Eliot's Heroes"
by JayRaye
Which Side Are You On - Natalie Merchant