The Evening Blues - 7-5-16


Hey! Good Evening!

This evening's music features Chicago blues piano player and singer Eddie Boyd. Enjoy!

Eddie Boyd - Five Long Years

"Propaganda does not deceive people; it merely helps them to deceive themselves."

-- Eric Hoffer

News and Opinion

Obama Administration Finally Releases Its Dubious Drone Death Toll

In a long-anticipated gesture at transparency, the Obama administration on Friday released an internal assessment of the number of civilians killed by drone strikes in nations where the U.S. is not officially at war.

According to the data, U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, and Libya killed between 64 and 116 civilians during the two terms of the Obama administration — a fraction of even the most conservative estimates on drone-related killings catalogued by reporters and researchers over the same period. The government tally also reported 2,372 to 2,581 combatants killed in U.S. airstrikes from January 20, 2009, to December 31, 2015.

Releasing the figures — which appeared on a Friday afternoon, on a holiday weekend, after seven years of selective leaks and official secrecy — along with an executive order prioritizing the protection of civilian life in counterterrorism operations, reflected core American principles, the president asserted.

Numbers in Obama’s Drone Deaths Report Just Don’t Add Up

As expected, the administration’s numbers are significantly lower than tallies documented by leading nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), including the London-based Bureau of Investigative Journalism, New America and The Long War Journal. Obama’s Office of the Director of National Intelligence(DNI) sets the figure of “noncombatant deaths” at between 64 and 116. The NGOs , however, estimate between 200 and 1,000 civilian deaths occurred as a result of U.S. drone strikes in the areas, and during the time periods, covered by the DNI report.

The DNI report omits significant details that would enable the public to fully assess its claims, including the locations, dates, numbers and names of both civilians and combatants killed in each airstrike. Micah Zenko, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, told The Washington Post that releasing raw numbers without explanation “leaves reason to remain skeptical of the government’s claims. You can’t grade your own homework.”

There is good reason to distrust the DNI’s claimed numbers of civilian casualties. “Every previous (rare) public, on-record statement made by the Obama administration on the program has been shown to be false or deeply misleading,” the international human rights organization Reprieve noted in a recent report. “Moreover, the administration has repeatedly shifted the goal posts, secretly redefining who can be targeted and what it means to be a civilian,” it said.

One of the Obama administration’s most notorious lies was the statement of current CIA Director and former counterterrorism adviser John Brennan, who claimed in June 2011 that there had not been a “single collateral death”caused by drones in 2010-2011. As Reprieve reports, the CIA knew that statement was false at the time it was made. The Bureau of Investigative Journalism documented at least 45 civilian casualties during that period. ...

Much more information is needed. It is disappointing that the report lumps together seven years of airstrikes, making it impossible to gauge whether Obama is complying with the rules he established in 2013 for his targeted killings.

Report Shows How War Profiteers Are Now Refugee Profiteers, Too

As Europe comes to terms with a Brexit vote fueled in large part by anti-immigrant hate-mongering, a new report exposes how war profiteers are influencing EU policy to make money from unending Middle East conflicts as well as the wave of refugees created by that same instability and violence.

The report (pdf), Border Wars: The Arms Dealers Profiting from Europe's Refugee Tragedy , released jointly by the European Stop Wapenhandel and Transnational Institute (TNI) on Monday, outlines arms traders' pursuit of profit in the 21st century's endless conflicts.

"There is one group of interests that have only benefited from the refugee crisis, and in particular from the European Union's investment in 'securing' its borders,'" the report finds. "They are the military and security companies that provide the equipment to border guards, the surveillance technology to monitor frontiers, and the IT infrastructure to track population movements."

The report shows that "far from being passive beneficiaries of EU largesse, these corporations are actively encouraging a growing securitization of Europe's borders, and willing to provide ever more draconian technologies to do this."

Iraq PM orders removal of British-made fake bomb detectors

For the past nine years, Iraq’s security forces have tried to stop car bombs with a British-made bomb detector wand that was long ago proven to be fake. A day after a car bomb killed at least 157 people in central Baghdad, the country’s prime minister, Haidar al-Abadi, has demanded their withdrawal.

After the single deadliest attack in Iraq this year, Abadi also ordered a renewed corruption investigation into the sale of the devices from 2007-10, which cost Iraq more than £53m and netted the Somerset businessman James McCormick enormous profits, as well as a 10-year jail sentence for fraud.

The cost to the Iraqi public will remain incalculable: the vast majority of the bombs that have killed and maimed at least 4,000 people since 2007 have been driven straight past police or soldiers using the devices at checkpoints.

