The Labor World

Hellraisers Journal: Fatherless Children, Child Labor and State Laws for Mothers' Pensions

There are no limits to which powers of privilege
will not go to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Sunday April 23, 1916
The Labor World: "The Widow's Mite"

Widow's Mite, Child Poverty, Labor World, Apr 22, 1916.png

WE NEVER FORGET: The Martyrs of the Great Puerto Rico Sugar Plantation Strike of 1916

Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living.
-Mother Jones

Candle Flame for We Never Forget.png

Martyrs of the Puerto Rico
Sugar Plantation Strike of 1916

Three Unknown Workers of Juana Diaz

Unknown Worker of Loiza

Unknown Worker of Arecibo

Hellraisers Journal: Porto Rican Laborers Beaten, Shot, Jailed. "Territory Run by Feudal Lords."

The reign of industrial tyranny and oppression
is governing supreme over life and labor.
-The Free Federation of Workingmen of Porto Rico

Tuesday February 29, 1916
From The Labor World: Porto Rican Strikers Shot Down, Beaten, and Jailed,

The following is a report from the February 26th edition of Duluth's Labor World:


Porto Rican Laborers Beaten With Cutlasses
As Chattel Slaves of South.
Workingmen Who Dare to Rebel Given
Long Terms In Prison.

Hellraisers Journal: Child Suicides from Overwork, May Beals Reproves Church of Mine & Mill Owners

Even capitalism cannot grind profits out of a dead child.
-May Beals

Sunday February 4, 1906
From the Montana News: Mary Beals on Child Suicide and Heartless Churches

child labor 3 girls.jpg

Readers of Hellraisers might remember a story from the Montana News, written by May Beals, about the suicide of a young cotton mill worker who was too worn out from her labors to go on living. The child sought the sure rest of the grave where her slumbers could not be interrupted by the factory whistle blowing at an early hour. That was a fictional story, but, in a letter to the News, Miss Beals claims that suicides among children who labor in the mines and mills are increasing, especially obvious in France where statistics on child suicide are available.

Writes Miss Beals:

Notice that it is "poor children"—the disinherited—who have no share in the earth, who take themselves out of it. Some good people say that the rapid increase in France is due to the spread of free thought—the decay of religion.

If the function of religion is to hold children in a life of torment, that nothing else can force them to endure, the sooner it decays the better. Truly religion is worth more to the masters than either the constable or the hangman if he can keep the children alive while they are being despoiled. Even capitalism cannot grind profits out of a dead child.

Hellraisers Journal: John Mitchell Again Elected President of the United Mine Workers of America

The strikebreaker is the hero of American industry.
-Dr. Charles W. Eliot,
Member of the National Civic Federation

Monday January 29, 1906
From The Labor World: John Mitchell Again Elected President of U. M. W.

UMW Convention of 1906, Ipls News, Jan 17.png
The Scene in Tomlinson Hall, John Mitchell Presiding.

The Convention of the United Mine Workers, held recently in Indianapolis, Indiana, has once again elected John Mitchell as President. This was reported by The Labor World on page three which followed a report on page two concerning Mitchell's response to attacks upon his leadership and his involvement in the National Civic Federation.

Hellraisers Journal: John Mitchell Under Attack at UMW Convention, Defends National Civic Federation

The strikebreaker is the hero of American industry.
-Dr. Charles W. Eliot,
Member of the National Civic Federation

Sunday January 28, 1906
From The Labor World - John Mitchell Attacked at U. M. W. of A. Convention

From the latest edition of the Duluth Labor World:


Again Brands As False The Accusation
That He Sold Out the Miners.

John Mitchell.jpg

INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 22.-There was a sensational scene in convention today which was an echo of the attack made on John Mitchell by Robert Randall, of Dietz, Wyo., in last year's convention. Randall charged Mitchell at that time with having sold out the miners in the Colorado strike and Mitchell made reply, branding the statement as a lie. Randall was expelled from the organization as a result.

