The Great U.K. Labour Purge
After Jeremy Corbyn's failed to defeat both the Tories, and the neoliberals within the U.K. Labour party at the same time, Keir Starmer took over. Without missing a beat, the Tories demanded that Labour purge its leftists, and Starmer obliged.
What does it say that the interests of the current leader of the U.K. Labour Party are in perfect alignment with loyal Tories?
The excuse to suspend Corbyn was that he mildly questioned the obviously biased Equality and Human Rights Commission’s (EHRC) report.
To enforce its McCarthyite witch-hunt Labour’s “Governance and Legal Unit” declared that the Equality and Human Rights Commission’s (EHRC) “Investigation into antisemitism in the Labour Party” could not be criticised by any party member. Corbyn’s justifiable questioning of the report’s claim of widespread anti-Semitism in the party was the pretext used to suspend him on Thursday.
Anyone who dared to simply speak to defend Corbyn has been suspended as well. It's just a "coincidence" that they are all on the left. Socialist Appeal, Resist, Labour Against the Witchhunt and Labour in Exile Network have all been kicked out.
In a true moment of irony, it appears that the neoliberals have been so focused on gutting the left, while cynically using anti-Jewish sentiment, that they ended up purging Jews as well.
Jewish Voice for Labour (JVL) – the main grouping of left-wing Jews in the Labour party known for their highly critical stance on Israel – have accused Labour under the leadership of Kier Starmer of "purging Jews from the Party."
To the disappointment of many in the right of the Labour Party, who it's claimed led a campaign of vilification against Corbyn, the EHRC found no evidence of anti-Semitism attributable to the former leader, or any evidence of institutional racism. However, the commission did find "specific examples of harassment, discrimination and political interference."EHRC's findings were not only seen as a vindication for Corbyn, but his supporters also claimed that the report had confirmed their suspicion that Labour's anti-Semitism "crisis" was fuelled by a right-wing faction to undermine the former leader. This was one of the conclusions reached from an internal 851-page report by the Labour Party's Governance and Legal Unit.
So how do you think that leftists in U.K. Labour have reacted now that the party has told them that they have absolutely no use for them, and that Labour would rather lose without the left than win with the left?
Before I answer that, I want to remind you of the Lesser Of Two Evils mantra in the United States. Does any of this sound familiar?
Jeremy Corbyn: “While I do not accept all of its [the EHRC’s] findings, I trust its recommendations will be swiftly implemented to help move on from this period...Don’t go away, don’t leave the party.”Len McCluskey: “My message, really, to literally hundreds of thousands of our members who are already expressing their anger is to stay in the party.”
Ian Lavery: “I would urge those MPs not to leave and I would urge the leader’s office to reach out. We have got to try to keep people calm. This dispute with Jeremy has got to be resolved as quickly as we possibly can and then we can move forward.”
If that isn't pathetic enough, it appears to be working.
Despite the viciousness of the right-wing attacks on them, many left-wing members have lent Starmer their support, in the desperate search for unity and electability. Their conduct proves the adage that the only people who believe that the party is a “broad church” are the Labour left.
As for the rank and file, since Starmer took over a year ago, membership in Labour has dropped from 586,000 to 466,000. Another 35,000 members are currently in arrears.
It appears that, like the Democrats, leftists are the real enemy of the so-called "left-wing party".

It appears as if the Labour leadership wants comments like this.
To disappear.
We aren't being fair to Democrats
via The Onion