Their withdrawal follows years of insistence by interior ministry officials, who bought the wands at vastly inflated fees, that they were effective in sensing odours from explosive components.

WikiLeaks Found 1,200 Iraq Emails in State Dept’s Clinton Trove

Emphasizing its ongoing efforts to produce a fully searchable archive of the 30,000+ emails on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private server, as released by the State Department, WikiLeaks today offered a collection of 1,258 of those emails which covers all Iraq War discussion. ...

The emails cover the period between June of 2010 and August of 2014. The period covers the end of the US occupation of Iraq, as well as the aftermath, covering the period leading up to the new US war in Iraq.

This is an excellent essay, well worth clicking on for a full read.

How Hillary Clinton Ignores Peace

In Campaign 2016, the American people have shown little stomach for more foreign wars. The Republican candidates who advocated neoconservative warmongering crashed and burned, losing to Donald Trump who sold himself to GOP voters as the anti-neocon, daring even to trash George W. Bush’s Iraq War to an aghast field of Republican rivals.

Sen. Bernie Sanders went even further, daring to mildly criticize Israel’s repression of Palestinians, yet still ran a surprisingly strong race against the hawkish former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. And, if Libertarian and Green anti-imperial candidates are counted in general election polls along with Trump, the trio makes up a majority of voters (54 percent in an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll).

Only Hillary Clinton (who comes in at 39 percent) is carrying the neocon banner proudly in the general election, advocating a U.S. “regime change” invasion of Syria – dressed up as “no-fly zones” and “safe zones” – while she also cheers on more hostilities toward nuclear-armed Russia. ...

While some [Clinton] followers like the fact that she has traveled the world and has dealt with many leaders as First Lady, U.S. Senator and Secretary of State, that doesn’t mean these Democrats like that she voted for the Iraq War, pushed President Obama into the Libyan disaster, and wants to escalate the costly and dangerous new Cold War with Russia.

Indeed, if there were an effective peace movement in the United States – along the lines of the 1960s civil rights movement – many Clinton supporters might join the peace leaders in demanding face-to-face meetings with her and threaten to withhold their backing if she doesn’t repudiate her neoconservative war policies.

That no such peace movement exists reflects the failure of anti-war advocates to penetrate the world of practical politics the way that the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. did in working with President Lyndon Johnson to end racial segregation. But that’s not really the fault of peace advocates since they have been shut out of the mainstream media to a far greater degree than the civil rights movement was in the 1960s. ...

If it weren’t for today’s biased and imbalanced U.S. media, there would be daily, front-page, primetime, network news attention to the dangers of perpetual war and a critical examination of Hillary Clinton’s role in wasting trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives.

There would surely be a serious and thorough debate about the wisdom of Clinton’s continued hunger for an expanded war in Syria. Yet, today’s mainstream “debates” are limited to slight deviations between Official Washington’s dominant neocons and their understudies, the “liberal interventionists,” who only differ regarding which excuses to use in justifying an invasion of Syria. ...

Despite 15 years of “perpetual war,” no effective anti-war movement has emerged in the West and – to the degree that prominent citizens do object – their serious arguments of dissent are rarely allowed inside the major media. As the world staggers toward what could be a nuclear abyss, the silence is deafening.

Hillary's Hawkishness Began When She Was First Lady

Concerns about Clinton’s hawkish inclinations are not merely confined to the Democratic left. Various experts have commented on them with more than a little concern. Some even regard her foreign policy track record and views as more dangerous than one could expect from the volatile Donald Trump.

Most of the concern stems from Clinton’s record as a senator and secretary of state. But one should look even earlier for signs of congenital hawkishness—her disturbingly casual attitude about the use of U.S. military force even when important American security interests are not at stake. Those attitudes were already evident in the 1990s, when Hillary Clinton was first lady and an informal adviser to her husband. Despite not holding an official policy position, she helped push the United States into the Balkan Wars. That was especially true of the 1999 Kosovo War, when she worked hand-in-glove with Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and other advocates of a hardline policy toward Serbia. Indeed, the American-led NATO airstrikes became a model for what Clinton sought to do in Libya more than a decade later—a supposedly cheap and effective military intervention that accomplished ambitious policy goals without putting large numbers of U.S. troops on the ground.