Today a delegate named A. F. Germoi [Adolph Germer] of Mount Olive, Ill., made the charge that some of Randall's statements were correct. He presented a letter from Secretary Heywood [Haywood] of the Western Federation of Miners, in which Heywood denied the statement made in Mitchell's address of Saturday that Western Federation members were taking the places of the United Mine workers on strike.

Hellraisers Journal: Walsh Report Vindicated by Rebuke from Philanthropists’ Organ, The Survey

Let the voice of the people be heard.
Albert Parsons

Sunday January 9, 1916
From The Labor World: Rebuke of Walsh Report by The Survey Taken as Vindication

Roosevelt NJ meeting with Mother Jones, Jan 1915.png
Mother Jones meets with women and children after Roosevelt Massacre

Apparently, the professional philanthropists do-gooders of The Survey are concerned that the employing class has not been given a fair shake by the Manly Report, prepared as a summary of the findings of the Commission on Industrial Relations. This report has been signed by all three of Labor's representatives on the Commission as well as by its Chairman, Frank P. Walsh, to his everlasting credit.

One might consider that impartiality is no longer called for after hours and hours of testimony from plain-spoken working men and women who described the daily despair of working long hours at starvation wages. Not to mention the horrific testimony which followed upon the Ludlow Massacre, the Roosevelt Massacre, and the shooting down of working people in strikes too numerous to mention here. Nevertheless, The Survey, through the pen of John A. Fitch, rebukes the Manly Report as sounding too much like "an extended editorial in the labor press."

Perhaps Mr. Fitch is concerned that the employing class with its company controlled governors who control the state militias, the county sheriffs who deputized the company gunthugs, and the major newspapers, owned and operated by the employers for the employers, have not adequately represented the interests of the class which rules America.

The concerns of the professional philanthropists are duly noted
in the January 8th edition of The Labor World:

Hellraisers Journal: IWW Plans to Organize Timber Workers of Northern Minnesota from HQ in Duluth

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Thursday December 30, 1915
From The Labor World: I. W. W. to Begin Organizing Drive Among Timber Workers

The Labor World of Duluth, Minnesota, recently warned the American Federation of Labor that the Industrial Workers of the World intends to begin organizing the Timber Workers of Northern Minnesota. We would note that no great concern has, of yet, been demonstrated by the A. F. of L. for these underpaid and overworked migratory workers, that is, not until the I. W. W. arrived upon the scene.

From The Labor World of December 25, 1915:


Timber Beasts in bunk house near Hibbing, MN, about 1915-1917.png

The American Federation of Labor should pay some attention to the appeal of The Labor World to organize the timber workers of Northern Minnesota, before it is too late. Already the I. W. W. is making a strenuous effort to organize these men. Headquarters have been opened at 907 West Michigan street. They are in charge of Arthur Boose. A strong appeal has been issued to the timber workers to organize under the I. W. W. by J. A. McDonald of Virginia [a city on the Minnesota Iron Range].

The appeal is in printed form and states that the timber barons are employing young men and are discarding all of the old men to become "hobos, vagrants and bums."

[The appeal continued:]

The boss has thrown them to one side to starve, as they may, to die as they can. Those worn out timber beasts are pictures of their future.

Hellraisers Journal: The Rockefeller Plan, Built Upon the Ashes of the Women and Children of Ludlow

I stand facing the far east
sounding the voices of the babes of Ludlow.
-Mother Jones


No one listened. No one cared. The tickers in the offices of 26 Broadway sounded louder than the
sobs of women and children. Men in the steam heated luxury of Broadway offices could not
feel the stinging cold of Colorado hillsides where families lived in tents.
Then came Ludlow and the nation heard.
Little children roasted alive make a front page story.
Dying by inches of starvation and exposure does not.
-Mother Jones

Monday December 20, 1915
From The Labor World: The Inside Story of How Rockefeller Won the Miners' Vote for a Company Union

CO Justice, Detail, Masses, Nov 1914.png
The Rockefeller Industrial Representation Plan-Established Upon the Ashes of Ludlow