Hillary’s role in the Bosnia intervention remains murky. Given her later enthusiasm for “humanitarian” wars, it is likely that she pushed her husband to become more proactive in that conflict. ... There was no ambiguity about her position regarding Kosovo. She was virulently hostile to the Serbian government in Belgrade and extremely sympathetic to the rebel Albanian Kosovars. In her discussions with Bill Clinton, she later admitted, “I urged him to bomb.”

The foreign policy views that emerged during her stint as First Lady in the 1990s were on full display when she became Secretary of State. The preference for supposedly humanitarian military intervention was expressed in both Libya and Syria. Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi and Syria’s Bashar al-Assad supplanted Serbia’s Slobodan Milosevic as the designated villains that must be removed from power. The same casual indifference to the wider consequences is also evident. Just as she still seems to ignore the reality that Kosovo is a political and economic basket case, Clinton is shockingly indifferent to the institutional and human wreckage left in the wake of pet policies in Libya and Syria. Her flippant comment about Qaddafi (“We came, we saw, he died.”) speaks volumes about her foreign policy. To this day, Clinton portrays the Libya intervention as a success, even though the country is now a cauldron of chaos and a target of opportunity for ISIS. And there is little doubt that if she becomes president, she will push for a much larger U.S. military footprint in Syria, despite similar risks.

Outrage as ICC claims Blair won't go on trial for war crimes

On Eve of Chilcot, Critics Intensify Calls for Tony Blair to Face 'Reckoning'

Ahead of Wednesday's release of the long-awaited UK government inquiry into the Iraq War—which took a full seven years to complete—many anti-war critics are demanding that Tony Blair and other prominent officials finally face justice for the disastrous decision to invade Iraq in 2003. ...

While many have expressed fear that the 2.6-million-word Chilcot report will end up a whitewashing of recent history, others see a long overdue chance to pursue Blair and other pro-war politicians for their actions in 2003.

Admiral Lord West, who headed the Royal Navy when the invasion took place in March 2003, added fuel to the fire on Monday when he remarked that Blair had been looking for an excuse to wage war on Iraq as early as 2002.

That claim contradicts Blair's defense that he had "exhausted all diplomatic routes" before joining forces with Bush in 2003, as the Mirror notes.

Is Coup Against Corbyn a Plot to Spare Blair from War Crimes Probe?

In the tumultuous wake of Brexit, why has the Labour Party turned on leader Jeremy Corbyn for campaigning for the "Remain" camp, while the Conservatives have welcomed new leader Theresa Mays for doing exactly the same?

Alex Salmond, former Scottish First Minister, has proposed one damning theory by suggesting that the Labour Party's coup against Corbyn is an orchestrated attempt to stop him from "calling for Tony Blair's head" when the Chilcot Report, the government's official inquiry into the Iraq War, is published on Wednesday.

In a blistering op-ed published Sunday in Scotland's Herald, Salmond writes, "It would be a mistake to believe that Chilcot and current events are entirely unconnected. The link is through the Labour Party." ...

Journalist Glenn Greenwald has also noted that not only have those driving the coup been Iraq War supporters, but the chief contender to replace Corbyn, Angela Eagle, backed Blair's push for war in 2003:

Observers have pointed out that Eagle also opposed the government's investigation into the Iraq War.

Israel Announces Plans for 800 New Settler Homes in Occupied West Bank

After days of talking up the idea of new construction to “punish terror,” Israel’s far-right government has announced plans to build another 800 housing units in settlements across the occupied West Bank, including 240 inside East Jerusalem. These settlement constructions are in addition to 42 units announced over the weekend.

Israel’s current government is heavily reliant on hawkish settler movements for its political support, and tends to use every dust-up with the Palestinians as a pretext to announce yet more expansions. The expansions, which tend to cut deeply into land that was meant to be part of a future Palestinian state, fuels unrest, and more pretexts for expansion.

Spanish Election Signals End of Governance by Absolute Majorities

Philippines police boast of 30 drug killings since Duterte was sworn in on Thursday

Thirty “drug dealers” have been killed since Rodrigo Duterte was sworn in as Philippine president on Thursday, police said, announcing the seizure of nearly US$20m (£15m) worth of narcotics but sparking anger from a lawyers’ group.

Duterte won the election in May on a platform of crushing crime, but his incendiary rhetoric and advocacy of extrajudicial killings have alarmed many who hear echoes of the country’s authoritarian past. ...

More than 100 people have died – said to have been mostly suspected drug dealers, rapists and car thieves – in stepped up anti-crime police operations since the election on 9 May.

It’s been 48 hours, and nobody has any clue who won Australia’s election

Since Australians went to the polls on Saturday to elect representatives to both houses of Parliament, nobody has been able to figure out who will form the next government.

Counting of more than one million absentee and mail-in ballots will continue on Tuesday morning in Australia, which should settle the ten outstanding constituencies which are currently too close to call, but it's not clear that the final results will do much to clear the political turmoil facing the country.

According to the Australian Election Commission, the governing coalition led by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is trailing the opposition Labour Party by just four seats.

The official results put Labour at 71, the Liberal/National Coalition at 67, with another six seats going to smaller parties and independents. The commission says six seats are yet to be determined.

But there is even disagreement about whether those results — the official results — are correct.

Oh my God, Brexit

UKIP leader Farage announces surprise departure

The leader of the insurgent right-wing UK Independence Party said on Monday he was stepping down after realizing his ambition to win a vote for Britain to leave the EU, the latest twist in a dramatic reshaping of the nation's politics.

The departure of brash former commodities trader Nigel Farage would sideline one of the most outspoken and effective anti-EU campaigners from the debate about how to sever Britain's ties with the other 27 countries in the bloc.

But it could also give his UKIP party - which under Britain's winner-takes-all election system won just one seat in Parliament last year despite capturing 12.6 percent of the vote - an opportunity to select a less-polarising figure and take on the mainstream in a radically altered political environment.

The June 23 'Brexit' vote to leave the EU has thrown the two main political parties into disarray, with the ruling Conservatives seeking a replacement for Prime Minister David Cameron and lawmakers from the main opposition Labour Party voting to withdraw confidence in leader Jeremy Corbyn.

Breaking Through Power: Karen Friedman on Protecting Pensions

Freddie Gray: trial of highest-ranking officer charged in death begins

The trial of the highest-ranking officer charged in the death of Freddie Gray begins Tuesday, in a case that is likely to bring renewed scrutiny to the Baltimore police department, even if it doesn’t yield a conviction.

Since December, three officers have faced criminal charges over Gray’s death a week after his arrest in Baltimore. One case ended in a hung jury, and two others in acquittals, including the case of Caesar Goodson, who faced the most serious criminal charges, for driving the van in which Gray sustained a fatal spine injury while shackled without a seatbelt.

Lt Brian Rice, who faces charges for manslaughter this week, was on bike patrol with his fellow officers when he saw Gray on the morning of 12 April 2015. Police say that Gray started to run when he noticed Rice, who initiated the foot chase that led to Gray’s arrest and shackling in the van.

There is widespread speculation that the case against Rice may still be dropped or dismissed, as the increasingly embattled chief prosecutor, Marilyn Mosby, comes under attack from all sides. When she announced the charges last May on the heels of violent unrest on the city, the 35-year-old prosecutor had only been in office for months but immediately drew international attention. After a failure to bring convictions, even those who once supported her are now protesting her appearances and pledging to campaign against her when she is up for re-election in 2018.

Despite What Media Says, TPP Isn’t About Free Trade — It’s About Protecting Corporate Profits

The news media and advocates of the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement have repeatedly described opponents of the deal as “protectionist” or as opposed to trade itself.

For instance, after Donald Trump pressed Hillary Clinton to swear off passage of the deal, the New York Times reported that Trump was embracing “nationalistic anti-trade policies.” The Wall Street Journal said Trump expressed “protectionist views.” President Obama warned that you can’t withdraw “from trade deals” and focus “solely on your local market.”

But opposition to the TPP is not accurately described as opposition to all trade, or even to free trade.

In fact, the deal’s major impact would not come in the area of lowering tariffs, the most common trade barriers. The TPP is more focused on crafting regulatory regimes that benefit certain industries.

So the most consequential parts of the deal would actually undermine the free flow of goods and services by expanding some protectionist, anti-competitive policies sought by global corporations.

the horse race

Comey: 'no charges appropriate'

Comey says the FBI looked at the effort by Clinton’s lawyers to sort her emails. He has “reasonable confidence there was no intentional conduct in connection with that sorting effort.”

“Although we did not find clear evidence that secretary Clinton” or her aides willfully broke a law, “there is evience that they were extremely careless in their handling of classified information”.

Seven of the eight chains that included top-secret information included emails sent by and received by secretary Clinton, he says. “Extremely careless,” he called it.

“Any reasonable person in secretary Clinton’s position” “should have known” the information was sensitive, Comey says, and should have acted differently.

“None of these emails should have been on any kind of classified system.” But the servers were “not even supported by any kind of full-time security staff,” like commercially available email would be.

Comey says the security culture at the state department was weak in general.

They did not find evidence that Clinton’s email was hacked directly, but “we do assess that hostile actors did gain access to private personal email accounts” that corresponded with Clinton’s account.

‘The Clintons believe they are above the law’: Hillary in hot water over email scandal

Huma Abedin admits that Clinton burned daily schedules

Hillary Clinton’s closest aide revealed in a deposition last week that her boss destroyed at least some of her schedules as secretary of state — a revelation that could complicate matters for the presumptive Democratic nominee, who, along with the State Department she ran, is facing numerous lawsuits seeking those public records.

Huma Abedin was deposed in connection with a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit into Clinton’s emails — but her admission could be relevant to another lawsuit seeking Clinton’s schedules.

“If there was a schedule that was created that was her Secretary of State daily schedule, and a copy of that was then put in the burn bag, that ... that certainly happened on ... on more than one occasion,” Abedin told lawyers representing Judicial Watch, the conservative organization behind the emails lawsuit.

The presstitutes are gearing up to work the conventions.

Major Political News Outlets Offer Interviews for Sale at DNC and RNC Conventions

For high-rolling special interests looking to make an impression at the presidential conventions next month, one option is to pay a lot of money to a media outlet. Lobbyists for the oil industry, for instance, are picking up the tab for leading Beltway publications to host energy policy discussions at the convention, including The Atlantic and Politico.

And for the right price, some political media outlets are even offering special interviews with editorial staffers and promotional coverage at the convention.

The Hill newspaper, which is sponsoring events at both the RNC and DNC, offers sponsors “a turnkey and custom experience,” including a “Thought-Leader Luncheon” moderated by The Hill’s editorial staff and the luncheon sponsor, who also gets to “curate a list of participants from politics, government, media and industry.”

Sponsors who pay $200,000 are promised convention interviews with The Hill’s editorial staff for “up to three named executives or organization representatives of your choice,” according to a brochure obtained by The Intercept. “These interviews are pieces of earned media,” the brochure says, “and will be hosted on a dedicated page on and promoted across The Hill’s digital and social media channels.” Our inquiries to The Hill went unanswered. ...

Politico is also hosting a discussion of the economy with the Peter G. Peterson Institute, an advocacy group that pushes for cuts to Medicare and Social Security. Other Politico convention event sponsors include Microsoft, Diageo, Google, and Bank of America.

the evening greens

Fate of Vermont's Historic GMO-Labeling Law in US Senate's Hands

As the nation's first GMO labeling law takes effect, food policy experts are warning that its benefits could be "fleeting," should the U.S. Senate pass a so-called "compromise" bill this week that would nullify Vermont's historic law as well as other state efforts in the works.

Vermont's law (pdf) requiring food manufacturers to clearly state whether a product is "produced with genetic engineering" went into effect Friday. ...

Republican chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee Pat Roberts, of Kansas, and ranking Democrat Debbie Stabenow, of Michigan, announced the so-called "compromise" bill—which has less stringent requirements—last month. Food safety advocates have decried the legislation (pdf) as anti-consumer, inadequate, and "inherently discriminatory."

As Wenonah Hauter, executive director of Food & Water Watch wrote in an op-ed on Friday:

Advocates of GMO labeling have pushed for clear, on-package language, just like what’s required under the Vermont law. But the Senate bill would allow manufacturers to post “call for more information” phone numbers or even smart phone “QR codes” if they so desire—meaning that if you have a phone with the right app installed, a steady hand and a solid data connection you’ll be able to access a website that will tell you what’s in the food you’re buying.

As Temperatures Climb Across the Country, Workers Will Suffer

The summer of 2016 is barely two weeks old, but this year is already on track to break high temperature records in the United States. On June 20, cities across the Southwest and into Nevada reached all-time triple-digit highs. Meanwhile, every single state experienced spring temperatures above average, with some in the Northwest reaching record highs. These temperatures have already proved deadly, killing five hikers in Arizona earlier this month. Triple-digit heat earlier that same week is also being blamed for the deaths of two construction workers, 49-year old Dale Heitman in St. Louis, Missouri, on June 15 and 55-year old Thomas F. “Tommy” Barnes on June 14 at the Monsanto campus in nearby Chesterfield, Missouri. ...

While 100-degree heat in June may be unusual, serious illness and deaths caused by extreme heat at U.S. job sites is not. Last year, the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) received more than 200 reports of workers hospitalized because of heat-related illness and at least eight deaths associated with heat exposure. According to OSHA, since 2003, heat has killed—on average—more than 30 workers a year. In 2014, 2,630 U.S. workers suffered from heat illness and 18 died on the job from heat stroke and related causes.

Of these deaths, nine occurred in the workers’ first three days on the job, four of them on the worker’s first day—and at workplaces where employers had no way of allowing new workers to acclimatize to the heat. These numbers have been even worse in the past. In 2011, heat killed 61 U.S. workers and sickened 4,420. OSHA has already begun investigating several heat-related on-the-job fatalities this year, including the two in Missouri.

“Heat can kill. And it is especially tragic when someone dies of heat exposure because they’re simply doing their job. We see cases like this every year and every one of them is preventable,” said Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health, David Michaels on a June 27 call with reporters. “We also know that in this current heat wave workers are concerned about their safety. In fact we’ve received a record number of emails, comments and questions regarding heat and worker rights in recent weeks.”

Also of Interest

Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.

Put Away the Fireworks... You Don’t Live in a Democracy Anymore

‘Brexit’ and the Democracy Myth

Garrison Keillor’s Prophecy and Apostasy

Guns and Hotdogs

Election 2016: Does Australia even need a government?

MH-17 Probe’s Torture-Implicated Ally

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System

Media Gets Facts Wrong on Loretta Lynch/Bill Clinton Tarmac Meeting

A Little Night Music

Eddie Boyd - Hello Stranger

Eddie Boyd - Third Degree

Eddie Boyd and the Chess Men - Please Help Me

Eddie Boyd and Peter Green - Too Bad

Eddie Boyd and the Chess Men - Nothing But Trouble (Yonder's Wall)

Eddie Boyd - Save Her Doctor

Eddie Boyd - Down Beat Rhythm

Eddie Boyd - Rosa Lee Swing

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joe shikspack's picture

for the convention?

if you're interested in a meet-up, post a comment or drop me a pm and we'll see if we can get something together.

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OLinda's picture

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OLinda's picture

Here is the sentence that got chopped off in the graphic:

But if there is to be anything positive that can come from this lowly affair, perhaps Democrats might start demanding the same reasonable leniency and prosecutorial restraint for everyone else who isn’t Hillary Clinton.


For low-level, powerless Nobodies-in-DC, even the mere mishandling of classified information – without any intent to leak but merely to, say, work from home – has resulted in criminal prosecution, career destruction and the permanent loss of security clearance.
This extreme, unforgiving, unreasonable, excessive posture toward classified information came to an instant halt in Washington today – just in time to save Hillary Clinton’s presidential aspirations.

Had someone who was obscure and unimportant and powerless done what Hillary Clinton did – recklessly and secretly install a shoddy home server and worked on Top Secret information on it, then outright lied to the public about it when they were caught – they would have been criminally charged long ago, with little fuss or objection.

But Hillary Clinton is the opposite of unimportant. She’s the multi-millionaire former First Lady, Senator from New York, and Secretary of State, supported by virtually the entire political, financial and media establishment to be the next President, arguably the only person standing between Donald Trump and the White House.

Like the Wall Street tycoons whose systemic fraud triggered the 2008 global financial crisis, and like the military and political officials who instituted a worldwide regime of torture, Hillary Clinton is too important to be treated the same as everyone else under the law.


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joe shikspack's picture

what a lovely illustration of the fact that we have a two-tiered justice system. i guess the upside of hillary's immunity is that it is so egregious and she is such an unsympathetic character (i think that she ranks right up there with leona helmsley on that count) - that it will cause most folks to come to the unavoidable conclusion that the judicial process isn't fair. there are likely to be consequences for that down the line.

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OLinda's picture

tonight talking about this article. In case anyone is interested. I don't have cable.

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Mark from Queens's picture

Going to look for this now on my YouTube subscriptions.

Hey Joe and Bluesters all!

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

joe shikspack's picture

usually hayes' show is posted on the msnbc site usually the next day. if you do find something on youtube, let me know, because i can't seem to embed the video from the msnbc site.

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Mark from Queens's picture

Hayes show, not Hedges.

Yeah, don't remember if there's a way to embed MSNBC clips. Sometimes the guy who goes as MoxNews will have stuff like this.

If I find it will let you know Joe.

0 users have voted.

"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

OLinda's picture

to hear Hedges and Greenwald discussing it rather than Hayes and Greenwald. ;).

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Shockwave's picture

EgyptAir voice recorder indicates fire on doomed plane

The plane's cockpit voice recorder indicates there was a fire on the aircraft before it crashed -- and an attempt to put it out, a senior source from the airline told CNN Tuesday.
The revelation adds another detail to a picture that's been slowly emerging since the May 19 crash. But investigators have said it's still too soon to say what happened aboard the flight.

But...but..but.. Donald Trump doesn't wait for investigators to call missing EgyptAir flight act of terror

IMO it's starting to look like an electro-mechanical failure.

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The political revolution continues

riverlover's picture

which is not in Airbus's interests. But I think they won't go rogue.

0 users have voted.

Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

joe shikspack's picture

i guess there's going to be a lot of disappointment amongst the fearleaders if this turns out to be run of the mill maintenance/mechanical/electrical failure.

thanks for the heads up.

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OLinda's picture

It's not in triple digits here, but hot hot hot. 80s and 90s most days. Seniors have been advised to not go out except before 10AM and after 4PM. Doesn't leave much of a day. And, really it is already 80 here by 9AM. And, with sunset at 8:30PM, it's still hot at 4PM.

I always worry about the guys who mow the lawn. I don't think they would have heat stroke, but I don't like the idea of them being miserable while working for me. I was happy to see they rearranged things and came by in the morning a couple weeks in a row. Today they were here at 1:30PM, so pretty hot. :(.

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joe shikspack's picture

it was in the mid 90's here with really nasty humidity. i had gotten pretty used to dry when i was out west, i liked it a lot. Smile

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OLinda's picture

outside and it's 7:15PM.

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Lookout's picture

After weeks of hot dry weather we got about an inch of rain slowly over the course of the day. May have been the sky crying about our injustice system. I think there is still a second FBI investigation about the foundation that I've always thought was more damning than the emails. I can still hope.

Obomber's wars drone on killing civilians (that don't count if they live in certain places like Afghan and Iraq). And today he campaigns with the war monger. Hard to believe I drank his koolaid.

We know and recognize a snake in the grass, but yesterday I had a snake on the feeder. The hummers were way too smart to visit him. All the best to you all!

snake and feeder.jpg

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

OLinda's picture

I guess he was thirsty.

0 users have voted.
riverlover's picture

I have neither here, TYVM. Just garters and red-bellied.

0 users have voted.

Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Lookout's picture

Really a good neighbor to have.

0 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

joe shikspack's picture

yep, it appears to me from what i've read that the clinton foundation is either very poorly administered, to the point that the term "criminally bewildered" comes to mind, or it's a front for some nefarious activities - or perhaps both. i'd love to see a thorough investigation of them, but somehow i doubt that it will happen, or if it does, everything will be blamed on underlings and the clintons will skate.

wow, that is an impressively large snake! i hope that he'll focus on the vermin rather than the hummingbirds, though.

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mimi's picture

"dirty dancing" performance, I just wanted to post something to forget about it. I liked this interview with Bernie Sanders advisors Bill Black and Stephanie Kelton, who tell Paul Jay from TRN that the public-private partnership model is a disaster, and increased infrastructure spending combined with austerity would throw the economy into a recession. There is a lot in this interview to understand and transcripts are available to dig into it.
Is it Time for a New Deal Federal Jobs Program?

Aside of this, I found the Keiser Report hilarious, I wished I would understand more than the little bit I do. I will try to listen a couple of times.

Also nice to see that there are more speakers from Naders "Breaking through Power" clipped and posted.

Back to reading. And thanks much for your EB.

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joe shikspack's picture

i saw that video sitting there at trn today, but it was getting late and i didn't get a chance to check it out. thanks for posting it!

i'm hoping that trn will post all of the video from nader's event, though i guess that there's a lot of it to process while they are also putting out a lot of daily content, so i guess i'll have to content myself with it coming out in dribs and drabs.

have a great evening, mimi!

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WindDancer13's picture

No criminal indictment,, but it sure is an indictment against her judgement, attitude, truthfulness and competency.

For Hillary Clinton’s Campaign, “Extremely Careless” Is a Soundbite to Celebrate

When Hillary Clinton first acknowledged in March 2015 that she had indeed used a private email account — and her own server — to conduct official government business as Secretary of State, it would have been hard to imagine that her campaign would 16 months later pronounce itself “pleased” that an FBI investigation concluded that she and her aides “were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.”

By the way, did Comey's statement suggest in would be appropriate to pull HRC's security clearance to anyone else or was it just me?

Thanks Joe for that last entry (and, of course, all the rest) in the "Also of Interest" stories...yes, very interesting indeed.

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We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass

joe shikspack's picture

yeah, it can strike one as odd that somebody might be pleased to be called careless and incompetent so that their spin machine can blast out talking points about being exonerated and there being nothing to see here. but, it seems perfectly consistent with so many previous investigations of clinton crimes and peccadilloes.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

thank you for tonight's EB.

I've got a couple comments on one of the videos (Feinstein from the Pension Rights Center); but, since I'm in a bind for time, right now, it'll have to wait. Bottom line, some of what she said is 'BS.' The Multi-Employer Pension Plan 'reforms' were proposed by a Commission that met for a year or two--it was not, or should have not been, a surprise to her and her organization (meaning the reference to it being slipped into the legislation 'in the cover of night'). But, more on that later.

I'm checking out a worrisome interview that I saw on the online CNBC Business Channel--regarding a new plan/proposal to cut/reform Social Security.

When I get more, I'll post it.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hey, SD, saw your comment last night--everything is okay with the pet insurance insurer. Gonna write a little blurb about the company, etc., soon. Thanks for asking, though.

Hey, hope Everyone has a nice evening, and enjoyed the long Holiday weekend!



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--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)

Available For Sponsorship And/Or Adoption, Save Our Street Dogs, SOSD

Cole - SOSD

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

joe shikspack's picture

i hope your travels are going well. i'll be looking forward to your information keeping the pension rights center honest and the latest on the 1%'s plans to destroy social security and steal the trust fund for their wall street cronies.

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Deja's picture

she helped push the United States into the Balkan Wars. That was especially true of the 1999 Kosovo War, when she worked hand-in-glove with Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and other advocates of a hardline policy toward Serbia.

"Disgusting Serbs" (classy woman, that one /s)

I'm exhausted from working in a warehouse in Houston . Because of the machines running, it's like working in a convection oven. I'm in bed.

I've read some of the blues. Will read some more, then move to my Kindle app and lose myself in some nice comfy fiction. Reading is the best sleep aid!

Have a good one, everyone.

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joe shikspack's picture

sorry to hear that the heat is getting to you and you are not feeling well. take care of yourself and feel better soon.

yes, you've got the right madelaine "killing half a million iraqi children was worth it" albright. she's a real piece of work.

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snoopydawg's picture

WH. Good lord, she is going burn down the world for Israel.
You were right joe, that whole article was worth reading.

“Bringing down Assad would not only be a massive boon to Israel’s security, it would also ease Israel’s understandable fear of losing its nuclear monopoly. Then, Israel and the United States might be able to develop a common view of when the Iranian program is so dangerous that military action could be warranted.

Then there is this gem

In regards to Assad submitting to U.S. and Israeli “regime change” desires, the spring 2012 email said, “With his life and his family at risk, only the threat or use of force will change the Syrian dictator Bashar Assad’s mind.”

At the time, Clinton was still basking in the presumed glory of the Libyan “regime change.”

“Libya was an easier case,” the email explained. “But other than the laudable purpose of saving Libyan civilians from likely attacks by Qaddafi’s regime, the Libyan operation had no long-lasting consequences for the region. Syria is harder.” Note that Clinton’s propagandistic wartime claims about Gaddafi’s “genocide” had faded, in the email, to “likely attacks” (although during Campaign 2016, she has again elevated Gaddafi to “genocidal.”)

The email continues: “But success in Syria would be a transformative event for the Middle East. Not only would another ruthless dictator succumb to mass opposition on the streets, but the region would be changed for the better as Iran would no longer have a foothold in the Middle East from which to threaten Israel and undermine stability in the region.”

The email also recognized that the U.S. role in Syria would have to be even more significant than it was in Libya: “Unlike in Libya, a successful intervention in Syria would require substantial diplomatic and military leadership from the United States. Washington should start by expressing its willingness to work with regional allies like Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar to organize, train and arm Syrian rebel forces. …

More dead innocent civilians in countless countries and for fucking what? To make Israel safer? Sorry, but I don't think that we should have to pay for Israel's safety. They can use some of those billions that we have been sending them. At least Israelis have decent health care, while many people here can barely pay for their premiums, let alone meet their deductibles before the insurance kicks in.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

joe shikspack's picture

yep, i think that she is far more dangerous than trump. trump is an ego-driven loose cannon, but hillary is a bloodthirsty war criminal. what a choice!

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riverlover's picture

who I guess are still in Syria. Or not? Definite targets.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

enhydra lutris's picture

somewhat ugly news and great tunes. Thanks.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Azazello's picture

Max was great tonight, thanks again for the Evening Blues. I wish I were going to the convention, I'd love to go to a c99 meet-up.

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.